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girlfriend hunting on the net part 2


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Excellent. However, many of us want something warm, wet, and inviting, as well.

Me too. But given the choice between a Thai, Lao and Myanmar lady, the Thai would be at the bottom of my list (generalisation of course).

With few exceptions, I've found them to look pretty on the surface, but totally lacking in morals and honesty underneath.

Most of them also seem to have a screw loose somewhere, in some examples a whole box of screws.


My friends and I spend a lot of time in the pub discussing where to find a moral woman in Thailand.

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I'm quite happy with a cold beer and a good book, thanks very much. Ain't got time to waste with Thai females smile.png


Excellent. However, many of us want something warm, wet, and inviting, as well.

There's also the central question of your dotage: who will change your diaper?

looks like youll just have to stick to the beer then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,warm,wet and inviting,,,,,,lol

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ive found education not the be all and end all,

as you know im not the brightest, but ive done alright for myself,

getting on in life can be just a lot of luck, being in the right place at the right time, ive had many jobs like that,

Maybe education wasn't the be all and end all for your generation but the days when one could get a good job or career relying on old-fashioned "gumption", a good haircut, wide-eyed eagerness and well-polished shoes are pretty much over.

It's precisely a lack of education among huge swathes of the population that's responsible for the political crisis in Thailand.

There really is no nobility in ignorance any more

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ...

"working girls" are not really so very different from any other girls. Keep them all at a distance and try to budget what you spend on them. I have not kept to my own advice here for the past 3 years and I am trying to end a relationship which has cost me a very large chunk of my savings / capital base.

Sorry to hear your plight but seriously?? "Keep them all at a distance"??!!

You just chose the wrong bird, mate.

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Maybe education wasn't the be all and end all for your generation but the days when one could get a good job or career relying on old-fashioned "gumption", a good haircut, wide-eyed eagerness and well-polished shoes are pretty much over.

It's precisely a lack of education among huge swathes of the population that's responsible for the political crisis in Thailand.

There really is no nobility in ignorance any more

Sorry to hear your plight but seriously?? "Keep them all at a distance"??!!

You just chose the wrong bird, mate.

Improving the quality human resources will enhance national development and can potentially increase a country’s competitiveness, accordingly, the key strategy most national level administrators use to improve the quality of human resources is to encourage people to study more, especially at the higher levels of education, however, in Thailand, this strategy is causing havoc. A flood of graduates has swamped the labour market.

The Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC) reported that in 2007, only 1 graduate in 10 could find a job.

The number of new students enrolled in bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum. The only problem is that Thailand’s labour market does not need this number of graduates with bachelors degrees.


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ive found education not the be all and end all,

as you know im not the brightest, but ive done alright for myself,

getting on in life can be just a lot of luck, being in the right place at the right time, ive had many jobs like that,

Maybe education wasn't the be all and end all for your generation but the days when one could get a good job or career relying on old-fashioned "gumption", a good haircut, wide-eyed eagerness and well-polished shoes are pretty much over.

It's precisely a lack of education among huge swathes of the population that's responsible for the political crisis in Thailand.

There really is no nobility in ignorance any more

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ...

"working girls" are not really so very different from any other girls. Keep them all at a distance and try to budget what you spend on them. I have not kept to my own advice here for the past 3 years and I am trying to end a relationship which has cost me a very large chunk of my savings / capital base.

Sorry to hear your plight but seriously?? "Keep them all at a distance"??!!

You just chose the wrong bird, mate.

i know what your mate i really do,

but to me in thailand as i see it, its that corrupt that it dosnt matter about your education, its who you no and how much you can pay if you get the job,!

half the degrees in thailand wouldnt be worth the paper there wrote on,

ive had teacher friends say no one fails if they have money for the school ect,


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Maybe education wasn't the be all and end all for your generation but the days when one could get a good job or career relying on old-fashioned "gumption", a good haircut, wide-eyed eagerness and well-polished shoes are pretty much over.

It's precisely a lack of education among huge swathes of the population that's responsible for the political crisis in Thailand.

There really is no nobility in ignorance any more

Sorry to hear your plight but seriously?? "Keep them all at a distance"??!!

You just chose the wrong bird, mate.

Improving the quality human resources will enhance national development and can potentially increase a country’s competitiveness, accordingly, the key strategy most national level administrators use to improve the quality of human resources is to encourage people to study more, especially at the higher levels of education, however, in Thailand, this strategy is causing havoc. A flood of graduates has swamped the labour market.

The Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC) reported that in 2007, only 1 graduate in 10 could find a job.

The number of new students enrolled in bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum. The only problem is that Thailand’s labour market does not need this number of graduates with bachelors degrees.


The biggest problem with education today is not what they are taught, it's how they are taught. They are not taught to critically think. In the countries the blog mentions, think about whats been invented of major significance in the last 100 years. These countries Rote learn so they can recite the contents of the book they learnt from in every way possible but when it comes to problem solving they lack big time. The problem with the woman that people talk about on this site lack the ability to think, they follow instinct that hasn't been bred out of them through being able to problem solve. But in saying this, often countries like Thailand don't want to educate their population in a better way, it's better to keep them dumb.

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The biggest problem with education today is not what they are taught, it's how they are taught.

They are not taught to critically think.

In the countries the blog mentions, think about whats been invented of major significance in the last 100 years.

These countries Rote learn so they can recite the contents of the book they learnt from in every way possible but when it comes to problem solving they lack big time.

The problem with the woman that people talk about on this site lack the ability to think, they follow instinct that hasn't been bred out of them through being able to problem solve.

But in saying this, often countries like Thailand don't want to educate their population in a better way, it's better to keep them dumb.

Just in case the font size was a little small in the quote ...

"The problem with the woman that people talk about on this site lack the ability to think, they follow instinct that hasn't been bred out of them through being able to problem solve."

... facepalm.gif

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When I was single here, my phone was filled with numbers to plenty of hot women, who where always ready for a good time... (dinner, drinks, dancing, movies... whatever). And we are talking about women in normal jobs (or students) just wanting a good time.

Ain't the internet wonderful?


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Maybe education wasn't the be all and end all for your generation but the days when one could get a good job or career relying on old-fashioned "gumption", a good haircut, wide-eyed eagerness and well-polished shoes are pretty much over.

It's precisely a lack of education among huge swathes of the population that's responsible for the political crisis in Thailand.

There really is no nobility in ignorance any more

Sorry to hear your plight but seriously?? "Keep them all at a distance"??!!

You just chose the wrong bird, mate.

Improving the quality human resources will enhance national development and can potentially increase a country’s competitiveness, accordingly, the key strategy most national level administrators use to improve the quality of human resources is to encourage people to study more, especially at the higher levels of education, however, in Thailand, this strategy is causing havoc. A flood of graduates has swamped the labour market.

The Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC) reported that in 2007, only 1 graduate in 10 could find a job.

The number of new students enrolled in bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum. The only problem is that Thailand’s labour market does not need this number of graduates with bachelors degrees.


The biggest problem with education today is not what they are taught, it's how they are taught. They are not taught to critically think. In the countries the blog mentions, think about whats been invented of major significance in the last 100 years. These countries Rote learn so they can recite the contents of the book they learnt from in every way possible but when it comes to problem solving they lack big time. The problem with the woman that people talk about on this site lack the ability to think, they follow instinct that hasn't been bred out of them through being able to problem solve. But in saying this, often countries like Thailand don't want to educate their population in a better way, it's better to keep them dumb.

I love these education posts.

Thailand needs plumbers, electricians, nurses, welders and tradesmen. I want my plumber to know that poop rolls downhill and my electrician to know every wire needs to be grounded and my nurse to know first clear the airways and then stop the bleeding not the reverse of that.

I think these things can be taught by rote learning just fine. I also want my doctor and airplane pilot to do a lot of rote learning and less on the, thinking of new stuff side.

Thailand does not need inventors. Thailand needs people who know how to do stuff with stuff already invented. Last time I was in a Thai hospital I had a Swiss automatic IV. I was the only one who could turn it off and on and read the instructions. Not good. I didn't need the nurse to invent anything.


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Maybe education wasn't the be all and end all for your generation but the days when one could get a good job or career relying on old-fashioned "gumption", a good haircut, wide-eyed eagerness and well-polished shoes are pretty much over.

It's precisely a lack of education among huge swathes of the population that's responsible for the political crisis in Thailand.

There really is no nobility in ignorance any more

Sorry to hear your plight but seriously?? "Keep them all at a distance"??!!

You just chose the wrong bird, mate.

Improving the quality human resources will enhance national development and can potentially increase a countrys competitiveness, accordingly, the key strategy most national level administrators use to improve the quality of human resources is to encourage people to study more, especially at the higher levels of education, however, in Thailand, this strategy is causing havoc. A flood of graduates has swamped the labour market.

The Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC) reported that in 2007, only 1 graduate in 10 could find a job.

The number of new students enrolled in bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum. The only problem is that Thailands labour market does not need this number of graduates with bachelors degrees.


The biggest problem with education today is not what they are taught, it's how they are taught. They are not taught to critically think. In the countries the blog mentions, think about whats been invented of major significance in the last 100 years. These countries Rote learn so they can recite the contents of the book they learnt from in every way possible but when it comes to problem solving they lack big time. The problem with the woman that people talk about on this site lack the ability to think, they follow instinct that hasn't been bred out of them through being able to problem solve. But in saying this, often countries like Thailand don't want to educate their population in a better way, it's better to keep them dumb.

I love these education posts.

Thailand needs plumbers, electricians, nurses, welders and tradesmen. I want my plumber to know that poop rolls downhill and my electrician to know every wire needs to be grounded and my nurse to know first clear the airways and then stop the bleeding not the reverse of that.

I think these things can be taught by rote learning just fine. I also want my doctor and airplane pilot to do a lot of rote learning and less on the, thinking of new stuff side.

Thailand does not need inventors. Thailand needs people who know how to do stuff with stuff already invented. Last time I was in a Thai hospital I had a Swiss automatic IV. I was the only one who could turn it off and on and read the instructions. Not good. I didn't need the nurse to invent anything.


From hookers to plumbers,pilots etc. a bit off topic Maby!

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Nothing can replace that first encounter. Just by chance, having a special person take interest in you when you least expect it. Groping at straws on a computer screen is just insane. The last thing I need is a lady who spends her all her time on the internet (and cell phone) when real human beings are just walking around everywhere. Might as well be blind. Its amusing to have people say that they are incapable of chatting up a girl in person, and need to act anonymously on the internet. Even more amusing is the claim that educated people spend all their time looking for partners on "Kiss in Asia". LOL Sounds Insane. Most educated people are out enjoying the world.

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The biggest problem with education today is not what they are taught, it's how they are taught. They are not taught to critically think. In the countries the blog mentions, think about whats been invented of major significance in the last 100 years. These countries Rote learn so they can recite the contents of the book they learnt from in every way possible but when it comes to problem solving they lack big time. The problem with the woman that people talk about on this site lack the ability to think, they follow instinct that hasn't been bred out of them through being able to problem solve. But in saying this, often countries like Thailand don't want to educate their population in a better way, it's better to keep them dumb.

I love these education posts.

Thailand needs plumbers, electricians, nurses, welders and tradesmen. I want my plumber to know that poop rolls downhill and my electrician to know every wire needs to be grounded and my nurse to know first clear the airways and then stop the bleeding not the reverse of that.

I think these things can be taught by rote learning just fine. I also want my doctor and airplane pilot to do a lot of rote learning and less on the, thinking of new stuff side.

Thailand does not need inventors. Thailand needs people who know how to do stuff with stuff already invented. Last time I was in a Thai hospital I had a Swiss automatic IV. I was the only one who could turn it off and on and read the instructions. Not good. I didn't need the nurse to invent anything.


From hookers to plumbers,pilots etc. a bit off topic Maby!

Is the topic about hookers then? If Thailand cut back a bit on all these college educations 400,000 graduates a year, there would be more real women plumbers out there and less ladies on Smart Phones. I realize few lady plumbers troll the INTERNET but that may be a good thing.

Edited by thailiketoo
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