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What are your concerns ?


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So you decided to make Thailand your home. You have been here a few years, know the ropes, maybe advancing in years a little, got the home, got the car, got wife, income is ok at present.

So what concerns you in the future? Do you even think about it ?

Healthcare? Insurance etc

Exchange rates and how that effects the pension?

No family back in country of origin, nowhere to return to, if .......( insert whatever crisis)

Money wont last ?

Govt changes visa rules ?

Or maybe you just think today is a good day. I'm fine, happy, and I'll deal with tomorrow when it arrives !

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I survived the closure of Washington Square and ever since I'm not really concerned about anything anymore.

I do wonder sometimes how long the bars will be closed when the inevitable happens.

Surely it'll be more than one day and I can only wish my fridge will be large enough to last the time it takes.

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I've decided not to make Thailand my home.

A few years ago, I was thinking about it.

I have 3 good friends who have actually done it.

1 was only 50 years old when he burned his bridges in Belgium and is now a pineapple farmer in Ratchaburi.

The 2 others were already retired but were both caught by the Belgian sick insurance for being outside of the country permanently. 1 was able to get a private sick insurance in Thailand, the other is living without sick insurance.

Funnily enough, their 3 Thai wifes are saying they will come back to Belgium when their husbands have died.

I've decided that I will 'overwinter' in Thailand for 3 months (January till April).

I have paid too much tax and contributions to let my pension and sick insurance slip away.

Another thing is that the atmosphere towards farang is changing for the worse in Thailand. I came to Thailand for the 1st time 35 years ago and there is a big difference in attitude nowadays.

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Healthcare: I am reasonably healthy now, but my family history is not so good

Exchange rate: That is a concern even now. I would like to see 40 THB/1 USD again

Thai visa rules changes: This could go anywhere from no change to much better to much worse. There is really no predicting, and not much to be done until it happens.

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I'm a little bit concerned about the outbreak of civil war and the total breakdown of civic society, but I'm hoping that won't happen for a couple of years yet. I'l be raging if civil war breaks out in the independent Scotland just after we move there, though, but who knows what might happen tomorrow?


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Tomorrow doesn't worry me - it never comes

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It's a lot easier t plan for tomorrow than to plan for today

And a damned sight easier than planning for yesterday

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I see myself passing away in Thailand, The future will happen no matter what I think, why worry about it, I will deal with it once it happens, I can flow with the changes in the value of the Baht, new visa rules, changes in government.

If I am ever forced to leave Thailand, I would move to Cambodia, Laos. Malaysia, Vietnam, I would never go back to the home country when I left there it was for good!

Why worry about what might happen, if something happens that will effect my life in Thailand, I will deal with it my way, when in fact it happens . if ever!


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I see myself passing away in Thailand, The future will happen no matter what I think, why worry about it, I will deal with it once it happens, I can flow with the changes in the value of the Baht, new visa rules, changes in government.

If I am ever forced to leave Thailand, I would move to Cambodia, Laos. Malaysia, Vietnam, I would never go back to the home country when I left there it was for good!

Why worry about what might happen, if something happens that will effect my life in Thailand, I will deal with it my way, when in fact it happens . if ever!


When it comes to 'passing away', it is very difficult to deal with it when it happens, and there really is no substitute for preparation.


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when I read on TV all these posters where the "testosterone" is through the roof and their first reaction is "revenge" "violence" etc..

..(kids hair got cut by admin in school....etc.)

Well my biggest concern is "they" apparently know "nothing" about Thailand and its culture so when they move to Thailand ....well ...not a happy ending for either them or the Thai's. "They" become the "miserable" farangs we all hear about! The Thai's see "ugly, angry farangs" and think "are all farangs like them"...

For now it seems these "macho" farangs live abroad and aren't here yet and the ones that are ....well their in Phuket, and Pattaya where they belong....

The future....well....can only live for the day...who knows if they will be here tomorrow.....Day at a Time!

I must agree!

I can not understand those who come here from the west and expect Thailand to change to fit the mold of their western world and then get all pumped up for a battle when Thailand refuses to change for them!

Thais do not like change.

You can teach a Thai a more efficient and profitable way to do any job and they will insist on doing it they same old way they have always done it.

Why? Because it is the way they have always done it!

I like and respect that and most parts of the Thai culture.

I came to Thailand because I was aware of the differences from where I had lived my life before and wanted to live where life was different.

I didn't and don't want to change Thailand to be anything like where I come from.

There is an old saying that" A woman falls in love with a man hoping she can change him, but a man falls in love with a woman hoping she will never change!"

I love Thailand like a man and hope she will never change!

The women should find someone they already like to live with!

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