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Thai man sexually assaults Australian female in Phetchaburi


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Hope others prisonners will take care his ass during his stay in jail...

Only trouble is, he might enjoy that. whistling.gif

It may be of interest, and to most disappointing, to know that in Thailand's prisons sex offenders, including rapists and child molesters are treated with indifference by both their fellows prisoners and prison staff. Unlike in western prison systems they are seen as no more abhorrent or dangerous than say a thief or a fraudster. No special treatment or isolation is available, or indeed it seems necessary, for these monsters as their fellow Thai's place no store in their offending behaviour one way or another.

It is also true that many young Thai male prisoners are quite happy to have sexual relations with their peers when there are no females around to satisfy natural tendancies so I don't believe the threat of being bummed by fellow inmates is something that would concern this particular piece of scum. Just an observation borne out of experience.

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@brfsa2 "Get His Testicles Removed"
@wellred "He Should Be Castrated"
@transam "The Guys Knob Should Be Whacked With A Hammer"
@cosmont "Hope Others Prisonners Will Take Care His Ass"
@Sauliossiinthailand "I Would Say Cut His Penis Off"
@godden "Hang Him By The Short And Curlies"
Thanks for your input. You all seem to follow a pattern of genital mutilation or anal rape.
Not sure you guys would be the best to speak on such a subject as rape... But meh... What do I know.

God man! Did you really read all of those comments....you should put in for PTSD! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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That's life. 2 weeks ago in Australia, a 20 year old randomly picked off a Korean student , raped her and then killed her. She was on her way to work. What happened to this lady is devastating, but the crass judgements. Like a mob on heat. An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind. Now that he is in custody, I am sure justice will prevail.

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Later Mr. Edwin found out that the rapist was Mr. Yongyuth (not reveal his surname), aged 18

Why the hell not reveal his surname? this full name should be there so that he would get a community beat up, and get his testicles removed before he gets caught by the police.

I wonder who wants to protect this animal...

He hasn't been found guilty,yet.This is to stop moron vigilates,of doing what you suggest.Bib don't always get the true culprit do they

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That's life. 2 weeks ago in Australia, a 20 year old randomly picked off a Korean student , raped her and then killed her. She was on her way to work. What happened to this lady is devastating, but the crass judgements. Like a mob on heat. An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind. Now that he is in custody, I am sure justice will prevail.

"...sure justice will prevail". Been in LoS long ?

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This is terrible news. I hope she makes a full recovery. According to their website, the volunteers also must donate money to the Centre for the privilege of volunteering. If she had been there 2 months that would amount to 1300 Euros! I hope the centre will in turn provide support to the lady in this traumatic time.

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Makes us wonder if there is a G-D out there. The lady helps animals and then is raped. I hope he goes to jail for a long time, at least one year.

I would say at least five years.

i would say about 500baht fine ..............................sadly

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Hmmm. "he saw Mr. Yongyuth naked and running away into the forest"

Now that's a picture for a Christmas card...

But is there a pattern to this?

First, a Journalist was attacked. Then there was a post about a man in a yellow shirt being confronted by an angry man. Now a woman has been raped. What's next, open season on ferangs?

In this climate, maybe we should just lay low for awhile. Our governments are issuing statements supporting this or that, and we are personally blamed for it.

Just a thought. They already know we're arrogant. Let's not give them an excuse to retaliate for it.

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18 years old is not considered a "boy" in most countries. He is an adult, and should face adult punishment.

The armchair psychologists here might want to read up about what rape is, which is a crime of violence, a different way of punishing and humiliating the victim. Even if his penis were cut off, he could still go out and rape, using some object instead of his now missing equipment. They get off on the violence, not the sex. Heck, there was a rape here in Pattaya and many wondered why here, with so many willing pros available. A rapist does not want a willing victim!

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wow 18 yo and already a rapist ? I wonder what he will become at 30.... I feel sorry for this Australian lady , coming to help and got raped .... what kind of world are we living in .... bah.gif

sadly the very same 1 that we have here in Australia, worse luck.

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Probably withheld his name due to his age. . . Thai youths are protected by the law in their actions on women.

I like this country but this a Thai thing I totally disagree with. He will probably get a reprimand, unless the facts are dawning

on Thai law makers that this sort of thing is affecting tourism and lost revenue.

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"The police assumed he had escaped and was hiding in the local area."

Good policework, now let's see if the BIB can catch the bastard coffee1.gif

Did you bother to read the article to the bit where he handed himself in?

Better have another coffee.

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Rapists don't usually strip do they? Wouldn't make sense. Maybe they were fooling around and the girl got embarrassed when visitors showed up.

Why would he run off into the bush then and disappear from his job of seven months? Coincidence?

I believe there is a saying in carpentry, measure twice and cut once ?

You should employ the same technique my friend, read twice and comment once !!

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.......and what is the possible justification for withholding the man's full name?

Yeah, it is like the policemen are preserving the name of the rapist demon

The guy is an alleged rapist, as whether he is guilty of rape or not has yet to be substantiated in a court of law.

Like it or not, these are are facts of the matter as it stands for the present and until a verdict is confirmed, than we cannot automatically assume anything.

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.......and what is the possible justification for withholding the man's full name?

Yeah, it is like the policemen are preserving the name of the rapist demon

The guy is an alleged rapist, as whether he is guilty of rape or not has yet to be substantiated in a court of law.

Like it or not, these are are facts of the matter as it stands for the present and until a verdict is confirmed, than we cannot automatically assume anything.

Facts, who needs facts ?

There is a very well translated, 3rd hand account of the whole incident...

That's enough to hang the bas@฿&d.....

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