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PM Yingluck invites academics, businessmen, protesters to join reform forum


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they better join this forum, if Suthep can go on, there will be no forum anymore, only 'heil Suthep' websites and propaganda movies about troops marching around in Bangkok, Yingluck may be on skype with big brother all day, but Suthep has a direct line to north-korea, maybe he bought a condo over there allready if things go wrong over here.

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Yingluck has handled this crisis perfectly so far. The thug Suthep has repeatedly sought confrontation and street battles with red shirts, police and army and she has each time responded with the appropriate response to outsmart his anarchist tactics.

Well done, Yingluck. wai2.gif


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Yingluck has handled this crisis perfectly so far. The thug Suthep has repeatedly sought confrontation and street battles with red shirts, police and army and she has each time responded with the appropriate response to outsmart his anarchist tactics.

Well done, Yingluck. wai2.gif

hahahahahahaha oh youre really good ,maybe a royal variety performance is due..

In other words you have nothing constructive to add . . . seems about right

She shouldn't need to call for these forums and discuss the possibility of elections . . . her party has been given the mandate to rule and having demonstrators decide the fate of a nation bodes ill for the country

she didnt handle anything ..get real...shes not bright.enough.its done for her you know that ,dont get upset because your having a bad day at the races sausage... Edited by winstonc
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Is that the same reform forum that the democrats refused to join 6 months ago?

Yep. The reconciliation forum. You can probably understand with the events from the past few days why they didn't waste their time attending. They get paid by the tax payer so had to do what they could ofr the people. Not for Thaksin. Rmember YS did not listen to one bit of advice that Blair said and in fact went against it. Thus why we are here today. So yes, the same forum. Why? Because DEMS don't abuse he use of tax payers money.

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Tuesday morning she looked very drawn, the burden of office weighs heavily upon her. She should be given the opportunity to discuss the political reforms that are required in the land, by the way I am no supporter of hers or her brother, the way political "parties" have been conducting them selves recently is disgraceful there has to found a better way to move forward.

Each group has to accept that "you cant win em all" they need to accept defeat with grace and dignity, re group and try to convince the public that their way is better, it has to be by the ballot box not by mobs roaming the streets, it time for all to grow up.

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Yingluck has handled this crisis perfectly so far. The thug Suthep has repeatedly sought confrontation and street battles with red shirts, police and army and she has each time responded with the appropriate response to outsmart his anarchist tactics.

Well done, Yingluck. wai2.gif

hahahahahahaha oh youre really good ,maybe a royal variety performance is due..

In other words you have nothing constructive to add . . . seems about right

She shouldn't need to call for these forums and discuss the possibility of elections . . . her party has been given the mandate to rule and having demonstrators decide the fate of a nation bodes ill for the country

And allowing an openly corrupt regime that acts illegally and is controlled by a convicted criminal fugitive to continue its minority mandate bodes well for the country?

The current government, regardless of who controls it, has lost its legitimacy. Yingluck now asserts she runs the country and doesn't listen to her brother. People must imagine that in the same way that they imagine inflation and the cost of living increasing rapidly under this government, Yingluck said both, so must be true eh? wink.png Just like her helicopter has no lights and her eradication of corruption in her government whistling.gif

Does anyone really believe that she calls the shots? Apart from the supporters on here of course.

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Yingluck has handled this crisis perfectly so far. The thug Suthep has repeatedly sought confrontation and street battles with red shirts, police and army and she has each time responded with the appropriate response to outsmart his anarchist tactics.

Well done, Yingluck. wai2.gif

The puppet PM has down sweet p!ss all. The credit belongs to the Army.

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Is that the same reform forum that the democrats refused to join 6 months ago?

Could be.

But this time I think she is more open to answers from other people than just her brother. I think she would be a bit more receptive to the democrats thinking. Really a hard question to answer. she has been pretty soundly thrashed and is not out of the woods yet. It does appear that she will maintain the title. One can only hope that she tries to do the job.

I had to stop and think when I read this line.

She said the media should be constructive and avoid presenting news that would fan hatred among the people.

Similar to saying it is OK to lie to the public if it makes them feel good.

some how that dosen't fit with being open for all to see.

It would go a long way towards peace if she could assure people that she would stop taking orders from her brother. It would still leave the country with a PM who has no idea of what her job entails but better than the one who is out to turn the country into a dictatorship.

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Interestingly with the latest corruption numbers out from Transparency International she will be able to explain to the attendees of the magnificent work that she and her lackeys have done that has seen Thailand slide further in the corruption stakes.

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Interestingly with the latest corruption numbers out from Transparency International she will be able to explain to the attendees of the magnificent work that she and her lackeys have done that has seen Thailand slide further in the corruption stakes.

Where are they this year.

I know last year they were in about a 5 way tie for 88 out of 172 positions.

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I won't pretend Suthep doesn't say things which will cause some to think he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic. However, I find it hilarious that some people really believe that Yingluck has any clue about what she is doing. It is genuinely funny that anyone out there could know how to use a computer, keyboard and an Internet forum and yet so bloody stupid to believe that Yingluck knows what she is doing after she's finished applying make-up. A female clown of the highest order.

Some people only move to Thailand so that they can freely express their misogyny.

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Interestingly with the latest corruption numbers out from Transparency International she will be able to explain to the attendees of the magnificent work that she and her lackeys have done that has seen Thailand slide further in the corruption stakes.

Where are they this year.

I know last year they were in about a 5 way tie for 88 out of 172 positions.

They are 102 out of 177. The indicator on each governments performance has them sliding from 37 points in 2012 to 35 now where 0 is fully corrupt and 100 is transparent. The puppet and her lackies garbage is an affront to anyone with a partially functioning brain. Edited by Roadman
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I would have no issue with people sitting down and progressing reform - PTP can not take the lead role in this - they have already shown that they do not respect the law or the courts

What I see going on here is PTP swimming with the tide rather than swimming against it and drowning - quite a clever move actually, the only problem is PTP still think they are in charge but they are obviously not - the word surrender comes to mind

PTP have too much to hide and risk exposure if they step down - it's all about the money trail and certain things that cannot and must not be exposed

It's quite interesting that the PTP are now offering to manage the reforms that the demonstrators have been asking for or at least that is what they are saying - I can't see it going much further than that, Suthep needs to respond with demands on how this surrender should move forward - it could include an option for YS to be involved in the council for reform as an active member

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I would have no issue with people sitting down and progressing reform - PTP can not take the lead role in this - they have already shown that they do not respect the law or the courts

What I see going on here is PTP swimming with the tide rather than swimming against it and drowning - quite a clever move actually, the only problem is PTP still think they are in charge but they are obviously not - the word surrender comes to mind

PTP have too much to hide and risk exposure if they step down - it's all about the money trail and certain things that cannot and must not be exposed

It's quite interesting that the PTP are now offering to manage the reforms that the demonstrators have been asking for or at least that is what they are saying - I can't see it going much further than that, Suthep needs to respond with demands on how this surrender should move forward - it could include an option for YS to be involved in the council for reform as an active member

Easy. Yingluck needs only to show good faith. She and her government should get Thaksin arrested and detained by Dubai police and sent back to Thailand to serve his 2-year prison sentence, as well as answer the pending corruption charges in court.

Then, and only then, can there be reform.

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