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The Proof Is In The Pudding


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I actually thought it was pretty funny. Put your humour cap on.

Then you're obviously not reading this forum, because this so-called joke has been cracked ad -nauseum, and in any event, I doubt that he said it to be funny.

If he wanted to be funny, he could at least have the wherewithal to say something original.

hey mobi, don't take this the wrong way but you do seem to be constantly critical of people here as opposed to what they write, are you the current holder of the big forum spoon, perhaps the guy himself can explain whether his post was intended funny or not.

also telling the next chap quote "Then you're obviously not reading this forum" of course he's reading this forum...we all are, why would you tell him differently, what is your agenda here, telling people what they should think or what they are thinking, or the way they should be thinking, it seems you have a habit of asserting yourself.............just my observation, not looking for confrontation, maybe it's what you like..confrontation, try not to get so personal with people, your opinion when on topic is most welcome, i enjoy reading most of your posts until you get critical of people, perhaps you can read over what i have said then have a think about it.

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When I ran the numbers (in another thread), and estimated the number of tourists and residents present in Pattaya on a given week, it came out to around 100,000 per week (14,000+ per day)

:D Ok. Nobody's saying anything. Maybe I've lost it..... :o

Maybe I just don't unnerstand Patters-logic?

Hey! Maybe you guys are 'special'! :D

Edited by OlRedEyes
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Steady now OlRed........you`ll have the guys blushing :o

I assure you that despite their delectable, sexy, firm bodies, I harbour no deep, dark desire for them. The males, I mean :D

Edited by OlRedEyes
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I actually thought it was pretty funny. Put your humour cap on.

Then you're obviously not reading this forum, because this so-called joke has been cracked ad -nauseum, and in any event, I doubt that he said it to be funny.

If he wanted to be funny, he could at least have the wherewithal to say something original.

hey mobi, don't take this the wrong way but you do seem to be constantly critical of people here as opposed to what they write, are you the current holder of the big forum spoon, perhaps the guy himself can explain whether his post was intended funny or not.

also telling the next chap quote "Then you're obviously not reading this forum" of course he's reading this forum...we all are, why would you tell him differently, what is your agenda here, telling people what they should think or what they are thinking, or the way they should be thinking, it seems you have a habit of asserting yourself.............just my observation, not looking for confrontation, maybe it's what you like..confrontation, try not to get so personal with people, your opinion when on topic is most welcome, i enjoy reading most of your posts until you get critical of people, perhaps you can read over what i have said then have a think about it.

Excuse my mirth - that's a good one - coming from Mr Confrontation himself. :D

You got your knickers in such a twist when I dared to suggest that the Pattaya bashers might be having an effect on the property market that your subsequent flaming comments had to be deleted. :D

If The Skipper's post wasn't intended to be confrontational, then I'll eat my hat. :D

Trying to pass them off as a joke is just tosh of the highest order.

As a matter of fact, if you read over what I write, you will find that I never invite confrontation, and will never 'have a go at someone' unless they have a go at me first, or are being confrontational within the forum. But I will not shirk from confrontation when it comes my way.

All I ever want is sensible, intelligent debate - but that is looking more unlikely with every day that passes. :o

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My post was not a lame attempt at humor.

Low lifes from around the world view Pattaya as the perfect holiday spot. Agreed?

I regard Pattaya as a perfect holiday destination. I'll agree on that point.

I don't appreciate being labelled a "low life" because I choose Pattaya over and above other holiday destinations.

I have the ability to be able to recognize and enjoy all the positives that Pattaya has to offer. What's your excuse?

Perhaps The Skipper needs to get back to his lost island where he can bum around with his best mate Gilligan. ....or if you prefer, mate with Gilligan's bum :o

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Perhaps The Skipper needs to get back to his lost island where he can bum around with his best mate Gilligan. ....or if you prefer, mate with Gilligan's bum :o

Hmmm, that makes sense now that you mention it.

Mr Howe (the rich guy) had Mrs Howe. He would most likely also have Ginger as his mistress (she seemed the type that would be attracted to wealth).

The Professor, being the smart guy that he was, would have gone for Mary-Ann :D

(with a little Ginger on the side when she needed a little more "umph" in her life). :D

That leaves Gilligan and The Skipper. :D


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My post was not a lame attempt at humor.

Low lifes from around the world view Pattaya as the perfect holiday spot. Agreed?

Well Mr gharkness, looks like I was right after all, and , more importantly The Skipper has kindly saved me from eating my hat. :D

Just to remind you what I said:

Quote:If The Skipper's post wasn't intended to be confrontational, then I'll eat my hat.

Trying to pass them off as a joke is just tosh of the highest order.Unquote

BTW, it Looks like The Skipper is yet another in a long line who has resorted to bashing Pattaya after experiencing some personal aggro in the LOS.

Quote (The Skipper):No defense against the "he beat me" claims.

Everybody will believe the girl.

In fact, my soon to be EX WIFE is claiming exactly that....... Unquote.

Dear oh dear... I suppose it will never end....... :o

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Mobi's not a bad guy .... but man he's so hypersensitive about Pattaya that he just can't see the reality anymore ....

Obviously there are not all those bars ... or crime ... or or or or or or

it is just a figment of people's imaginations!

And to say that "hel_l yeah I'd go to Pattaya for a weekend of drunken debauchery but would NEVER live there" is an insult of the highest order!


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Mobi's not a bad guy .... but man he's so hypersensitive about Pattaya that he just can't see the reality anymore ....

Obviously there are not all those bars ... or crime ... or or or or or or

it is just a figment of people's imaginations!

And to say that "hel_l yeah I'd go to Pattaya for a weekend of drunken debauchery but would NEVER live there" is an insult of the highest order!


Now jd - when have I ever said something like that???

For the rest, I'll let the dear readers be the judge of whether I have ever tried to deny the reality, as you call it. :o

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Hi ,

Having read most of the comments about Pattaya for and against, really it is all about personal choose. To say that ALL the people here are low life is

pretty narrow minded and indicates a holyier than thou attitude.

I visit here live in Jomtien, play golf, meet friends and holiday, there is nowhere else in the world where it is so easy for me to arrange a holiday,

hotel walk into a golf society (Lewinski's) and hookup with some great and golf, golf and golf.

The other attractions are here, if you want them go if you don't fine, but really NOBODY is in a position to condemn everybody who is here

as the same type of people in one sentence.

Having traveled most of Asia, Europe and Africa all these places have the same areas in their big cities, I live in Hamburg, yes we have one,

yes there's drunks, yes there's rip offs and mostly its the people who weekend trip and don't know the rules who get caught.

The girls are controlled by the pimps , the bars are controlled by the underworld, the police let it go on since its an attraction to the city that

the business people like.....................just like...................most places..

One big thing I have learnt traveling smile it always help, you are a guest in their country, behave as you would wish them to behave in your country

and smile................ :o

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Hi ,

Having read most of the comments about Pattaya for and against, really it is all about personal choose. To say that ALL the people here are low life is pretty narrow minded and indicates a holyier than thou attitude.

All but impossible to argue with that view eddy-ham, but doubtless some of the more strident Pattaya Bashers will... :o

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As I have mentioned in other threads, a few times, one of the reasons things appear to be so bad in Pattaya is the narrow focus of the media, and how it generally concerns itself with matters involving farangs.

Add to that that farangs are generally only interested in news that involve other farangs.

I mentioned in the thread about the Brit who was recently shot. If that had been a Thai man, we probably wouldn't have heard about it (on Thai Visa), and wouldn't have discussed it a such length.

How many of you have heard about the Thai woman recently murdered (possibly by her Thai boyfriend) ? It was in the news yesterday, but apparently not worthy of mention on TV. Why not ?

Because it didn't involve a farang.

The woman who was found murdered today may get mentioned here, because it is possible that she was murdered by a farang.

If that story is posted, it will receive lots of posts from people speculating on the various aspects of the crime. (The news story mentioned she was married to an Englishman, but went on to say she had gone to a short time room "with a young man who appeared to have come from a bar"). Didn't say if he was farang, but one can assume.

Sensational story if it involves a farang. People will be jumping up and down, screaming about how things are getting out of hand in Pattaya and crime is rampant.

How ever, if the suspect turns out to be a Thai man, this becomes just another ordinary, easily forgotten event.

The point is, what we see and hear most, is events that involve farangs. That is what most of you are interested in. That is what the media feeds you. That is why it seems like things are so bad, because that's ALL you get.

Start mixing in stories that involve only Thais and it will dilute the amount of farang news we see/hear. Add a few more feel good/general interest stories and suddenly the farang news is only making up a small percentage of the overall news. Suddenly it doesn't seem as bad.

Wow. A Thai guy that lives in my building was robbed and struck with a baseball bat the other night while working his shift at the reception desk of a nearby hotel ! I saw him with the bandaging on his head, but never knew what happened.

No farangs involved though, making it not worthy of discussion here.

What about the story of the 9 year old girl that was raped during Songkran ? Didn't hear about it ? No surprise. Her attacker was apparently a Thai boy aged 14 or 15.

No farangs involved though, making it not worthy of discussion here.

The crazy buffalo running around Nongprue ? Caused a little bit of damage and injured an elderly Thai woman.

No farangs involved though, making it not worthy of discussion here.

Did you know Pattaya was hosting a major Table Tennis Competition here this weekend ? Probably not. Not enough blood and guts to make it newsworthy, and once again, No farangs involved though, making it not worthy of discussion here.

See what I mean ? I could add a whack more stories in here, that have occurred in the last few days, that don't involve farangs.

Start adding in all the other things that happen here (good and bad) and the stuff that involves farangs becomes only a small part of the overall news. Suddenly the perspective changes from the point where it seems everything only happens to farangs, to the point where you realize things aren't that bad after all.

seeing that the pattaya news and newspaper are in english, they are reporting news that expats and tourist want to here about. not table tennis,are you going to buy the paper with real news in it or the one with the ping pong scores on the front

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As I have mentioned in other threads, a few times, one of the reasons things appear to be so bad in Pattaya is the narrow focus of the media, and how it generally concerns itself with matters involving farangs.

Add to that that farangs are generally only interested in news that involve other farangs.

seeing that the pattaya news and newspaper are in english, they are reporting news that expats and tourist want to here about. not table tennis,are you going to buy the paper with real news in it or the one with the ping pong scores on the front

That was my point. The focus of the (english language) media is so narrow, it makes the situation in Pattaya seem much worse than it is. That is why people are starting to think crime in Pattaya is running rampant.

If the news here was reported in a similar fashion to the way it is done in most Western cities, the situation wouldn't seem so dramatic.

There is other stuff happening here all the time, including crimes that don't involve farangs. Many of the papers print those other events, some of it gets a little TV time, and most of it never makes it to Thai Visa, leaving a distorted impression of life here.

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