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You're A Bargain...

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How does one explain the term "You're a Bargain!!"............ as an Aussie to non-Aussies in Thailand?

I've tried............. I've ruly, ruly tried!!!!!!!!!!!

I said something like " You are so special that words cannot explain"......... (lame?)


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The way I understand the use of the word bargain in slang terms is..

to describe something or an action that has pleased you...

for example - Boyfriend suprises GF by telling her he is going to take her out for a nice meal.. she would exclaim " Bargain !! "


RE the example you quoted.. "You're a Bargain!!" - would kind of mean that if you had bought that person in a shop... they would have been a bargain - meaning of course that you are pleased with the goods.. or in this case, that the person is good quality (jesus this is hard to explain)

totster :o

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You were right to warn off the non-Aussies ...

but I had to look anyhow.

Must be a real specific colloquial expression known only to Aussies...

No.. it's used in a similar way in the UK.. :o

totster :D

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Years ago Australian friends of mine would say that someone was "good value" but I've never heard of someone being a bargain and to be honest I don't know if I'd be flattered.

Maybe I've been away too long or hanging out with the wrong crowd. Perhaps a visit to the Aussie bar is in order.

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i tend to agree with ausladyinpatong on this one khall. i guess that bargain and good value are the same thing though!

oh god...im australian and i cant even explain it!

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i tend to agree with ausladyinpatong on this one khall. i guess that bargain and good value are the same thing though!

oh god...im australian and i cant even explain it!

"Good value"=All-round good company, someone who is good for a laugh but won't dessert you if the going gets tough.

"Bargain"...hmm ...I guess it just makes me think of a man saying that you are a "cheap date" if you don't order an expensive meal on a date. It's not meant to be offensive but it comes out wrong.

I guess used in the proper context "you're a bargain" could be used in the same way as 'you're good value" but to me it sounds like what you'd say if you were at the pub with a friend who was a light drinker but still bought rounds.

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yeah, i think i would prefer to be called good value than a bargain.

i mean, if you buy the top of the line BMW (for example - whatever that model may be), its expensive, but its good value.

you can buy a much cheaper car because its a bargain, but its probably a lemon.

dont think i did a good job of that really did i?

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im an aussie but ive never heard of using "bargain" is that way. Good value is what is used.

But im from sydney and there are so many different slang terms that are all over the country.

I used to work with this red neck from south australia, she used to use all these slang terms that no-one would understand.

one of them was "Im a crow eater and always will be a crow eater" she said that a crow eater is a south australian. which i found was odd

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im an aussie but ive never heard of using "bargain" is that way. Good value is what is used.

But im from sydney and there are so many different slang terms that are all over the country.

I used to work with this red neck from south australia, she used to use all these slang terms that no-one would understand.

one of them was "Im a crow eater and always will be a crow eater" she said that a crow eater is a south australian. which i found was odd

Donz look at their state flag. There is a crow on it. Thus crow eater, very common phrase in the AFL circles.

It is like Westrailins being called sand gropers. :D

Of course Queenslanders are bannana benders even if more bannanas are grown around Coff Harbour than in Queensland. :o

I have noticed that "Fred is good value" is used by older folk, like those that hang out in the RSL.

I am guessing the use of bargain is by people younger than me (45). It could be part of the venacular that makes something that is "sick" being good or exciting. (God I'm getting old :D ) It could be a regional slang word too.

Edited by Chang_paarp
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The State of Origin football will be with us soon so 'cockroaches' is the name given to us Sydney siders and/or New South Wales residents, by our beloved cane toad rivals up north.

Cockroaches can live through anything, including a nuclear war, so that means we are a tough lot. :o

She is "great value" is a common saying when describing desirable women.

She is a 'bargain' would only be used if a most desirable, very attractive and super friendly girl suddenly dropped her asking price for a night of frollicking in the hay. :D

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Explain it ...... I got a great deal when I met you etc....a bargain....

So far... Nawtilus' definition comes close to what I had in mind - maybe the term "bargain" is a regional thing - I was living in NQ before moving to LOS :o

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Skylar (in Perth?)

Sydneans, Cockroaches? <deleted> are you on?

Explain your logic.

I do believe there was a cockroach infestation at Kirribilli... not only that cockroaches are fairly common around these parts (as opposed to Victoria)... I'm in Sydney! I've never even been to Perth!

Fooli sik moite...

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I actually used the "bargain" expression the other day... :o

I was waiting for the bus...

ME - "I hope we don't have to wait to long"

Mate - "yeah.. oh there it is now"

ME - "Bargain !"

totster :D

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I actually used the "bargain" expression the other day... :D

I was waiting for the bus...

ME - "I hope we don't have to wait to long"

Mate - "yeah.. oh there it is now"

ME - "Bargain !"

totster :D

:o See how easy it is to start a global trend, Tots?? :D

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Hey All

I used the word a few times when i was still back home.

Where i am from (Good Ol Wagga Wagga (land of many crows - native tongue)), it can be used whilst talking with mates or jokeing (only) with the 'better half'! Used the same way as 'good value' you could say, to your mates, if shes a decent sheila then "Shes definitely a bargin thats for sure, washes dishes, cleans the house and is great in the sack!"

I wouldn't say that to any ol girl or it may create a big red mark on the side of your head, whatever head is exposed at the time!. :o:D

In Thai I am not 100% sure, I have some ideas but i will wait for some more posts, as every thing i am thinking of could be taken the wrong way if my idea of 'good bargin' is wrong.


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