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Clashes intensifying at Bangkok Metropolitan Police HQ


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Like the poster, i salute the PM and the Thai authorites for their very humane response to extreme provocations, and I pray that there will not be further loss of life. If there is, however, the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the demagogue Mr. Suthep, and his backers. They have much to answer for.


Armed red mobsters came uninvited to to Bangkok once again, killed some innocent students and you would like to blame the others for it? Great. You must me married to a woman from Isaan. Killing soldiers is OK when it suits your purposes, burning cities down is OK when it suits your purposes, widespread looting and intimidation of innocent people is OK when it suits your purposes, hijacking ASEAN summit is OK when it suits your purposes, throwing bombs around Bangkok and terrorizing innocent civilians is OK when it suits your purposes etc...etc....Utter hypocrisy.

And talking <deleted> is OK when it suits your purposes!

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As I read , the water cannons have a chemical added that causes itching and nasal irritation , it may also smell like shit . In a hot climate , water by

itself would have little more than a cooling effect , but with itching and a bad smell they might have to return home to clean up .

Using actual excrement would cause a health risk and would be against the international regulations .

I believe in western countries , a riot leader like Suthep would have already been arrested , or shot by a sniper , but of course no one would risk making a martyr of him . The demonstrators are not educated people , or they would understand and know the ins and outs surrounding the whole argument .

This is seen as a simple argument , Thaksin is bad , Democrats are good . It is much more complex than that , there is good and bad on

all sides ; if these people were intelligent enough they would see that this demonstration/Riot is gravely mistaken in its purpose , that no good will come of it .

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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


But what was he doing? Setting off a fire extinguisher and then jogging in his underwear? Looks rather harmless.

At least he was not trying to fan the flames.

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Just saw news on TV 3, demonstrators say they will stay there until the police stop using tear gas, now, somebody tell me what police in any modern country would do if street thugs were trying to occupy their headquarter, would they lay down and kneel. Be realistic. The peaceful crowd voicing their griviences peacefull as mentioned so many times in this forum by many, are seen clearly throwing stones and all kind of things at the police. I think there will be few governments willing to talk to Democratic-General for peace Suthep after this is over.

Using tear gas (especially the cheap chinese one) is obviously an abuse of deadly power. Anyone who give that order (to use gas) must be trial in court, because the protesters come in peace.

"...because the protesters come in peace." What news reports are you watching and reading??? The ones I see and read about show and tell about protesters trying to force their way into government buildings, throwing anything and everything they can at police, now even using a front end loader to try and tear down barricades. If this is your definition of "peaceful", I'm not sure I want to hear your definition of "violent".

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Just saw news on TV 3, demonstrators say they will stay there until the police stop using tear gas, now, somebody tell me what police in any modern country would do if street thugs were trying to occupy their headquarter, would they lay down and kneel. Be realistic. The peaceful crowd voicing their griviences peacefull as mentioned so many times in this forum by many, are seen clearly throwing stones and all kind of things at the police. I think there will be few governments willing to talk to Democratic-General for peace Suthep after this is over.

Using tear gas (especially the cheap chinese one) is obviously an abuse of deadly power. Anyone who give that order (to use gas) must be trial in court, because the protesters come in peace.

"...because the protesters come in peace." What news reports are you watching and reading??? The ones I see and read about show and tell about protesters trying to force their way into government buildings, throwing anything and everything they can at police, now even using a front end loader to try and tear down barricades. If this is your definition of "peaceful", I'm not sure I want to hear your definition of "violent".

At a guess I would say it includes the use of assault rifles and military explosive projectiles.

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DocN said:

I guess at least some who deem the spraying of poo and pee okay, were going apesh1t over the blood on Abisiths doorstep?!

Just saying...

I find both actions 100% despicable, but that is just me, the ol' Thaksin lover and Red- supporter...

Despicable. Exactly. The protesters become violent and should be condemned.

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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


But what was he doing? Setting off a fire extinguisher and then jogging in his underwear? Looks rather harmless.

At least he was not trying to fan the flames.

Indeed! Nice to have a bit of unique hilarity....no doubt this guys dating attractiveness has just skyrocketed whatever his sexual preference.

I can just see the police thinking as he runs towards them.

"Is he carrying a weapon in his underwear"

"Is it loaded with rubber or live ammo"

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Police letting protesters in now....hmmm...didn't see that move coming, cunning plans at play grasshopper.

Yes a complete surprise but a great and welcome move on the part of the Head of Metro Police HQ or whoever higher up made that decision. It is very clear that senior decision makers are keen to avoid confrontation. An analysis that more confrontation and injury is more conducive to the intervention of the army is probably not astray. (Both Suthep and the PM obviously know this)

I really haven't understand the strategic aim to take Police Metro HQ as it just appears to be a distraction and a lot of unnecessary conflict. Govt House at least has symbolic value if you feel that it is tactically important to occupy an area.

Deescalate and withdraw. Nice move that. And it all appears very relaxed at the HQ based on current TV footage. Hopefully it stays that way.

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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


The guy is in his blue underwear and you call him a yellow thug.

You are an amazing story maker!

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Well now that you mention it, there was a UK Soldier hacked to death by 2 broad accented English Muslem Terrorists out the front of a Military barracks in the UK. Not much happened to them, except being arrested, they are now on trial for the murder. They were not shot on the spot by police or the military.

Sorry but you're wrong.

When armed-response police arrived at the scene both suspects (British-born Nigerian Muslim converts, I refuse to refer to them as British!) armed with a gun, knives and cleavers, charged at them. The police opened fire and wounded both of them. Personally, I think they should have been finished off with a double-tap to the head.

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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I guess at least some who deem the spraying of poo and pee okay, were going apesh1t over the blood on Abisiths doorstep?!

Just saying...

I find both actions 100% despicable, but that is just me, the ol' Thaksin lover and Red- supporter...coffee1.gif

There is a huge difference between spraying feces (which they haven't done) at the police and trowing blood onto the PMs house.

Think about diseases and the fact that the demonstrators were allowed to reach Abhisit's house.

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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.

As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


The guy is in his blue underwear and you call him a yellow thug.

You are an amazing story maker!

Can't you all see that he is a streaking fire fighter.

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In the paper that can not be named, they report that demonstrators are spraying the police with feces.

Downwind I hope.whistling.gif

To be accurate, it was breaking news at 2:50pm yesterday based on something that Chumpol reportedly stated on Monday morning in the context of countering the polices use of what was being stated as 'biological weapons'. ie. the reports of military grade tear gas rather than civilian grade (extra chemicals) and water with chemical additives. Neither of which have been proven thus far.

The article makes it clear that the plan was to use sewage tanker trucks and spray the contents towards the police (yes downwind one would hope). There have been no reports thus far that this was nothing more than rhetoric.

Is the Post now reporting that this has occurred today or are you just being shitty in your info ??? blink.png

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The Police should let Suthep make a full tour of the HQ to trick him in

"And Here, Khun Suthep is the Jail, please come inside have a look, try the bed, enjoy the view...."


Nope, but just have a look at "the real bangkok hilton" on youtube

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I guess at least some who deem the spraying of poo and pee okay, were going apesh1t over the blood on Abisiths doorstep?!

Just saying...

I find both actions 100% despicable, but that is just me, the ol' Thaksin lover and Red- supporter...coffee1.gif

There is a huge difference between spraying feces (which they haven't done) at the police and trowing blood onto the PMs house.

Think about diseases and the fact that the demonstrators were allowed to reach Abhisit's house.

And do you know what the difference is, between AIDS-infested blood and none AIDS- infested blood, thrown on someones door?

Unless someone is covered in open and bleeding bruises and directly crawling through it and it is very, very fresh....(of which nothing was the case)?

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As I read , the water cannons have a chemical added that causes itching and nasal irritation , it may also smell like shit . In a hot climate , water by

itself would have little more than a cooling effect , but with itching and a bad smell they might have to return home to clean up .

Using actual excrement would cause a health risk and would be against the international regulations .

I believe in western countries , a riot leader like Suthep would have already been arrested , or shot by a sniper , but of course no one would risk making a martyr of him . The demonstrators are not educated people , or they would understand and know the ins and outs surrounding the whole argument .

This is seen as a simple argument , Thaksin is bad , Democrats are good . It is much more complex than that , there is good and bad on

all sides ; if these people were intelligent enough they would see that this demonstration/Riot is gravely mistaken in its purpose , that no good will come of it .

some good has already been done in fact a lot. I doubt however long this vile government lasts they will try and vote amnesty bill through in a few months. They have been shown they can't simply do whatever they want and ignore all others including courts decisions.

Taksin has made a tactical retreat seeing that situation for him was hopeless. He had no choice and this is a great first victory of people against one evil would be dictator

Its not over and lull is due IMO to coming birthday. Lets see what happens next week but its not over by a long way. Takisn will not give p his goal of total power and has held his red shirts in reserve. Perhaps a mortally wounded Taksin government can continue for a while longer which would be good since as is obvious with RIce scene and other nonsense it is all falling apart for them.

Well see but this has for first time n many years given me hope that Thailand can eventually rid itself of a would be tin pot dictator in line with Mugabwie and rest. Different is others at least stood up on front line while he and his cowardly lot withdraw to go on shopping trips. They must have a great laugh while drinking their champagne kin how gullible and east it has/had been to fool poor to support them.

Whatever comes next cannot IMO be as bad as Taksin and well see how Suphet plays this from now. As far as I am concerned he's only one who has had guts to stand up at front against Taksin and willing to sacrifice himself in process.

The government is now licking its wounds but like any crazed and dangerous animal still willing and able to inflict fatal blows onto its victim being people of Thailand and its wealth

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It is time for the Thai Royal Police to arrest each demonstrator who has in any way damaged public property or assaulted any policeman, negotiator or non-demonatrator public person. Suthep is a complete mad man to make such un-constitutional demands on a duely elected national election.

Time all who detest any party other than their own to respect the rule of law by waiting until the next scheduled regular national election day to cast their votes and by that have their due voice in choosing legally the national leadership. Suthep knows his pary has not won elections by the peoples choice in over 10 years... makes him a complete anarchist as his party leader and brings shameful light shining on the beautiful country of Thailand in the eyes of civilized world governments.

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one question for those who think this is a victory for Taksin and his government. In UK or any western country if a group of protestors were allowed to take over the capitals police HQ and a major government offices would anyone say that was a victory for the government.

Think about it its a tactical retreat from Taksin and not over

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