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How early can one do your Retirement extention

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It's normally during the last 30 days of your permission to stay.

If you ask nicely and have a valid reason immigration may process your extension early, it depends how busy they are and to mood of the officer. It can do no harm to ask of course.

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I did mine in Korat last week - expiring 31/12.

No problem - apart from a queue of students in front of me!

90 Day is then 90 days after day you were present so you lose some days :-(

Explain this loss of days please

It's 90 days from your last report (or most recent re-entry). If you report 85 days from your last report, your new 90 day count starts then, 5 days earlier than it might have if you waited the full allowed time. The report is required if you're in Thailand for 90 days since the last report or entry. Each report or re-entry re-starts the next 90 day clock.

Not the same as for extensions. If you renew an extension for one year, the year is added to the expiration date of your current extension, so no loss for going early. You are extending your permission to stay by one year beyond your current permission regardless of when you apply.

Edited by Suradit69
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