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[Cambodia] Career as fortune teller helps increase customers’ confidence


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Chhit Mom, 49, fortune teller.

“When I was seven, I dreamt that I could predict future events correctly. I woke up and then tried to predict what was going to happen to my neighbours and they appreciated my accuracy. I started holding their hands to help me see their future,†said the fortune teller from Takeo province, who has over 20 years of experience.

Are you superstitious? Do you believe that fortune tellers can predict future events? Some people say fortune tellers just like to cheat people out of their money, while others believe that fortune tellers can be a great life guide and give you motivation. There are usually both pros and cons about everything in life. With nearly 21 years as a fortune teller under her belt, 49-year-old Chhit Mom told LIFT that on a slow day she might have five customers while on a busy day she could have up to 20. A widow, Mom is raising her six children with her fortune-teller career.

Mom says she has met some customers who said they have nothing to live for and asked why should they continue on in this world, telling her they wanted to commit suicide. Even though she is just a fortune teller, she is proud of her career because she has used it to save people’s lives.

“I told them that life is always this way; most people face the same problems as you, but they can confront them and deal with them. This is what we call life. Therefore, you have to be strong and confront your problems. Death is not a solution for sadness and despair. You can deal with these problems as long as you are alive.â€

There are several methods for people to select from through which they can supposedly foresee their future fortune and future wife or husband. Methods include looking at a client’s palm, birth year, date of birth and facial expression. The most popular method, however, is through cards.

“Some people don’t believe in fortune telling and so they don’t trust me; still, I am proud to say that I have never cheated anybody out of their money. Whether somebody believes in my skills is up to him or her.â€


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