sub101uk Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 I have a standard 690 baht a month TOT ADSL link and was wondering if I could use my Dray Tek Vigor 2820vn , From looking at it I dont see any reason why it should not work however I dont seem to be able to get it to work . I have used the Quick Start Wizard and most of it seems auto but for some stange reason it wont connect , I have checked the protocol and that is set for PPPoA VCMUX which as far as I know is current , Login details for TOT work fine because my old TP link router is still working fine . Which brings me to think maybe this router is not suitable to work with a TOT ADSL Link .Any Thoughts from Other Dray Tek Users in Thailand using TOT My next question is how are other people finding this new 13Mb link for 690 Baht a month I switch over about 3 days ago and I have checked the speed at all times of day from 12 am to 12 pm and the down load speed is still 10.20 Mb upload is a bit faster at 810 Mb should this be the 13Mb link then I think I will stick with 590 since the speed has not changed . Cheers for now sub101uk
RichCor Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 My TOT ADSL set up: PVC0 VPI:1 VCI:32 ATM QoS: UBR ISP: PPPoA/PPPoE (note: ISP uses PPPoE) Servicename: (leave blank) Username: Lnnnnnnnn@tothome (Lnnnnnnnn is telco#) Password: nnnnnnnn Encapsulation: PPPoE LLC Bridge Interface: O_Deactivated (default is Deactivated) Connection: Always On TCP MMS Option: 1400 bytes Get IP Address: O_Dynamic NAT: Enabled Default Rout: O_YES TCP MTU: 1492 bytes (This is important when set for PPPoE)
sub101uk Posted December 8, 2013 Author Posted December 8, 2013 Hi RichCor Many thanks for your reply your setup does not look the same as mine but the first thing I can see is your Encapsulation Protocol is not the same as mine yours is set for PPPoE LLC and mine is set for PPPoA VC MUX so I will give it a try today and report back how I get on I am not sure if there is a Dray Tek dealer in Bangkok should I have no luck .
BB1950 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 As Rich Cor correctly stated earlier, TOT ADSL uses: PPPoE LLC Protocol VPI:1VCI:32 According to the quick start guide (, the Dray Tek 2820 modem does have an option for PPPoE LLC.
sub101uk Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 Thanks BB1950 Yes your right going through the list Thai is not on there ops list as for having PPPoE LLC. As you can see the only option is PPPoE LLC/SNAP or PPPoE VC MUX there is no option for just plain PPPoE LLC so it looks like unless they do firmware thats compatible this Dray Tec 2820vn cannot be used in Thailand . I have emailed Dray Tek and waiting to hear what they say :- Model Name : Vigor2820Vn Firmware Version : Build Date/Time : Sep 13 2012 19:09:39 ADSL Firmware Version : 232201_A Hardware: Annex A
BB1950 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 Thanks BB1950 Yes your right going through the list Thai is not on there ops list as for having PPPoE LLC. As you can see the only option is PPPoE LLC/SNAP or PPPoE VC MUX there is no option for just plain PPPoE LLC so it looks like unless they do firmware thats compatible this Dray Tec 2820vn cannot be used in Thailand . I have emailed Dray Tek and waiting to hear what they say :-Model Name : Vigor2820Vn Firmware Version : Build Date/Time : Sep 13 2012 19:09:39 ADSL Firmware Version : 232201_A Hardware: Annex A Use the PPPoE LLC/SNAP protocol.
sub101uk Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 Thanks BB1950 for confirming PPPoE LLC/SNAP protocol but it still will not connect I have been playing with it all day , I do have a TP Link router for mail and things but the Dray Tek if I can get it working is a much better router . I will see if I can find out if there is a Dray Tek agent in Bangkok or Singapore and I can take it in and be checked out , I would have thought there would be someone in Bangkok that deals in Dray Tek . I have emailed Dray Tek in Taiwan so with a bit of luck they might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks again Sub101uk
RichCor Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 Draytek 'partners' in Thailand: Looking over the specs of the unit, you may have to have the DSLAM (Telco side) set to the same ANNEX preference if operating in ADSL2 or ADSL2+ mode. You might also want to try Private Messaging user Phazey who made a post on DrayTek 2800 series and possibly might have some experience setting them up to work on a Thailand ISP. Just a possibility. Post#25
BB1950 Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 Are you using the User Name and Password that TOT gave you? In some cases it varies slightly depenending on the service. In my case it's User Name: 123456789@tothome Password: 123456789 Where 123456789 is the phone number for the line. If you don't know it, you can call TOT's customer service center at 1100 to get it. They also might be able to give you some help in setting up the router. They have information on various brands of routers. They do speak English well.
sub101uk Posted December 10, 2013 Author Posted December 10, 2013 Thanks very much guys for all your help , I will give you the update so far :- The User name I was given when I sign up for TOT 3 years ago has not changed because I have at the moment a TP Link router and the User Name is the same as what I am using on the Dray Tek and that works fine , I also have a very old D-link router and that works fine on the user name details and Password . So I think its down to the settings or is the router Duf ! So I contacted Dray Tek in Taiwan and they said there was a main line dealer in Bangkok I also contact Dray Tek service but heard nothing back I gave them a copy of the ser number and the firm ware installed . Thanks very much RichCor that is interesting I will contact them see what they have to say as I am due up in Bangkok next month and can take the router over to who ever is the main Dray Tek centre they can tested it or repair it . But the whole thing is very odd but all the setting all seem to be set ok , I will get a second opinion from a local computer shop or person down here , Because I dont want to drag it all the way from the south of Thailand to Bangkok and find out it was settings that were wrong . Yes I will drop Phazey a PM as I understand he was having problems with his 2800 Router , But this 2820vn was working fine in the UK so one would have thought it must be settings . But if you look at page two they seem to be set correct , Page one settings I have left blank , As for Page 3 User Name and Password :- 074 !!!!!!@platinumcyber Password 074 !!!!!! We know this works because of my current router is working on these settings plus I did dig a very old D Link router and that also works . So it can be one of 2 things The router is fautly or the settings are wrong , But you maybe right contact TOT and see what they have to say in fact while I am in the TOT office I will be asking them why is the speed the same since I paid the extra 100 baht to get the 13 Mb line but its still only 10Mb . Thanks again Guys for all your help . sub101uk
RedCardinal Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 FWIW I found the Thai Draytek agents to be useless. They would only support products purchased in Thailand. Better to email or the local agent where you purchased. UK support are quite good. Cant offer any help on your specific problem since I have a 2920n and simply bridge my true modem into a WAN port. Have you considered setting your TOT modem/router into bridge mode and simply connecting to a WAN port? That's always an option, and the Draytek router will most likely be head-and-shoulders above whatever cheap junk TOT supply.
sub101uk Posted December 10, 2013 Author Posted December 10, 2013 Hi Red Cardinal Well you might be right regarding the local Dray Tek agencys as I have heard nothing back from them and even asked regarding a replacement Router but nothing from any body . I did contact Dray Tek Support in Taiwan but nothing back they just said the local agent was http://www.solution-net/contact.htm , So I did but so far no reply . I think the details that came from RichCor might be the place to visit but its just a pain to drag this router all the way up to Bangkok then find out its just a setting . But your right on the TP router that came from TOT but I have all ways found Dray Tec very good in the UK and you might be right I will drop there support line a email and see what they say . But I think I will try and find someone local to test out this router and if they cant get the thing working its Repair the old one or buy new one some thing like a Vigor2830n Thats if Brit Co have any in stock . Thanks again Sub101uk
RichCor Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 I agree with what RedCardinal is suggesting: Take one of your working router/modems and set it to BRIDGE mode and Ethernet that puppy into your DrayTek. If this works then you only need to troubleshoot the ADSL connection settings. When troubleshooting your ADSL settings, when your TP-Link is up and running, what ANNEX is it set to work with / connecting to? Reading the manual, it doesn't look like the DrayTek works with ANNEX A, but will work with ANNEX L and ANNEX M. TOT can set the DSLAM to operate on ANNEX setting compatible with your device. My TP-Link connection seems to wander all over (ANNEX A, somtimes L, othertimes M) as line noise constantly forces the DSLAM and TP-Link Modem to reset and resync. When it gets stuck on ANNEX L/M I have trouble swapping in my ZyXel when the TP-Link overheats. The ZyXel only works with ANNEX A for whatever reason.
sub101uk Posted December 10, 2013 Author Posted December 10, 2013 Hi RichCor Thanks for the feed back well yes I fully understand about the Bridge mode its just it would be nice to find out why this is not working , But good news I had a email from the UK support guys and they ask me to take some Screen Grabs so I did that and sent them off to them . So should I get any thing back from Dray Tek UK I will let you know , I have attached both sceen shots does it all look ok to you . Thanks again Sub101uk
RichCor Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 Noticed that you have @@ in your username, is that your actual login credential? Also noticed that WAN 1 has a >>Dial PPoE link in the top-right of the box. Surprised as this type of connection is usually 'nailed', set as always connected, and this shows the connection Message PPP Shut Down. Have you pressed the >>Dial PPoE link to see if it attempts to Initialize the connection. Also noticed the 'Diagnostics' in the menu. Anything on ADSL?
RichCor Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 But if you look at page two they seem to be set correct , Page one settings I have left blank , As for Page 3 User Name and Password :- 074 !!!!!!@platinumcyber Password 074 !!!!!! We know this works because of my current router is working on these settings plus I did dig a very old D Link router and that also works . I know you wrote that the credentials @platinumcyber work with your other modems but could you also try changing it to @Tothome There are a couple of references, in Thai, that say the @yyyycyber are old fixed-speed and they've transitioned to @Tothome (All Home Use), @Totbi (SMEs Business) and @Totvip (TOT Fixed-IP) domain suffixes that are not tied to a specific speed.〈=en
BB1950 Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 But if you look at page two they seem to be set correct , Page one settings I have left blank , As for Page 3 User Name and Password :- 074 !!!!!!@platinumcyber Password 074 !!!!!! We know this works because of my current router is working on these settings plus I did dig a very old D Link router and that also works . I know you wrote that the credentials @platinumcyber work with your other modems but could you also try changing it to @Tothome There are a couple of references, in Thai, that say the @yyyycyber are old fixed-speed and they've transitioned to @Tothome (All Home Use), @Totbi (SMEs Business) and @Totvip (TOT Fixed-IP) domain suffixes that are not tied to a specific speed.〈=en It's all lower case: @tothome (All Home Use), @totbi (SMEs Business) and @totvip (TOT Fixed-IP) domain suffixes that are not tied to a specific speed.〈=en I think the problem really is mainly with the @@ in the user name 1
sub101uk Posted December 11, 2013 Author Posted December 11, 2013 Good Morning Guys Well it seems my thoughts were right a UK spec Dray Tek router is not compatible with the Thai Networks as I had this back this morning from BRIT Support in Bangkok :- We appreciate to service you. About TOT and DrayTek there are some problem because nonstandard of TOT DSLAM. You need to go to this link find for Vigor2820 or Vigor2820n and download all firmware code of it. Then you need to try to upgrade firmware code one by one until you find the one that work with that area. If you have any question please feel free to let me know. Best Regards, BRIT Support So if you were thinking of bringing over a Uk Spec router to the Thailand its not going to be compatible ! Thanks again to RichCor as without the contact details for BRIT Support we would never would have known . Sub101uk
RedCardinal Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 Simple solution then is to bridge the TOT modem into the Draytek. Should work just as well, and not too much overhead having two boxes. I'm off down to TOT to order Fiber 2U today, and will bridge that into 2920 and load balance with my True connection (which is down right now....) BTW - it looks like have custom firmware, and what they are telling you is that one of those will work with your TOT location. Probably a few hours work trying each one until you find the one that works, but that's also an option. If it were me I'd just bridge the TOT modem since you never know when you might change broadband providers.
sub101uk Posted December 11, 2013 Author Posted December 11, 2013 Yes you maybe right RedCardinal but I will try the firmware and see how we get on from there , But its very clear from what BRIT Support was saying that if it is faulty they dont want to know like you were saying . I will see what the other Dray Tek agent has to say the man from solution-one., But all he had to say was " are you sure your internet link is turned on " So I will start down loading and trying this new firmware this afternoon but some thing tells me its still not going to work . Oh your having the TOT Fiber installed today I wonder how much is that a month I like watching stuff on You Tube and it does not matter what time of day it is it stops half way through , This is why I thought going for the 13Mb link would be better but , The link is still the same about 10 - 11 Max so dont know were they get this 13 Mb from .I think I am paying before tax 690 Baht , I think the next step is 750 , 790 then 890 not sure how they would get Fiber up to my apartment as its 9 floors up . So we shall wait and see what Dray Tec has to say . Thanks again Sub101uk
RedCardinal Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 My fiber quest failed - they said my house was 1.2Km from nearest access point, which was too far Very much doubt you'll get fiber up to 9th floor I'm afraid. I presume it's a condo, in which case you're generally restricted in terms of connection type - generally no cable, no fiber, only phone (ADSL).
sub101uk Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Hi RedCardinal Sorry to hear that your quest for fiber failed and due to the nearest access point being about just over a Km from the nearest access point , So you might be right . Well the story so this end is I went down to the main office were the main telephone exchange and mico wave links are and I had printed out all the speeds thats I have been getting over the passed week , From times like 3am and times when it was not busy and at no time was the speed of my ADSL line more than 9.20 Mb down load speed and upload Speed was 0.80 Mb , You might remember I paid for a 13Mb ADSL line for 690 a month . Anyway the guy pushed the speed up from his end to over 15 Mb however at my end its just showing just over 10.40 Mb so its still no were near the 13 Mb that they claim to give you .So they have said to me they will upgrade me to fiber at not extra cost and my payment will still remain the same 690 but I will have to buy there fiber router at 2000 Baht . Not sure if I can find some other better router than the one they supply so looks like it will be a bridge after all , As for Dray Tec I have heard nothing from any body and I was even asking them about buying a new router so its clear they dont want to sell me any thing let alone fix my old one . Yes I live on the 9th floor which is the top floor of this place and my ADSL cable has about 5 splices that I know of , sub101uk
RichCor Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 So, what happened with the firmware update? If you do get FTTx service, you can still use the DrayTek (without needing firmware updates), but as the Fiber is an optical connection you'll need to purchase their optical modem and set it to bridge to the DrayTek 2820vn.
sub101uk Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Hi RichCor Well the firm ware was a non runner I down loaded about 8 or 9 versions but when you went to install the new firmware it just timed out every time I have no idea why ? Yes fully understand I can use the FTTx Service with my Dray Tek its all down to if they cannot get a 13 Mb ADSL link to my apartment , What I have been doing is doing a Speed check out of the busy times take a screen shot then printing it out and it gives me some thing to show them . So I will give it 5 days taking readings and printing it out then I can take them up on there offer they will install new fiber link and it wont cost me any extra I will pay same 650 Baht a month , But you are right I will need to buy there Fiber outer I dont know if its a good one but its 2000 baht . Not sure if you can buy a better Fiber router in Bangkok because most of the stuff from TOT is not to good .
RichCor Posted December 12, 2013 Posted December 12, 2013 Hi RichCor Well the firm ware was a non runner I down loaded about 8 or 9 versions but when you went to install the new firmware it just timed out every time I have no idea why ? If you're still up to it, take a look at these two support pages: Timeout Error Message when attempting to Upgrade Firmware on Vigor Router How to Upgrade the Firmware〈=en Otherwise we'll wait while you suffer a bit more and then show them those printed reading. -r
sub101uk Posted December 12, 2013 Author Posted December 12, 2013 Thanks for the info RichCor yes it looks straight forward and have nothing to lose , Other wise when I am back in Bangkok next month I will head up to BRIT its in the North of Bangkok so just head up there and I dont think it will take to long for someone to install and test the right firm ware . But like you say just see how the speed goes on the ADSL link , I watched the guy turn the link up to 15Mb but there are so many joins on the cable I think this is why there is so much of a drop . Not sure what Fiber router they give you but its going to cost you 2000 baht , I dont know if you can buy your self a better Fiber router .but I dont expect much for 2000 baht . Cheers Raptor
sub101uk Posted December 13, 2013 Author Posted December 13, 2013 Hi Guys well I have been trying to install the new firmware but it just keeps on timing out and I have no idea why as I printed out , How to Upgrade the Firmware http://www.draytek.c...mid=293〈=en it looks very straight forward but as you can see from the sceen shots it looks ok , The lap top here is Windows 7 and I am using a Lan link to go from the computer to port 2 on the router .However as soon as you click send it runs for about 10 seconds then comes up with Time Out ? Any thoughts Sub101uk
RedCardinal Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 There's really very little downside to putting a TOT router into bridge mode and using the Draytek. Unless you're doing something very intensive on the router e.g. VPN) there's no reason a run-of-the-mill model wont suffice. FWIW Draytek also have a fiber multi-WAN router - I think it's the 2920F. Last thing I'll also mention is that I wouldn't waste too much time fretting over only getting 10Mb on your 13Mb line. It's just the way of the world here in LOS.
sub101uk Posted December 13, 2013 Author Posted December 13, 2013 Hi Red Cardinal Yes I have been told its straight forward installing the bridge , Mind you it was straight forward install the new firmware but I have no idea why its timing out I think I will see if I can find someone in Hat Yai and they can phone the guys up in BRIT Support and ask them for help .Other wise all I can do is take the Router up to Bangkok and bring along my TP router to check the settings . Then if that dont work looks like I will take TOT up on there offer of Fiber for the same price as the ASDL link , All ok on the Fiber Router from Dray Tek I bet thats got a better spec than the TOT one has , On of my friends in Hat Yai had Fiber installed and they gave her this router . Attached picture . So I will keep searching but looks like you said a bridge deal .But I also would like to replace this TP router with the Dray Tek as the fire wall is much better than the TP link . Sub101uk
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