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Wat a Build - do you help?


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A Thai friend of mine sells lottery tickets to monks. Sooooooo, think that puts pay to my thoughts on stuff.

The OP is about helping building a Thai Temple through donations ... not contributions to individual Monks.

Monks are human ... complete with all the fragilities that you and I possess.

One in a thousand, not one in a hundred ... is described as typical ... ermm.gif

Good news attracts smiles ... bad news attracts Newspaper Headlines.

For sure, but when their brothers know the score it brings question marks to my gray cells.

For instance, where has the cash come from to buy lottery tickets. whistling.gif

Monks get paid. Weddings, house blessings etc. Local monk near us makes a fair bit doing tattoos.the other monks are jealous of him. In some contorted Thai mindset the lotto isn't gambling.
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I do really wish that some of the negative nellies on this forum would shake the dust from their Crocs and go visit a village some time.


The local temple in most places upcountry is the social center of the village, It is often the only form of welfare in the village as well. If a family falls on hard times the kids will be fed at the temple etc.


Do I donate? Yes. Do I donate to the big fancy temples? No. My friend (who ordained 8 years ago with the intent on making that permanent,) always said to me if the temple attracts a crowd then why do they need your donations? If the temple helps the poor, then they obviously deserve your donations!.


Finally, yes, I also do donate to monks making alms rounds.

Excellent reply Jdinasia.Yes there are many touristy wats that make millions every year but as you say the wats out in the sticks are used for caring for the old and orphans who have nowhere else to go or no one to look after them.Just go and stay in one for a few days and you'll soon realise their importance.

Yes,I was cynical initially with donations every time I visited a wat but after visiting a number of wats in Si Saket regularly I could see that the people volunteering were genuine people with a good heart looking after the elderly and young.

These wats do replace old people's homes and orphanages which we take for granted in the western world.So yes these voluntary donations by the locals have a very important part to play in the running of these temples and there would be a lot more destitute people without the generosity of these donations.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I think if they choose to donate to the temple, it's ok. Religion isn't free. Some of these Thai temples are absolutely stunning and very peaceful places to sit in and walk around. In some way having a buddhist wife means I must have helped donate in some way. I personally love Thai temples and the monks that go with them. Part of the true Thai essence.

Good response there krisb. The wats certainly do add a sense of community to every village. Whenever there is a funeral, the dishes used come from a back room somewhere on the temple grounds. Always a point of refuge and every wat seems to have its own character... Some are simple and natural, and some are extravagant and backed by big money from Bangkok.

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