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What's The Worst Thing You've Done While Drunk?


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Anyway, changed my tipple from vodka (overdid it a bit in Samui) to GIN, so hopefully will have less "accidents"!!!

Where are your stories?

Most of my stories are too unbelievable and often involved waking up in places I didn't recognise or feeling that something strange happened that I couldn't quite recall!

ps Oh, and all happened in the dim and distant past!

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Well I have too many to even think of them all this morning! Needless to say that as I am pissed now I will spill the beans on some of them.

I returned to a club that I had previously been barred from and proceeded to get ratarsed. Feeling slightly queezy I thought that it was time to go to the gents for a chunder when a wave of nausia flowed through me! I decided to hurry through the bar but couldn't hold on. :o I did the classic 5 finger spread .... all over the carpet .. in front of the kids ... etc. etc. When I returned the chairman of the club (the very same man who got me banned the previous year) was waiting for me with a bucket and mop.

Needless to say I didn't stay there too long after that.

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Celebrated my 19th birthday a tad too much by emptying a fifth of southern Comfort while playing penny ante poker at my sister's. I turned down an offer by her to sleep over, and another for a ride home. Decided to take the bus instead. :D

One of my "friends" then had to hold me upright against the wall of a tavern while waiting at the stop. Climbed aboard and immediately emptied my guts. I do remember the bus driver asking me if I wanted to get off. I'll bet he wished I did! :o

First bus pulled into the terminal after a short 5 mile leg of my 3 transfer journey. Second bus had already arrived. I cleaned his windshield with my coat while staggering towards the door. Lost my transfer and had to pay for another. Noticed that it was 1 AM.

This leg of the journey was only a mere mile. Next thing I remember the bus driver was shaking me, repeatedly asking, "Buddy, you said you wanted to get off here, didn't ya?" I had been sleeping on the bus floorboard. It was now 3 AM. And while we headed north at the start we were now headed south.

Thankfully got off thinking "four more miles." Unfortunately, the route of my last leg did not run during the wee hours so I had to leg it. February in Chicago, mind you. I still had the balls to stick my thumb out at passing cars hoping for a quick lift and a merciful end to my nightmare. I guess I couldn't smell the vomit all over my coat and face. My stupor spared me that much. :D

Geezus, I'm embarassed all over again. Blush.gif

That was a good one buddy

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It's nausea not nausia

Patsy ..... I did say that I was pissed .... & at least I am not an English Language Teacher .... have you seen the grammar and spelling of those on this site????

<deleted> :o

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having read the post highly amusing and i have done many of the things mentioned without being too specific!!

one thing that springs to mind is having sex at a party in Corfu (i think..) in the swimming pool with about 200 people around.. well not that embarrassing for me hehe......

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I like to keep the memories of my childhood alive (fountain of eternal youth, and so on...)

One of the first times I got absolutely wasted:

just turned ten years old, new years eve party at an aunts house.

The Adults were all partying in the living room and garden, and the kids (about thirty of us) were relegated to a massive five room basement cellar.

There was a fridge downthere, filled to the brim with soft drinks and juices.

My cousin, however, had ensured to keep a bottle of vodkatucked back in a bottom corner.

the hours pass, everyone is having fun at a highly succesful party, and we are all looking forward to my aunt´s by now legendary displays of chinese fireworks at midnight.

I take a sip. I take another.

and another and more... at approximately 11.45 I started emitting projectile vomit. Not being used to this yet, I had no idea about running to the toilet.

My cousin (who was a bit peeved cos the vodka was for him) dragged me upstairs, through the living room full of adults. Hmm.. Here, a little projectile for you guys..

Up the stairs, More vomit. Leave a vomit trail so I can find my way back to the vodka....

Through a second floor landing, with tv and supernintendo, vomiT!!!! Never could get passed the ###### stage monster on Mario Bros.

Eventually ended in my bed.Surrounded by vomit.

Awoke the next day feeling gruff.

I was told I´d finished the bottle of vodka.

Welcome to my tenth year in the world.

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I like to keep the memories of my childhood alive (fountain of eternal youth, and so on...)

One of the first times I got absolutely wasted:

just turned ten years old, new years eve party at an aunts house.

The Adults were all partying in the living room and garden, and the kids (about thirty of us) were relegated to a massive five room basement cellar.

There was a fridge downthere, filled to the brim with soft drinks and juices.

My cousin, however, had ensured to keep a bottle of vodkatucked back in a bottom corner.

the hours pass, everyone is having fun at a highly succesful party, and we are all looking forward to my aunt´s by now legendary displays of chinese fireworks at midnight.

I take a sip. I take another.

and another and more... at approximately 11.45 I started emitting projectile vomit. Not being used to this yet, I had no idea about running to the toilet.

My cousin (who was a bit peeved cos the vodka was for him) dragged me upstairs, through the living room full of adults. Hmm.. Here, a little projectile for you guys..

Up the stairs, More vomit. Leave a vomit trail so I can find my way back to the vodka....

Through a second floor landing, with tv and supernintendo, vomiT!!!! Never could get passed the ###### stage monster on Mario Bros.

Eventually ended in my bed.Surrounded by vomit.

Awoke the next day feeling gruff.

I was told I´d finished the bottle of vodka.

Welcome to my tenth year in the world.

AM SO... lucky to miss this one.... never met a pink elephant in my life before- EVER! :o

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Diving off 2nd floor hotel balcony into swimming pool multiple times ... watching a friend chase a party girl dressed in towel down the hallway (snagged the towel on the next pass :D ). Both of these at Metro Hotel in BKK many, many moons ago.

Rode a jet ski over a waterfall on a dare (OK -- small 15' one, but still a thrill) ... Rabbit hunting from the back of a pickup at midnight while moving at least 40mph (that one resulted in a short period of free-fall after a sharp turn after the rabbit).

Watching my good friend talk a waitress in a classy restaurant into getting up on a table and doing suggestive dances to entertain our group of 20 or so (this in US, so harder to do ... wish I had his gift).

Hugged many porcelain thrones ... wrote many a name in the snow ... unwittingly p*ssed on electric fence during a near-stupor (wasn't quite as drunk after that!).

Too many others to recount ... but none in past few years. Sign of getting old, I guess :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

On China Beach in Vietnam, about 15 years ago. Bought a cheap bottle of vodka and got pissed on the beach. The beach hawkers, all young kids, were hanging around us trying to speak English and what have you. I felt a ripper of a fart coming up, so I got one of the kids to pull my finger just as I let rip. Unfortunately all that happened was I shat myself and had brown tracks running down down the insides of my legs... the looks on the kids' faces! I ran down to the water and stayed in for the next couple of hours, until it was dark enough for me to leave incognito.

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On China Beach in Vietnam, about 15 years ago. Bought a cheap bottle of vodka and got pissed on the beach. The beach hawkers, all young kids, were hanging around us trying to speak English and what have you. I felt a ripper of a fart coming up, so I got one of the kids to pull my finger just as I let rip. Unfortunately all that happened was I shat myself and had brown tracks running down down the insides of my legs... the looks on the kids' faces! I ran down to the water and stayed in for the next couple of hours, until it was dark enough for me to leave incognito.

OMG :o <deleted>?

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'ohhh...sum times ah might get drunk, walk like a duck an' smell like a skunk

'doan hurt me none, doan hurt my pride cause ah gots my liddle lady just by my side...

'she's a' tryin ta hide!...pretendin' she doan know me!...'

name that tune...if yo' think yo' bad...

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Just spoke to me Mum on the phone, she tells me the first time an alcoholic drink passed my lips, I was around two years old. I'd sneaked down from my room while party was in full swing, the first drink I found at around 3-4 AM was glass of Scotch. Needless to say I remember nothing of this.

Now, we lived in Manchester at the time, we knew a lot hardcore drinkers, a lot of good northern people, Scots and Irish, this glass did not just have a single in it.

My Mum laughs nervously as she tells this story, as the results could have been bad. I just necked it, probably 3-4 shots went straight down my throat and as soon as it touched the bottom, it made its return.

Thankfully, that return was pretty swift, so no lasting effects then........... :o:D

My relationship with booze has continued although, I had a break for a few years after that. :D


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Somewhere between soi 5 and 7/1 on Sukhumvit there is a small shanty town which I woke up in one morning in 2003. To this day I have no recollection of what happened.. I simply remember leaving my apartment at 9pm having had a couple of changs and then waking up at about 10am in this shanty town on a small rug on the floor. Completely healthy and happy and missing nothing - had my phone, wallet, 3000 baht in my pocket. Nobody was around and I left pretty quickly. As nothing had 'happened' I didn't report it. Did go and check my blood etc and nothing. Never been able to find the place again either, but also haven't looked that hard just incase I remember something I don't want to!

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On China Beach in Vietnam, about 15 years ago. Bought a cheap bottle of vodka and got pissed on the beach. The beach hawkers, all young kids, were hanging around us trying to speak English and what have you. I felt a ripper of a fart coming up, so I got one of the kids to pull my finger just as I let rip. Unfortunately all that happened was I shat myself and had brown tracks running down down the insides of my legs... the looks on the kids' faces! I ran down to the water and stayed in for the next couple of hours, until it was dark enough for me to leave incognito.

I have a similar expereience but don't want to give details!

Somewhere between soi 5 and 7/1 on Sukhumvit there is a small shanty town which I woke up in one morning in 2003. To this day I have no recollection of what happened.. I simply remember leaving my apartment at 9pm having had a couple of changs and then waking up at about 10am in this shanty town on a small rug on the floor. Completely healthy and happy and missing nothing - had my phone, wallet, 3000 baht in my pocket. Nobody was around and I left pretty quickly. As nothing had 'happened' I didn't report it. Did go and check my blood etc and nothing. Never been able to find the place again either, but also haven't looked that hard just incase I remember something I don't want to!

I woke up in a shanty town in Had Yai. Money/passport were gone all I had was my camera(new canon), which I swapped for a bottle of Sang Thip. The locals were all right they gave me back the passport after they realised i was just a hopeless drunk.

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Worst? Now that’s the hard part.

College Rugby Party

Every year the University Rugby Club held a big beer bash. While at said beer bash all seemed right with the world. Upon staggering home to my freshman dormitory was when things took a turn for the worse. Just after dragging my drunken body up into my loft bed, it seemed as if the room was spinning – not a good sign. Practically fall out of the loft and find my way to the floors common bathroom facilities to pray at the porcelain alter. After finally managing to deposit my offerings (vomit) to the gods, I notice that half the floor has gathered outside the stall for their entertainment purposes (Seems they have not seen such a spirited offering before). It is then that I notice I have chosen to make my offering much in the same fashion as my ancient ancestors – naked.

So there I was, sprawled out on the tile floor, naked, spent from my offerings, while my fellow freshmen stood laughing and taking pictures – nothing like a night on the piss.

Lights On

It was a long weekend for some reason or another, and all of my roommates had gone home for the weekend. I had been invited to a local fraternity party, and not being one to pass on a chance to get completely blasted for less than 5 bucks (US) I attended the festivities. The next morning I awake, in my own bed, fully clothed, remembering little to nothing about the night before. But ALL of the lights in our dorm room were on (note at this time I was sharing a two bed-room apartment style dorm room – so there were lots of lights). Seemed strange but like I said I could not remember I thing from the night before. Wonder down to the dinning hall for some lunch, and the place is all a buzz because of the early morning fire alarm.

What early morning fire alarm? It seems that at some stage in the wee hours of the morning there had been a fire alarm in our building. When this happens once the fire crews arrive they have to physically check the entire building. In the course of this check they had turned on all of the lights in my dorm room, and had either missed the fact that I was passed out on in the loft bunk, or decided I was not worth the effort to mess with. In any case the mystery of who turned on the lights had been solved. If I could just remember <deleted> happened during the rest of the night?

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5-6 years ago , i went to the beach , Koh Samet with my closed GF

we had GIN .. ... I just ran to the beach , jumped as a kangaroo and laid down ... (oh yes a big while)

people around that thought i dead .... i heard that they said like ... "ohh the japanese girl dead".. somebody tried to do CPR

i just vomitted on him . (oh he was a cute boy).. :o

after that my friend and a farang woman tried to pull me and pick me back to the bangalow.

in next morning , it had a rumour on that island as "a JP girl dead" i was so embarassed..some people remembered me and said .".ohhhhh i remember you , you are a dead girl "

BTW .. i dont think i look like JP girl .. maybe that time i had bloody fair skin ..no idea

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5-6 years ago , i went to the beach , Koh Samet with my closed GF

we had GIN .. ... I just ran to the beach , jumped as a kangaroo and laid down ... (oh yes a big while)

people around that thought i dead .... i heard that they said like ... "ohh the japanese girl dead".. somebody tried to do CPR

i just vomitted on him . (oh he was a cute boy).. :D

after that my friend and a farang woman tried to pull me and pick me back to the bangalow.

in next morning , it had a rumour on that island as "a JP girl dead" i was so embarassed..some people remembered me and said .".ohhhhh i remember you , you are a dead girl "

BTW .. i dont think i look like JP girl .. maybe that time i had bloody fair skin ..no idea

:D Oh my, Bambi... I KNEW this would be good as soon as I saw your name on the thread :D

You reminded me of the only time I ever went to Koh Samed - it was New Years Eve 1986 :o I arrived there via Bangkok straight from several months in Europe, India, Nepal and Burma. We partied BIG time with some American gals and a lady-boy (danced all night long we did). My then- boyfriend disappeared toward the beach and didn't return. Drank a lot of Mekong that night and the world was turning super-fast.

Anyway I found him! Tripped over him in fact, while stumbling in the darkness under the blurry moonlight. He'd fallen down "dead" in the sand and I ended up next to him.... :D Two sore heads saw the sunrise on our beach bed that '87 New Year morning. I decided on a swim to clear my way for breakfast. Suddenly two hands grabbed me under the water and a "hairy beast" burst up from the waves, scratching and clambering to sit on my back. It was a monkey!!! :D I kid you not! A fat guy called Jim- from SanFransisco - laughed and laughed. It was his pet - who loved to swim and scare the <deleted> out of hungover farang tourists. What a trip! Thanks for reminding me Bambers..... :D

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5-6 years ago , i went to the beach , Koh Samet with my closed GF

we had GIN .. ... I just ran to the beach , jumped as a kangaroo and laid down ... (oh yes a big while)

people around that thought i dead .... i heard that they said like ... "ohh the japanese girl dead".. somebody tried to do CPR

i just vomitted on him . (oh he was a cute boy).. :D

after that my friend and a farang woman tried to pull me and pick me back to the bangalow.

in next morning , it had a rumour on that island as "a JP girl dead" i was so embarassed..some people remembered me and said .".ohhhhh i remember you , you are a dead girl "

BTW .. i dont think i look like JP girl .. maybe that time i had bloody fair skin ..no idea

:D Oh my, Bambi... I KNEW this would be good as soon as I saw your name on the thread :D

You reminded me of the only time I ever went to Koh Samed - it was New Years Eve 1986 :o I arrived there via Bangkok straight from several months in Europe, India, Nepal and Burma. We partied BIG time with some American gals and a lady-boy (danced all night long we did). My then- boyfriend disappeared toward the beach and didn't return. Drank a lot of Mekong that night and the world was turning super-fast. Anyway I found him!

Tripped over him in fact, while stumbling in the darkness under the blurry moonlight. He'd fallen down "dead" in the sand and I ended up next to him.... :D Two sore heads saw the sunrise on our beach bed that '87 New Year morning. I decided on a swim to clear my way for breakfast. Suddenly two hands grabbed me under the water and a "hairy beast" burst up from the waves, scratching and clambering to sit on my back. It was a monkey!!! :D I kid you not! A fat guy called Jim- from SanFransisco - laughed and laughed. It was his pet - who loved to swim and scare the <deleted> out of hungover farang tourists. What a trip! Thanks for reminding me Bambers..... :D

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Guest endure
5-6 years ago , i went to the beach , Koh Samet with my closed GF

we had GIN .. ... I just ran to the beach , jumped as a kangaroo and laid down ... (oh yes a big while)

people around that thought i dead .... i heard that they said like ... "ohh the japanese girl dead".. somebody tried to do CPR

i just vomitted on him . (oh he was a cute boy).. :D


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Worst thing I ever did when drunk was in Patong, Phuket. I knew a Thai girl for 18 months, decided to marry her, bought a ring and took her to our favorite bar (she was not a bar girl) where I proposed. Had many tequila shooters thereafter. Wandered off in a drunken haze to the toilet which was some way from the bar. Came out and got lost. Ended up at another bar drinking tequila with a girl. Took her (or she took me) back to hotel where started to have fun. Meanwhile my girlfriend, worried when I not come back, start looking for me and eventually came back to hotel. She opened the door to find me going at it. Oh shit. Worse to come - found out the girl was my girlfriend’s cousin. What an engagement party!

My girlfriend and I married 2 years later and have lived very happily for 5 years since in Isaan. She occasionally mentions that night with laughter but I cringe inside. Never touched tequila since then.

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