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Why and at what age did you come to Thailand?

i claudius

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I had this idea that there would be a community of people in Thailand adverse to the endless commercialism and development I had experienced in America. For a few years while living on Miami Beach, I had to move at least once a year to escape another construction site for another condo, hotel, or restaurant being built next door. Ha! It's almost exactly the same thing going on here now in Phuket. I also had hoped that the ex-pat community and Thai people would be peaceful and gentle. With the Red Shirts hailing in what Yinhluck calls the "New Order" (which means the New World Order) I can see that it's getting very hard to escape the worldwide net of development. Everything is becoming the same everywhere, in terms of building style, fashion, music, mentality. When a one-world currency kicks in, however long that will take, it will be just a matter of time before the weather is part of the worldwide web of control.

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I came in the late 60's to save Thailand from the Red Menace. I did. I would have saved Laos and Cambodia too but they didn't ask me. Vietnam? Why would you bring up that? Well, we were winning when I was there. I left and they lost. Sorry about that.

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First came here in 1995, being 28 years old, as a tourist and since then every year, sometimes twice, for business/ holidays,as I am working in the tourist industry and was mostly dealing with SE Asia and especially Thailand at the time.

Moved here in 2007, because I lost my job in Germany and saw this as a (last) chance to work abroad and get to know a different culture.

Germany was no nightmare and Thailand is not paradise.

It is a place I often feel good and comfortable in, but I also have some issues with it- just like I most likely would have anywhere else.

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First came here in 1995, being 28 years old, as a tourist and since then every year, sometimes twice, for business/ holidays,as I am working in the tourist industry and was mostly dealing with SE Asia and especially Thailand at the time.

Moved here in 2007, because I lost my job in Germany and saw this as a (last) chance to work abroad and get to know a different culture.

Germany was no nightmare and Thailand is not paradise.

It is a place I often feel good and comfortable in, but I also have some issues with it- just like I most likely would have anywhere else.

Everyone who has been here longer has issues with this place just as almost everyone has issues with their home country. Its perfectly normal, there is a difference between normal complaints and burning Thai customs and habits to the ground. Too bad many people who just arrived understand this. The famous, if you don't like it leave remarks are boring.

Truth be told it will never be 100% anywhere in the world and complaints are often valid. Not all of those of course I have met a racist Dutch guy that i quickly distanced myself from. All Thai guys were bad dumb ect ect and the girls were after money. He kept on ranting and i told him (i am Dutch too) that he was too extreme and a miserable sod and i would not talk with him anymore. It takes a lot for me to get that agitated with someone but it does happen.

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I first came to LOS on an R & R trip in the very early 70's....72 or 73 perhaps.

Returned 10 years later & stayed for a few years then moved to live between

Hong Kong & BKK. Returned permanently in 2K1. When the bug bites ya just

gotta live with the sting 'cause it doesn't go away.

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1991, 9 years old, followed my parents who had lived here in the 70s... Though I did about 8 of these years in Malaysia for school, Thailand is home :) Although, I do get the wanderlust and think about Europe or the USA, just to see how good we've got it here :D

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Soon after my divorce in 1985 , I saw a advertisement in the personal column of The Times for meeting and marrying Thai girls . I had always thought Thai

girls pretty , I liked their soft round faces as opposed to European hatchet faces and their smooth brown skin . I sent for the brochure and videos offered , which I spent many an hour poring over , choosing this girl or that . I had custody , care and control of my three children , so I was not free to go

off to Thailand .

Later I sold up in England and moved to Italy , where I had many friends and where the climate is warmer . I teamed up with a girlfriend of many years who was an official guide in the city of Florence . One day she suggested we take a winter holiday together , where would I like to go . I said Thailand .

We came to Thailand in the early Spring of 2002 , I was 65yrs and my friend 63yrs . My friend who'd never been married was not easy to be with on a

continuous day to day basis , always off at a tangent , came with $1000 in single $ notes and fussed over money that I was happy to pay .

I saw all the pretty Thai girls , some at our hotel in Koh Samui , staying with older men . I thought I could do with one of them . We had arrive at

Koh Samui in a tropical storm , after breakfast the first morning we went for a walk along the beach . There came a heavy shower of rain and we were both

soaked . After I had changed I went out to buy an umbrella , I soon passed by a massage parlour where all the girls were outside in the sunshine looking

for customers . They called out to me massage , massage , I said not now girls I will come this evening . At 6pm I said to my friend we going for a Thai

massage now , she was delighted . We both had foot massage and body massage , subsequently she continues with foot massage and I just had body massage .

My masseurse was very small and very strong , I liked having her kneading my body all over , especially intimate places . Later in the week she whispered

to me , " I Love You Papa ". At the end of the week we exchanged addresses and I said I would write to her . We corresponded for a while , but then her

father wrote to me saying his daughter had gone to Bangkok to earn money to repair his house that was a ruin . What were my intentions towards his daughter

that if I loved her please send Bt30,000 . I didn't reply until about a year later . A month after I had posted to him , I received an airmail letter from

Thailand . When I opened , it was from a girl or woman saying , " I want a pen friend to learn English . If you would like a Thai girlfried I will send

some photos . If you come to Thailand I will look after you ." I thought , now you're talking ha ha ha !!! I replied and sent a photo , when I posted the letter , I thought , Now You've Done It , trouble ahead . It turned out that this lady 43yrs , a school teacher was long divorced , had her own house and

two adult children already away from home . We corresponded for a year , before I came to stay with her in Thailand . Her son 18yrs , living with a girl

in Bangkok , had been obliged to get married , my lady had mortgaged her house to pay the bride price and for the wedding . Before I knew about the

mortgage I was taken to a gold shop in Khon Kaen to buy a substantial amount of gold , that opens the door to conjugal life in Thailand . It wasn't till

the next visit 6 months later that I discovered the mortgage and some other debts , which I paid off . I also started restructuring the house , first the

kitchen , new roof , tiled floor , new windows , cement rendered walls , dining table and chairs , fridge , bathroom , with hot shower , sit down toilet , basin with mirror and automatic washing machine . We married 2yrs later when I was 69yrs . My wife is head teacher of her school with much better salary .

We have a comfortable home updated and to western standards , bedrooms with en suite bathrooms . My wife is a beautiful , slender , elegant woman ,

university educated , with a good job , a highly regarded member of our Isaan community . I'm still the walking ATM , but you mustn't be afraid to say no

in Thailand . We Love Each other very much and have a simple , happy , easy life together .

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My first trip was to have been R&R as a 22 yr. old USMC Sgt in 1967. I had date and flight in hand. Didn't happen, I went back out in the field. After a true 'divorce from hell' (bankruptcy)in the '90's and having to move back to the redneck SE Texass Gulf Coast a friend mentioned that he had just returned from another trip to Thailand. I made arraignments to go with him on his next trip, March 2002. We were standing outside Don Muang when he looked over at me, and with a little smile said "Welcome Home". He was right and I finally got my R&R. Spent several years as a "two week" millionaire several times a year. Did what I swore I would never do again, fell in love and married a Thai lady, financed house etc. By the time I finished work (again) I was spending 3 months a year here. Now have the wife, her 2 kids, 3 bed room/2 bath house w/mortgage, truck w/bank payment. You know, all that 'stuff' one thinks he is leaving behind. I haven't been back (and don't have any desire to return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika) since May 2010. Life isn't perfect, but most of my problems I cause myself (sometimes I think I'm still 22 and on R&R). I wouldn't be anywhere else.

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First visit 2004 44yo divorced. Emigrated 2008 married GoGo girl, mortgage and 3 kids. Now 4 kids, best wife I've ever had, and I've had a few. Happy wife, happy life! Still work in Oz 3 weeks on 1 week off and time off for good behaviour (between contracts) No regrets. Just roll with the punches ( traffic/ shit drivers/ dual pricing/ corruption etc) Wouldn't be dead for quids!

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1982 .. short stay during Asia tour.

1984 - 1986 Holidays (8 weeks per year)

1986 Started tour business

1988 Back to my home country

1994 Uninterrupted stay until now.

I was 24 when I came to Thailand first. Never been married and probably never will.

Edited by sniffdog
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There are nearly always pull issues and push issues. Living in South Africa, the push issues were crime (with associated violence), the rising power of the Unions, ANC corruption and incompetence, anti-business and worker friendly legislation etc etc. The pull issues

were friendly and non-aggressive people, similar cost of living to SA, no winter. I was 72 and retired here. Of course the reality is not always what one expects, especially as some Thais are not without aggression and Thailand has its own political problems. Also the cost of living is actually higher than SA (in Samui).

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Fullstop, When I was first introduced to my future wife's father he said "The only reason farang come to Thailand is for sex". I promptly raised my hand and smiled. Somehow I don't think he appreciated my sense of humor. Check my post, I was a "two week millionaire" for several years.

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Fullstop, When I was first introduced to my future wife's father he said "The only reason farang come to Thailand is for sex". I promptly raised my hand and smiled. Somehow I don't think he appreciated my sense of humor. Check my post, I was a "two week millionaire" for several years.

Sorry ... missed that one! But it's good to see all the other TV members are saints.

As for me ... I met a Thai girl in Australia when I was 24.. She was a student there. After a year she returned to Thailand. A few months later I went to Thailand for the first time to visit her. That was the last I saw of her.

The second time I returned was as a 3 month millionaire.

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surely a good life....:)

It was November 2002 and I was doing my usual 2-hour commute to work in central London. Everyone on the train looked miserable and I thought to myself 'I could still be doing this journey in 30 years from now...'

So I resigned my job and relocated to Bangkok at the age of 43 (hence my nick). I initially continued my career in software, but was bored of this profession after 20 years of similar work.

So I flew down to Phuket for a holiday. I wanted to stay near to the airport, but there was no decent hotel. So I decided to build one...

Years later (and several more hotels later and several wives later), I had time on my hands and again wanted to try something different. I was offered a teaching job in Myanmar. I took the job (teaching primary and kindergarten kids), and loved it. I was promoted to school vice-principal after 5 months and then Headmaster of a different school in Laos 6 months after that.

Now I spend my free time in Phuket, either staying at one of my family's hotels, or building new 'mini-hotels;, and I continue to work in Myanmar as a teacher during school term.


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Came here to escape crap weather, work and chavs back in the UK.....got the weather, don't have to work anymore and have mostly avoided the dross idiots apart from the saddos that can only post negative and abusive comments, but hey ho my skin is thicker than most. Have Thai woman, house, condo, car, motorbike, quality carbon fibre bicycles, good running shoes, like riding without helmet, drinking beer...so I will either get scammed and lose all my money or die in a terrible accident before someone whose see it all before lets me know. Happy days and good luck to everyone else that enjoys being in Thailand.

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Get a life.what possible interest could a sane person have in such a topic. .?

Why do so many TV members criticise other peoples topics? I am a very sane person and have just started reading this one, and I think it looks very enjoyable. let the TV members write about any topic they want, if other members don't like it, just move on to the next one and let the rest of us enjoy it, there is always plenty of posters who will.

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Was visiting a friend in Singapore in '87 at age 34. My friend had business to do in BKK. We flew up and I immediately fell in love with the culture and told myself that I'd live here some day.

I finally came in '96 with a contract to teach in a well-known international school.

*Actually I fell in love with the aesthetics I saw in the go-go bars on Patpong back in '87. Unfortunately, by the time I moved to Thailand in '96, the hotties were mostly replaced by tattooed, stretch-marked, overly body-pierced, fat skanks and ladyboys. I've only been back to any go-go bar about ten times in the last fifteen years when guiding visitors who insist on seeing what's all this fuss about Thailand.

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