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Soi dogs make me think... too much


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Maybe I'm out to lunch on this, but at least up here in the Isaan badlands the dogs, far from being aggressive are docile to to point of being darn stupid. They sleep in the road, you are supposed to drive around them! Never really see packs of them prowling the streets...thats restricted to teenage boys!

groups of teenage boys wondering the streets??? are they dangerous?
More dangerous than the dogs for sure

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  • 8 months later...
Most pets are in the house, or in the yard. So, what do you call a dog who roams the sois, making problems for people, barking incessantly, scaring the crap out of anyone who rides by, or biting people? Not sure if you can call that a pet. Why would someone who cares for his dog let it roam the streets all day? So, if the military is taking out soi dogs, might be a rather useful service. What neighborhood needs all those soi dogs anyway? They are about as useful as the neighborhood mosquitos. And how would they even alert the owners? How would those owners even be found? And can you really call someone who allows their dog to roam the streets, bake in the hot sun, go hungry, and get all mangy, an owner anyway? Do they even have the right to be called a pet owner?

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