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Suthep: wrong man at the right time?


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Haha. No I did mean the whole government, which in this discussion IS the only valid thing to do, we are discussing the mandate of the government, in which case the coalition partners do need to count.

It is very easy to argue against your viewpoint there. When, if ever, can you remember an emergency coalition meeting of MP's? Or even any mention of the coalition by the PTP government during this crisis? Have they trotted out their partners (many of whom are on the block with them over the 2.2 trillion baht loan ...?

The coalition is a farce and that is widely accepted by the people.

In fact ... Newin has not said a word in months about anything but football!

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Haha. No I did mean the whole government, which in this discussion IS the only valid thing to do, we are discussing the mandate of the government, in which case the coalition partners do need to count.

It is very easy to argue against your viewpoint there. When, if ever, can you remember an emergency coalition meeting of MP's? Or even any mention of the coalition by the PTP government during this crisis? Have they trotted out their partners (many of whom are on the block with them over the 2.2 trillion baht loan ...?

The coalition is a farce and that is widely accepted by the people.

In fact ... Newin has not said a word in months about anything but football!

I must have missed something ? Since when is Newin even remotely connected to the coalition ?

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I don't think anybody doubts the corruption and mistakes/wrong doings of the current government.

However, they were democratically elected.

Democracy means you stick to the results of an official election untill the next election, even if the government does things you don't like.

Creating a "people's council", probably containing all yellow shirts, would have no legal or constitutional grounds and give the redshirts a legitimate reason to start the massive protests all over again because they would be, once again, illegally replaced by the opposition. This would create a never ending circle, bringing only more misery and problems for the country and the people.

The only way for the opposition to legally take over the government, is by winning the elections. But in order to do so, they must make the Thai people understand WHY the Thaksin regime is bad for the country.

If they can't do that, they must wait and hope that the people will come to "see the light" themselves and realize they made the wrong choice.

Trying to illegally remove a government which has been democratically elected will only end up in a never ending spiral of violence, problems and misery.

Wait for the next elections or dissolve the House and create new elections: that's the only correct way to go.

The beauty of democracy is that agreements can be reached through negotiation. The government would be able to negotiate the terms of the "peoples council" prior to the dissolution of the house. It could suggest things such as fair representation for all, ensuring representatives from all provinces, and all allegiances. I have seen no suggestion that all members would be yellow shirts, and certainly hope (but do not have faith) that the administration would have the nous to negotiate this out.

The fact of the matter is neither side is or ever was willing to negotiate, and so now both sites have decided it is better to use gun powder than brain power.

Simply sitting on their hands watching the current administration systematically dismantle the bare bones system which was in place would have implications which amplified well beyond the current administrations term. And this is the key - the things which are now in play (amnesty bills, rice pledging schemes etc) will break the country for generations if allowed to continue any longer.

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It actually speaks volumes about the other side, that their self-serving actions have taken away their mandate to continue in office, which is why Suthep has to succeed. Even the Yellow Shirts have recognised this and set aside their differences to bring the Thaksin regime to an end.

YL and the PTP are still posturing and making various noises to maintain the appearance that they are in charge, but they are not. If they were, this would have been brought to an end some weeks ago.

When people power is capable of such disruption, the usual way to try to deal with it is through the type of heavy-handed tactics that they tried last week, and that is of course self-defeating, because people power just gets stronger.

In the end, the sitting government has to capitulate and give in to the demands of the people. It remains to be seen whether this will be done honourably, or whether it will be in the same way that Big Brother dealt with it, by quietly slipping away to enjoy their ill-gotten"

"Demands of the people".Who are the people?Sure not 50 or 100000 bangkokians,I find it amazing how a small minority can put a whole country into crisis."Suthep has to succeed".If Suthep succeed then what?People council of democrats and yellow shirts.no voting rights for people who think different?Great idea.

"People power gets stronger"Where?If the power would be with thai population,Suthep would rotten in Monkey house already.Yingluk got a warning from the army,if she handles this crisis to hard,the army will intervene,thats the only reason why Suthep can still walk around,I would not wonder if he ends with a bullet in his head

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Pardon again ... was thinking of Banharn (and the tie up between CTP and BJT in the 2011 elections.--- the last we heard from him (or his party I think) was the 7th of Aug? ---

Though Newin being quiet always has me on edge. I prefer that one talking.

Posted 2013-08-07 06:57:09

Banharn offers new solution to heal divide
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- CHART THAI PATTANA Party's de facto leader Banharn Silapa-archa told the media yesterday that his solution for the political divide would be to invite all sides to join the government for a year before dissolving the House. However, he admitted that this idea might not be welcomed.

edit to add link


People have been talking about this including the defacto rulers of coalition parties --- with the PTP government (words used intentionally) simply ignoring it.

Edited by jdinasia
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Suthep will probably get out after Monday, but the students will continue. Not even half way through yet.

Thaksin shot him self in the foot at Ramkhamheang University last weekend, in 1973 the students won the end game against the corrupt Thanom government and they will kick out the Shinawatra clan as well.

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You're right. he has helped Bangkokians' and southerners' sense of overarching arrogance with regard to the rest of the country.

Here's proof, from page two of the NYT piece on these events:

Protesters did little to hide their sense of superiority, echoing the leaders of the demonstration who repeatedly described the demonstrators as “good people” fighting evil.

“We are the middle class, we are educated and we know best,” said Saowanee Usanakornkul, 43, from southern Thailand who took part in the protest. “We know what is right and wrong,” she said. “But the poor don’t know anything. They elect the people who give them money.”


Do you want to play the whole "She's right, all of their votes are bought up in the Northeast- I know this b/c I love drinking Bangkokian Yellowshirt Kool-Aid!"?

Maybe read this first:


What is this? Your personal rant against education and educated people? In essence, Saowanee wasn't lying. That's how Thaksin's electoral machine operates. Educated people aren't easily manipulated. They can think for themselves. By the way, Bangkokians are not easy to manipulate. The master manipulator, Thaksin tried many times and abysmally failed. He has never forgiven them for snubbing him.

Quoting some articles and presenting them as the paragon of truth is as ridiculous as it gets. Get a grip. No one has the monopoly on truth.

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crazykopite, on 07 Dec 2013 - 12:08, said:snapback.png

Has anyone had a look at SUTHEPS bank account bet he has more money than most of us falangs look at his corruption record in Phuket a peoples self elected government no wonder they call it AMAZING THAILAND.

Was wondering if you could detail for me, and no doubt others, "his corruption record in Phuket" as you obviously know all about it.

If you are referring to the land he gave titles for to those who had occupied the land for years then there was a topic on here not long back which gave details of that.

I am not going to point you to it as you already know, or do you only know the red BS.

From memory there were 470 odd titles given to those who had a history of occupation of the land, 11 of those went to families who had money and yes they also had a history of occupation just the same as all the others who were given title.

If you want to know how much money Suthep has, go look, he must have made a declaration of assets before the last election as every candidate must and that is a matter of public record.

Then you can check where he stands on the list of wealthiest, way below most of PT MP's I would suspect.

Once you have done that then you can post some informed comment instead of innuendo .

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Suthep will probably get out after Monday, but the students will continue. Not even half way through yet.

Thaksin shot him self in the foot at Ramkhamheang University last weekend, in 1973 the students won the end game against the corrupt Thanom government and they will kick out the Shinawatra clan as well.

I hate talking about Thaksin, but I would really like to be enlightened on how he shot him self in his foot at Ramkhamhaeng University last weekend...

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Has anyone had a look at SUTHEPS bank account bet he has more money than most of us falangs look at his corruption record in Phuket a peoples self elected government no wonder they call it AMAZING THAILAND.

That's why the article suggests he is the wrong man at the right time. It takes a crazy man to lead a protest like this and he is well qualified. Who else was prepared to take on the job on behalf of the millions who are disgusted with the Thaksin government.

180,000 at its peak (estimated) . On 'behalf of millions' some creative accounting there. Unless you can provide links to back up your numbers

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Suthep will probably get out after Monday, but the students will continue. Not even half way through yet.

Thaksin shot him self in the foot at Ramkhamheang University last weekend, in 1973 the students won the end game against the corrupt Thanom government and they will kick out the Shinawatra clan as well.

I hate talking about Thaksin, but I would really like to be enlightened on how he shot him self in his foot at Ramkhamhaeng University last weekend...

Ohh, I thought that you were paid by Thaksin as a ghost writer.

Getting the Ramkhamheang University students seeing red was not a very clever move, or do you believe that it wasn't an order issued by Thaksin to get the red skirts shooting at the students?

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Haha. No I did mean the whole government, which in this discussion IS the only valid thing to do, we are discussing the mandate of the government, in which case the coalition partners do need to count.

It is very easy to argue against your viewpoint there. When, if ever, can you remember an emergency coalition meeting of MP's? Or even any mention of the coalition by the PTP government during this crisis? Have they trotted out their partners (many of whom are on the block with them over the 2.2 trillion baht loan ...?

The coalition is a farce and that is widely accepted by the people.

In fact ... Newin has not said a word in months about anything but football!

I must have missed something ? Since when is Newin even remotely connected to the coalition ?

Newin is a traitor in every sense of the word. He used Thaksins popularity to get his nose in the trough and then sold his sole to the army created Democrat coalition looking for the infamous bus service contract at 2000 baht per bus per day. An A grade w.....

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I don't think anybody doubts the corruption and mistakes/wrong doings of the current government.

However, they were democratically elected.

Democracy means you stick to the results of an official election untill the next election, even if the government does things you don't like.

Creating a "people's council", probably containing all yellow shirts, would have no legal or constitutional grounds and give the redshirts a legitimate reason to start the massive protests all over again because they would be, once again, illegally replaced by the opposition. This would create a never ending circle, bringing only more misery and problems for the country and the people.

The only way for the opposition to legally take over the government, is by winning the elections. But in order to do so, they must make the Thai people understand WHY the Thaksin regime is bad for the country.

If they can't do that, they must wait and hope that the people will come to "see the light" themselves and realize they made the wrong choice.

Trying to illegally remove a government which has been democratically elected will only end up in a never ending spiral of violence, problems and misery.

Wait for the next elections or dissolve the House and create new elections: that's the only correct way to go.

Looks good on paper but does not explain how the minority of voters get to tell tthe majority of voters who is the boss and what to do.

You and I have an obviously different idea of what democracy is.

Your idea falls more in line with dictatorship.

Pheu Thai 12,211,604 44.3 204 15,744,190 48.41 61 265 53.0%

Democrat 8,907,140 32.3 115 11,433,762 35.15 44 159 31.8%

Edited by fasteddie
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Suthep will probably get out after Monday, but the students will continue. Not even half way through yet.

Thaksin shot him self in the foot at Ramkhamheang University last weekend, in 1973 the students won the end game against the corrupt Thanom government and they will kick out the Shinawatra clan as well.

I hate talking about Thaksin, but I would really like to be enlightened on how he shot him self in his foot at Ramkhamhaeng University last weekend...

Ohh, I thought that you were paid by Thaksin as a ghost writer.

Getting the Ramkhamheang University students seeing red was not a very clever move, or do you believe that it wasn't an order issued by Thaksin to get the red skirts shooting at the students?

Fact. You need to show facts if you are so sure of what you write.

And no, I am not Thaksin's dolphin or hidden writer.

I like the truth smile.png

We don't know if Thaksin ordered red shirt to go to Rajamangala stadium (if he did, he is more stupid than I thought).

And look: surprise! 3 red shirts died in the clashes! Maybe Thaksin ordered to kill them for let people pity them, don't you think so?

Oh and by the way, if in the topic we are talking about "Suthep wrong man in the right time", why you have to talk about Thaksin? Not enough points to assigns to Suthep?

Edited by newcomer71
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I repeat what I said many times before. The government has consistently flouted the rule of law and pissed on the constitution, so stop bloody trying to hide behind them just because it suits them now in trying to justify their misdeeds. 'They were democratically elected' - BS. They bought their way in with mass bribery and stupid populist promises that the uneducated were stupid enough to believe not understanding that they would have to pay the bill for decades to come. The moment they tried to ram through the amnesty crap they lost whatever little shred of legitimacy they had left and when they said 'we will never accept a ruling that is not in our favour' and tried to remove the constitutional court judges they crossed the line WAy WAY ! onto the wrong side. Democracy MY ASS and constitution MY ASS ! They are nothing but a self serving bunch of crooks. Impeach the lot of them and imprison them for life especially the red leaders that instigated the 2010 violence and the entire Shin regime. Put someone decent in charge, use the Shin regimes ill gotten gains and pump it into infra structure and education and bolster the economy and make this country as good as it could and should be....

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I repeat what I said many times before. The government has consistently flouted the rule of law and pissed on the constitution, so stop bloody trying to hide behind them just because it suits them now in trying to justify their misdeeds. 'They were democratically elected' - BS. They bought their way in with mass bribery and stupid populist promises that the uneducated were stupid enough to believe not understanding that they would have to pay the bill for decades to come. The moment they tried to ram through the amnesty crap they lost whatever little shred of legitimacy they had left and when they said 'we will never accept a ruling that is not in our favour' and tried to remove the constitutional court judges they crossed the line WAy WAY ! onto the wrong side. Democracy MY ASS and constitution MY ASS ! They are nothing but a self serving bunch of crooks. Impeach the lot of them and imprison them for life especially the red leaders that instigated the 2010 violence and the entire Shin regime. Put someone decent in charge, use the Shin regimes ill gotten gains and pump it into infra structure and education and bolster the economy and make this country as good as it could and should be....

You should repeat yourself again (a few times) for the millions of people who voted for this government and would vote for the same again if there was an election tomorrow.

I doubt very much that your message would go through though, but keep repeating yourself if you wish :D

Oh, and you might want to avoid shouting about your ass too... Its not helping you convince anyone anyway ;)

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Has anyone had a look at SUTHEPS bank account bet he has more money than most of us falangs look at his corruption record in Phuket a peoples self elected government no wonder they call it AMAZING THAILAND.

Instead of running off at the mouth why don't you look at it yourself.

Then you can report back to us what it is.giggle.gif

On second thought yes I have he is broke and owes money to the bank.

There are you happy now.

If you think I am wrong prove it.whistling.gif

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He is the right guy for the job if you want to show both sides are led by crooks who are morally and ethically bankrupt like the country will be in 15-20 years unless the country gets some new leadership.

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I repeat what I said many times before. The government has consistently flouted the rule of law and pissed on the constitution, so stop bloody trying to hide behind them just because it suits them now in trying to justify their misdeeds. 'They were democratically elected' - BS. They bought their way in with mass bribery and stupid populist promises that the uneducated were stupid enough to believe not understanding that they would have to pay the bill for decades to come. The moment they tried to ram through the amnesty crap they lost whatever little shred of legitimacy they had left and when they said 'we will never accept a ruling that is not in our favour' and tried to remove the constitutional court judges they crossed the line WAy WAY ! onto the wrong side. Democracy MY ASS and constitution MY ASS ! They are nothing but a self serving bunch of crooks. Impeach the lot of them and imprison them for life especially the red leaders that instigated the 2010 violence and the entire Shin regime. Put someone decent in charge, use the Shin regimes ill gotten gains and pump it into infra structure and education and bolster the economy and make this country as good as it could and should be....

These uneduacted as you call them, aren't as stupid as you make them out to be. I certainly hope you are not actually living in Thailand, if you do, you have no bleeding idea of what exactly makes the average Thai ttick. I can assure you that PT or Thaksin aren't voted in by vote buying. The guy has opened a box, and These people aren't stupid, they don't vote for a party that has neglected them for decades, they have learned just how much they can make their voices heard. So they vote for someone that actualy made a difference, and they won't take Suthep's <deleted> lying down.

Not sure why you are talking about the constitution, the other side has shown without any doubt, that they believe the constitution doesn't apply to them, and the violation is without any doubt much more grave.

But hey, the average Thai person is uneducated, so the "educated" have their excuse.

Utter <deleted>, nothing more needs to be said.

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I don't think anybody doubts the corruption and mistakes/wrong doings of the current government.

However, they were democratically elected.

Democracy means you stick to the results of an official election untill the next election, even if the government does things you don't like.

Creating a "people's council", probably containing all yellow shirts, would have no legal or constitutional grounds and give the redshirts a legitimate reason to start the massive protests all over again because they would be, once again, illegally replaced by the opposition. This would create a never ending circle, bringing only more misery and problems for the country and the people.

The only way for the opposition to legally take over the government, is by winning the elections. But in order to do so, they must make the Thai people understand WHY the Thaksin regime is bad for the country.

If they can't do that, they must wait and hope that the people will come to "see the light" themselves and realize they made the wrong choice.

Trying to illegally remove a government which has been democratically elected will only end up in a never ending spiral of violence, problems and misery.

Wait for the next elections or dissolve the House and create new elections: that's the only correct way to go.

If the answer is to wait for the next election, two years from now, then this country is going to go broke...!

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I repeat what I said many times before. The government has consistently flouted the rule of law and pissed on the constitution, so stop bloody trying to hide behind them just because it suits them now in trying to justify their misdeeds. 'They were democratically elected' - BS. They bought their way in with mass bribery and stupid populist promises that the uneducated were stupid enough to believe not understanding that they would have to pay the bill for decades to come. The moment they tried to ram through the amnesty crap they lost whatever little shred of legitimacy they had left and when they said 'we will never accept a ruling that is not in our favour' and tried to remove the constitutional court judges they crossed the line WAy WAY ! onto the wrong side. Democracy MY ASS and constitution MY ASS ! They are nothing but a self serving bunch of crooks. Impeach the lot of them and imprison them for life especially the red leaders that instigated the 2010 violence and the entire Shin regime. Put someone decent in charge, use the Shin regimes ill gotten gains and pump it into infra structure and education and bolster the economy and make this country as good as it could and should be....

These uneduacted as you call them, aren't as stupid as you make them out to be. I certainly hope you are not actually living in Thailand, if you do, you have no bleeding idea of what exactly makes the average Thai ttick. I can assure you that PT or Thaksin aren't voted in by vote buying. The guy has opened a box, and These people aren't stupid, they don't vote for a party that has neglected them for decades, they have learned just how much they can make their voices heard. So they vote for someone that actualy made a difference, and they won't take Suthep's <deleted> lying down.

Not sure why you are talking about the constitution, the other side has shown without any doubt, that they believe the constitution doesn't apply to them, and the violation is without any doubt much more grave.

But hey, the average Thai person is uneducated, so the "educated" have their excuse.

Utter <deleted>, nothing more needs to be said.

I somehow don't think you've had the last word on this subject...!

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I repeat what I said many times before. The government has consistently flouted the rule of law and pissed on the constitution, so stop bloody trying to hide behind them just because it suits them now in trying to justify their misdeeds. 'They were democratically elected' - BS. They bought their way in with mass bribery and stupid populist promises that the uneducated were stupid enough to believe not understanding that they would have to pay the bill for decades to come. The moment they tried to ram through the amnesty crap they lost whatever little shred of legitimacy they had left and when they said 'we will never accept a ruling that is not in our favour' and tried to remove the constitutional court judges they crossed the line WAy WAY ! onto the wrong side. Democracy MY ASS and constitution MY ASS ! They are nothing but a self serving bunch of crooks. Impeach the lot of them and imprison them for life especially the red leaders that instigated the 2010 violence and the entire Shin regime. Put someone decent in charge, use the Shin regimes ill gotten gains and pump it into infra structure and education and bolster the economy and make this country as good as it could and should be....

These uneduacted as you call them, aren't as stupid as you make them out to be. I certainly hope you are not actually living in Thailand, if you do, you have no bleeding idea of what exactly makes the average Thai ttick. I can assure you that PT or Thaksin aren't voted in by vote buying. The guy has opened a box, and These people aren't stupid, they don't vote for a party that has neglected them for decades, they have learned just how much they can make their voices heard. So they vote for someone that actualy made a difference, and they won't take Suthep's <deleted> lying down.

Not sure why you are talking about the constitution, the other side has shown without any doubt, that they believe the constitution doesn't apply to them, and the violation is without any doubt much more grave.

But hey, the average Thai person is uneducated, so the "educated" have their excuse.

Utter <deleted>, nothing more needs to be said.

I somehow don't think you've had the last word on this subject...!

I am sure you are correct. I will see the rebuttal, I actually look forward to it. Rest assured I know many, many "uneducated people" from issaan, and whatever people say, I know this to be utter <deleted>.

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It actually speaks volumes about the other side, that their self-serving actions have taken away their mandate to continue in office, which is why Suthep has to succeed. Even the Yellow Shirts have recognised this and set aside their differences to bring the Thaksin regime to an end.

YL and the PTP are still posturing and making various noises to maintain the appearance that they are in charge, but they are not. If they were, this would have been brought to an end some weeks ago.

When people power is capable of such disruption, the usual way to try to deal with it is through the type of heavy-handed tactics that they tried last week, and that is of course self-defeating, because people power just gets stronger.

In the end, the sitting government has to capitulate and give in to the demands of the people. It remains to be seen whether this will be done honourably, or whether it will be in the same way that Big Brother dealt with it, by quietly slipping away to enjoy their ill-gotten gains.

.1% of the population is not what I would call THE PEOPLE wai2.gif

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It actually speaks volumes about the other side, that their self-serving actions have taken away their mandate to continue in office, which is why Suthep has to succeed. Even the Yellow Shirts have recognised this and set aside their differences to bring the Thaksin regime to an end.

YL and the PTP are still posturing and making various noises to maintain the appearance that they are in charge, but they are not. If they were, this would have been brought to an end some weeks ago.

When people power is capable of such disruption, the usual way to try to deal with it is through the type of heavy-handed tactics that they tried last week, and that is of course self-defeating, because people power just gets stronger.

In the end, the sitting government has to capitulate and give in to the demands of the people. It remains to be seen whether this will be done honourably, or whether it will be in the same way that Big Brother dealt with it, by quietly slipping away to enjoy their ill-gotten gains.

Right or wrong, Suthep's race is run. He's now an "also ran"

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