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(Book) The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men who Buy It


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This book I discovered in a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur at the Suria KLCC bookstore. I perused it's contents and it was written that Thailand is the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world. Having lived in Phuket for many years now, I have never seen a domestic violence shelter here which protects prostitutes from violence from "Johns" and pimps, and as far as I can tell there is maybe one or two charities which help women who want to get off the streets, but these exist in Bangkok. When I talk to women who are prostitutes here, they appear to be happy with what they are doing and none of them seem or appear to be abused, although I admit I have not conducted a survey nor talked to many of them. I find it impossible to believe that the range of violence, pedophilia and torture of women and children in sex trafficking to and within Thailand is not exposed, nor ever really investigated in the media that I am aware of. That a silence covers this entire spectrum of profit in Thailand seems to never reach any headlines, as if it doesn't exist at all and is never a problem for anyone since there are apparently no obvious victims...or, are they all silenced by every aspect of Thai society?

The book details how this form of torture, cruelty, exploitation and violence against defenseless people is supported fully by all levels of society in so many countries in the world. How can it be that there appears to be no problem in Thailand, no victims crying out for help. It's apparently so harmless there are no battered women's shelters and no places for victims of sex trafficking to go, or so it seems. Information on this subject appears to be scant on the internet, is it all blocked by authorities or is there no problem in Thailand, the land of smiles, yum yum what fun for The Johns.

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One of the reasons Thailand is on the US Tier 2 watchlist is due to trafficking in females/children for the sex industry. This issue has been reported by both local national & international media organisations. There are some Thai & foreign NGOs that provide shelter and support for sexual abuse/exploitation victims, usually from Thai brothels catering to Thai males that allegedly comprise 90%+ of the sex industry in Thailand.

The 1996 Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act imposes heavy penalties on whoever procures, lures, compels, or threatens children under 18 years old for the purpose of prostitution. According to the Thai Government, there are no laws that specifically address sex tourism. However, the criminal code, laws on prostitution, and laws combating trafficking in persons contain provisions to combat sex tourism

Corruption remains widespread among Thai law enforcement personnel, creating an enabling environment for human trafficking to prosper. There are credible reports that officials protect brothels and other commercial sex venues.


Edited by simple1
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This book I discovered in a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur at the Suria KLCC bookstore. I perused it's contents and it was written that Thailand is the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world.

I stopped reading after this ... Thailand is not.

Sure, it's popular .. but it's not #1 (the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world.)

Lets just let this thread die a slow death ... it's neither true not positive.

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This book I discovered in a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur at the Suria KLCC bookstore. I perused it's contents and it was written that Thailand is the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world.

I stopped reading after this ... Thailand is not.

Sure, it's popular .. but it's not #1 (the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world.)

Lets just let this thread die a slow death ... it's neither true not positive.

Agree. Not sure what "highest ranking" means, but this article says Germany is the Cut-rate Prostitution Capital of the World:


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One of the reasons Thailand is on the US Tier 2 watchlist is due to trafficking in females/children for the sex industry.

But not for long, thanks to the government's wonderful efforts in cleaning up the business.


I saw that, take a look at the penalties Thailand may be subjected to if downgraded to Tier 3 and interestingly criteria for exemption from penalties.


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This book I discovered in a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur at the Suria KLCC bookstore. I perused it's contents and it was written that Thailand is the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world.

I stopped reading after this ... Thailand is not.

Sure, it's popular .. but it's not #1 (the world's highest ranking sex tourist destination in the world.)

Lets just let this thread die a slow death ... it's neither true not positive.

Agree. Not sure what "highest ranking" means, but this article says Germany is the Cut-rate Prostitution Capital of the World:

I think it means it's ranked by far the highest on TripAdvisor.

5 golden stars out of 5.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I'm just trying to imagine why they would sing the national anthem.

Thai student always sing the Thai national anthem every morning at their school. Every Thai TV channel play the national anthem 2 times a day (8.00am and 6.00pm). This is the same way Thai police always use.

Edited by napawan28
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I can't find the video to show you that some Philippinos or other SE asia woman in the Germany sex industrial always say they're Thai. They're not even sing the Thai national anthem. I saw that VDO last year and I just wonder. Why?

Why would the sex industrial who say they are Thai sing the national anthem? If I interpret your comment correctly you know the women are not Thai because they can't sing the national anthem. When would you ask a prostitute to sing the national anthem. Hum maybe but sing it?

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I can't find the video to show you that some Philippinos or other SE asia woman in the Germany sex industrial always say they're Thai. They're not even sing the Thai national anthem. I saw that VDO last year and I just wonder. Why?

Why would the sex industrial who say they are Thai sing the national anthem? If I interpret your comment correctly you know the women are not Thai because they can't sing the national anthem. When would you ask a prostitute to sing the national anthem. Hum maybe but sing it?

After she makes you stand to attention most likely...

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Thailand may have been the sex capital of the world but over the last few years this has all been changing.

The Thai sex scene has become much more commercialised and now mostly controlled by big business, whether legal or illegal and for the foreign men who used to specially visit Thailand for cheap sex holidays are no longer finding the once abundance of cheap rate lady houses and other types of venues offering low rate sexual services, plus there have been many clampdowns on the brothels and freelancers, especially in the North and what is left has become more limited, contained in specific areas, highly commercialised and much, much more expensive. In other words Thailand has become much less desirable as a sex-pats destination and is now being over taken by certain other countries that have on offer a sex scene similar to how Thailand used to be about 15 years ago and before.

Reasons for the decline in the sex industry here is that over the last few years the country has flourished economically, living conditions and the lifestyles for the working class Thais have improved, and whereas in the past many young women and their families often depended on the sex industry as a means of obtaining a living, this has become no longer the case. So we can say that this is a good sign and economically Thailand has improved on the whole.

As for the working Thai prostitutes of today, I believe that the majority have willingly chosen to be in this line of work, they are not forced into it against their will and most are not disadvantaged or abused, but rather willing and able and on the game at their own free will, with the choice to leave the industry at anytime. It is certainly a different scenario today as was in the not so distant past, the later that is still being portrayed as being the case by the Western media today.

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As for the working Thai prostitutes of today, I believe that the majority have willingly chosen to be in this line of work, they are not forced into it against their will and most are not disadvantaged or abused, but rather willing and able and on the game at their own free will, with the choice to leave the industry at anytime. It is certainly a different scenario today as was in the not so distant past, the later that is still being portrayed as being the case by the Western media today.

I agree with most of that statement. Many of the sex workers I've engaged in conversation seem to be in it for the money. And not the kind of money that simply supports their family... Then again, as foreigners, we'll never understand what's going on at home. Most of my interaction is with the types of girls that work at bars and can probably quit anytime they want. Can't imagine what the conversations like for a girl whose family does pressure her into the industry.

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As for the working Thai prostitutes of today, I believe that the majority have willingly chosen to be in this line of work, they are not forced into it against their will and most are not disadvantaged or abused, but rather willing and able and on the game at their own free will, with the choice to leave the industry at anytime.

This may be true for those serving foreign clients in Bangkok's "entertainment" districts. It's far from true for prostitutes serving Thai clients in the provinces.

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As for the working Thai prostitutes of today, I believe that the majority have willingly chosen to be in this line of work, they are not forced into it against their will and most are not disadvantaged or abused, but rather willing and able and on the game at their own free will, with the choice to leave the industry at anytime.

This may be true for those serving foreign clients in Bangkok's "entertainment" districts. It's far from true for prostitutes serving Thai clients in the provinces.

Here we ago again. The Thai MALE gasp! None of the posters seem to have been able to comprehend/grasp the thrust (no pun intended) of what this man is actually saying insofar as this is more about men's sense of entitlement and power, much as rape is, not so much about sex.

The poster asking for this issue to be allowed to 'die' is simply reflecting the views of many on here who too are in denial about what it is they are actually enabling, ie the use and abuse of another's body and the financial benefits, directly or indirectly reaped by the very corrupt powers many of you rail against.

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As for the working Thai prostitutes of today, I believe that the majority have willingly chosen to be in this line of work, they are not forced into it against their will and most are not disadvantaged or abused, but rather willing and able and on the game at their own free will, with the choice to leave the industry at anytime.

This may be true for those serving foreign clients in Bangkok's "entertainment" districts. It's far from true for prostitutes serving Thai clients in the provinces.

Here we ago again. The Thai MALE gasp! None of the posters seem to have been able to comprehend/grasp the thrust (no pun intended) of what this man is actually saying insofar as this is more about men's sense of entitlement and power, much as rape is, not so much about sex.

The poster asking for this issue to be allowed to 'die' is simply reflecting the views of many on here who too are in denial about what it is they are actually enabling, ie the use and abuse of another's body and the financial benefits, directly or indirectly reaped by the very corrupt powers many of you rail against.

You know sometimes...nah in fact many times...it is just about the guy getting his rocks off and the girl agreeing to supply the facility for some cash...end of story.....its a supply and demand trade.

How does your little theory go down in the female sex tourist destinations ?

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