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This was my first hasj and i loved it, shure next time i show up again and i hope in the future more people take part of the group.Thank you Jeff for the nice event.

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yes another enjoyable chaingrai hash,hared by nam rawn jeff who showed us around his piece of paradise were he intends to build a house ( i hope you have sorted out the laws of gravity with your swing jeff)and i hope it wont be long before virgin jozef his laying the trail near to bandu so we can try out the best hamburgers in chaingrai so ive heard ,

thank you to all those who took part, see you next month

  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

Now it is time for a Hash again!!! :o:D:D

The 34th run of our S2ATO hash of Chiangrai will begin at 4 p.m. on Saturday August 19 in the parking lot in front of the gate of the defunct TCP resort.

To get there take highway #1020 to Therng (Thoeng). About 50 meters past kilometer stone 12 from Chiangrai and almost directly across a major road leading off to the left, you will see a parking area to the right with a sign almost entirely in Thai but with the Roman letters TCP. There will also be a HHH sign.

Turn into that area and park in front of the gate. Count on 15 minutes travel from the Big C parking lot.

The host hare, Pat and his wife Nit are planning to lay on some fried rice after the run. So he needs to know how many are coming. Please respond to you if you are planning to come at [email protected] or at his phone 06 196 1862.

All are welcome. :D:D:D

On! On!

G.M. Wirgin Bluce


yes sven i will be there on saturday, and i consider it a great honour to have played a very small part in setting the trail under the guidence of our lord and master wirgin bluce with the help of american george,

they turned my first sugested totally inadequate trail into a trail that im sure will have them FRBs running around in circles.

so far we have had a good response by e-mail from those who will be attending (mabe they know that the first drink will be on me).

i even got an email from one mr saddam who said he heard this was the mother of all trails and would do his best to attend, "but everything depended on his mate a mr houdini if he could get away"


come on limbo, whats the excuse this month?

dont you know the first drink his on me

Didn't you know limbo only drinks :o now and won't be looking for any :D


come on limbo, whats the excuse this month?

dont you know the first drink his on me

...eh....eh....eh..... coke light with lemon (Khao Panzaa!!!).

No, I don't have an excuse, because I didn't open the excuse-book yet.

(page 36, 3d paragraph: It rained last night and I forgot to take my sportshoes in / page 49 paragraph 6: On the way for a sanitary stop last night I stumbled over the cat and now my knee hurts)

Is it really sure, that you can walk as well? I mean walk like in 'walking'. Simply put the one foot in front of the other without making little jumps and without acousticly accompagnying it with the sounds of a steam locomotive?

I would love to try it out.

Can I sleep another night over it?

Limbo :o



Is it really sure, that you can walk as well? I mean walk like in 'walking'. Simply put the one foot in front of the other without making little jumps and without acousticly accompagnying it with the sounds of a steam locomotive?

I would love to try it out.

Can I sleep another night over it?

Limbo :o


do you think i run around the course; we leave that to the FRBs, the old hands have a nice 2 hour stroll around the course


Dear Dr Limbo,

Now I have been waiting 4 days to read about your experience of your first Hash.

When are you going to share it with all of us here in TV?


ps waiting for something good is to wait for a long time.....


I experienced the whole event as extremely surrealistic. It could have been a scene from an old Russian movie. A Potempkin between the rice fields.

There is no frame of reference in between my ears, nothing to compare with, I hear no bells ringing spontaneously.

I am trying to recall it, but only an unstructured series of flashbacks project themselves against the innerside of my impressive forehead.

I see grown up men and women showing their knobby knees under the kind of pants I didn't even know the existence of.

I see people who I hold in high esteem turn into naughty boys and girls.

Yes, if anything, then the Hash House Harriers runs seem to be a kind of temporary rejuvenation cure.

Would it only be the appearances which would underline this, but no, also the behaviour of the participating ladies and gentlemen does. Their facial expression, their way of moving. Like young adolescents who are still exploring the width's of their physical existence.

Then, at a certain moment, one of the participants (I suppose a kind of master of ceremony or ringleader) starts to make a completely ununderstandable introduction of the event of the day, that seems to explain something only to those who suffer from the same speech impediment.

The gathering starts to scratch its sportshoes in the muddy earth as if they were circus horses who just learned to count to three.

Suddenly somebody shouts something and a part of the gathered community starts to run.

Yes, run, as if they are afraid to miss a train or an airplane, but I can assure you there wasn't any of these in the neighbourhood.

Their faces express a kind of serious astonishment; they look like bearers of the Olympic Torch even if some of them at best carry one of these plastic waterbottles.

I shortly panicked but then I noticed that the rest of the community quite chaotic but slowly started to move in the direction where the young rascals in the meantime already had disappeared.

So the walk had started. The sun didn't shine, but somebody had forgotten to switch of the heavenly waters so that everybody actually got wet, aside from those who had brought raincoats which of course, that's where raincoats are for, got wet on their behalf.

Yes, we walked indeed on roads where any mentally well-balanced person wouldn't walk if not forced to do so by a flat tyre or another calamity.

I must say that everybody was very friendly to me and permanently tried to encourage me with remarks of the kind 'isn't it beautiful here' and 'these are places one normally doesn't come'.

Of course I admitted all this wholeheartedly, what else could I have done?

Even in the middle of a ricefield, walking on a muddy little dam I was supposed to look around to admire the beauty of the landscape. Pure out of politeness I did, with the result that I stepped in the water with my right foot which added an extra handicap to overcome during the remaining distance of the walk.

At the end of the 'run' everybody was happy and visibly relieved and did everything which was possible to convince each other that it had been a fantastic, superp, hitherto unsurpassed run.

Of course I agreed: I know how to act in public and I am a meek and accommodating person!

As this account is getting too long I shall continue tomorrow.

:o .

Limbo :D

I removed the sentence about our Soap for bad quality and giving a wrong impression,


I experienced the whole event as extremely surrealistic. It could have been a scene from an old Russian movie. A Potempkin between the rice fields.

There is no frame of reference in between my ears, nothing to compare with, I hear no bells ringing spontaneously.

I am trying to recall it, but only an unstructured series of flashbacks project themselves against the innerside of my impressive forehead.

I see grown up men and women showing their knobby knees under the kind of pants I didn't even know the existence of.

I see people who I hold in high esteem turn into naughty boys and girls.

Yes, if anything, then the Hash House Harriers runs seem to be a kind of temporary rejuvenation cure.

Would it only be the appearances which would underline this, but no, also the behaviour of the participating ladies and gentlemen does. Their facial expression, their way of moving. Like young adolescents who are still exploring the width's of their physical existence.

Then, at a certain moment, one of the participants (I suppose a kind of master of ceremony or ringleader) starts to make a completely ununderstandable introduction of the event of the day, that seems to explain something only to those who suffer from the same speech impediment.

The gathering starts to scratch its sportshoes in the muddy earth as if they were circus horses who just learned to count to three.

Suddenly somebody shouts something and a part of the gathered community starts to run.

Yes, run, as if they are afraid to miss a train or an airplane, but I can assure you there wasn't any of these in the neighbourhood.

Their faces express a kind of serious astonishment; they look like bearers of the Olympic Torch even if some of them at best carry one of these plastic waterbottles.

I shortly panicked but then I noticed that the rest of the community quite chaotic but slowly started to move in the direction where the young rascals in the meantime already had disappeared.

So the walk had started. The sun didn't shine, but somebody had forgotten to switch of the heavenly waters so that everybody actually got wet, aside from those who had brought raincoats which of course, that's where raincoats are for, got wet on their behalf.

Yes, we walked indeed on roads where any mentally well-balanced person wouldn't walk if not forced to do so by a flat tyre or another calamity.

I must say that everybody was very friendly to me and permanently tried to encourage me with remarks of the kind 'isn't it beautiful here' and 'these are places one normally doesn't come'.

Of course I admitted all this wholeheartedly, what else could I have done?

Even in the middle of a ricefield, walking on a muddy little dam I was supposed to look around to admire the beauty of the landscape. Pure out of politeness I did, with the result that I stepped in the water with my right foot which added an extra handicap to overcome during the remaining distance of the walk.

At the end of the 'run' everybody was happy and visibly relieved and did everything which was possible to convince each other that it had been a fantastic, superp, hitherto unsurpassed run.

Of course I agreed: I know how to act in public and I am a meek and accommodating person!

As this account is getting too long I shall continue tomorrow.

:o .

Limbo :D


before i reply to your slurs on my character,i would like to recall my personal contact with you in my 15 years that i have lived in chaingrai.

the first time i met you was in chaingrai some 6 months ago when we had a 15/20 minute conversation reminissing the chaingrai of years gone by,the second time i had a personal message from you saying maybe we could get together for a drink,the third time was last saturday when you turned up at the hhh without having the courtesy to confirm by e-mail that you was coming.

i am not sure if i spoke to you before the hash started has you arrived with minutes to spare,if i did i would most probably have thanked you for coming, then i remember seeing you for maybe one minute at the half way stage. i could explain in detail why i was standing there and not walking with the hash. but i presume you were busy thinking of your slurs to post and you would not have appreciated a logical explanation.

i did notice you at the buffet that my wife had spent many hours preparing and was a free gesture with a drink thrown in from me with this being my first laying the trail that i had a hand in plus the fact that my birthday was earlier in the month, i remember seeing you a couple of time again mainly filling your face on the free buffet and i think you left when all the food had been consumed.

it has now took you 4 days for you to cower behind a keyboard in order to post a melodramatic report that reads if it came out of a harry potter movie of a harmless saturday afternoon walk.

how dare you sit amongst nice people and post sarcastic comments about peoples attire and remark sarcasticaly about a persons speech in pediment.

i will now address the slur by you on my charactor.

firstly i would like to know how any peron can form an opinion of another person with having less than 2 hours personal contact with the person in 15 years, and then feel justified in calling the person"extremely mean, boot (whatever that means? do you mean clog) utmost detestable,on the edge sadistic role" and then in the same breath call me an honourable member, has i am sure my

wife and 2 children would like to know.

i have never formed an opinion of any body after reading only one page, but in your case i will make an exception.

after reading your post i have come to the conclusion that you are a // removed on special request //.

were i come from,if we take issue with some one we tell them to their face not cower behind a keyboard

Soap is indeed rightfully angry. This anger is based on a sentence I removed from my original post, that was meant to be satyrical but in its context also could be interpreted as completely negative and insulting. I apologised by PM to Soap, who I hold in high esteem..



Who had to sit on the bag full of ice? Who, who, who?

But, first of all, I didn't mean a word of what I said. It was an 'ouverture' for what I wanted to write today and in which I would turn everything completely in the other direction.

That's why I am actually keeping the possibility into account, that you are pulling me a leg this time.

Not a second I thought about the possibility that my words could be taken seriously, as everybody knows you being the opposite of my description. Even it is a misunderstanding I seriously apologize for creating it!

Of course it was a great event, pity that it rained, it met my expectations and even much more than that. You did a great job Soap and so did your wife.

If the nice place where we started and finished would be a restaurant and your wife would cook there every day, I would highly recommend it to everybody and look for a house in its immediate neighbourhood :D . The food was better than one gets served up even in the 'better' restaurants.

A very charming thing was also that quickly a kind of fruit was prepared that a villager had passed on to one of the hashers: 'for the farang' he had said.

Yes, there was a fine atmosphere and everything was very well organised.

It was a great walk through a beautiful landscape and some of the hashers actually have adorable knees :D .

And of course dear Soap: After, with some assistance having set up this run and probably have been spending hours and hours for the preparations walking through the fields yourselves I can fully understand that you didn't participate.

No, you did more: you took care that things went smooth for the others, showed up with refreshments at strategic points to avoid people getting lost and over all you were a great host.

I remember that you mentioned your wife's cooking skills before. Now I understand perfectly that you were not bragging. OK, I understand that I now completely messed up any chance to be invited anymore, yes, even to help you finish the last bottles of the excellent Chinese beer you might have left after the Khao Panzaa.

It shows your generosity to bring some fine examples last Saturday, because I agree fully with you that it is a more than excellent beer (do you remember the shootings on the river with several fatal casualties which decided the future of this beer in Thailand some years ago?), even if the lables don't stick to the bottles very well and the caps show some rust (you never know, they might have been stored for a while on the bottom of the Mekong).

I can recommend the runs of the HHH to everybody. It is a pleasant social event and you indeed visit places where you have never been before. It is, as Soap mentioned in an earlier posting, a nice walk through a nice environment. I guess the distance of last Saturday was about 5 or 6 kilometers. It is however not an easy cake, it is a firm walk on sometimes rough paths.

Erg, the best beer you have for Soap next time he visits. On my account!

Limbo :o


I experienced the whole event as extremely surrealistic. It could have been a scene from an old Russian movie. A Potempkin between the rice fields.

There is no frame of reference in between my ears, nothing to compare with, I hear no bells ringing spontaneously.

I am trying to recall it, but only an unstructured series of flashbacks project themselves against the innerside of my impressive forehead.

I see grown up men and women showing their knobby knees under the kind of pants I didn't even know the existence of.

I see people who I hold in high esteem turn into naughty boys and girls.

Yes, if anything, then the Hash House Harriers runs seem to be a kind of temporary rejuvenation cure.

Would it only be the appearances which would underline this, but no, also the behaviour of the participating ladies and gentlemen does. Their facial expression, their way of moving. Like young adolescents who are still exploring the width's of their physical existence.

Then, at a certain moment, one of the participants (I suppose a kind of master of ceremony or ringleader) starts to make a completely ununderstandable introduction of the event of the day, that seems to explain something only to those who suffer from the same speech impediment.

The gathering starts to scratch its sportshoes in the muddy earth as if they were circus horses who just learned to count to three.

Suddenly somebody shouts something and a part of the gathered community starts to run.

Yes, run, as if they are afraid to miss a train or an airplane, but I can assure you there wasn't any of these in the neighbourhood.

Their faces express a kind of serious astonishment; they look like bearers of the Olympic Torch even if some of them at best carry one of these plastic waterbottles.

I shortly panicked but then I noticed that the rest of the community quite chaotic but slowly started to move in the direction where the young rascals in the meantime already had disappeared.

So the walk had started. The sun didn't shine, but somebody had forgotten to switch of the heavenly waters so that everybody actually got wet, aside from those who had brought raincoats which of course, that's where raincoats are for, got wet on their behalf.

Yes, we walked indeed on roads where any mentally well-balanced person wouldn't walk if not forced to do so by a flat tyre or another calamity.

I must say that everybody was very friendly to me and permanently tried to encourage me with remarks of the kind 'isn't it beautiful here' and 'these are places one normally doesn't come'.

Of course I admitted all this wholeheartedly, what else could I have done?

Even in the middle of a ricefield, walking on a muddy little dam I was supposed to look around to admire the beauty of the landscape. Pure out of politeness I did, with the result that I stepped in the water with my right foot which added an extra handicap to overcome during the remaining distance of the walk.

At the end of the 'run' everybody was happy and visibly relieved and did everything which was possible to convince each other that it had been a fantastic, superp, hitherto unsurpassed run.

Of course I agreed: I know how to act in public and I am a meek and accommodating person!

As this account is getting too long I shall continue tomorrow.

:o .

Limbo :D


before i reply to your slurs on my character,i would like to recall my personal contact with you in my 15 years that i have lived in chaingrai.

the first time i met you was in chaingrai some 6 months ago when we had a 15/20 minute conversation reminissing the chaingrai of years gone by,the second time i had a personal message from you saying maybe we could get together for a drink,the third time was last saturday when you turned up at the hhh without having the courtesy to confirm by e-mail that you was coming.

i am not sure if i spoke to you before the hash started has you arrived with minutes to spare,if i did i would most probably have thanked you for coming, then i remember seeing you for maybe one minute at the half way stage. i could explain in detail why i was standing there and not walking with the hash. but i presume you were busy thinking of your slurs to post and you would not have appreciated a logical explanation.

i did notice you at the buffet that my wife had spent many hours preparing and was a free gesture with a drink thrown in from me with this being my first laying the trail that i had a hand in plus the fact that my birthday was earlier in the month, i remember seeing you a couple of time again mainly filling your face on the free buffet and i think you left when all the food had been consumed.

it has now took you 4 days for you to cower behind a keyboard in order to post a melodramatic report that reads if it came out of a harry potter movie of a harmless saturday afternoon walk.

how dare you sit amongst nice people and post sarcastic comments about peoples attire and remark sarcasticaly about a persons speech in pediment.

i will now address the slur by you on my charactor.

firstly i would like to know how any peron can form an opinion of another person with having less than 2 hours personal contact with the person in 15 years, and then feel justified in calling the person"extremely mean, boot (whatever that means? do you mean clog) utmost detestable,on the edge sadistic role" and then in the same breath call me an honourable member, has i am sure my

wife and 2 children would like to know.

i have never formed an opinion of any body after reading only one page, but in your case i will make an exception.

after reading your post i have come to the conclusion that you are a // removed on special request //.

were i come from,if we take issue with some one we tell them to their face not cower behind a keyboard

Soap is indeed rightfully angry. This anger is based on a sentence I removed from my original post, that was meant to be satyrical but in its context also could be interpreted as completely negative and insulting. I apologised by PM to Soap, who I hold in high esteem..


When I read Limbo’s review of his first Hash experience I thought it was an amusing satirical account. He seemed to be poking more fun at himself than anything else. Obviously, this was misinterpreted. Soap’s very personal attack on Limbo is entirely inappropriate and demands at least an apology – if not a retraction. Anyone familiar with Limbo knows how uncharacteristic it is for him to intentionally insult or hurt others.




if you want to sit there and let a person post on a world wide web site that you are extremely mean, utmost detestable, on the edge of a sadistic roll after having only2 hours personal contact with the person in your life good luck to you.

for me my life long principles will not allow me to let a person post such slurs and were i come from our natural instinct his to give as good has you take.

all my life i have dealt with the public and have lost count of the jeckal and hyde people that i have come across.

limbo has now been in touch with me and has far has i am concerned the matter is now closed


Not having read the offending sentence,that has since been removed, It is not possible for me to comment on Soap`s reply. Justified as it may or may not be.

I know both Soap and Limbo, for my sins, and both are as nice and charming people as you would ever perchance to meet.

Having been invited along to many HHH events, I have yet to pluck up the courage to show my face there.

I must say that Limbo`s account of the events had me in stitches. But I knew he was relaying his recollection of the days events in the form of a caricature.

As I said I don`t know what personal slur our dear moderator tossed at Soap. I hope he didn`t mean it because I`ve never heard anyone in my 7-8 years in Chiang Rai say a bad word about him. The opposite actually.

Anyway, hopefully A couple of peacemaking beers will mellow things down and all friends again.



I think the whole thing is a big joke, personally i had a few experiences on the WWW the thing is that without sound and a face to look at, it is difficult to read what somebody really means.

Knowing Limbo personaly, i had a big laugh about his posting (also the removed sentence)

In holland we have a word for this (galgenhumor), i cant translate it to English, but i can only say, not a word Limbo said was meant serious, and defenitly not to hurt someones feelings.

I am happy to inform you that this afternoon Soap and I very peacefully enjoyed a non-alcoholic refreshment together (coffee actually). In Dutch we would say: Everything is 'cake and egg' again.

Sorry for the consternation.



i have just had a coffee with one of the nicest people i would wish to meet limbo, and yes when you get to know the guy you cannot say anything bad about him because their his no malice or badness in him.

but how the slanging match arose is because i did not know him,i spoke to him for a short time over 6 months ago, i wanted him to come to the hash to have a drink and a bite to eat off me,but for some unknown reason i did not get the chance to speak to him.

so when i read the last paragragh i was gobsmacked,i said to myself "what have i done to the guy to deserve the slur on my character, of course i now know he meant no harm.

the bottom line is you tend to form an opinion of a person without without ever knowing or seeing them on these forums.

i know now that i will be friends with limbo/john for many years to come because our natures are both the same.

limbo if possible can you please erase my reply to your first post

limbo if possible can you please erase my reply to your first post

Please dear Soap, don't break my heart!

You ask me to delete a piece of the finest prose that ever appeared in this columns.

Wouldn't it be the rudest form of cultural barbarism ever shown on this forum?

The remains of my principles would fall together as a house of cards, my soul would be torn apart.

Can we please come to the compromise that I only delete the sentence you wrote in capitals?

And I solemnly swear never to write down words straight from the dictionnary anymore without fully understanding their meaning and connotation.

Limbo, ashes on his head :o


OK guys, back to the Hash!

It was a very good Hash, one of these Hashes that we all will remember.

We were almost 30 people there and when it started it was raining. And that is good! It is not hot and after a while you don't care if you put your foot in deep water. Just ON, ON!

There was a group of these young guys that was in the front and they did a good job to find the trail at the crossings. But as always when Virgin Bluce is involved, there is a crossing with only lose ends.

We had to backtrack about 2 km to find where the track was restarted.

But after that, no problems. We came back to the starting point were Pat and his wife had put up a fantastic meal and there were lots of COLD beer there too.

And Limbo, poor little thing could not drink other than Coke on the Rocks.... Khao Panzaa!!!

Well he was not alone..... (only 43 more days!!!)

After the meal there were some guys that had to sit on ice. Why I don't know but that is part of the tradition.

And the After Hash lasted a long time, probably because Pat had sponsored this Hash with a lot of his private beer!

Many thanks to Pat and his wife for making this Hash to one of the best!!!

And Virgin Bluce, please try to find the rules about how a Crossing should be!!! Please!!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Tomorrow (at least if you read this posting today) September 16 is the third Saturday of the month and as usual the local hero's of the HHH will bare their beautiful knobby knees again.

At 4 pm run number 35 will commence.

A part of this remarcable community will immediatly start to run as if they were blind horses, not really knowing which direction to take, but run they will (that's the way they are and even are supposed to be: they go under the name Front Running Bastards!).

Then there is this group of calm, composed, elderly young man and women who taught by the lessons of life know that there absolutely is no reason to hurry as the fine food and the (non-) alcoholic refreshments still will be there, even if they arrive a little bit later.

Tomorrows run will take place in the beautiful scenery of the surroundings of Ban Nang Lae.

The runsite is near Nanglaenai waterfall. He are the directions to the starting point.

Travel north on Asian Highway (number 1 towards Mae Chan) and look for Kilometer Stone 842 (which is about 3-4 km south of Mae Fah Luang University). About 100-200 meters past (north of) km stone 842, look for a large cement pineapple and an HHH sign. Turn left down that cement road and follow the HHH and Nanglaenai signs to the run site which is about 6km along that road. There are a few villages so you will have to drive slowly. Expect it to take about 15 minutes from the highway to run site. We will be parking at the side of the road at the run site.

Plan on a 45 minute drive total from the Big C in town.

On! On!

To give you an impression about the compilation of this honourable society I present hereby an extract from the report on the last run, to be more specific run number 34:

Hares: Shocking assisted by G.M. Wirgin Bluce and Well Oiled

Twenty-seven people showed up, the most ever seen at a S2ATO gathering excepting the inaugural and anniversary runs. Ten were virgins. There were seventeen males all farangs or half Thais. Two thirds of the women were Thai and the balance Chinese and farang. The youngest were Jozef and Steve’s sons aged seven and nine. Limbo stood out in sartorial splendor. Attired in slacks, button-down long sleeved shirt and equipped with an umbrella, he attracted much comment. The only thing missing was a neck-tie.

And, of course, some pictures:


Dear Soap, I can't participate tomorrow, but I hope to be able to show up at the finish to have a look how you drink your China beer (Khao Panzaa) :o

Limbo [/color] :D


limbo /john

i shall be there tomorrow if you can make it even for the choc dee at the end please do, if not i would like a coffee with you before i get of for my last annual stint before i call it a day in the land of plenty.

be in touch


  • 1 month later...

OK folks, now it is time again!!

If you been with HHH before you know what it is and you will be there.

Have you not experienced HHH, Hash House Harriers, then it is time to come to see what it is all about.

In short, we meet, we have a run/jog/walk on a track that sometimes goes through very fantastic nature and sometimes through fantastic nature. Time between 30 and 60 minutes.

After that we sit down with some snacks, sometimes a small meal but always refreshing drinks. Coke, Soda, Fanta you name it and BEER. Icecold BEER!

For people that only drink soft drinks the charge is 50 bath and for the others it is 150 bath! Cannot go wrong.

This months announcement from Virgin Bluce:

Calling all hashers

Our Chiangrai S2ATO (Start Slowly and Taper Off) Hash will hold its 35th "run" on Saturday October 21 beginning at 4 pm.

The hare is Do It Yourself ably assisted by Do It Better. The location is Do It Yourself's house in Ban Mai Cha Rouen.

To get there take the highway #1020 towards Thoeng. About 300 meters past kilometer stone 12 from

Chiangrai, turn into a concrete road to the left and follow the HHH signs. It is about 200 meters from the main road. Plan on twenty minutes' travel from the Big C.

Do It Better is preparing some food for the occasion so please let her know if you are coming. All are welcome along with guests provided they know how many to prepare for. Please respond to [email protected] to let her know if you are coming.

On! On!

G.M. Wirgin Bluce

Everyone Welcome!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hash House Harriers

The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

Founded 15 November 2003

Report of Run #36: Saturday October 21, 2006

Location: Baan Mai Jalern (near the 12 km stone on the road to Thoerng)

Hares: Do It Yourself assisted by Do It Better

Twenty-two people showed up for the run including Paddy Boy’s daughter Sasha and Oiled Well’s nephews Ink and Aum, all three around nine years old. There were four virgins Jeff, Allan and Tricia who are new residents in Chiangrai plus Lennart, a friend of Do It Yourself who had so far managed to escape our net. Visitors included Bullet Rash and Limpid from Phuket, and One Loose and Blitzen from Christchurch, NZ who are enroute to the Interhash.

The run began in front of the Do It’s house. It soon cut back sharply on the other side of a hedge so that any hasher willing to get his shoes muddy could effortlessly place himself up with the leaders. Then one discovered a check, the quality of which the S2ATO club had never seen before. Within a perfect circle of manioc powder Do It Yourself placed four blobs of shredded paper joined by crossed sticks. This new art form symbolized end of trail to be resumed somewhere within a 100 yard radius. Do It Yourself’s creative powers did not limit itself to conventional trails. Once the obvious alternatives had exhausted themselves hashers had to spread themselves out in orchards to search for shreds of paper which our frugal hares hid in long grasses. Eventually an observant person came across a HHH traffic direction sign partially covered with paper saying “Cold Beer.” That was Do It Yourself’s motivational way of saying “On In.”

The FRBs missed the sign and they were well on their way around the course a second time when they recognized their mistake. First In were Barefoot Bob, Limpid and One Loose. Nam Ron came with his puppy who he used as a pretext to explain his slow performance. Actually he and Wirgin Bluce competed in the Doi Tung bicycle race that morning. Last in were Paddy Boy, Stiffy and Sasha. They had been so busy talking on the way out to the site that they missed the HHH signs and got lost. Thus they began their run as the FRB’s arrived on the home stretch. The Do It’s dog followed the late comers half way around the course then disappeared. His fate was still unknown when the gang eventually dispersed. He was the only known casualty this time.

The circle was more active than usual thanks to the visitors who knew the songs and especially Paddy Boy’s booming baritone voice. It was followed by a fine buffet of Thai and Swedish dishes hosted by the Do Its and their friends virgins Lennart and Pin.

Notes by G.M. Wirgin Bluce

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all Chiangrai hashers

Please note big changes in our upcoming run. Instead of the third Saturday of the month we are switching to the fourth Saturday ie Nov. 25. Also instead of starting as usual at 4 pm we are beginning at 12 noon. This is to accommodate Stiffy and his guests who are coming from all over to attend Stiffy's wedding at the Dusit Island hotel the same day. Stiffy and his pal Paddy Boy organized our two previous anniversary runs and hosted us at Paddy Boy's farm behind Mae Fah Luang university several times in the past.

Saturday's run will be a special challenge for the runners as it is an A to B and there are many opportunities for false trails. It would be waste to set such a trail for the Chiangrai group which on a typical day has only a couple of serious runners. However Stiffy counts some real runners among the gang coming for the wedding so it should be a lot of fun. The rest of us walkers will have lots of opportunities to catch up with the leaders of the pack.

To get to the run site, take the highway 1020 towards Thoerng. About 4 km out of Chiangrai you cross the Mae Laow River bridge then make a U-turn at the first opportunity. Returning towards Chiangrai make a left turn just before the windmill at the bank of the river (HHH sign) then proceed down the soi about 200 meters and park along the road at the HHH sign. It will take about 20 minutes from the Big C.

Those needing transport should go to the Dusit Island hotel where we will have vehicles to transport the wedding guests and others to the run site. It would help us enormously in organizing this run if everyone intending to come would send me an email at [email protected] confirming that and whether one also needs transport from town.

In addition Stiffy is organizing an evening run on the previous night ie Friday and a run out at Paddy Boy's farm on Sunday. Buses will leave the Dusit Island at 1 pm to go to the farm on Sunday. For more information on these activities you can write him directly at [email protected].

On! On!

G.M. Wirgin Bluce


Hi all

Here is an update on the information I sent you yesterday concerning the hash weekend.

On the Friday night Stiffy is organizing a night-time hash to begin at the Dusit Island at 7 pm ending at the Chainam restaurant on the south bank of the Kok River east of the main bridge. There will probably be a beer stop somewhere along the way. All are welcome to join the fun including those who can't find their way to the Dusit but can make it to the Chainam.

I neglected to say that those needing transport to the Saturday run should gather at the Dusit Island Hotel for registration at 11 am. The buses will take off from there at 11:15 to go to the run site. We would appreciate anyone with vehicles also meeting there to help ferry other hashers out to the site.

On Sunday, the meeting point is the Dusit Island hotel. Buses and personal vehicles will leave for Paddy Boy's farm at 1 pm. The run will start around 2 and the party will go on into the night. Again all are welcome.

On! On!

G.M. Wirgin Bluce

  • 2 weeks later...

I didnt know you couldt write with a key board Cris, i gues your wife must help you more then you admit.

Everything okay in Chiang Sean? :o

Your posting might not be understood for the simple reason, that I deleted Chris' posting as it was completely off-topic and unpleasant ("you are all a bunch of loosers etc.").

It's a pity that his first posting in the Chiang Rai forum should be of this caliber.

I sent him a PM and asked him to share his Chiang Saen experiences with us.

I hope he does.


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