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Are there any visa ATMs that don't charge UK cards 150 baht?


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Wouldn't it be wiser to transfer from your bank to a Thai bank by internet?

I transfer my cash from RBOS to a gaming site then get it sent to my Thai account.

Sometimes I send it to my credit card. Never use the ATM for my Scottish account.

More practical for larger amounts, yes. And it may be needed for certain Visa paperwork to show proof that money comes from abroad.

But counting Baht by Baht, the ATM no-fees withdraw is hard to beat,because the sending bank fee can be some $25, and all Thai banks charge various receiving fees on incoming wires. There is many discussion of that in some thread.

Edited by paz
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I use AEON to withdraw cash and it always intrigued me the rumours about the rates so one fine day I withdrew 5,000 Baht from two machines:

Statement from my UK Bank, second transaction is from AEON:


The "cash machine fee" is obviously not a fee for a a Thai bank.

Both are 2% of the sum after currency conversion.

This is a fee deducted by your issuing UK bank.

I know that some german banks deduct 1.75%.

1.75 or 2 %: both a bloody ripoff.

150 Baht on 13. Aug 2013 would have been about 3.13 Pounds (1 Pound = 48 Baht).

ahhh finally someone who get it!

usually your foreign bank does charge you. By example my bank do charge me 3% + 3 euro per transaction!

Then these fee are shared between my foreign bank and the thai bank!!

Some thai bank do charge you one more time with a 180 baht, this is the bloody scam...

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  • 1 month later...

From the number of responses to my thread in the Economy forum, it would seem that no-one on TV has used the CITI ATMs in the last month or so. As with anything in Thailand, I have to wonder if they are even still operating.

Contrary to what others have posted above, Citibank ATMs in BKK (that's the only place they're located in Thailand) DO charge a 150 baht withdrawal fee against most foreign bank cards...and certainly against U.S. cards, since I verified that at one of their ATMs just last week.

The only good news is.... Citi charges the 150 baht fee against both VISA and MasterCard logo foreign cards. They haven't adopted the 180 baht fee for MasterCards that some other banks have.

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When using a Thai bank card to withdrawl money from Thai bank ATMs, a lot or perhaps all of the Thai banks have some level of withdrawal fees, particularly when the card account is located in one part of the country and the ATM being used is in a different part/region of the country. The amounts are relatively small, somewhere in the 15-30 baht range, if memory services. But I believe the Thai banks also allow a certain number of those transactions (four or five) to be fee-free each month, before starting to charge those fees.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately, AEON has died....

The only good thing about AEON ATMs at this point is they don't charger the higher 180 baht withdrawal fee that some of the bigger Thai banks are now charging against MasterCard logo cards. AEON's new fee is 150 baht for foreign VISA and MC cards alike.

BTW, before recently, AEON ATMs NEVER did charge any withdrawal fees. So in the past, any transaction fees showing up on people's withdrawals in Thailand were coming from their card issuing bank, not from AEON.

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From the number of responses to my thread in the Economy forum, it would seem that no-one on TV has used the CITI ATMs in the last month or so. As with anything in Thailand, I have to wonder if they are even still operating.

I know the above post is a couple of months old, so I apologize if it has already been answered regarding CITI ATM's. I withdrew money from the CITI ATM at CITI bank Asok a week or so ago. It was difficult to get to as the main entry was closed off due to the demonstrators. Had to go around back, through an "alley" to the parking garage, show the guard my card, up some stairs, down some stairs and finally got to the ATM. The main reason I went to that hassle is I have a non-Thai CITI credit card, so there is no charge to take money out of any CITI ATM machine.

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