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Bird Problem


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facepalm.gif In Florida we get rid of sea birds by stringing monofilament fishing line between poles or what have you. Seems the birds don't like it. I also have bird problems and my dog gave up chasing them. Will try the lines.

Yes this the way we do it in Texas. Big problem with EPA and open oil storage . Birds getting stuck. They use to use bird netting at a pretty good cost. Someone came out with an idea of usin single mono line spaced at the proper distance. It messes with their internal flight orientation. Freaks em out! Google this subject and you should find some info. It is not as much as an eye sore as the other solutions posted. Basically mono line spaced every meter or meter and half should do the trick.

I googled this as you suggested and it does look like it would work. Here though, the only thing that we found to try to help us connect the line is aluminum l-angle which we would need to cut then drill. The bird spikes also require some drilling, but the rest is already done. So hopefully the bird spikes will work. If not, we will try it here. We also have a bird problem in the garden back home so we may try the fishing line solution there. Thank you for your help.

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