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Former PM Somchai leads former People Power executives to join Pheu Thai


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The last major poll on the matter found that 50% of Thais favour an amnesty for Thaksin and others convicted of corruption. Amnesty has been part of the reconciliation discussions for the past 3 years (and not something suddenly snuck in at midnight 3 weeks ago, as some on this forum would have us believe).

I don't remember that poll. Do you have a link to s report on it?

Sent from my phone ...

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I don't support amnesty. I do support discussions about reconciliation. The Suan Dusit Poll showed very wide discrepancy between different parts of the country on the amnesty question ( fewer supporters in the south, more in the north, bangkok divided....ie, no surprise)

The Bangkok Post reported that more than 60% of respondents in a Suan Dusit Poll support an amnesty bill for all parties involved in political conflicts in order to bring about national reconciliation.

(The pollsters at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University based their conclusion on interviews with 1,123 people nationwide between July 22 and 26.

They said 42.7% of respondents said any amnesty law that is issued must be justly and fairly considered and in line with the law.)

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Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

Where's the evidence that they're all corrupt? Some of them may be very decent people. Dr Surapong for one. Although you might be indicating that like many people you're cynical and view all politicians as inherently corrupt, but then if you thought that, you probably wouldn't be singling out PT. Why should all of these former MPs be shunned and rejected, what did they do wrong?

Not sure banning and putting them in jail for no reason is any kind of solution either.

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So Mr. T's brother in law who was the PM in Mr. T's old party has brought Mr. T's lawyer and previously banned former member of Mr. T's old party to join Mr. T's new party where his wife is an MP for Mr. T's new party and the PM is Mr. T's sister.

Just as well Mr. T is no longer involved in politics or things could get confusing!

This was just in the Thailand live thread

RT@pakhead: It seems the military top brass incl Anupong &Prawit negotiated this truce with Thaksin last night. Boys in green will now mediate a deal.

Why do they have to negotiate a truce with a convicted fugitive criminal who is barred from politics in Thailand ?

Because he's the real PM & decision-maker in the current administration, perhaps ? wink.png

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I don't support amnesty. I do support discussions about reconciliation. The Suan Dusit Poll showed very wide discrepancy between different parts of the country on the amnesty question ( fewer supporters in the south, more in the north, bangkok divided....ie, no surprise)

The Bangkok Post reported that more than 60% of respondents in a Suan Dusit Poll support an amnesty bill for all parties involved in political conflicts in order to bring about national reconciliation.

(The pollsters at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University based their conclusion on interviews with 1,123 people nationwide between July 22 and 26.

They said 42.7% of respondents said any amnesty law that is issued must be justly and fairly considered and in line with the law.)

Is that the one that you said had more than 50% support for amnesty for Thaksin? I don't read it that way.

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Yes, they did 2 major polls, in July and October. the July poll found significant support for amnesty ( greater than 50%) for ALL parties ( and by parties, I take it to mean individuals and groups). The October poll found much lower support for amnesty ( and those supporting it at all made it more conditional). I don't have copies of the actual results, just reporting what I have read from media reports.....

I don't support amnesty. I do support discussions about reconciliation. The Suan Dusit Poll showed very wide discrepancy between different parts of the country on the amnesty question ( fewer supporters in the south, more in the north, bangkok divided....ie, no surprise)

The Bangkok Post reported that more than 60% of respondents in a Suan Dusit Poll support an amnesty bill for all parties involved in political conflicts in order to bring about national reconciliation.

(The pollsters at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University based their conclusion on interviews with 1,123 people nationwide between July 22 and 26.

They said 42.7% of respondents said any amnesty law that is issued must be justly and fairly considered and in line with the law.)

Is that the one that you said had more than 50% support for amnesty for Thaksin? I don't read it that way.

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Yeesh some people .... its pretty plain who are going to be called upon in PT get over it, even if PT dissolved and anotherr party formed it would consist of the same people. Better to get out here in the elections and win hearts and minds of the rural people or nothing will change...

Do us a favour though and stop whining and crying about a a party that legitimately keeps winning elections, if no effort is made by the opposition in campaigning dont think for a second stamping the feet and bleating about whats fair and whats not will make any difference at all ... either a proper opposition works at it or itll be exactly the same until one does and Thailand will just chug along as a semi civilised country bordering on a banana republic... then again its all part of what makes the place appealing or it wouldnt be what it was.

You can bet if it became all sanitised and uncorrupt most would probably hate what it would bring and the whining and moaning would still be here. Careful what you wish for Thailand is many things for many reasons .. take away or change too much what makes it what it is and it wont be Thailand anymore.

As long as people dont get hurt no one should be too worried about all the corruption, its always been there and probably always will.

Edited by englishoak
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The last major poll on the matter found that 50% of Thais favour an amnesty for Thaksin and others convicted of corruption. Amnesty has been part of the reconciliation discussions for the past 3 years (and not something suddenly snuck in at midnight 3 weeks ago, as some on this forum would have us believe).

Since when does popularity over-rule law?

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The last major poll on the matter found that 50% of Thais favour an amnesty for Thaksin and others convicted of corruption. Amnesty has been part of the reconciliation discussions for the past 3 years (and not something suddenly snuck in at midnight 3 weeks ago, as some on this forum would have us believe).

I don't remember that poll. Do you have a link to s report on it?

Perhaps he got confused about "should" versus "should not"



According to findings of the latest Suan Dusit Poll, a total of 57.6 per cent of respondents said that there should not be any amnesty related to political events of the last decade.


Additionally, his claim the "last major poll" is false by a wide margin.

I won't quote from his later post as it's direct quotes from the disallowed Bangkok Post... whistling.gif ,

but it's a poll from July (before all the shenanigans with switching the wording around occurred), while the results above are November (when the contents of the changes were known).



Edited by HuaHinHarold
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Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

Where's the evidence that they're all corrupt? Some of them may be very decent people. Dr Surapong for one. Although you might be indicating that like many people you're cynical and view all politicians as inherently corrupt, but then if you thought that, you probably wouldn't be singling out PT. Why should all of these former MPs be shunned and rejected, what did they do wrong?

Not sure banning and putting them in jail for no reason is any kind of solution either.

No one was jailed.

The banning occurred for a specific criminal act.

The only ones banned were Party executives who were found guilty in a conspiratorial fashion of committing electoral fraud.

That makes them all corrupt, including Surapong. If he was truly decent, he would not have acted deceitfully by remaining silent.

Also, just to be clear for all posters, there are two Dr. Surapong's involved in Thai politics

Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee, the banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive and

Dr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul, the current Pheu Thai Party executive who, in his capacity as Foreign Minister, illegally issued a passport to his cousin, banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive, Thaksin.


Edited by HuaHinHarold
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Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

Where's the evidence that they're all corrupt? Some of them may be very decent people. Dr Surapong for one. Although you might be indicating that like many people you're cynical and view all politicians as inherently corrupt, but then if you thought that, you probably wouldn't be singling out PT. Why should all of these former MPs be shunned and rejected, what did they do wrong?

Not sure banning and putting them in jail for no reason is any kind of solution either.

No one was jailed.

The banning occurred for a specific criminal act.

The only ones banned were Party executives who were found guilty in a conspiratorial fashion of committing electoral fraud.

That makes them all corrupt, including Surapong. If he was truly decent, he would not have acted deceitfully by remaining silent.

Also, just to be clear for all posters, there are two Dr. Surapong's involved in Thai politics

Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee, the banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive and

Dr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul, the current Pheu Thai Party executive who, in his capacity as Foreign Minister, illegally issued a passport to his cousin, banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive, Thaksin.


I didn't say anyone was jailed, I was responding to NationalFoods comment that PT should be banned and thrown in jail. There was no conspiracy found. If one executive is found guilty, the other executives are banned and the party is dissolved. If he'd just been an ordinary MP that wouldn't have happened. Yongyuth was found taking village heads to Bangkok on a jaunt and giving them spending money. There's no evidence of any conspiracy. Plus the Constitutional Court chief now admits the decision was politically motivated.

I'm refering to Surapong Suebwonglee, former student leader and medical doctor who was one of the key people behind the 30 baht healthcare scheme. Of course, he wasn't really well qualified to be finance min.

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The last major poll on the matter found that 50% of Thais favour an amnesty for Thaksin and others convicted of corruption. Amnesty has been part of the reconciliation discussions for the past 3 years (and not something suddenly snuck in at midnight 3 weeks ago, as some on this forum would have us believe).

That leaves 50% who don't, which is probably why we just had a minor shitfight.

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Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

Where's the evidence that they're all corrupt? Some of them may be very decent people. Dr Surapong for one. Although you might be indicating that like many people you're cynical and view all politicians as inherently corrupt, but then if you thought that, you probably wouldn't be singling out PT. Why should all of these former MPs be shunned and rejected, what did they do wrong?

Not sure banning and putting them in jail for no reason is any kind of solution either.

No one was jailed.

The banning occurred for a specific criminal act.

The only ones banned were Party executives who were found guilty in a conspiratorial fashion of committing electoral fraud.

That makes them all corrupt, including Surapong. If he was truly decent, he would not have acted deceitfully by remaining silent.

Also, just to be clear for all posters, there are two Dr. Surapong's involved in Thai politics

Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee, the banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive and

Dr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul, the current Pheu Thai Party executive who, in his capacity as Foreign Minister, illegally issued a passport to his cousin, banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive, Thaksin.


I didn't say anyone was jailed, I was responding to NationalFoods comment that PT should be banned and thrown in jail. There was no conspiracy found. If one executive is found guilty, the other executives are banned and the party is dissolved. If he'd just been an ordinary MP that wouldn't have happened. Yongyuth was found taking village heads to Bangkok on a jaunt and giving them spending money. There's no evidence of any conspiracy. Plus the Constitutional Court chief now admits the decision was politically motivated.

I'm refering to Surapong Suebwonglee, former student leader and medical doctor who was one of the key people behind the 30 baht healthcare scheme. Of course, he wasn't really well qualified to be finance min.

It's justifiably a presumed conspiracy (much like the RICO Act), when party executives are involved.

Yongyuth was not a lone wolf acting independently for months, without the consent and knowledge of the executive board.

And yes, putting a medical doctor as finance minister makes no sense, but a lot of things didn't make sense with Thai Rak Thai. Principally among them is why they felt the need to commit electoral fraud in an election they would have easily won without committing electoral fraud.


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The last major poll on the matter found that 50% of Thais favour an amnesty for Thaksin and others convicted of corruption. Amnesty has been part of the reconciliation discussions for the past 3 years (and not something suddenly snuck in at midnight 3 weeks ago, as some on this forum would have us believe).

That leaves 50% who don't, which is probably why we just had a minor shitfight.

Actually, as we see, with subsequent posts, that the percentage of those that don't want it is even higher. A majority, if you will.

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I am quire surprised that so many Thais favour amnesty. Even the October./November poll show strong support ( albeit under 50%). It goes without saying that the real complication comes from the different support levels by region ( very low in south, high in north, split in Bangkok....as is reflected in the political divide in the country)

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Spot on. Thailand is a kleptocracy, nothing more. But there is one overriding factor that acts as a trump card. It's called the vote. Both sides are corrupt (look at Suthep, pot calling kettle black!) but one side has won several elections while the other (Democrats, LOL what a misnomer) has never won one. That's right, the Democrats have never won a general election. Ever.

While the corruption will certainly not cease whoever is in charge (and let's remember that Thailand is not alone in corruption, the rest of Asia is too), the difference is that one side will easily get voted in, the other will not.

It is not perfect democracy, but it is democracy - something the democrats, red shirts and army can never live with.

Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

Agreed but whats even more funny is that both sides are corrupt and you are trying to make it sound as only one side is! Corruption is accepted by the majority of the Thai population and until that changes it will be same old same old no matter who is in office.

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.............Somchai said he decided to join the Pheu Thai because it is a party that deserves public faith.................

Thai Rak Thai BANNED for electoral fraud. Peoples Power Party BANNED for electoral fraud. Current leader in exile awaiting corruption/abuse of power charges. Convicted terrorists as PMs. 105 politicians banned for fraud coming back.

Yeah, I'd vote for them!

Just another rule that needs to be changed by the peoples council - the banned MP's should be banned for life not 5 years, why should anyone convicted of Fraud - abuse of power - corruption - electoral fraud - convicted criminals etc be allowed back into government

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.............Somchai said he decided to join the Pheu Thai because it is a party that deserves public faith.................

Thai Rak Thai BANNED for electoral fraud. Peoples Power Party BANNED for electoral fraud. Current leader in exile awaiting corruption/abuse of power charges. Convicted terrorists as PMs. 105 politicians banned for fraud coming back.

Yeah, I'd vote for them!

Just another rule that needs to be changed by the peoples council - the banned MP's should be banned for life not 5 years, why should anyone convicted of Fraud - abuse of power - corruption - electoral fraud - convicted criminals etc be allowed back into government

Banned for what? A lot of people here seem sympathetic to the idea of banning people or jailing people arbitrarily, yet at the same time they're calling this government a dictatorship...

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Need a bigger clown car now!

.............Somchai said he decided to join the Pheu Thai because it is a party that deserves public faith.................

Thai Rak Thai BANNED for electoral fraud. Peoples Power Party BANNED for electoral fraud. Current leader in exile awaiting corruption/abuse of power charges. Convicted terrorists as PMs. 105 politicians banned for fraud coming back.

Yeah, I'd vote for them!

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So Mr. T's brother in law who was the PM in Mr. T's old party has brought Mr. T's lawyer and previously banned former member of Mr. T's old party to join Mr. T's new party where his wife is an MP for Mr. T's new party and the PM is Mr. T's sister.

Just as well Mr. T is no longer involved in politics or things could get confusing!

Well, now Yingluck can step down and claim that she leaves the position so she can spend less time with her family... whistling.gif

And more time shopping.rolleyes.gif

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Somchai said he decided to join the Pheu Thai because it is a party that deserves public faith. He said he has faith in the party leader, its executives and policies so he decided to join the Pheu Thai after completing the ban period.

What he really means is that under the strings of the fugitive puppet master he believes that as a member of his crew of cronies he can add many millions more baht siphoned out of the people's tax money into his secret offshore bank accounts....

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