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Damm and i thought my 18 year old university student i chat too online was real... will have to be more careful, maybe she is a hairy pakistani!!! hehe...

still a tragic story

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or just the Paki's getting beaten down

Who cares where he is from. Such a horrendous crime deserves punishment. Too bad he can't be dismembered and deposited in various trash containers around the city.

To take the side of a brutal murderer such as he appears to be, because he comes from a country you favor, really shows a complete lack of objectivism .

Are you saying because he's Islamic its allright to commit such acts? Because the Quran allows the slaughter of non Islamics? That when meeting a non Islamic you have three choices enslave, convert, or kill, and he chose kill and that makes it ok.

Really I don't get the beating down Pakis remark or am I reading too much into your inane sentence.

Whoa there mogoso, I think you mis-read jdinasia's point :o markuk made the comment that maybe one reaction to this incident would be a crack down on chat sites - jdinasia's remark was (IMHO) that another reaction might be a racist response directed towards Pakistanis. His remark was not racist at all, just the opposite in fact. Not an inane sentence, but an observation on the unfortunate reaction that too often occurs after an incident like this when the perpetrator is one of certain nationalities or races. :D

Right in one ...

but the rant on about the guy's religion by mogoso ... shows yet another level of bigotry! Wow! I don't "favor" Pakistani people ... (or any people for that matter). I do however hate that the actions of one man make the in-bred idiots in one crowd judge all men by the same stereotypes! This was the action of a pathetic deranged man ... not by the nationality he comes from .. nor by the religion he comes from! Anyone that makes it into more than that ... well .... is just as sad!

but the rant on about the guy's religion by mogoso ... shows yet another level of bigotry! Wow! I don't "favor" Pakistani people ... (or any people for that matter). I do however hate that the actions of one man make the in-bred idiots in one crowd judge all men by the same stereotypes! This was the action of a pathetic deranged man ... not by the nationality he comes from .. nor by the religion he comes from! Anyone that makes it into more than that ... well .... is just as sad!

Unquestionably I agree, no one person, people, group or otherwise should be put in a box as being representative as to some act vileness, deviate and or even unpopular actions by but an individual and or minority few with that group, whereby some would suppose those actions where unquestionably representative of ALL within said group.

Yet, there appears to be one except to this ideal premise so well expressed as extreme and demented, as that is exactly and more often than not, the fashionable and popular status quo, in the case of most any type of actions as to the Septics and or Yanks, is it not? :o

An observed opine anyway.

Yet, there appears to be one except to this ideal premise so well expressed as extreme and demented, as that is exactly and more often than not, the fashionable and popular status quo, in the case of most any type of actions as to the Septics and or Yanks, is it not? :o

An observed opine anyway.

Actually, no. It's just your politicians and the tossers who support them in their demented and deranged world domination games.

Having that cleared up, can we get back to bashing that one deranged Pakisthani?

Actually, no. It's just your politicians and the tossers who support them in their demented and deranged world domination games.

Having that cleared up, can we get back to bashing that one deranged Pakisthani?

Thank you, I am sure an honest and sincere opine. :o

Yet, NO, as an answer, appears to say YES, that one SHOULD BE put in a box just because of their creed, race religion or group affiliation based on the action of some they are associated with.

Your response is in a way logically an oxymoron of sorts. In that its meanings are contradictory and paradoxical in a yes and no ambiguity but implied yes.

Are not American Politicians and the presumed American "tossers,” a term, as near as I can COCKNEY the term, presumes Americans, like their politicians, are abuser and chronic masturbators or, is that penis envy like rehtoric in nature?

This game of world dominated dementia and derangement you assume to the yanks, is it a game exclusively germane ONLY to the septic, and or yanks or have others played it many times and or are attempt to play it, as we speak?

Like this fellow who happens to be from Pakistan, you wish to put, like the yanks, in a comfort box, saying anyone YOU think should be classified as such is deranged and demented. Rather Haughty is it not?

As to the death of this poor Thai teacher, the Internet has become and is becoming more and more like many a Fharang haunts in Thailand, but a tool of predators, as we see time and time again in Asia, Europe, and the States.

It is analogous to the quality of humanity of the Fharang we now see in Thailand more and more.

Just as I think as its at its “Bugan” lowest common denominator, I find each day nearly the news shows us astutely it is getting a “bizzle” lower and lower than at any time in my 27 years of coming here.


huh? ... "septics and or yanks"? both are slang for Americans ... and the post ... huh?

Yes, it is a slang word of some demeaning intent, used mainly in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, like so may terms people use to describe those they are afraid of or ignorant of. Its is intended to put them in box of inferiority by the superior presumptive persons that use them.

Like the comments about this Pakistani lad, truly a deplorable act, but undeserving of blaming all Pakistani for it as if it was conspiracy by them all.

I assume there was a question in your response but you did not ask it?

I was agreeing with your view about classifying people by some act, be it vile and deranged, like this one, or just disagreeable and unpopular like those of yanks these days. I hope that clears your confusion up?



you struggle too much trader ... with the language and with defending something that wasn't being really wound up ....

you struggle too much trader ... with the language and with defending something that wasn't being really wound up ....


It is all too easy for all of us to generalise about a person's racial origins when something bad happens. For every stupid,crazy,evil,dangerous moron in the world, there are millions of good,honest,hardworking, kind people.

It is human nature to do this as an initial reaction. Thankfully some races are more forgiving than others. Just because a bad Pakistani makes the headlines for murdering a woman doesn't mean that all Pakistanis are bad. Likewise just because you might not like some Americans or Britons, doesn't make them all bad by association.

A little tolerance and common sense would go a long way in solving some of the problems in the world today.

And as a minor comment to ustrader, I find your verbosity to be somewhat amusing. If you are going to use a lot of what I call $5 words do at least try to spell them correctly. Otherwise it tends to spoil the overall pomposity of your posts.

I think you need to be a little more thick skinned if "septic' or 'yank' upsets you. As a Limey,Pommy bastard or other such term of endearment, I am rarely if ever offended as it is invariably meant in jest. Every nation has it's quirks and Americans are no different.


So I wasnt the only one that found USA's post nearly impossible to follow. Not so much the language used, just the lack of grammer and sentence structure.

Made me think he was trying too hard to get his warped point accross.

Your response is in a way logically an oxymoron of sorts. In that its meanings are contradictory and paradoxical in a yes and no ambiguity but implied yes.

Ermm...yeah...huh...ooh... I think I almost got that part :o 9.7 0n the maejo scale for effort


Hmmm OK ... since we realize that the people that attack all Paki's because of the actions of one ... or slap it onto the guy's religion because of his likely accurate assmption that the guy is a member of that religion .... ummm train of thought left the station! Oh yeah! Since we all agree that that is all just ignorant bigotry .. can we move on now?

<winding up usatrader would be fruitless! ...>


"Vis comica"

I thank the good members for their thought-provoking responses, yet, would prevail on their wisdoms, to see the detectably in them. In, as such, they endowed proof of all that was expressed.

Does anyone know of any effort to help the family of this Teacher or as most Victims, they are but forgotten while ALL focus on the worst in humanity instead?

I noticed the usual popularize drift towards the prevailing yearning for cynicism. A focus of most posts directed at the negative and the Pakistani. While the victim and her family’s discourse draws little to no notice of expressions at all.

Likewise, in relevance as such, regarding the voluminous Predatory Farang having such a prevailing presences these days in the LOS. I noticed, as like mindedly to the victim, a silence of implications as well.

It is true what a person says somewhat defines their character. Yet, it is, in as much, in what they DO NOT SAY, that speaks volumes as to their character and their humanity as well.

Chinese proverb:

One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

Tom Peters:

If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

PREDESTINATION, n. The doctrine that all things occur according to program, not be confused with that of foreordination. The difference is sometimes profoundly great. Some know this. Some do not. While some know neither meaning nor difference-Trader

"Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat; nemo provocare ne offendere audet quem intelliget superiorem esse pugnaturem".

"Ave Atque vale"

It is true what a person says somewhat defines their character. Yet, it is, in as much, in what they DO NOT SAY, that speaks volumes as to their character and their humanity as well.

That's sweet, coming from the same poster who not too long ago i have had to have a painfully tiring debate with, who defended war, who found all sorts of flimsy excuses to judge Islam as the root of all evil in these days.

Maybe you should take your own example and start with what you do not say.

That's sweet, coming from the same poster who not too long ago i have had to have a painfully tiring debate with, who defended war, who found all sorts of flimsy excuses to judge Islam as the root of all evil in these days.

Maybe you should take your own example and start with what you do not say.

Okay, I'll take the bait. :o

I think my good friend here, Cold patty, does comment in willful fallaciousness bred in ill adventures of his own making that had him banned for presenting rather inane vituperation in his posts as the topic of the Iraq war.

I would like to see a reference to those defamatory words you alleged I used against Islam per se. As opposed to the words I used against these thieves of Islam, who profane it and degrade it in using it as shield to hide the vileness of their very nature which you know is what I said.

This lack of willingness to comprehend that a person is not monolithic and can be as liberal as they are conservative, while likewise deviating in equality for desire for peace but a willingness to fight for it if need be. We see the nectar of what it is you intend to not say but say at the same time.

On the other hand, your supposition that any person can not be for the war in Iraq and against Terror and NOT BE anti-Islamic and vitriol in blaming ALL for but the acts of but a few at the same time is absurd.

There is no inconsistency in any human maintaining both views. First in blaming the ill acting vitriolic thieves of Islam who murder more Muslims than they do non-muslims. Two, in doing so, one can delaminate in rationale the difference without blaming everyone else but the party whose feet these murderous acts should be lain.

Jus pos, instead of others Muslim, who may be associated with them but are not in any manner are they like them. Others, who act in avoidance and not in complicities of any ill ways thusly are innocent and not guilty by association who are, as such, the real victims of this extremism.


Just for idiot meters,

One of my dearest sister-in-laws in Thailand is Muslim, her Husband and several children are Muslims. My oldest niece, in that family, was married in accordance with Islamic custom and this yank was there. He was warmly welcomed and received at that wedding by all and has always been so treated with honored respect and welcomed in these Muslim homes for some 27 years.

Likewise, returning the same, with honest sincerity that same honored respect and offered welcome into my home to a very kind and wonder group of Humans who happen to be Muslims that I adore and would die for this very day.

So I do practice precisely what I preach my friend.

I hope that clears up any delusions and or transfusion of delusion by all concerned.


One of my dearest sister-in-laws in Thailand is Muslim, her Husband and several children are Muslims. My oldest niece, in that family, was married in accordance with Islamic custom and this yank was there.

Is your dearest sister-in-laws a convert to Islam or are you of the Islamic faith?

Is your dearest sister-in-laws a convert to Islam or are you of the Islamic faith?

I do think this thread has digressed a bit from the original topic huh?

Thanks, my good sir, Diablo, Spanish originate meaning Devil, Satan, for both your query and curiosity as my dear sister-in-law and myself. :o

I am of NO faith, except the strongest survive and weakest perish, having left any curiosity for that sort of thing in the h e l l, death, fire and brimstone of I Corp with the USMC in Vietnam, Republic of, Class of 68/69.

As to sister in law, her faith is her faith and how see came to it or by it is not relevant is it?

She, my sister, is Muslim, just as my other 4 sisters are Buddhist, by choice, after these many years.

Humans are not ordained a faith but become members of a particular faith not from their genes, nor in the womb or even by where they are born or to whom they were born. They are ALL but converts after birth often unknowing and unwilling, more often as not, as infants, are they not?

Some maintain faith. Some forsake it and others but pretend they have it but don't.

Of course, as in all things, there are exception to the majority of occurrence and situations hey! Some people claim faith but have none, I claim none and have none.

How about “the devil, Satan” Diablo Bob, does he have a faith and is he faithful to that faith if he has one?



The topic was way off a long time prior to my question.........

Thanks for the history and answer.

Just have Faith in myself....... don't need any other crutches.


Internet cafe gives tips to find mates

Online dating fad a big hit among Isan women

(Chaiyaphum) Sudarat Intratanote's internet cafe in tambon Ban Kai in Muang district offers advice to women in this northeastern province on hunting for soulmates via cyber chatrooms. Before setting up her shop a year ago, Mrs Sudarat, 42, a widow with two children, spent her free time surfing the net.

She left information about herself on friend-finding websites such as www.asiafriendfinder.com and www.meetic.co.uk and before long, she said, she had a lot of online friends to talk to.

Mrs Sudarat has kept in touch with her foreign chatmates through internet chatting and web cameras for about four years and some from the United States have visited her in Chaiyaphum.

''My two American friends visited me at my house,'' she said.

''The women in my neighbourhood were so curious they asked me to help them get in contact with foreigners.''

She said Thai women are particularly appealing to Americans and Europeans who find them caring, polite and gentle.

Mrs Sudarat said she chatted online with one or two foreigners each day and preferred those who were 45 or over and had a secure job.

She said she would talk with them on the condition the conversation is kept only to topics suited to decent friendships or long-term relationships.

However, most of them are just looking for sex, she said.

She would not trust her chatmates unless she could see their faces on the webcam.

''If the conversation goes along well, we will exchange photos or use the webcam so that I can observe their facial expressions,'' said Mrs Sudarat.

She has now provided correspondence service and online match-making services for women in the locality.

Those interested can pay a fee of 5,000 baht :o for unlimited use of facilities including the internet, digital camera, webcam and photo scanner at her shop. There are Thai-English dictionaries available and English language lessons are also taught.

''Their knowledge of English is zero. But after a few months of trial and error, they can manage to communicate with foreigners via the internet.

''If the women succeed in marrying their foreign chatmate, they pay me an extra amount of money,'' :D said Mrs Sudarat.

However, Mrs Sudarat admitted that she felt apprehensive about the possible dangers of web-dating following the recent murder of a school teacher in Ubon Ratchathani who was killed by someone she met while cyber-chatting.

Mrs Sudarat said most cyber chatters are not totally reliable. It should take five to six months before one decides to meet face-to-face with his or her chat partner and they only meet their chatmates in open areas and not be alone.

''The first meeting should be arranged at our home in the presence of our family members,'' she said.

Paramee Thaitip, 29, a regular internet user at the shop, said she would be more careful in her cyber conversations now she had heard about the murder.

However, she said she could improve her English and expand her horizons by chatting with foreigners on the web.

''Some of my foreign chatmates have already visited Thailand but they never come to Chaiyaphum. They want to visit me and see a lot of interesting temples in the province,'' :D said Ms Paramee who is now keeping in touch with a Dutch man who plans to visit her at her house.

Thuenjai Piewpong, 40, a widow with a son, was the luckiest of all when a Dutch man she had webchatted with for seven months decided to meet her and gave her a gold engagement ring.

They plan to marry in Chaiyaphum and have a ceremony in the Netherlands.

She said her boyfriend is requesting a visa for her and her son to travel to the Netherlands and settle down there.

Ms Thuenjai said her foreign boyfriend is different from Thai men. ''He always takes care of us. He phones many times a day to see if I'm okay and gives me 10,000 baht to spend every month.''

- BP

  • 10 months later...


Pakistani gets life for killing Thai teacher

A Pakistani man was given a life sentence Friday after the Criminal Court found him guilty of murdering a Thai teacher last year.

Mohammed Arif, 34, was found guilty of killing the teacher and cutting her body into pieces.

The punishment was reduced from the death sentence to life imprisonment because Arif confessed to the crime. The court also ordered him to pay a compensation of 2,210,000 baht to the parents of the victim.

Continued here:



Court sentences Pakistani to death for teacher's murder

BANGKOK, March 30 (TNA) – Thailand's Criminal Court handed down the death sentence Friday to a Pakistani national found guilty of murder in the killing of a Thai teacher last year.

Mohammed Arif, 34, was found guilty of killing the teacher and cutting her body into pieces.

However, the accused confessed to the crime, so the judge reduced the punishment by half and gave him a life sentence. The court ordered the accused to pay compensation of Bt2,210,000 (US$62,800) to the

parents of the victim.

The victim, Priyanun Thongnakthae, was an English language teacher at a school in the northeastern province of Ubon Ratchathani.

She went to Bangkok to meet Mr. Arif in person after they met and chatted on the Internet. According to the authorities, she had a quarrel with Mr. Arif as he had lied to her about his identity.

She was killed at a hotel in Bangkok on May 8, 2006. The murderer used a pillow to suffocate her and tied her neck with rope. Her body was cut into pieces and put in four suitcases before the killer threw them




Pakistani gets life for killing, chopping up teacher

A Pakistani man was given a life sentence yesterday for killing and dismembering a Thai teacher he had met over the Internet last year.

The Ratchada Criminal Court at first sentenced 35-year-old Mohammad Arif to death, but reduced the punishment because his confession had proved "useful".

The court also ordered Arif to pay Bt2 million in compensation, Bt150,000 for funeral expenses, and Bt30,000 for valuables he stole from her to the parents of Dissanee Thongnarkthae, an English-language teacher from Ubon Ratchathani. Such court-ordered payments to the victim's family are subject to 7.5 per cent interest per year until full payment is made.

According to the lawsuit, on May 7 last year, Dissanee flew from Ubon Ratchathani to Bangkok to meet Arif - who had told her he was "a handsome Spanish man" - in the flesh after they had been chatting over the Internet since April.

It said the two met at Racha Palace Hotel, where Arif then killed Dissanee, dismembered her and put the body parts in travel bags to be dumped elsewhere before leaving with the victim's valuables.

On the night of May 8, a travel bag with Dissanee's torso and head was found in roadside bushes along Soi Ramkhamhaeng 24. Witnesses said the bag was dumped by a tall foreigner. The discovery was aired on Jor Sor 100 traffic radio station, leading to taxi driver Boonyuen Sriprasong, who had given Arif a ride, tipping police off to Arif's whereabouts. The rest of the body parts, stuffed in a suitcase, were found in a canal later on.

Following his arrest Arif led police to the hotel room, where they found a plastic toy pistol, three knives, a rope, a bloodstained bed sheet, as well as Dissanee's camera and ring. Police then took Arif to his apartment in the Huai Kwang area, where they found blood-soaked pants.

Arif at first denied the charges but later confessed to killing Dissanee and disposing of her body parts in Klong Nam Kaew.

He said they had chatted on the Internet and phone before agreeing to meet at Don Muang Airport. Arif promised to pay for her travel expenses. When she arrived on May 7, they had a meal, shopped and then returned to the hotel room and had sex. Dissanee then demanded money for the plane ticket and asked him to take her to Pattaya, which he refused, leading to a heated argument.

He said he then smothered her with a pillow, strangled her, and went out to buy knives and travel bags to dismember her body.

Claiming to have acted out of "impulsive rage", Arif asked the court for a lighter sentence and to reduce the Bt5.3 million compensation sought by the victim' family.

The court said the defendant's claim that he killed Dissanee following a heated argument was unconvincing because a hotel maid said she did not hear a fight but only the television.

The Nation

  • 1 year later...

UPDATE...his life sentence has been upheld

Pakistani man gets life for murder of Thai teacher

BANGKOK, Aug 20 (TNA) - Thailand's Court of Appeals upheld a lower court's life sentence handed down to a Pakistani man for murdering a Thai female teacher whom he met on an online Internet chat service, and then dismembering her body in 2006.

In a verdict read out by the judge in court, Mohammad Arif was found guilty of intentionally killing of Dissanee Thongnakthae, an English teacher, at a Bangkok hotel on May 8, 2006.

Ms. Dissanee, a teacher at a school in Ubon Ratchathani, a province in the northeast, came to Bangkok on May 7 to meet Arif in person after they had chatted on the Internet. She reportedly had a serious quarrel with him as he had misrepresented himself to her regarding his true identity on the Internet and refused to pay for her return tickets as he had earlier promised.

According to police and court reports, Arif stabbed the Thai teacher, killing her in anger, and then dismembered her body and attempted to dispose of body parts in several places.

The court said there was no substantial evidence to substantiate the defendant's claim that his Thai cyber-mate had insulted his religion 'forcing him to kill her in anger' and that he did not steal any of her belongings.

The court judges refused to commute the sentence to 25-year imprisonment as earlier appealed, but upheld the lower court verdict.

The Criminal Court initially sentenced Arif to death, but commuted the punishment to life imprisonment because he confessed to the murder.

The court also ordered Arif to pay to the parents of the victim Bt 2 million in compensation, Bt150,000 for funeral expenses, and Bt30,000 for the valuables he stole from the victim after he killed her.


Sentence upheld

The Court of Appeals yesterday upheld a life sentence against a Pakistani national for the 2006 murder of teacher Disanee Thongnakta. Muhammad Arif had asked the court to reduce the life sentence to 25 years on the grounds that he did not plan the killing. The court rejected the petition, saying Arif did not have sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim. Arif was found guilty by the Criminal Court of killing and dismembering the body of Disanee Thongnakta. The court had originally handed down the death sentence, but commuted it to life in prison due to his

Continued here:



Thanks for the update SJ. It's nice that these cases don't get forgotten and disappear into the ethereal zone. I remember the case well. It was very tragic and sad.


Good thing he got life. He is scum. First he lie and deceive a woman about his nationality and appearance (used some models picture probably) and then HE has the oddasity to become so upset when she calls him out on his lies that he murders her.

Pure scum.


I hope life means life as i remember this case and felt sick to my bones.Maybe they should stick a couple of dogs in the cell for company and pork sarnies for the rest of his miserable life too.

I dont think he will be well received inside

when his crime is disclosed

sometimes a little extra prison justice is well deserved, as in this case.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

I dont think he will be well received inside

when his crime is disclosed

sometimes a little extra prison justice is well deserved, as in this case.

Let's hope so. Same goes for judgment in the afterlife.

Classsic death penalty case. The guy has 2+ years of more breaths that the victim.

Not that it's anywhere close to adequate compensation for a murdered family member, but does anyone know if the victim's family was paid as per the court order?

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