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The Sun

Strange sight last Saturday around Noon Time.

Went on one of my Tours in Kan and some one pointed up to the Sun and said “Look”


What do you think made the Circle around the Sun ? as you could see it with you eyes as long as you shielded your eyes from direct sunlight. :D


The blue in the second photo was from my camera BTW.

Any thoughts? :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win

P.S. Sorry, but had to post it here as we do not have a Science & Fiction Forum. :D but the photos are true :D


Reviewing your photos and judging by how constricted the pupils of the sun are, I would suspect narcotic ingestion is the answer as your photo looks very similar to these:


Are there any other symptoms you witnessed? Needle tracks, for example. Has it been under a lot of stress there lately?

Irregardless, the sun needs help... I'm sure there is a good rehab program for it close by in Kanchanaburi.

Best of luck to you Kanchanaburites... with proper treatment, your sun can be helped.


Same phenomenon happens with a full moon directly overhead. If I remember corrrectly, it is caused by water droplets smaller than those that cause rainbows. I have seen the moon ring even on extremely cold canadian winter nights, it was huuuge. Beutiful sight.


The Sun

Strange sight last Saturday around Noon Time.

Went on one of my Tours in Kan and some one pointed up to the Sun and said “Look”


What do you think made the Circle around the Sun ? as you could see it with you eyes as long as you shielded your eyes from direct sunlight. :D


The blue in the second photo was from my camera BTW.

Any thoughts? :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win

P.S. Sorry, but had to post it here as we do not have a Science & Fiction Forum. :Dbut the photos are true :D

Yes, believe you! I saw exactly the same 3 years ago, walking on the beach in Bophut/Samui; beautiful and very rare. Never saw it before or after.

I have no scientific explanation though.


Same phenomenon happens with a full moon directly overhead. If I remember corrrectly, it is caused by water droplets smaller than those that cause rainbows. I have seen the moon ring even on extremely cold canadian winter nights, it was huuuge. Beutiful sight.

I think a full moon provides a different effect:



those haloes are caused by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere , it's actually a very common phenomena ,

the ice crystals refract the light , dispersing it into a spectrum , sometimes coloured and sometimes white , all depends on the shape of the ice crystals , you can get this effect around the moon too.

you often get them when cirrostaratus clouds start to cover the sun (a thin veil like cloud that oftenpreceeds a warm front) , as in your photo kan.

watch your eyes kan , when snapping the sun , hope you used your ND 9 filter for that shot.


hey Kan ... three times now in Thailand I have seen completely circular rainbows ... must be a Buddhist thing since there isn't a "covenant of the flood" here :o


stop trying to be a smartarse jdinasia.

no such thing as a completely circular rainbow , 180 degrees is the maximum.

what you might be seeing is a halo around the sun .

rainbows lie on the opposite side of the sky to the sun , around the anti solar point.

and the observant would notice that the sequence of colours in a halo is exactly the opposite as that seen in a rainbow.



A corona round the sun.

I have seen it with the moon, but never the sun.

Good photo Kan.


I was looking carefully at this sunset view taken from my living room window a few months back,

and realised that it also shows a corona around the sun.

I have it as my desktop which has means I spend more time looking at it now.

I hadn't noticed before.


I was looking carefully at this sunset view taken from my living room window a few months back,

and realised that it also shows a corona around the sun.

I have it as my desktop which has means I spend more time looking at it now.

I hadn't noticed before.


I have a couple of shots nearly identical to that one from Phuket at sunset. Will have to try and dig them out. This is obvious not Phuket but nice photo. Where was it?

I have a couple of shots nearly identical to that one from Phuket at sunset. Will have to try and dig them out. This is obvious not Phuket but nice photo. Where was it?

Eastern end of the Medditerranean

  • 1 year later...

I have seen lots of sun rings, but this one is pretty weird. It is a double sun ring where the second ring intersects with the sun not around it. This is not a lens effect because the double ring was visible by the naked eye as well.

This was taken almost right at noon about a month ago in Sriracha.

This was also brightest sun ring I have ever seen.



We had this in Jomtien a month or so ago... I didn't have my camera as was kitesurfing at the time. But it looked really impressive! like the last photo, between the sun and the rainbow was a dark grey and outside was light blue. As it faded the middle lightened and the rainbow disappeared. I would have loved to get a photo, but I think I would have needed some sort of central spot nd filter though.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I don't have a pic of this - even at 1600 asa I couldn't register an image, but last night we had a big storm pass over us in Hua-Hin, heading north with enormous black clouds and I saw a 'moon rainbow' first that I have ever seen - silver grey in appearance and most unusual. anybody else witnessed one of these?

I've seen and photographed the high altitude ice crystals talked about previously in the post back in the uk and they make a spectacular sight.

Isn't nature wonderful !- and how many people do you know that see these same things and don't even bat an eyelid ?

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