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NEED HELP! Homless today (in Bangkok), want to go to Ban-in Jai shelter


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If as you claim you will be receiving funds from somewhere on January 1st, than that`s only just over a week away and shouldn`t require much money to survive until then.

Do you have any relatives or close friends back in your home country, or even in Thailand who you can contact and ask to lend you some money until the first of next month? If you`re sensible about it, you could easily manage on about 8000 baht, enough for food and a cheap guesthouse room until your money arrives. Desperate times require desperate measures, and surely you know someone, somewhere who can help you out for the next few days.

Can be done on less than 5000 easily.

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If as you claim you will be receiving funds from somewhere on January 1st, than that`s only just over a week away and shouldn`t require much money to survive until then.

Do you have any relatives or close friends back in your home country, or even in Thailand who you can contact and ask to lend you some money until the first of next month? If you`re sensible about it, you could easily manage on about 8000 baht, enough for food and a cheap guesthouse room until your money arrives. Desperate times require desperate measures, and surely you know someone, somewhere who can help you out for the next few days?

Cheapest rooms are around 200, so he could do it for a lot less than 8000 baht. Why not go to Khao San Road and make a sign explaining your situation. Seems like plenty of drunk gap years would be willing to spare 100 baht.

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Go to any temple, you can stay free and eat.good luck!

I can see where this is going. First it was the Thai hospitals wanting every foreigner to buy insurance before entry into the country, next it'll be the clergy wanting the foreigners pay a security bond at the airport because of too many freeloading foreigners at their temples..

Why isn't the OP just asking his friends for a couch to sleep on and food?

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Go to any temple, you can stay free and eat.good luck!

I can see where this is going. First it was the Thai hospitals wanting every foreigner to buy insurance before entry into the country, next it'll be the clergy wanting the foreigners pay a security bond at the airport because of too many freeloading foreigners at their temples..

Why isn't the OP just asking his friends for a couch to sleep on and food?[/i agree.... Surely this guy must have made a friend or two in thailand unless he has been there before and outstayed his welcome. He hasnt tooo much about himself so we dont really know if he us a hobo, a freeloader or really just down on his luck. Nevertheless i wish him well and hope his situation is resolved... After all it us Christmas and who wants to be in such a situation on Christmas whether its his fault or not.]

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I'm a Australian who once helped a Pom out in Bangkok.He clamied a taxi driver had taken off with everything he had wallet credit cards in the wallet.lap-top the lot.He reckoned he owened t-shirt factories in udon and in Bangkok.Igave him a loan of 10,000 baht.Mind you I had been drinking with this bloke and other friend's for about a week.2 hours after loaning him the money he dissappeared and I still have never laid eyes on him since

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On the bright side of this whole situation, i;m not completely out of it, I have my last deposit coming in on Jan 2nd.

Wonderful! Then we can expect you to fly home?

Well, I can see how the spirit of Christmas is not lost on you! I do loathe these 'farang go home if you're out of money' posts. What the hell has it to do with any of you? angry.png

Invited to read,,,, qualifies to comment.

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I love the "it should only cost you 5,000 or 8,000 baht" to make out the next week. Not sure if you posters truly understand the meaning of "no money". It means YOU HAVE NO MONEY.......which means you can not buy a noodle soup at 7/11 for 6 baht.

Several years ago had an American Vietnam Vet staying at the guest house. Beginning of the month he was fine...middle of the month he started becoming a bit incoherent but still harmless...by the 25th of the month he was delusional, screaming at non existent spiders on the walls etc...yep, drug addict living with his demons (in his head). Would get his monthly security cheque and right as rain again. But that last 5 or 6 days when he truly had spent every last satang on drugs and before his next cheque I am sure was hell for him. Family stopped caring for him, friends were other drug addicts, most of whom relied on his pay cheque to buy their drugs so would not help him (they had no money), he stayed for free at the guest house (ran out on his bill in the end). Ended up in a local hospital with self inflicted injuries. About a year ago he was caught in Vientiane running naked down one of the streets and was taken to the US Embassy there.

The Laotians are all to familiar with this situation and instead of turfing them loose, turned him over to the US officials. Last I heard he was safely tucked away in a drug rehabilitation center in Florida under the care of the Veterans Society.

So many reasons this person is on the down and out.....but if I can give any advice to this person.....go home as soon as you are able to. I realize some posters feel it is better to be broke and down and out here then in your home country. I disagree. This is a terrible country to be down and out in.

Because ?

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To the OP. Can you tell us how you managed to end up in this situation. You must have know before the last day (today) that you would run out of money. What happened? Did you not see it coming?

Spending your last money on a Taxi and The internet is in my eyes not the smartest thing to do. You need to survive through 8 days. First priority is therefore water and food. You will not die from sleeping outside and walking the streets for a week. It is going to be a long week, but it will not kill you.

Otherwise think of friends and family back home, that might be able to help or see if you have anything to sell. Spend the next 8 days on thinking very carefully about how you want to spend the next money you get.

To me it seems like you have been overspending and are now suffering the consequences of that. Make sure you do not do the same with the next payment coming.

One last piece of advice: I have been in the same situation as you and all I can say is do NOT expect others to help or save you. Getting out of a situation like this is only up to YOU and no one else. So act accordingly and do not rely on others help. You will only be disappointed if you do.

Good luck!

Edited by khunpa
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I've been homeless and don't feel one ounce of saddness for you. You made your bed now sleep in it. Be glad your not crippled and begging in the street like so many in Bangkok. One would hope your using your brain and not a bottle.

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Another attempted Scam to get money............Go Home, if you're not

wanted by the police in your Country......sick of this Bull Sh.t........

Time to change your profilename perhaps ?

Sick of..............itt. Stop reading and commenting on it.......Little Mary Sunshine.

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I love the "it should only cost you 5,000 or 8,000 baht" to make out the next week. Not sure if you posters truly understand the meaning of "no money". It means YOU HAVE NO MONEY.......which means you can not buy a noodle soup at 7/11 for 6 baht.

Several years ago had an American Vietnam Vet staying at the guest house. Beginning of the month he was fine...middle of the month he started becoming a bit incoherent but still harmless...by the 25th of the month he was delusional, screaming at non existent spiders on the walls etc...yep, drug addict living with his demons (in his head). Would get his monthly security cheque and right as rain again. But that last 5 or 6 days when he truly had spent every last satang on drugs and before his next cheque I am sure was hell for him. Family stopped caring for him, friends were other drug addicts, most of whom relied on his pay cheque to buy their drugs so would not help him (they had no money), he stayed for free at the guest house (ran out on his bill in the end). Ended up in a local hospital with self inflicted injuries. About a year ago he was caught in Vientiane running naked down one of the streets and was taken to the US Embassy there.

The Laotians are all to familiar with this situation and instead of turfing them loose, turned him over to the US officials. Last I heard he was safely tucked away in a drug rehabilitation center in Florida under the care of the Veterans Society.

So many reasons this person is on the down and out.....but if I can give any advice to this person.....go home as soon as you are able to. I realize some posters feel it is better to be broke and down and out here then in your home country. I disagree. This is a terrible country to be down and out in.

Because ?

Because being down and out is not nice to begin with. Been there, done that. I would not have wanted to have been down and out in a country I did not understand the language, how to get medical assistance if needed, access to free and clean food/water, no family, immigration and visa issue. Ever tried to get into a rehab program here? How about going to the local food bank?

By the way I am broke and rent is due......can you spare an extra 10,000 baht until next week, honest I am good for it!

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surprised there is no mention of his nationality

Well, from his previous posts it seems he is on holiday here, which basically means that guy has been overspending and having more fun than he could afford. Now he is paying the price.

The 8 days on the streets might teach him an important lesson: "Not to overspend when on holiday and think/plan before spending his money".

If he has no family or friends at all, that can help him through the week with a WU transfer then that also says something about him. I think it is sad that he has to walk the streets for 8 days, but it is more sad that the guy does not seem to have much financial understanding and self responsibility. He is relying on others to save him from his situation, instead of using his time and last money wisely.

Edited by khunpa
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I love the "it should only cost you 5,000 or 8,000 baht" to make out the next week. Not sure if you posters truly understand the meaning of "no money". It means YOU HAVE NO MONEY.......which means you can not buy a noodle soup at 7/11 for 6 baht.

Several years ago had an American Vietnam Vet staying at the guest house. Beginning of the month he was fine...middle of the month he started becoming a bit incoherent but still harmless...by the 25th of the month he was delusional, screaming at non existent spiders on the walls etc...yep, drug addict living with his demons (in his head). Would get his monthly security cheque and right as rain again. But that last 5 or 6 days when he truly had spent every last satang on drugs and before his next cheque I am sure was hell for him. Family stopped caring for him, friends were other drug addicts, most of whom relied on his pay cheque to buy their drugs so would not help him (they had no money), he stayed for free at the guest house (ran out on his bill in the end). Ended up in a local hospital with self inflicted injuries. About a year ago he was caught in Vientiane running naked down one of the streets and was taken to the US Embassy there.

The Laotians are all to familiar with this situation and instead of turfing them loose, turned him over to the US officials. Last I heard he was safely tucked away in a drug rehabilitation center in Florida under the care of the Veterans Society.

So many reasons this person is on the down and out.....but if I can give any advice to this person.....go home as soon as you are able to. I realize some posters feel it is better to be broke and down and out here then in your home country. I disagree. This is a terrible country to be down and out in.

Because ?

Because being down and out is not nice to begin with. Been there, done that. I would not have wanted to have been down and out in a country I did not understand the language, how to get medical assistance if needed, access to free and clean food/water, no family, immigration and visa issue. Ever tried to get into a rehab program here? How about going to the local food bank?

By the way I am broke and rent is due......can you spare an extra 10,000 baht until next week, honest I am good for it!

A general appeal or to me personal ?

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Most posts appear to have lost the plot here!

There is a plethora of reasons why someone can end up with no money, and being judgmental at Christmas doesn't help one iota!

I would let him lodge at my place, but Samui is too far away for him, and relatively expensive to get to!

At least he sounds literate!

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Go to any temple, you can stay free and eat.good luck!

I'm going to the Temple now. lit right now...hopefully I'll pwn them w/ my auspicious Damma, and can be a monk for a week.

You do not have to become a Monk and you do not have to speak Thai.Just make a sweeping gesture they will give you are broom and bucket and you clean up the dog and cat excreta.Just do not volunteer for the Monkey Temple that monkey faeces takes a bit of getting used to but I guess it better than the Monkey house
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In the 80's we use to tell someone without any money to go to soi Cowboy and find a girl, she will take care of you until your money and luck return... My experience is that it is exactly what happened. I also believe it was always paid back by the unfortunate. This is how so many foreigners lived on soi 22 where is now Queen Park hotel.

No doubt those girls knew about hardship as in their world hardship is real. Good luck.

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