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Yingluck calls off ministerial retreat in Singapore


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Yingluck calls off ministerial retreat in Singapore


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has called off a prime ministerial retreat in Singapore on November 26-27 to attend the no-confidence debate targeting on her leadership and her government’s pushing of charter amendment rejected by the Constitutional Court.

Government spokesman Teerat Rattanasevi said the no-confidence debate is expected to be held on November 26-27 in the Parliament, with no-confidence voting to be held November 28, while the prime ministerial retreat in Singapore is also scheduled on November 26-27.

Therefore the spokesman said the prime minister has called off the retreat in Singapore to attend the debate.

But Mr Teerat affirmed that the mobile cabinet meeting in Songkhla will remain unchanged on November 29-30 as local officials have now prepared for the event.

In Songkhla, he said, the prime minister will preside over the opening of “Thailand 2020” exhibition in Hat Yai and later will visit the Thai-Malaysian immigration checkpoint office in Sadao district.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/yingluck-calls-ministerial-retreat-singapore/

-- Thai PBS 2013-11-22

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"In Songkhla, he said, the prime minister will preside over the opening of “Thailand 2020” exhibition in Hat Yai and later will visit the Thai-Malaysian immigration checkpoint office in Sadao district."

It's just a step across the border...coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

And they have Duty-Free shops, just a few yards further,too ! w00t.gif

"The devil made me buy that handbag/perfume/Mercedes/company-jet dress !" , with apologies to Bob Newhart.

Edited by Ricardo
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Could it be, that this was another way of taking a large sum of, undeclared, money out of Thailand, and depositing in a bank account in Singapore? Or putting the money on another executive air craft to be sent to destinations unknown? ph34r.pngph34r.png

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BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has called off a prime ministerial retreat in Singapore on November 26-27 to attend the no-confidence debate targeting on her leadership and her government’s pushing of charter amendment rejected by the Constitutional Court.

Oh goodie...shooting fish in a barrel springs to mind tongue.png

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She might pull a sickie when the day comes to face the censure debate,

without a high tech ear piece to get answers from her advisors,she

is going to have problems,but I suppose the Speaker will do a good

job of protecting her,like not allowing the opposition to speak !

regards Worgeordie

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I almost feel sympathy for this woman. Almost.

She's a wife and mother who previously spent her time looking good at one of the Shin companies. Now she's starting to show the intense pressure thrust upon her by her megalomaniac criminal brother. She seems to put a brave face on her predicament. Well done Teflon Lady.

More like an absentee mother and common law partner, she is rarely at home and she is not married.


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Knowing how the folks in Songkhla think about the PTP government ...... I predict some loud whistles!

The folks from Songkhla will certainly not need vocational students as security guards like those Student and People's Network protesters at Makkawan bridge, Bangkok...Oh yes, the guards are already gone there, dismissed for provoking violence.

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Knowing how the folks in Songkhla think about the PTP government ...... I predict some loud whistles!

The folks from Songkhla will certainly not need vocational students as security guards like those Student and People's Network protesters at Makkawan bridge, Bangkok...Oh yes, the guards are already gone there, dismissed for provoking violence.

That's good responsible action from the organizers then isn't it?

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Well the way things have been going for the PM, she will still have her retreat, it just might not be quite as organized nor enjoyable as the Singapore one that she cancelled. In fact the way the troops are behaving, it could develop into a, what some have referred to as 'a bug out'

If the PM and cronies keep looking over their shoulders they may miss noticing that bunch of indians rushing to meet them head on.

Some might even suggest taking, what some Asians consider, " the honerable way out ", but that requires a code of honor which seems to be lost on most of this adminstration.

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She looks a very fed up young lady. Cancelling a nice retreat and meeting with representatives from a similar family.

Now looks like she may have to attend parliament and actually speak. I wonder how many times she will deny knowledge of, responsibility for, or accept any kind of criticism ?

Wonder if anyone will ask when she's going to answer the Ombudsman's questions on the passport illegally issued to her fugitive brother by her cousin 2 years ago?

Bet she wishes the amnesty whitewash had been handled differently now! Still, maybe she does have the bottle to hang on and resurrect that bill when the 180 days is up. Getting their hands on 2.2 trillion baht has got to be an incentive to cling on to power whatever !

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the problem is that she has to deal with a lot of morons in her party, generally only because they have money and power... so don't think that she could exert much power, even if she tried.

I almost feel sympathy for this woman. Almost.

She's a wife and mother who previously spent her time looking good at one of the Shin companies. Now she's starting to show the intense pressure thrust upon her by her megalomaniac criminal brother. She seems to put a brave face on her predicament. Well done Teflon Lady.

If I were the PM and had the power of a party that she has... Christ, what has she wasted...

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Knowing how the folks in Songkhla think about the PTP government ...... I predict some loud whistles!

The folks from Songkhla will certainly not need vocational students as security guards like those Student and People's Network protesters at Makkawan bridge, Bangkok...Oh yes, the guards are already gone there, dismissed for provoking violence.

That's good responsible action from the organizers then isn't it?

It seems so, but a violent confrontation with the police at this time would have upset their plan, it does not fit into their stategy yet... the students are puppets on a string and their master is Chamlong, in the past he sent the lambs to the slaughter.

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"In Songkhla, he said, the prime minister will preside over the opening of “Thailand 2020” exhibition in Hat Yai and later will visit the Thai-Malaysian immigration checkpoint office in Sadao district."

It's just a step across the border...coffee1.gif

Hope no one tries to use the male toilets at the border. I can still smell them in Suratthani.........filthy, a real welcome to Thailand.

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She looks a very fed up young lady. Cancelling a nice retreat and meeting with representatives from a similar family.

Now looks like she may have to attend parliament and actually speak. I wonder how many times she will deny knowledge of, responsibility for, or accept any kind of criticism ?

Wonder if anyone will ask when she's going to answer the Ombudsman's questions on the passport illegally issued to her fugitive brother by her cousin 2 years ago?

Bet she wishes the amnesty whitewash had been handled differently now! Still, maybe she does have the bottle to hang on and resurrect that bill when the 180 days is up. Getting their hands on 2.2 trillion baht has got to be an incentive to cling on to power whatever !

Why in the hell are you so worked up about a passport. If its illegally issued, then its no bloody good is it,facepalm.giffacepalm.gifrolleyes.gif stoopid!

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She looks a very fed up young lady. Cancelling a nice retreat and meeting with representatives from a similar family.

Now looks like she may have to attend parliament and actually speak. I wonder how many times she will deny knowledge of, responsibility for, or accept any kind of criticism ?

Wonder if anyone will ask when she's going to answer the Ombudsman's questions on the passport illegally issued to her fugitive brother by her cousin 2 years ago?

Bet she wishes the amnesty whitewash had been handled differently now! Still, maybe she does have the bottle to hang on and resurrect that bill when the 180 days is up. Getting their hands on 2.2 trillion baht has got to be an incentive to cling on to power whatever !

Why in the hell are you so worked up about a passport. If its illegally issued, then its no bloody good is it,facepalm.giffacepalm.gifrolleyes.gif stoopid!

You're missing the point which is the abuse of power, something that also helped bring down her brother seven years ago.

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