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Hello everyone,

My full name is on Google, with messages I have send to some Forums, NOT THAI VISA .

I don't like thie, I never allowed it !

Can someone tell me how to get contact with Google ( email adres )

Or how can I remove my private life from Google ???

If you can help me, pease make it in an easy way, I don't know much abouth computers !

Thank you all.

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Its too late mate sorry. its like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube. AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

p.s. you don't know much about computers but you can post in forums? dry.png

  • Like 1

Its too late mate sorry. its like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube. AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

p.s. you don't know much about computers but you can post in forums? dry.png

Thank you kblaze, I think it must be possible, but not easy !!!

I was able to post this , really !!! after 5 mails to the Forum, and they where kind enough to help me all the way !!!

Thanks again to you, and to Thai Visa Forum .


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Thank you Chicog,

I had a quick look, and I will try to do it !

But it looks like VERY difficilt.

I think it will take me a lot off sweat and blood, buut I will try !


I will let you know.

Sorry for my Englisch, I am not used to write it.

Thank you.

P,S. the Lady who helped me out, was named LINDA.

Thank you Linda.

Hope it will work.



You would stand more chance speaking to the owners of the forum where you posted to see if you can change your username. Google will then detect the changes automatically with a little time, and your name will no longer show up for the places that have the name changed.

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Stop NAMING NAMES....that's what got you in trouble to begin with!

Sorry Yoursobad,

When I was a small child, my parents learned me to be honnest !

I could never suppose some blogs or forums would share my private life with the world.

I have nothing to hide, I am just angry with my personal details beeing shared with the whole world by some blogs - forums - Google ...without my agree.

Do you understand ? I hope so.

Maybe it was a better world before computer was invented ?



You would stand more chance speaking to the owners of the forum where you posted to see if you can change your username. Google will then detect the changes automatically with a little time, and your name will no longer show up for the places that have the name changed.

Hello rw............................

Thank you, but that is what I did in the first place.

The owners of the forum where kind enough to send an answer.

They are smart enough to start a forum, but I guess ?????? you understand ?

The main Question is, in fact, how to get in contact with Google ????

Thank you rw.....................




Thank you Chicog,

I had a quick look, and I will try to do it !

But it looks like VERY difficilt.

I think it will take me a lot off sweat and blood, buut I will try !


I will let you know.

Sorry for my Englisch, I am not used to write it.

Thank you.

P,S. the Lady who helped me out, was named LINDA.

Thank you Linda.

Hope it will work.



Which bit of this looks difficult?

To delete your Google Account:

  1. Sign in on the Google Accounts homepage. (If you forgot your password, you can reset it).
  2. Click Close account and delete all services and info associated with it to delete your account. If you don't see this link near the bottom of the page, your account was likely created through an organization or company.
  3. Confirm your account deletion. To do so, you'll need to select these two options: "Yes, I want to delete my account," and "Yes, I acknowledge that I am still responsible for any charges incurred due to any pending financial transactions." (You can safely select the latter option if you haven't used any of Google's paid products, such as AdWords and Wallet, or if you have no pending financial transactions related to these products.)
  • Like 2

Stop NAMING NAMES....that's what got you in trouble to begin with!

Sorry Yoursobad,

When I was a small child, my parents learned me to be honnest !

I could never suppose some blogs or forums would share my private life with the world.

I have nothing to hide, I am just angry with my personal details beeing shared with the whole world by some blogs - forums - Google ...without my agree.

Do you understand ? I hope so.

Maybe it was a better world before computer was invented ?


Google is not at fault, Google just lists what is publicly available on the internet.

You shared/published your private information somewhere.

You need to contact every webmaster of every site where your information is publishes and ask them to remove your information and then to use google webmaster tools to remove that page from the google index.

  • Like 2

Being honest is not the point. If you are so worried about your identify... stop posting personal information like you must have done.

You asked for our help and then you act like a drama queen when we try to help you.

This internet world has nothing to do with your parents teachings.

  • Like 1

Being honest is not the point. If you are so worried about your identify... stop posting personal information like you must have done.

You asked for our help and then you act like a drama queen when we try to help you.

This internet world has nothing to do with your parents teachings.

Hallo xxxx

I was just trying to be honnest, just like I was raised !!!

If you don't like it : " two words "




Hello Chicog,

First thing tomorrow, I will try to do it.

I am an older man, now I will have dinner and a good sleep.

I will let everyone know if I manneged to do it !!!

Also, I am very happy to know , some people are really trying to help eatchother.

Thanks again.



Sorry, if you're worried about what you've posted to the internet being indexed by search engines, you're basically pissing to the wind.

I would suggest you change your name by deed poll to Mr. Origami <deleted> Festerblather, then no-one will be able to link these stories with you and you will avoid ridicule.

  • Like 2

Sorry, if you're worried about what you've posted to the internet being indexed by search engines, you're basically pissing to the wind.

I would suggest you change your name by deed poll to Mr. Origami <deleted> Festerblather, then no-one will be able to link these stories with you and you will avoid ridicule.

Hello Chicog,

i am not worried abouth what I have posted on the Internet

I have done nothing bad in my life !

I have no criminal record ( maybe some parking tickets, I paid same day ! )

I just do NOT like it when some- body-forum-blog- or ????let's everybody know abouth me !!!!

This is not an angry reaction, but a dissapointed feeling !

WHO can you trust ???

Agree ???

Good Friends ???



If your real name is Denis...then we ALL know more about you than 99% of the people on ThaiVisa.

I was tryingvto help you by stating the obvious that you should not give your name and private info on an open forum.

If you can't handle the truth go OFFLINE.



Which bit of this looks difficult?

To delete your Google Account:

  1. Sign in on the Google Accounts homepage. (If you forgot your password, you can reset it).
  2. Click Close account and delete all services and info associated with it to delete your account. If you don't see this link near the bottom of the page, your account was likely created through an organization or company.
  3. Confirm your account deletion. To do so, you'll need to select these two options: "Yes, I want to delete my account," and "Yes, I acknowledge that I am still responsible for any charges incurred due to any pending financial transactions." (You can safely select the latter option if you haven't used any of Google's paid products, such as AdWords and Wallet, or if you have no pending financial transactions related to these products.)

It all looks difficult so what I do is print it so I have a copy to follow makes it much easier.

some of us are tech challenged. But many of us know how to use a rotary dial do you?tongue.png


There are no secrets on the Internet. It is not a secure medium.

NEVER write anything you are not prepared to see broadcast to all.

Maybe too late for you (sorry), but hope your experience can be a timely lesson to others.

  • Like 2

Sorry, if you're worried about what you've posted to the internet being indexed by search engines, you're basically pissing to the wind.

I would suggest you change your name by deed poll to Mr. Origami <deleted> Festerblather, then no-one will be able to link these stories with you and you will avoid ridicule.

Hello Chicog,

i am not worried abouth what I have posted on the Internet

I have done nothing bad in my life !

I have no criminal record ( maybe some parking tickets, I paid same day ! )

I just do NOT like it when some- body-forum-blog- or ????let's everybody know abouth me !!!!

This is not an angry reaction, but a dissapointed feeling !

WHO can you trust ???

Agree ???

Good Friends ???


Somebody on forum blog ??? didn't,,, YOU DID, by posting there. Everything that you type, be it a simple comment or a crazy rant is indexed by webcrawler robots ( sometimes called spiders) and saved. The owners of the blog or forum or whatever site you used, didn't do this to you, you yourself did it by posting there.


Check your profile there to see if you can have them use your username instead of your full name and change your real name to El Eleganté or something else.

If you're on Google+ (another Dept. of Homeland Insecurity database) delete all your content listed there, then delete your Google+ account...

||: Log on to any other offending forums. Delete your content there if possible or ask them to delete it. Change all your personal profile info there to nonsense (don't think of it as being dishonest; it's camouflage: imagine yourself as being a chameleon changing your colors to protect yourself). :||

After your posts are gone, search for them and submit their search result addresses to:


Check out chillingeffects.org.

Remember from now on that the Internet is chock full 'o evil, thieving, power-hungry, ill-meaning people, and I'm not only referring to the government intelligence agencies...

  • Like 1

Sorry, if you're worried about what you've posted to the internet being indexed by search engines, you're basically pissing to the wind.

I would suggest you change your name by deed poll to Mr. Origami <deleted> Festerblather, then no-one will be able to link these stories with you and you will avoid ridicule.

Hello Chicog,

i am not worried abouth what I have posted on the Internet

I have done nothing bad in my life !

I have no criminal record ( maybe some parking tickets, I paid same day ! )

I just do NOT like it when some- body-forum-blog- or ????let's everybody know abouth me !!!!

This is not an angry reaction, but a dissapointed feeling !

WHO can you trust ???

Agree ???

Good Friends ???


and stop signing your name "Denis" after your post.......give it a couple of weeks and you will be back here moaning about Google are showing your TV posts with your personal information again.

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Removing your Google account will NOT remove all information (maybe some information) from you stored on Internet - even this post is now part of Internet so you need to remove this post as well whistling.gif

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Thank you all.

I guess there is nothing I can do.

I have followed your advice and changed my users name everywhere.

OK, it is not dramatic.

Zorro ( or something ) LOL


Denis...loose lips sink ships.

From reading here I and ALL READERS know you are from Belgium... you are married to a Thai woman....etc etc.

You like to open cans of worms and then wonder why the fish are biting.

All of your posts on your profile name peoples real names and the company they work for

You need boundaries when you go online.

Its the WORLD WIDE WEB....not your diary.

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