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A Thai Visa phenomonem, "Virtual Virgins."


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What?.....say again?

It is the Thaivizophrenia multiplier. It could be good or bad but for whatever reasons here it is almost always bad. People who have dropped off the reality cliff and use ThaiVisa to structure a fantasy world. Sounds odd to people who have not lost their grip on reality but many people are already over the edge.

In ten years there will be a ThaiVisa world reality game. One will be able to pick a character like the martyr, the old fat drunk expat, the young fat drunk expat, the man of the world, professional poker player, day trader, boiler room salesman, Navy Seal, SAS or Foreign Legionnaire, bi lingual gardener, rig pig, automotive engineer anti government news commentator or farmer revolutionary leader.

You lose a life every time a randomly generated bar girl takes all of your money or you begin to like Chang Beer with ice. The possibilities are endless.

Thanks...all clear now.
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I hear this is a huge problem in Japan and contributing to the population decline. Women wanting Mr. Perfect

and men escaping the pressure by leaving the real world behind. oh well more for the rest of us. thumbsup.gif

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I am amazed to see that the Philippines is put on the top of the scam list!

I thought that Nigeria held that prize by a long chalk, and actually teach fraud in some Colleges, with teachers providing templates for the alleged accidents to their parents in a plane, car crash or other disaster. Details are genuine, and supported by news of the event, except that their parents were never anywhere near there at the time, and certainly did not deposit a fortune in any bank or safe depository!

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I am amazed to see that the Philippines is put on the top of the scam list!

I thought that Nigeria held that prize by a long chalk, and actually teach fraud in some Colleges, with teachers providing templates for the alleged accidents to their parents in a plane, car crash or other disaster. Details are genuine, and supported by news of the event, except that their parents were never anywhere near there at the time, and certainly did not deposit a fortune in any bank or safe depository!

I think it is the thought of bouncing the cute little Nigerian lady on your knee.

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I know this post is about women..and Internet scams, but I need to mention something that just happen. I get many e-mails every week asking for money for many reasons, that I won an award or lottery, etc, etc...always by e-mail. I live here for 3 years, my Thai address is posted only on my business web site and my e-mail, and since few months ago...but today I got another scam request..

This time, for first time, in a letter directed to.... my home address in Thailand. Scary. How those people get so much info, and think that will get a response to get into "business"? That "lawyer" from India, or that woman from Thailand..may live next door in London.

It is possible that some people will really believe in those obvious scams? Who will send money to a strange, even to a good looking woman that never met in person? ...or to any mailed or online promise of millions?..and why?

There are thousand of good women looking for good men on the Internet, and bad ones too...in any country around the world. Why some people take chances with obvious scams? Just curious....

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I think your trolling dating sites in an attempt at defrauding innocent men out of cash by posing as a female(s).

I believe you are assuming a bit there. 1. Was I trolling dating sites? No. Was I defrauding men out of money? No. Should not assume things you don't know.

A young man without morals or any shred of dignity got a woman pregnant and skipped the country. She was still in love with this creep. I posed as a woman to show her that he was capable of cheating on her and got him to proposition me an hour before he spoke to her on the phone.

Well done! For all of the young men complaining about Thai women none seem to acknowledge the sleezy way many Farang young men get into a young student's pants, get her pregnant and then skip! It happens at every university where there are young farang men are doing courses...may the good Lord heal up their little brown starfish!!!! bah.gif

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I had a girlfriend here for about two years before I met my wife. After we finished going with each other we remained good friends and still are even to this present day. I had always felt that she would make a fine companion or wife for the right man and I really hoped that she would meet someone nice and they could be good for each other. She didn't drink or smoke and had practically no social life...she worked at the Fr. Ray Foundation and had little time off. She had no English writing skills and only learned to speak it after she met me. I asked her would she like to go on one of the dating websites and if she did I would do all the writing on her behalf while she sat beside me and told me what to say. ...It was one of the most humiliating experiences I ever had and I dared not tell her 90% of what the guys were saying. I had filled out her profile stating what she liked to do Re: music, movies, watching TV, going for walks and what her ambitions were and all about her background and family.....99% of the men who contacted her never bothered to ask her anything about her interests or such like...they just wanted to know would she show her boobs, what does she like to do in bed, what sort of things could he expect her to do for him (in the bed) and so on and so on. I got really angry and told her i couldn't continue doing this (by this time I was telling them what I thought of them) and that she would never meet a man with me at the computer controls, better she got a friend to do it. She just laughed and told me to have Jai Yen (cool down). I got an insight what a lot of these ladies have to put up with. Lucky they have the mindset way of "Don't think too much"...but for me....I wouldn't have been able for it.

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The Virtual Virgins are easy to spot. They have an axe to grind. They refer to Thai people as they. Like, I'd go out with a Thai but I'd never marry one. They objectify Thai people because they have never really known any. They peddle advice of fraud, and terror and nastiness. They don't like bum guns, or hospitals, or construction or banks in Thailand. Everything Thai is second class. They substitute Thai for other words like lie. They push the values of their homeland because they know no other and have never traveled. To them everything not Thai is proper. And they use the word proper a lot. From proper cheese to proper beer whatever is proper is not in Thailand.

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Some of these people develop complete worlds around an online relationship. Thai Visa becomes an integral part of that fantasy and they give people advice on how to obtain visas and where and when to travel and a myriad of things only one living here would really be equipped to answer. But in their minds they actually do live here. It is a whole new psychosis. Doctors in the future may call it Thaivizophrenia.

By reading many topics on thaivisa the phenomenen you refer to is not an exclusive online 1. Actually many living in Thailand live in their own shallow world full of imagination 2.

I try to live in my shallow world of imagination and unimaginable somedays it is just easier talking to myself.

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I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.


Oh wait......were you an Isaan girl that put herself through university but fell on hard times and had to quit before you got your degree and get a job as a hotel receptionist just so you could send money to your poor hard working parents and three younger siblings, and now you need 20k baht to finish your education so you can get a much better job and help your parents even more? Is your name Mon? You bitch! coffee1.gif

Seriously dude, you've probably got a few subscribers to TLL sweating with that comment. Did you score any baht out of your little escapade?

NO Her name is Ming

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There is an unfortunate aspect to all the negativity; The pessimism is infectious, and a guy who once had a bright outlook becomes suspicious of everything Thai. A relationship that once was positive and full of promise becomes sour from all the suspicion. The imagined negative possibilities magnify in his head and eventually and inevitably his own pessimism drives the lovely lady away. He then becomes one of the moaners, not realising that he was the author of his own misery.

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I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.

So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.

The best way to make money in Thailand is shaking your bootie down Pattayaland Soi 3.

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What?.....say again?

It is the Thaivizophrenia multiplier. It could be good or bad but for whatever reasons here it is almost always bad. People who have dropped off the reality cliff and use ThaiVisa to structure a fantasy world. Sounds odd to people who have not lost their grip on reality but many people are already over the edge.

In ten years there will be a ThaiVisa world reality game.

Don't give George ideas! w00t.gif

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I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.

So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.

The best way to make money in Thailand is shaking your bootie down Pattayaland Soi 3.

Of course that rather depends on how large your bootie is...

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There is an unfortunate aspect to all the negativity; The pessimism is infectious, and a guy who once had a bright outlook becomes suspicious of everything Thai. A relationship that once was positive and full of promise becomes sour from all the suspicion. The imagined negative possibilities magnify in his head and eventually and inevitably his own pessimism drives the lovely lady away. He then becomes one of the moaners, not realising that he was the author of his own misery.

Good comment....but maybe the moaners will find later on by reflection that the lovely lady was maybe not so lovely !

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I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.

So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.

The best way to make money in Thailand is shaking your bootie down Pattayaland Soi 3.

Have you ever tried dancing naked on stage in 5 inch heels for 8 hours a day while old men throw ping pong balls at you? Haaa - I thought not.

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I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.

So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.

The best way to make money in Thailand is shaking your bootie down Pattayaland Soi 3.

Have you ever tried dancing naked on stage in 5 inch heels for 8 hours a day while old men throw ping pong balls at you? Haaa - I thought not.

Have you ever been to Pattayaland soi 3? Haaa - I thought not.

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I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.

So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.

The best way to make money in Thailand is shaking your bootie down Pattayaland Soi 3.

Have you ever tried dancing naked on stage in 5 inch heels for 8 hours a day while old men throw ping pong balls at you? Haaa - I thought not.

Oh blimey! I bet your feet hurt after that.

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So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.

The best way to make money in Thailand is shaking your bootie down Pattayaland Soi 3.

Have you ever tried dancing naked on stage in 5 inch heels for 8 hours a day while old men throw ping pong balls at you? Haaa - I thought not.

Have you ever been to Pattayaland soi 3? Haaa - I thought not.

And they wear 5 inch heels? Ya right. I believe the outfit is whitey tightys and sports shoes but I'm not an expert.

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You're the one that suggested they do...

No I didn't you did.

Have you ever tried dancing naked on stage in 5 inch heels for 8 hours a day while old men throw ping pong balls at you? Haaa - I thought not.


You are talking about two different things. Pattayaland Soi 3 is a gay area and I don't recall any tranny bars there. To imply that, that area is the best way to make money in Thailand is nonsense.

I was trying to make a point that dancing in a go go is not as easy as some customers make it out to be because of the exertion, fishnet hose pressing against feet in 5 inch heels while men throw ping pong balls at the ladies.

If I implied that the boys who dance in white jockey shorts wear high heels that was not my intention. That would be a fashion faux pas equivalent to wearing black socks with shorts. Nor have I ever seen anyone throw ping pong balls at them. But I'm not an authority.

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