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Odd Reaction at Local Gym


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Yow, man. I can't believe this essentially minor (real minor) interaction generated such controversy, debate and (yes, it's TVF so) even vitriol. I'm guessing the OP is also rather surprised. The Thai woman, on the other hand, she likely forgot about five seconds after she turned away. Guessing she was thinking: *Why this old farang asking me about weight of bar? I not owner, I no buy. If not heavy enough, put more plate on. Who care?* Then SNAP! Foreigner forgotten. ... *Where we have lunch and who gonna be there? Maybe new cute boy work at desk? ... Wait, who that young blond guy with big shoulder on lat pull-down. Never see him before. I see if he need spot..."

Anyone lifting sees the problem... others dont.. one could assume that people working at a gym have some idea what they are doing.. obviously not.

I've been lifting for 30 years... wait, make that 32 years. I'm not seeing a major problem here. Young Thai woman in gym is likely not holding a masters in exercise physiology. Probably got hired because she works out and looks good. Similarly, in Watsons I would not quiz a sales girl about the composition of whitening products and ethics of selling such. (Not addressing OP, here. Other more *energetic* respondents.)

For me, it would not be minor at all (if i was visiting this gym wanting a good workout) If i was always going there no problem you know it and add more weight. Point is an olympic bar is there for a reason, so that you can train in any gym rack the weights up that you want and begin. Its no fun second guessing how heavy a bar is and how much you need for a good workout.

Maybe I am not the average gym rat but id like to know what I am lifting so i know if i progress and if i need to add more. I would also be pissed off if all dumbbells were a few kg off. That would mean a whole spoiled session trying to figure out what to use for a good workout. I don't care much about what I am lifting but it makes it easier to select the right weight for the workout.

Off to lift some weights.

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The conversation could otherwise have gone like this:

Is the bar 12 or 20kg?


It's 12kg?


Or is it 20kg?

Yes, 20kg.

Not 12 kg?

Yes, 12 kg.

Is it 12 or 20kg?


Lesson: Do everything you want done correctly in Thailand yourself. If you want to know how much it weighs, do the weighing scale trick first. Then you will know. :)

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Conspiracy theory my a*se. Can't believe some are even hinting at it!

What logical reason is there then to deny the fact that the bar is not 20 kg.

The girl works in the gym. She would have been told by her supervisor/boss that the bar weighed 20Kg. If she entertained the OPs complaint, she would have needed to tell her supervisor/boss that they were incorrect. A Thai underling will not do this.

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I should have pointed out that the woman was in her mid-30's, pretty buff in her own right from exercise, and I believe the owner's wife or g/f. He wasn't there that evening, but he seemed to defer to her somewhat on the day I walked in to check out the place. She was certainly in charge that evening, telling the young male trainer what to do.

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I should have pointed out that the woman was in her mid-30's, pretty buff in her own right from exercise, and I believe the owner's wife or g/f. He wasn't there that evening, but he seemed to defer to her somewhat on the day I walked in to check out the place. She was certainly in charge that evening, telling the young male trainer what to do.

Its strange mate, and annoying that first time for training but now you know how much its off next time you can work around it.

As i said here a few times its not about the weight one lifts but it could mess up a total program if you need to find out your new weight that is what standardization is for. I know it would piss me off as it would mess up that first training and you did the right thing by weighing it instead of thinking you gotten a lot stronger.

Now that you know and if the gym is a good gym just work around it. I bought a great pair of Dumbbells from the USA (Ironmaster quick lock dumbbells). The best I ever had but i had to switch from Kg to Lbs, it took some time too but once you know you can take it in account. Much better as not knowing or having to adjust all the time if there are multiple bars with different weights.

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My take is that it was a face thing. Have seen this many times. In theory, at least, she is "responsible" for the conditions in the business (in this case, a gym). When you complain, it makes her lose face as she was supposed to take care of all that (again...supposed to....). So, she will do anything to make the problem go away without having to concede that something is not right.

Have had this in internet cafes when a computer doesn't work. In a place with 30 computers, you would think moving to a working computer would be the answer. However, I have had internet cafe "attendants" who wouldn't hear of it....they would reboot the computer I was at a million times before letting me move, as that would make them lose face since they were "responsible" for the internet cafe.

Just adjust the weights and go on. She would probably rather die than agree that something is off with the bar.

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ha ha hilarious bit of face saving, . I've used these light bars and in a few months it will be bent. I recommend not loading up more than 100 kg on it since a bar breakage using inferior materials may not be something you want to come in contact with

also edit to add olympic bar .... no I mean quality olympic bar is going to cost 1500 - 2000 us$. Most gyms will have 1 bar, maybe even 3 or 4, so the lower end of that price range for more bars.

No gym here is going to pay 50 k baht or more for an olympic bar, unless they are olympic lifters. That's it, they may be sold something asw an olympic bar it will not be

However if anyone knows of a gym with real olympic bars, not bent with bumper plates in Bkk let me know please

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