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Sign language interpreter at Mandela memorial called a 'fake'


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JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA (BNO NEWS) -- A man who appeared to provide sign language interpretation as U.S. President Barack Obama and other heads of state delivered tributes during Tuesday's memorial service for anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela has been called a 'fake' by experts.

Bruno Druchen, the national director of the Deaf Federation of South Africa, said the unidentified sign language interpreter is not a professional interpreter. "To the best of our knowledge he has not undergone any formal training in South African Sign Language or interpreting offered by any recognized institution which offers these training courses," he said.

The fake interpreter stood next to leaders from around the world as they delivered tributes for Mandela, who died last Thursday at the age of 95. Tuesday's event was one of the most significant memorial services in decades and was attended by nearly 100 sitting and former heads of state. It was broadcast live around the world.

David Buxton, chief executive of the British Deaf Association (BDA), agreed that the interpreter was a fraud. "The 'signer' was not using South African Sign Language, but merely producing repeated hand-waving gestures," he said. "This was insulting to both the South African Deaf Community and, indeed, the Deaf Community Worldwide."

Druchen noted that the interpreter did not use facial expressions, which are used to give meaning to signs. "Facial expression plays a very important part in the meaning of a sign. The same exact hand-shape and movement can totally change meaning because of the facial expression that is used to accompany it," he explained.

He added: "The self-invented signs the interpreter used are not used in South African Sign Language and it is a total mockery of the language. The interpreter did not use the established, recognized signs for President Mandela, President Zuma, President Thabo Mbeki and South Africa amongst many others."

It was not immediately clear how the unidentified man was chosen to provide sign language interpretation at Tuesday's event, but the South African government said it was investigating the matter. "The organizers of the memorial service, and indeed any event, should have contacted organisations who coordinate South African Sign Language interpreting services to secure a professional, trained experienced interpreter," Druchen said.

The White House also expressed regret that a fake interpreter stood next to Obama and other heads of state. "It's a shame that you had a service that was dedicated to honoring the life and celebrating the legacy of one of the great leaders of the 20th century has gotten distracted by this and a couple of other issues that are far less important than the legacy of Nelson Mandela," a spokesman said.

(Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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Sadly the whole shambles at the FNB stadium is not particularly unsurprising. Doing any form of business in Africa needs equal amounts of patience and a highly developed sense of humour. If either are lacking you struggle at best...

Fantastic part of the world and, to an extent not found elsewhere, generally fantastic people, but very much marches to its own drum. You either love it or it sends you insane!

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Sadly the whole shambles at the FNB stadium is not particularly unsurprising. Doing any form of business in Africa needs equal amounts of patience and a highly developed sense of humour. If either are lacking you struggle at best...

Fantastic part of the world and, to an extent not found elsewhere, generally fantastic people, but very much marches to its own drum. You either love it or it sends you insane!

So, that must explain my insanity.
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Apparently he has said he had a schizophrenic episode and started hearing voices! Quite astonishing really that he blagged his way on to the podium, standing next to Obama. Red faces all round for his security detail, if past form is anything to go by they were probably down the local knocking shop! But you have to admire the guys chutzpah, standing up there signing a load of meaningless gestures with God knows how many millions watching him. It has got it's funny side to be honest.

Just now on BBC, he admitted his illness sometines made him violent. blink.png

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To be honest i don't think he was the only fake on that podium, strange thing is i also felt that Obama was making it up too! Mandela was well known for his sense of humour and his love of practical jokes, perhaps he set the whole thing up as a parting shot to all the sanctimonious and hypocritical leaders who not so long ago had him listed as a terrorist and were calling for him to be hanged, and are now declaring what an inspiration he was to them!

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No, makes you wonder about South Africa's security.

No, apparently secret service have overriding responsibility everywhere. They call the shots

No, actually the secret service doesn't have much authority in another country. They can strongly recommend that the President no attend and they hold a great deal of sway with some gov'ts.

The Secret Service has no way of checking out a local person in any great deal. The responsibility lies with the home country. The Secret Service will make sure that the venue is swept for bombs and that security protocols are in place to prevent weapons from being brought in etc., but checking out the sign language guy....I think not.

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No, makes you wonder about South Africa's security.

No, apparently secret service have overriding responsibility everywhere. They call the shots

No, actually the secret service doesn't have much authority in another country. They can strongly recommend that the President no attend and they hold a great deal of sway with some gov'ts.

The Secret Service has no way of checking out a local person in any great deal. The responsibility lies with the home country. The Secret Service will make sure that the venue is swept for bombs and that security protocols are in place to prevent weapons from being brought in etc., but checking out the sign language guy....I think not.

Too funny, but save your breath. Some are apparently driven by the innate need to criticize or blame the US no matter what the circumstances. Says more about the utterer than subject matter.

This shows how nutty some parts of the world actually are and I kind of like it. So interview process went something like this:

Yah, mon. I be a champion of sign.

Ooh, champion of sign ya say. Ya hired!

Unfortunately, it is not the nutty ones we need to worry about . . .

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Apparently he has said he had a schizophrenic episode and started hearing voices! Quite astonishing really that he blagged his way on to the podium, standing next to Obama. Red faces all round for his security detail, if past form is anything to go by they were probably down the local knocking shop! But you have to admire the guys chutzpah, standing up there signing a load of meaningless gestures with God knows how many millions watching him. It has got it's funny side to be honest.

It's also a sign of the times, fakes all round.

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The authorities were initially alerted that the sign language interpreter might not be using the correct form, when they noticed that when ever the name of the US president was mentioned, he used the extended middle finger signtongue.png\

Here is a video of the correct form


[/media[ Edited by sirineou
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No, makes you wonder about South Africa's security.

No, apparently secret service have overriding responsibility everywhere. They call the shots

No, actually the secret service doesn't have much authority in another country. They can strongly recommend that the President no attend and they hold a great deal of sway with some gov'ts.

The Secret Service has no way of checking out a local person in any great deal. The responsibility lies with the home country. The Secret Service will make sure that the venue is swept for bombs and that security protocols are in place to prevent weapons from being brought in etc., but checking out the sign language guy....I think not.

Too funny, but save your breath. Some are apparently driven by the innate need to criticize or blame the US no matter what the circumstances. Says more about the utterer than subject matter.

This shows how nutty some parts of the world actually are and I kind of like it. So interview process went something like this:

Yah, mon. I be a champion of sign.

Ooh, champion of sign ya say. Ya hired!

Unfortunately, it is not the nutty ones we need to worry about . . .

Not so much blaming or criticising but just simply questioning an apparent US “ security “ system that fails to carry out its own independent background check regarding the only person that would be allowed to stand next to the US President. As one former US President quite rightly said –“ trust but verify “rolleyes.gif

I mean it hardly takes much research to establish this guy had a very sinister past


Edited by Asiantravel
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