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Democrats and govt accuse opponents of planning violence during marches today


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The Nation


Democrats and govt accuse opponents of planning violence during marches today and plots to stir up trouble

BANGKOK: -- POLICE WILL step up security at key government agencies and deploy officers on rooftops around rally sites today to prevent incidents by third parties wanting to incite violence, a deputy police chief said yesterday.

Deputy Police Commissioner Pol Gen Worapong Chiewpreecha, deputy director of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), said police and troops were being deployed to guard key government offices such as Government House and Parliament.

He said officers would also be deployed on high-rise buildings in the area to watch out for possible attacks by third-party groups.

Worapong said CAPO feared a third party may want to incite violence as protesters marched today along nine routes announced by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC). He believed third-party assailants were responsible for incidents that led to protesters being killed and injured near Ramkhamhaeng University last week.

Government offices would protect their own compounds today, but could also request additional assistance from police if they felt it necessary, said the deputy CAPO director, adding that police would clear roads for marchers, if they stayed peaceful and protesters did not try to enter government offices.

Police, he said, would also erect concrete barriers and barbed wire around key government offices, but would reduce the areas covered as protected zones.

CAPO spokesman Pol Maj Gen Piya Uthayo said the centre would also avoid confrontation with protesters planning to march on Government House today. Police would adopt a compromising stance, he said, and treat protesters with compassion in attempt to avoid violence. He also called on protesters to remain peaceful - not to carry weapons, and to avoid breaking into state agencies.

Piya said he suspected that ill-intentioned groups on Chaeng Wattana Road intended to provoke clashes by throwing bricks and firebombs at protesters' vehicles. He warned all parties against any mishaps as protesters march.

Democrat deputy spokeswoman Mallika Boonmeetrakool said that prior to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's address to the nation yesterday, she had received a document featuring an instruction from the PM, given via the Defence Ministry, requesting military personnel to monitor protesters at certain rally sites.

There was also another urgent instruction issued to all departments of the Interior Ministry, requesting that 10 per cent of its workforce take back the Ministry of Interior from protesters. The names of officials would be announced today, she said.

Mallika said red-shirts were also mobilising supporters who would gather at the National Memorial on Vibhavadi Rangsit Road today to oppose anti-government protesters led by the Democrat Party.

"When the masses are incited to clash with political opponents, this is a sign of looming political chaos. We urge the PM to review her stance, or she could end up with blood on her hands. The PM should not listen to the advice of her advisers, who seem bent on resorting to force,'' she said.

In other news, Worachai Hema, a Pheu Thai MP from Samut Prakan and red-shirt, alleged the PDRC planned to incite violence during its rally today so it could accuse the government of using force.

Worachai alleged that the PDRC had mobilised southern supporters with weapons to try and stir up trouble. He also claimed anti-government protesters planned to block access to Suvarnabhumi Airport in an effort to create havoc.

-- The Nation 2013-12-09

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I'm sure there will be violence today but I don't think its the anti government side that's planning it. Lets hope the government keep to their word and don't use unnecessary force against the protesters

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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

It says that as long as everyone wants the same thing and agrees theres no problem ... oh but wait a second theres that little thing called difference of opinion plus laws and rules the police are supposed to uphold ... a bit inconvenient maybe but when peaceful marchers start trying to enter buildings and disrupt a system they cross the line.

Be hard pushed to find any police force or legitimate government in the world that will or should put up with that. Marchers are one thing, taking over buildings etc or worse just makes them a mob and mobs need to be controlled, the more they are left unchecked at that point the more out of hand things get.

Edited by englishoak
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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

Oh Jeez.

I truly do give up on the human race's capacity for seeing the truth, rather than following the indoctrination of their peers, at times.

Don't bother replying (or don't expect a reply) as I'm going for a lie-down.

dont worry I already know you are not capable of seeing the truth as I have read your blue and white garbage. We all know you are a red/ptp/thaksin appologist/sympathizer so you can lie down all you want, will go with all the lying you do in here.tongue.png

I would like to see unbiased reporting in Thailand but realize that is impossible but I do read as much as possible(from all sources) to get at the truth, unfortunately the ptp are far from being the truthful ones, same with the redshirts and thaksin, doesnt mean I believe everything suthep says either, I make up my own mind, I dont let others do it for me, you really should try it sometime, it is called the knowing the truth without, not the party line.

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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

It says that as long as everyone wants the same thing and agrees theres no problem ... oh but wait a second theres that little thing called difference of opinion plus laws and rules the police are supposed to uphold ... a bit inconvenient maybe but when peaceful marchers start trying to enter buildings and disrupt a system they cross the line.

Be hard pushed to find any police force or legitimate government in the world that will or should put up with that. Marchers are one thing, taking over buildings etc or worse just makes them a mob and mobs need to be controlled, the more they are left unchecked at that point the more out of hand things get.

you mean like the police didnt do in 2010, they just let the reds destroy Bamgkok instead because their paymaster told them too. The anti govt mob did not use any physical violence on anyone until the reds and police used it on them, if they enter the buildings their taxes pay for without causing any damage its fine and legal, its only if they cause wilfull damage they need to be sorted. There are the right ways to go about stopping things happening and then there are thaksins ways, big difference.

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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

Right, so I guess the police should uninvolve themselves with this and just let the protesters do what they like? I mean... it's an option. Violence is usually planned by someone with the same goal as the protesters (or perhaps a goal more extreme than their explicit goal) - precedents for this in 76 (e.g. those who attacked the students were co-ordinated by military who wanted justification for coup), 1992 and 2010. Probably more that I've overlooked or am unaware of.

Like the red leaders in 2010, Suthep might be out of the loop as to what the main plan is. Or he might be in on it. Or - and this would be most surprising - he's not being told what to do or at least being given 'advice' by his backers. The obvious intention would be to provoke a violent crackdown. I hope this doesn't come to pass and it's interesting that the government has choosen to read attacks so far (like the burning of police vans) as by a 'third hand' instead of the protesters themselves. Indicates they're not taking the bait.

These are my assumptions based on what I've read about Thai history but also based on what makes political sense for both parties. Not saying I'm necessarily right and of course, sometimes it's a huge mistake to assume cold rationality when in fact the actors involved may well be just plain nuts or really stupid.

Edited by Emptyset
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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

Oh Jeez.

I truly do give up on the human race's capacity for seeing the truth, rather than following the indoctrination of their peers, at times.

Don't bother replying (or don't expect a reply) as I'm going for a lie-down.

truth is hard to take is it for you reds can do no wrong

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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

Right, so I guess the police should uninvolve themselves with this and just let the protesters do what they like? I mean... it's an option. Violence is usually planned by someone with the same goal as the protesters (or perhaps a goal more extreme than their explicit goal) - precedents for this in 76 (e.g. those who attacked the students were co-ordinated by military who wanted justification for coup), 1992 and 2010. Probably more that I've overlooked or am unaware of.

Like the red leaders in 2010, Suthep might be out of the loop as to what the main plan is. Or he might be in on it. Or - and this would be most surprising - he's not being told what to do or at least being 'given advice' by his backers. The obvious intention would be to provoke a violent crackdown. I hope this doesn't come to pass and it's interesting that the government has choosen to read attacks so far (like the burning of police vans) on a 'third hand' instead of the protesters themselves. Indicates they're not taking the bait.

These are my assumptions based on what I've read about Thai history but also based on what makes political sense for both parties. Not saying I'm necessarily right and of course, sometimes it's a huge mistake to assume cold rationality when in fact the actors involved may well be just plain nuts or really stupid.

actually you have put up a good argument and it makes some sense. We all know that the ptp/red shirts/thaksin are there only for the money and dont care about the country as can be shown by what they are doing but the suthepmob is another kettle of fish. I believe most of them are there for the country, they want to see all the crap stop and for the govt to do the right thing for everyone which this one is not doing.They have realized that they are simply trying to bring back thaksin and line their pockets at the peoples cost. Of course there will be those that just want trouble in there as there always are but the majority want thaksin gone and the country to heal, cant happen when thaksins sister is too weak to even issue an arrest warrant on her criminal brother, have his passport cancelled or stop the rorts her "team" are performing(rice scam etc).

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strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

It says that as long as everyone wants the same thing and agrees theres no problem ... oh but wait a second theres that little thing called difference of opinion plus laws and rules the police are supposed to uphold ... a bit inconvenient maybe but when peaceful marchers start trying to enter buildings and disrupt a system they cross the line.

Be hard pushed to find any police force or legitimate government in the world that will or should put up with that. Marchers are one thing, taking over buildings etc or worse just makes them a mob and mobs need to be controlled, the more they are left unchecked at that point the more out of hand things get.

you mean like the police didnt do in 2010, they just let the reds destroy Bamgkok instead because their paymaster told them too. The anti govt mob did not use any physical violence on anyone until the reds and police used it on them, if they enter the buildings their taxes pay for without causing any damage its fine and legal, its only if they cause wilfull damage they need to be sorted. There are the right ways to go about stopping things happening and then there are thaksins ways, big difference.

You mean like when the Dems took over the airport and looted everything in sight etc etc ? give me a break mobs are mobs and need control and teargas is not live ammo.

PS neither side in 2010 had anything to be proud of just as they dont now, whole thing is a fiasco and will continue to be for a long time to come.

you keep saying the majority want thaksin gone, fine then do it in the ballot box then and not on the streets, enough of the excuses ive heard it for over a decade, the "majority" as you put it loses every single time, now you can make all the excuses you wish but the fact remains that they vote in the same party without fail...funny how a majority loses

Edited by englishoak
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