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How fast is the 3G+ speed of true move H 850,2100mhz

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Firstly let me add that i have an AIS number that apparently only has edge speed. I bought it around may last year and when i was logging into the website they told me i could upgrade it to use the new bandwidth i think it's the 2100mhz one but i needed to show my id at an AIS store i said <deleted> that. Anyway it only has edge speed so it's really slow obviously. It shows up as H on my galaxy note though but apparently it's only edge speed so on speedtest it's like below 1mbps on d/l and uploads.

Let me add that in my home country i am also using a 3G+ speed connection and it typically is around 7.2mbps d/l and 2mbps u/l so when it downloads a file i get around 900kb/s speed which is pretty good for a 3G+ connection it's like at the max speed.

What speed should i expect for this true move H connection?

I truly truly hope it's much faster than edge cos like i have already mentioned my AIS connection shows up as H which is 3G+ but only d/ls at edge speed.


Yeah, it's a lot faster than Edge. It varies depending on time of day, location etc. But in my opinion the coverage is quite good and I can't complain about the speed. Sometimes I only get about 1 megabit, sometimes 10 megabits... quite fast in my opinion and it is 3G almost everywhere.

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Thanks for clarifying honestly i am not really going to expect much. Going to be in thailand next month and going to test out my new true move H speed. AIS speed disapointed me cos it shows up as 3G and H on my phone when you test it it's so slow and then you find out it's just edge not 3G but didn't the phone say 3G? and who uses edge anymore then earlier this year you find out that your phone only uses the old 3G network so that's why it's only getting edge speed and they have a new 2100mhz network and this time you will get the real 3G speed but you need to register with your ID if you hope to keep your old number and upgrade to the new network which i assume will require a new sim obviously.

While in my home country of singapore i am using the same old sim card when only 3G was available when 3.5G aka HSDPA and maybe it's also called 3G+ came along no need to switch sim cards it just connected to the new network and everything worked flawlessly.


If I understood your post correctly, you want to switch from AIS to True but keep your old number. This is possible but takes a few days. The TrueMove-H is pretty good, as I already indicated. I've never been to Singapore but it is better, in terms of both coverage and speed, than in France and Spain.


I think you could expect, at a minimum, 3 Mbps x 1 Mbps with CAT/TrueMove H on 850 MHz 3G.

Do you have an older AIS/One-2-Call SIM? Do you want to keep that number? Have you subscribed to a monthly volume-based recurring mobile data plan*? If not, do you plan to? What is your budget for mobile data? Do you live in a remote, rural area, or a more populous area?

* if you haven't done this your speed will be limited/capped at 384 Kbps.

My best guess is that you are on an older, One-2-Call SIM, and may not have subscribed to a plan. You might be able to get 3G on 2100 from the new AIS.

Your options:

port to the new AIS/2100 MHz subsidiary, probably requires an ID, possibly get a new SIM, keep your number, account, balance and you should be able to get reasonable 3G speeds ~ 6/1 Mbps.

buy a new AIS/2100 MHz SIMm get a new number, perhaps no need to register if you prefer to conceal your identity, expect the same.

port out your existing AIS number to TrueMove H

buy a new TrueMove H SIM.

Maybe you could experiment with a new AIS/2100 MHz SIM, and a new TrueMove H SIM, then go from there? New SIMs are 50 baht, and daily/weekly mobile data plans are 49/199 baht. You can buy SIMs anywhere; you do not have to buy them in a branded store-front in a mall.

And if you can share as much detail about your situation and requirements here in Thailand - feel free to omit ramblings about other countries - it can help to solicit very focused recommendations.


If I understood your post correctly, you want to switch from AIS to True but keep your old number. This is possible but takes a few days. The TrueMove-H is pretty good, as I already indicated. I've never been to Singapore but it is better, in terms of both coverage and speed, than in France and Spain.

No i don't. I will be keeping both numbers but one only enable internet connection on 1 sim. I asked about this true move H with the new bandwidth cos i got disappointed by my AIS speed so i'm not too keen on thai speeds.

Talking about internet speed in SG it has fibre optic i can get around 180mbps on speedtest d/l around i think 100 u/l and that's not considered good compared to korea and HK i think.

As for france and spain aren't both these countries 1st world? Why do they seem to be lagging? I read about spain and found out they have a low standard of living in some ways and they are western europe.

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