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Thai Gf 2 Australia

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hi all,...love the site,kudos for your recent award

anyhoo, my question is that i would like to bring my thai gf over to australia

for an extended holiday, is a 6 month visa out of the question ?

i have trawled all the guff on oz immigration website

but my problem is i dont have bank accounts to prove my ability to sponsor

i work on family farm and its all cash business,my father never trusted banks !

and while she doesnt have a job right now , i could give her the cash to have in account to appease the immigration requirements

but is this going to be enough ?

i have plans to comeback to LOS in 6 months and start an export company but would love to have her with me until i get funds in order

would she be better off just coming on her own accord for a 6 month holiday ?

is a regular holiday visa easier to get then a working visa ?

would it help at all if i came back and married her ?

can an immigration lawyer help me or are they just sharks ?

I fully expect to have my nuts flamed off but if anyone knows anything about oz government i would love to hear it

keep up the great work guys ...you rock !

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Having been through this already and also knowing a lot of other people who have done it I would suggest you rethink this plan. Firstly an answer to your question, there is a provision at th eembassy to give a 6 month visa. It is at the descretion of the supervisor in the embassy however and they need a really good reason for issuing one. An extended holiday wont surfice. Just for interest, the last time anyone spoke to this said person they were of scandanavian descent, go figure.

As for the plan, I would very strongly suggest you take your gf for a shirt trip the first time. There are many things that need to be considered. isolation, food and weather being just some of them. It all sounds great when you sit down and talk about it, but when reality sets in things may change. I took my then gf back to Australia for a visit in September (not the best time for weather conditions but she wanted to see snow). I have many friends with Thai wives so their imput was crucial in the time she had. Food was the most obviuos issue, but we got that sorted out with their help. If you are on a farm, is there any places close by that sell the ingredients for her to cook. Also, expect a big phone bill. Surprising how much they miss noit being able to talk to their family, even though they don't speak everyday when in Thailand.

A group of helpful support will make things easier, but 6 months is a long time for a first visit. Also, consider what she is going to do while you are ata work during the day.

Just my experience

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thanx manfromoz

it is good advice indeed, and yes i have considered these points

i am getting a serious reality check from my 4 brothers,

they all say the same thing....

(really ! a girl from thailand, what does she do ?)

so, yes i have thought lots and got a massive phone bill in 2 months

err, it was $970 or 28100 baht so yeh, now i have phone card !

any other tips much appreciated(aussies seem 2 be thin on the ground!)


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I took my then gf back to Australia for a visit in September (not the best time for weather conditions but she wanted to see snow).

Huh, did you get that right? or was she severely disappointed? I am guessing she didn't see snow. But then again us sandgropers never see snow :D


I eneded up getting my folks to write a letter that they faxed to me, it said I was serious about this girl, I have X amount of assets, I am a good guy and the whole purpose of the trip is to see if my family like her, if so then we will marry. I think it really helped. But not sure about anything above a 3 month visa. Good luck mate, I hope she can do without somtam for a while. :o

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Why do you think she wouldn't have seen snow? Or maybe you are unaware of your countries vast range of diversities. We actually have an area called the snowy mountains and not for no reason.

She loved the snow, which was a surprise to me, and wanted to learn to ski. Maybe next time, she was pregnant at the time.


If your brothers are giving you a hard time, make sure you get it sorted out before you even bother getting her visa arranged, believe me you and her need all the suport yuo can possibly get from family and friends if she visits. Also, find a shop that is fairly reachable that supplies asian ingredients. My gf was able to make just about anything she wanted by buying the ingredients and doing it herself. Not quite as conveneient as the street vendors but a workable solution.

Your current phone bill will be small compared to what will happen if you bring her to australia. Do some investigating on cheap overseas call provider or look at investing in a Voice Over IP (VOIP) telephone. this will save you a fortune.

On saying all of this, if she feels comfortable and can eat it is a great experience for her and you. You getto see things through someone else eyes and stuff you take for granted suddenly becomes a big deal.

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Why do you think she wouldn't have seen snow? Or maybe you are unaware of your countries vast range of diversities. We actually have an area called the snowy mountains and not for no reason.

She loved the snow, which was a surprise to me, and wanted to learn to ski. Maybe next time, she was pregnant at the time.

manfromoz, the first time I left west aussie I headed for asia, I have never been over east, i heard you guys do not like us :D . Maybe it is because of the eagles, or perhaps because we are not very interested in rugby (remember the Western Reds?) :o But anyway, I just thought September was a little late for snow. In WA September usually mean fine weather, if a little erratic.

I am glad she liked the snow...my wife wants to join me in Azerbaijan because she says each time I come back I am whiter in complexion than the last time...she has no interest in the snow that we have there :D Is the snowy mountains a year long affair? or seasonal?

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Typical sandgroper, thinks the country stops at SA.... :o

The snow starts (generally) late may and finishes mid October. The actual ski season starts the long weekend in June and finishes in the long weekend in October. These long weekends wont coincide with WA holidays as they are the Queens Birthday and labor day, both of which WA has different from the east coast from memory.

I remember the Western reds, never going to work. Too far away into a state which didn't know the code and not enough support from the authorities.

I worked in Freo for a while and loved my time there, even brought a girl back to the east coast for a few years. Anyway that is another story for a different forum.

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Typical sandgroper, thinks the country stops at SA.... :D

The snow starts (generally) late may and finishes mid October. The actual ski season starts the long weekend in June and finishes in the long weekend in October. These long weekends wont coincide with WA holidays as they are the Queens Birthday and labor day, both of which WA has different from the east coast from memory.

I remember the Western reds, never going to work. Too far away into a state which didn't know the code and not enough support from the authorities.

I worked in Freo for a while and loved my time there, even brought a girl back to the east coast for a few years. Anyway that is another story for a different forum.

The sandgropers call us the wise men from the east ( and it is not a compliment either :D ) There's another word before wise ...starts with an F ...can't recall it right now :o

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well i have just sent my girlfriend a stat dec in the mail with copys of my employment status, pay slips and passports... all signed by a justice of the peace..

She has more then enough money in her bank account and a letter of support from me and a letter from her UNI stating she is enrolled and needs to come back to finish her degree....... She is going to apply This weekend for a 3 month visa to AUS so fingers crossed... she will be having a nice holiday with me.

I will keep you posted on how it goes... but if anyone has any further suggestions.. feel free to speak up... :o

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well i have just sent my girlfriend a stat dec in the mail with copys of my employment status, pay slips and passports... all signed by a justice of the peace..

She has more then enough money in her bank account and a letter of support from me and a letter from her UNI stating she is enrolled and needs to come back to finish her degree....... She is going to apply This weekend for a 3 month visa to AUS so fingers crossed... she will be having a nice holiday with me.

I will keep you posted on how it goes... but if anyone has any further suggestions.. feel free to speak up... :o

Good luck mate. I hope it goes off ok :D

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Tell your gf to dress well when she goes to the embassy. The place is filled with hopefuls that look lik ethey just finished work.

Sometimes what she wears can be the difference between a yes or a no answer. Very fickle are the embassy employees.

And yes good luck.

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Tell your gf to dress well when she goes to the embassy. The place is filled with hopefuls that look lik ethey just finished work.

Sometimes what she wears can be the difference between a yes or a no answer. Very fickle are the embassy employees.

And yes good luck.

yes true... But shes a good girl anyway so i suppose i dont have to worry that they might think she just got off work hahaha

anyways.... thanks for the ideas..... Im going to watch the F1



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Tell your gf to dress well when she goes to the embassy. The place is filled with hopefuls that look lik ethey just finished work.

Sometimes what she wears can be the difference between a yes or a no answer. Very fickle are the embassy employees.

And yes good luck.

yes true... But shes a good girl anyway so i suppose i dont have to worry that they might think she just got off work hahaha

anyways.... thanks for the ideas..... Im going to watch the F1



Females between 6 and 60 are always treated as if they are on a meal break from the streets of delights :o

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Tell your gf to dress well when she goes to the embassy. The place is filled with hopefuls that look lik ethey just finished work.

Sometimes what she wears can be the difference between a yes or a no answer. Very fickle are the embassy employees.

And yes good luck.

yes true... But shes a good girl anyway so i suppose i dont have to worry that they might think she just got off work hahaha

anyways.... thanks for the ideas..... Im going to watch the F1



Females between 6 and 60 are always treated as if they are on a meal break from the streets of delights :o

hahaha well Dr... yes that is the steriotype... however not sure how correct you are with the age rang there.... :D

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Why do you think she wouldn't have seen snow? Or maybe you are unaware of your countries vast range of diversities. We actually have an area called the snowy mountains and not for no reason.

She loved the snow, which was a surprise to me, and wanted to learn to ski. Maybe next time, she was pregnant at the time.

manfromoz, the first time I left west aussie I headed for asia, I have never been over east, i heard you guys do not like us :D . Maybe it is because of the eagles, or perhaps because we are not very interested in rugby (remember the Western Reds?) :o But anyway, I just thought September was a little late for snow. In WA September usually mean fine weather, if a little erratic.

I am glad she liked the snow...my wife wants to join me in Azerbaijan because she says each time I come back I am whiter in complexion than the last time...she has no interest in the snow that we have there :D Is the snowy mountains a year long affair? or seasonal?

Hey!!!...We play rugby here in Qld and guess who has won the AFL title for the last few years....Anyone with an open mind can enjoy more than one code!

As for the chap who wants to get his Thai G/f to Oz...Go in to the Embassy and tell them the truth, You will find them to be sympathetic to your cause...Try and get past the Thai reception though! (and don't push for the 6 months)

I've just returned home from the LOS yesterday...A great 3 weeks had by all :D

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well guys,

i have made further enquiries..regarding my probs

and made contact with an immigration agent in perth

strangely enough on a site which looks near identical to this 1 !


just in case any one is interested

and have been advised that a thai lady would have 90% chance of failure

in acquiring a holiday visa to oz full stop !

apparently thailand is number 10

on oz government's list of naughty visa people

but have been told if i give an "assurance of support "

that i can apply for a "prospective spouse visa"...

which would "in theory" give us 9 months to arrange marriage ceremony in oz

so this looks like the way for me now

ps, does anybody know if they will test her english ( possibly my thai ?)

cheers to all contributors !


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well guys,

i have made further enquiries..regarding my probs

and made contact with an immigration agent in perth

strangely enough on a site which looks near identical to this 1 !


just in case any one is interested

and have been advised that a thai lady would have 90% chance of failure

in acquiring a holiday visa to oz full stop !

apparently thailand is number 10

on oz government's list of naughty visa people

but have been told if i give an "assurance of support "

that i can apply for a "prospective spouse visa"...

which would "in theory" give us 9 months to arrange marriage ceremony in oz

so this looks like the way for me now

ps, does anybody know if they will test her english ( possibly my thai ?)

cheers to all contributors !


No English test...no Thai test. So relax :o

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I really question the 90% failure rate quoted. Don't forget that the agent is in business and he scares you into using them then they make more money.

Although the embassy staff are pains in the a##, generally they are fair and if you supply all the information they ask for you get a tourist visa on the spot.

Also, there is documentation about usiing agents on the embassy immigration websites. What isn't there but is happening is that if you use an agent and fail or if next time you decide to do it yourself, you will most probably be asked why did you use the agent in the first place? What do you have to hide? Why did you think that you wouldn't be granted a visa on your own? And they will look a lot closer at your application.

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I wouldn't put a percentage on the failure rate for issuing a tourist visa when visiting BF in OZ but it is high, Thais are on the list of at risk to overstay.

The local staff at the embassy in BKK are difficult and the assumption that Doc said (6 to 60) is correct.

In the event of problems, it's unlikely you will be able to speak to a supervisor,the white masters back their charges to the hilt, the CW's know it, hence their arrogant attitudes. You will more than likely be given an Migration Review Tribunal pamphlet and the CW will probably have a sarcastic smile.

A question Stu, how long have you two been together? if less than one year the prospective spouse situation is unlikely to be taken seriously.

I wouldn't use an agent from OZ but have the name of one recommended to me in BKK. I personally would'nt use one but if you have a spare 10 to 12,000 baht then up to you.

Download this document from the immigration site from here

called Partner migration and study and follow it closely.

I don't know where you are in Oz but you can pay the application fee at the DIMA office in the Capital city in your state. Send the reciept to GF it's cheaper to pay here.

I have a few more tips, PM me if you want.

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A close friend of mine has just tried to get the sister in law out to OZ for a second time on a 3 Month tourist visa. She tried on her own about a Month ago and was rejected even though she had been here once already. The bank balance was right, the letter from the employer was right, the letter from boyfriend saying he supported her was right but she was still refused. She was then given the advice that her documention did not show enough evidence to support her wanting/needing her to come back to Thailand. She was handed the tribunal information too. On her own she went no further with it.

My friend then went and picked her up in person took her to the Embassy a Month later and this is what happended in his words:

""So they picked me up at 5:30am and off we headed hit a bit of traffic in BKK but made it to the Embassy parked at rear. Lek went to get bank cheque for tourist visa.

Got that then I thought I'd better put 5,000 in her account, but was unable to from Bank of Bangkok. First drama as Lek only had 145,000 baht in her account.

On to the Embassy Lek does not have a form filled out so that took extra time. Ask to look at paperwork and she has the old letter when we invitated Lek and Ma some 2 yrs ago. Ask Lek where's the new letter? Oh in Pattaya I get wrong one. Thought sh*t this is not working out well.

Siad look Lek might be better to leave for another day as hundereds of people already line up.

So grab a number and around 13:00 our number comes up and Lek puts paperwork in, so we sit down to wait and wait and wait.

Finally they call Lek up to the windows and hand her her passport.

SHE GOT 3 Months with only 145,00 baht in account, old letter, no intreview.

Cannot believe as before she had around 7,000 Aus all paperwork , did interview and didn't get it.

They couldn't have even look at her paperwork and just issued the visa.""

End of true story.

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A close friend of mine has just tried to get the sister in law out to OZ for a second time on a 3 Month tourist visa. She tried on her own about a Month ago and was rejected even though she had been here once already. The bank balance was right, the letter from the employer was right, the letter from boyfriend saying he supported her was right but she was still refused. She was then given the advice that her documention did not show enough evidence to support her wanting/needing her to come back to Thailand. She was handed the tribunal information too. On her own she went no further with it.

My friend then went and picked her up in person took her to the Embassy a Month later and this is what happended in his words:

""So they picked me up at 5:30am and off we headed hit a bit of traffic in BKK but made it to the Embassy parked at rear. Lek went to get bank cheque for tourist visa.

Got that then I thought I'd better put 5,000 in her account, but was unable to from Bank of Bangkok. First drama as Lek only had 145,000 baht in her account.

On to the Embassy Lek does not have a form filled out so that took extra time. Ask to look at paperwork and she has the old letter when we invitated Lek and Ma some 2 yrs ago. Ask Lek where's the new letter? Oh in Pattaya I get wrong one. Thought sh*t this is not working out well.

Siad look Lek might be better to leave for another day as hundereds of people already line up.

So grab a number and around 13:00 our number comes up and Lek puts paperwork in, so we sit down to wait and wait and wait.

Finally they call Lek up to the windows and hand her her passport.

SHE GOT 3 Months with only 145,00 baht in account, old letter, no intreview.

Cannot believe as before she had around 7,000 Aus all paperwork , did interview and didn't get it.

They couldn't have even look at her paperwork and just issued the visa.""

End of true story.

Logic can't be an ingredient in the process.

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Have heard similar stories b4 but it's not the norm.

The CW's get rotated around and you may have got a good one.

Saw a guy there one time was yelling at CW, his wife had been to OZ 9 times in 10 years on visitors visa and was refused on this occasion with no right of reply. They were not a young couple both ages seemed matched, not like some you see there 65yo man with 18yo.

Some of the conversations do get heated at times. :o

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that nothing pis*es me off more than when the Australian Government refuses simple visas to our loved ones be it family or friends. The facts are that other Nationalities including British are worse over stayers in numbers than say Thai's. Knowing that, it leads me to conclude that our so called wonderful, equitable government discriminates exclusively against South East Asians. They put so many conditions on our applicants that most get rejected time after time and yet other Nationalities can simply walk in and get a visa easy without bonds, letters and all the other cr*p they go on with. Until this discrimination against our family and friends in Asia stops the present policies only makes our Government look like hypocrites in the world. I do not support this type of discrimination. At the end of they day it's our families that suffer this bureaucratic policy. How can the Australian Govt. preach equality when they discriminate? (Sorry for that political outburst, I guess I had to get if off my chest.) The facts as of June 30 2003 speak for itself. This was pulled off the Governments website, overstayers by numbers:

Country M F Total

UK 3,700 2,500 6,200

USA 3,400 2,300 5,700

China,PRC 2,700 1,200 3,900

Philippines 2,100 1,100 3,200

Indonesia 2,000 1,100 3,100

Japan 1,500 1,400 2,900

Rep Korea 1,600 1,200 2,800

Malaysia 1,400 700 2,100

Germany 1,000 700 1,700

Thailand 800 900 1,700

Here is the official link: http://www.immi.gov.au/facts/86overstayers.htm

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The Bangkok Embassy is a law unto itself, "they have their own ways of doing things" a DIMA staff member once said to me.

How they arrive at the at risk status is a mystery, but I have seen the sheet containing the countries on it at the DIMA office in Adelaide. I think the "Fillipino Mail Order Brides" influenced things, it certainly forced a few Immigration Law changes.

It really is an unfair situation and don't know if the incoming Labour government will do anything about it, maybe you could lobby your MP now.

I am really happy that we are thru the initial application stage and the missus is with me.

Still not out of the woods yet, Permanent Residence is next and that involves more interviews and evidence of cohabitation.

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