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Tablet feedback please.


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Best general use table 7" vs. 10" tablet ?? I think everyone pretty much agrees the new 10" Ipad Air is the best, but also the priciest. Feed back please with alternatives . or super lightweight notebook?? and best place to shop for them? Thank you in advance.

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I would welcome someone explaining what a tablet is for??

At home I prefer the bigger screen and keyboard of a 'proper' computer and when out, I prefer a 4" screen smartphone for portability.

Evidently I am missing something as so many people use tablets apparently. Is it more than the latest 'must have' gadget? If so where does its usefulness fit in?

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I bought this for work/ travel and find it great. Everyone at work checked it out, including a tech, and I ordered 3 more to take back with me.


along with this case which is better than the free one you get, but could do without it-


Its not perfect, but for the price its hard to beat.

Hope it helps.

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I would welcome someone explaining what a tablet is for??

At home I prefer the bigger screen and keyboard of a 'proper' computer and when out, I prefer a 4" screen smartphone for portability.

Evidently I am missing something as so many people use tablets apparently. Is it more than the latest 'must have' gadget? If so where does its usefulness fit in?

Agreed, I prefer my big screen home computer. I have a smart phone, but my eyes are old and hard to see screen and virtual keyboard. My tablet fills the gap, it's light, batteries last many hours, and it springs straight into action on switch on. Mind you the virtual keyboard is still a challenge for higher level commands.

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I would welcome someone explaining what a tablet is for??

At home I prefer the bigger screen and keyboard of a 'proper' computer and when out, I prefer a 4" screen smartphone for portability.

Evidently I am missing something as so many people use tablets apparently. Is it more than the latest 'must have' gadget? If so where does its usefulness fit in?

Agreed, I prefer my big screen home computer. I have a smart phone, but my eyes are old and hard to see screen and virtual keyboard. My tablet fills the gap, it's light, batteries last many hours, and it springs straight into action on switch on. Mind you the virtual keyboard is still a challenge for higher level commands.

Thank you, so it relegates the phone for phoning and sms I guess. That makes sense to me.

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Samsung 8 is good, but battery life sucks big ones and i believe this is the case for all tablets.

If I had known the battery life was so poor on these things I would not have bought one.

The mid sized tablets are good for internet stuff while out and also other documents/note type stuff as a phone is too small and obviously a desk top wont fit in your pocket...but they are too big as phones as you look like a <deleted> holding it to your ear.

So yes, they fill the gap somewhat.

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"I think everyone pretty much agrees the new 10" Ipad Air is the best."

Actually, the new Google Nexus 7 2013 easily beats the Ipad Air in terms of performance, and it's a lot cheaper.

I used to be a fan of Apple, but sadly they've turned into just another Microsoft.

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I recently bought a Trio Stealth G2 for $99. It's a little smaller and slower than the tablet that 2020 posted but still quite fast and capable. It's my carry-around tablet. For reading email, reading books and magazines and watching videos while reclining in bed, I use a Nexus 10. It can be bought fairly cheaply on Google Play and, in my opinion, is the best value for the money right now. Its specs are much better than the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3!

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Beau and Darkside: They are meant as consumption devices. They are especially handy for people who are constantly traveling and have no true need for the powerful creation capabilities of your home PC or even laptop. The majority of my foreign friends do admit to using their tablets a lot when traveling and then not touching it when home.

For the average Thai they do not need a laptop, so the cheaper tablet route is a nicer option.

As for Apple, my 4th gen iPod was the first and last apple product I will get. Their OS updates are bloatware and slow the crap out of their devices. Almost to the point where i believe they want this to happen so you will buy a new device, and since you already bought into their walled garden of an app store, you are more likely to buy another idevice.

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I would welcome someone explaining what a tablet is for??

At home I prefer the bigger screen and keyboard of a 'proper' computer and when out, I prefer a 4" screen smartphone for portability.

Evidently I am missing something as so many people use tablets apparently. Is it more than the latest 'must have' gadget? If so where does its usefulness fit in?

Agreed, I prefer my big screen home computer. I have a smart phone, but my eyes are old and hard to see screen and virtual keyboard. My tablet fills the gap, it's light, batteries last many hours, and it springs straight into action on switch on. Mind you the virtual keyboard is still a challenge for higher level commands.

I too, only use my desktop computers at home.

We bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with dtac Internet card (good for 30 days) before we went on vacation in March. We sat on the beach and ran our websites, sent emails, read the news, listened to music...it was great. At the hotel we could search the net for places to go to eat, where to sight see, etc. I would never go on vacation again without one.

I have no use for a smart phone...or a stupid phone.

Edited by elektrified
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I'm considering the purchase of a tablet. At home, I use my desktop computer for most everything I do, but there are just too many times away from my desk during the day when I want to access the Internet. I've been using my iPhone for this during the day, but the screen is too small for regular use. I have an iPad, but the screen is too big to carry around all the time. I don't use either for photo correction or banking, etc., Those can wait until I get home. My e-mail isn't so important to me (or I'm not so important to it,) that it too can't wait a few hours until I get home. I have a laptop too, but that's really just a smaller desktop. Works fine for travel, but not for instant answers. When I have a question, I want an instant answer. Today, the Internet can give me that answer 99.9% of the time. Be it a question about the words or chords to a guitar piece I'm trying to play, or finding out where a certain shop is, or what ingredients I'll need to make Pesto when I'm shopping, I want the answers then and there. And I want to be able to see those answers without; straining my eyes to the point of blindness, or needing a large backpack and table to support my device. A 7" tablet will fit both of those needs... I hope.

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If you aren't that fussed on the OS, then maybe this is for you:



I made the mistake of buying one of those. Bloody thing takes longer to boot up then a windows machine. The OS is very buggy. Adware preinstalled which i can't get rid of. Volume sucks etc. etc. Battery life of the tablet without keyboard is about 4 hrs. I am told it is a good machine if you root it and are technically savy enough to tinker under the hood of the software. Back to the Ipad for me.

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My vote goes to the Samsung 6.3", Android os, screen large enough to read a map, email, Skype, all the mobile necessities - but still fits into cargo pants pockets.

For everything else, a PC with minimum 21" screen is the go for me.

An iPad Mini also fits in cargo pants pockets. wink.png 6.3" or 7 inch these days should fit in jeans pockets. (With slimmer bezels)

(Yes you feel like walking around wiht a cutting board in your pants, but they do fit. wink.png )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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If you aren't that fussed on the OS, then maybe this is for you:



I made the mistake of buying one of those. Bloody thing takes longer to boot up then a windows machine. The OS is very buggy. Adware preinstalled which i can't get rid of. Volume sucks etc. etc. Battery life of the tablet without keyboard is about 4 hrs. I am told it is a good machine if you root it and are technically savy enough to tinker under the hood of the software. Back to the Ipad for me.

Just noticed that the pictured ASUS is running microsoft, mine runs android.

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If you aren't that fussed on the OS, then maybe this is for you:



I made the mistake of buying one of those. Bloody thing takes longer to boot up then a windows machine. The OS is very buggy. Adware preinstalled which i can't get rid of. Volume sucks etc. etc. Battery life of the tablet without keyboard is about 4 hrs. I am told it is a good machine if you root it and are technically savy enough to tinker under the hood of the software. Back to the Ipad for me.

Just noticed that the pictured ASUS is running microsoft, mine runs android.

I was thinking to get one of these...would the running of microsoft compared to android make much difference to the problems experienced....I have only ever seen them in shops with windows in them operating.

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If you aren't that fussed on the OS, then maybe this is for you:



I made the mistake of buying one of those. Bloody thing takes longer to boot up then a windows machine. The OS is very buggy. Adware preinstalled which i can't get rid of. Volume sucks etc. etc. Battery life of the tablet without keyboard is about 4 hrs. I am told it is a good machine if you root it and are technically savy enough to tinker under the hood of the software. Back to the Ipad for me.

Just noticed that the pictured ASUS is running microsoft, mine runs android.

I was thinking to get one of these...would the running of microsoft compared to android make much difference to the problems experienced....I have only ever seen them in shops with windows in them operating.

Very limited apps for window mobiles. I stupidly bought a Nokia smart phone running windows. Planing to junk it soon and buy Samsung running Android.

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I was given, as a gift, a first generation of Ipad bought in the states. It was the top line model. Nowadays, my wife uses it to play games, watch soaps, and Youtube. I use it sometimes to get a quick check on emails and the markets since, as some posters have said, it powers up faster. I have also used it as a GPS, using Google map, via 3G whilst traveling between BKK and CM.

I am quite satisfied with the battery life and for what it can do and does it well. However, the biggest hangup for me is it's not able to read the flash files and some Java applets which my online trading requires. I want to get one with a bigger screen (10" and up) that reads flash files and can handle the Java applets. I am thinking of getting the Ipad Air, but not sure if it can now handle the aforementioned, or any other way, beside jailbreak, to circumvent the problems. Any input regarding this would be appreciated

Edited by muchogra
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If you aren't that fussed on the OS, then maybe this is for you:



I made the mistake of buying one of those. Bloody thing takes longer to boot up then a windows machine. The OS is very buggy. Adware preinstalled which i can't get rid of. Volume sucks etc. etc. Battery life of the tablet without keyboard is about 4 hrs. I am told it is a good machine if you root it and are technically savy enough to tinker under the hood of the software. Back to the Ipad for me.

Just noticed that the pictured ASUS is running microsoft, mine runs android.

I was thinking to get one of these...would the running of microsoft compared to android make much difference to the problems experienced....I have only ever seen them in shops with windows in them operating.

Maybe look at the second link I posted....

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^ but what is missing that you need....I looked at the nokias the other day and liked them...but I am not an app junkie and do not use all the bangs and whistles on my samsung...in fact want to delete most of it...but cannot find how

For example - Google Earth and Streetview. Something I use a lot. Plus a lot of news type sites do not support windows mobile. I suppose i could use 'full version' options, but that is so slooooow. and hard to use.

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If you aren't that fussed on the OS, then maybe this is for you:



I made the mistake of buying one of those. Bloody thing takes longer to boot up then a windows machine. The OS is very buggy. Adware preinstalled which i can't get rid of. Volume sucks etc. etc. Battery life of the tablet without keyboard is about 4 hrs. I am told it is a good machine if you root it and are technically savy enough to tinker under the hood of the software. Back to the Ipad for me.

I was thinking to get one of these...would the running of microsoft compared to android make much difference to the problems experienced....I have only ever seen them in shops with windows in them operating.

Very limited apps for window mobiles. I stupidly bought a Nokia smart phone running windows. Planing to junk it soon and buy Samsung running Android.

Right, but the one pictured (Asus T100) runs full Windows 8.1. Not Windows Phone and also not Windows RT. So you get to run anything on it that runs on any Windows computer. ( http://reviews.cnet.com/tablets/asus-transformer-book-t100/4505-3126_7-35827544.html )

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I would welcome someone explaining what a tablet is for??

At home I prefer the bigger screen and keyboard of a 'proper' computer and when out, I prefer a 4" screen smartphone for portability.

Evidently I am missing something as so many people use tablets apparently. Is it more than the latest 'must have' gadget? If so where does its usefulness fit in?

Agreed, I prefer my big screen home computer. I have a smart phone, but my eyes are old and hard to see screen and virtual keyboard. My tablet fills the gap, it's light, batteries last many hours, and it springs straight into action on switch on. Mind you the virtual keyboard is still a challenge for higher level commands.

I too, only use my desktop computers at home.

We bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with dtac Internet card (good for 30 days) before we went on vacation in March. We sat on the beach and ran our websites, sent emails, read the news, listened to music...it was great. At the hotel we could search the net for places to go to eat, where to sight see, etc. I would never go on vacation again without one.

I have no use for a smart phone...or a stupid phone.

Why did you go to the beach ?

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I would welcome someone explaining what a tablet is for??

At home I prefer the bigger screen and keyboard of a 'proper' computer and when out, I prefer a 4" screen smartphone for portability.

Evidently I am missing something as so many people use tablets apparently. Is it more than the latest 'must have' gadget? If so where does its usefulness fit in?

Its much lighter than a laptop and when travelling constantly makes a great communication tool, pretty much the only one I need.

The one I bought and recommended earlier is powerful enough to do everything I need, but cheap enough so if it breaks or goes missing I don't stress over it like most fruit machine owners do. Its basically a facebook/ skype/ email/ message/ news/ ebook machine anyway, why waste good money on expensive alternatives?

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I bought a 7" cheep'n'cheerful chinese tablet to learn the system a bit. There's a few things I've discovered that help it's android 4.0.x along on it's 1Gb . Firstly I went into settings and got myself into English :) Then into Apps and take a looka t what's in there - mostly junk which I moved to the removeable SD card and then uninstalled. This was I free up space in the root system but can re-install if I want (Hasn't happened yet.) While playing with the device, I make sure i do not suspend any apps - kill them completely by using the box-in-a-box (recent apps) click and swipe them out. Remove the SIMcard and things get better. Set wifi to OFF unless you are actually using it.

I am sure a really expensive tablet will cope with what android likes to be -- always on and everything running in the background, but that is a totally impractical way to run a normal users device.

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I don't have any Apple stuff. Fine with Acer Nexus 7, esp when reading books on the Kindle app. Can easily read lying down in bed, and make the type what size I wish.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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