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Suthep calls people to rise up together against Yingluck after New Year celebrations


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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

You and your ilk remind me of my first memory of Christmas. Santa!!!!

How incredibly naive you are. How sad.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

Thaksin and his clan out of the game would be just the beginning for a change, not the end of all the problems, at all.

I did not see any factual change done when Dems were at government, but no one remarks on that. All you can blame is Thaksin (with an 'h' between 'T' and 'a') but I am sure that once (finally, I'd say) he would be out of Thai politics, problem would not be over.

it would help totally to heal hatred between 2 sides. I also think Abihist while I believe a decent person should leave politics for good of really helping to heal the huge divide. While Taksin is in picture their are so many who loathe and hate him with such a vengeance their will never be peace or acceptance of a government controlled and led by him. WIth him and his clan gone quite quickly a new party would emerge and almost anyone would be better. An election could then be held and most would accept and give benefit of doubt to winner. All provided Taksin and none of his clan were involved. Its probably unlikely then that any one party would get a total majority and so most people would be even more content knowing none could take or impose total control and power.

Whan I say all problems would go of course their would still be normal poetical disagreements but without him I doubt their would be total hatred and loathing for his government, him, his clan and cronies that even most blind can see is there for a very large number of Thais.

Ive been here 30+ years and I've never seen Thais so divided. My wife and family come from the poorest of the poor yet my wife and many of her friends hatred of Taksin is undeniable and massive. These are not hiss people but normal working people. Their are also a number of our (no longer friends) who worship Taksin like a god and also a number who are beneficiaries of Taksin's corrupt schemes and have become very wealthy by being given licences from Taksin overlords and so able to cream a slice of Pie for them selves. Its pathetic to see these vile creatures then lord it over those not at feeding trough and acting just liker in Animal farm as Pigs to those who before were their close neighbours and friends. Their greed and desire to stay at feeding pen makes then most vocal supporters and admirers of Taksin. The majority left out in cold hang around like beggars hoping for a few crumbs to fall their way and believe if they also show great support for Taksin they to could get some of spoils. They are to stupid to understand they will never be free or anything but useful cannon fodder for dear brother.

Taksin is avery clever manipulator and has successfully bought or given favour to a select few just like some robber baron of old. At every level as in any dictatorship the few who have been given privilege (to varying degrees depending on their pecking order) know if they do not supply support and obedience of lesser slaves beneath them then they will loose their place in the pecking order and lesser slaves below them are hoping they then will be placed higher.

Its really sad to see as I witness this day by day in our red village and area that a once lovely place where most were content and happy turn into a place of fear gossip greed and envy.

Those who believe this is democracy should come and live in it for a while. We are of course Ok since we have money and are left mostly alone although their have been minor instances of keying of our cars and such. Our neighbours have been told not to talk to us since my wife's views on their beloved leader are quite well known and most obey that edit. How long before it gets nasty I don't know and as I said so far its limited to silly vandalism and some fairly minor instances of decrying or attempting to destroy some of our property. I am watching it very carefully and we've sent our 2 children who are now finishing their education to another part of Thailand just to be safe. I expect if it gets worse we will have to board our home p and leave until hopefully red thugs are beaten once and for all. I can assure you if that happens decisively their will be many here who celebrate but at moment are to frightened to say anything or even to vote for any other than those they are told to vote for.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.


omg, where did u get your history lessons from?

hilter destorying nazi germany?

nazi germany was not destroyed by hilter, it just lost the war against the soviets and americans + british and during his last days, he decided to act like the roman emperor Nero and destroyed the german infrastructure to prevent their use by soviet as they penetrated deep within germany.

hilter was well-known for his actions in the holocaust, invasion of almost all of europe but never to destory his motherland (hilter wasnt born in germany).

i guess a lot the thais to learn more on world history and politics.

nevermind the world history.

Thaksin dividing thailand?

the History of Thailand will tell u that thailand was one of the most political divided country in the world. there wasnt a majority in the any of the past elections till Thaksin came about. What I can say is that he consolidated a large number the voters in the North and Northeast.

having said whats there to be said.

i m no fan of Thaksin.

being acquaintances to a few of his "cronies", i have seen the number of cars they changed throughout the PT government, buyings new houses/ condos. i will say that they are as corrupted as any Thai government there is.

but u can tell that to any of the red shirts and they will still stand behind Thaksin. why?

just look at Suphanburi.

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I suppose we should be grateful they're going to be unarmed and barehanded otherwise that taxi driver might be dead rather than simply having the living shit kicked out of him. Lucky bloke. He should be thankful.

he is not a "lucky bloke" he died and I doubt his family is "thankful"

My apologies if you misunderstood I thought it was obvious I was being facetious about Suthep's claims.

Plus if you could point me in the direction of the report where it states he's dead because I can't find it. The last I heard he was stable in hospital.

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As the yellows are not going to stop the ongoing activities, I wonder at what point the reds will join the party?

The army will have to step in before then.

A full on civil war cannot be an option.

Then democratic elections.

Then more footstomping and toy throwing as PT win yet again, voted in by the majority,

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

Really ? i mean really you havn't a clue about the rest of the worlds real dictators have you ? this place hasn't, thankfully seen anything like the atrocities of the names your quoting. What is this some Thai soap drama remake or something ? the guy was a thief and corrupt but not a Hitler thats the symptoms Suthep is showing and that really is scary

You havnt had a dictator you have a KING ... really you have no concept of the word evil but what I see and so does increasingly the rest of the world is a blossoming real dictatorship coming ... not a plastic pretend made up on facebook one but a real one.

Always amazes me that pretty much the rest of the world gets and understands how things tick and go yet Thailand claims its only Thais that get it here.... utter bs imo what the rest of the world sees is exactly what is going on atm, Dosnt matter what colour Suthep is he is BAD NEWS and this hero your making him out to be wont wash.. not here and not abroad now... thank goodness

Honestly i know the Thai soaps and TV are full of ham actors and over the top wailing women throwing tantrums about little but please dont try to make out the place was turning into zimbabwe... thats the picture of this current road Suthep is pied piper leading the idiots in Bangkok down..... youll notice not one other part of the country is taking part in protests... nowhere... not in the north not in the east not in the south and not central.... this is all just going on in a little part of the country called BKK ... and thats not Thailand.

i disliked thaksin but I Suthep creeps the hell out of me and the words and manner he uses sometimes are straight out of the Nuremberg rallies era ( you can look that bit up )

PS Hilter was time magazine person of the year ... twice ....and the saviour of the German people etc etc ..... whistling.gif

I thought you had mellowed a bit but alas no.

You are full of hate, and your dislike of Thaksin is small. Really now it isn't who by name but radical change IS NEEDED the ballot box here is out of the question unless the people get to understand a bit more. Sad here the people in general do not care. I have asked recently from sport shop managers to 7-11 workers they mostly came up with the same answer--STOP talking about it I not want to speak not my business-cannot speak-someone will kill me if I speak-I don't like all I want is my work and family-I have to live my style- not my business. These are remarks made here in Issan from different people. They have to do what they are told, is the norm. BUT we have the few who do care and have to try to stop the corruption and rot.

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"Suthep left the Democrats vowing never to return to any political position. He is retiring, you do know he is about hit retirement age yes?"

Maybe he will also croak any day now. What will the "revolution" do w/o their Hitler?

Happy New Year, YingLucky!

Edited by oldthaihand99
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I suppose we should be grateful they're going to be unarmed and barehanded otherwise that taxi driver might be dead rather than simply having the living shit kicked out of him. Lucky bloke. He should be thankful.

We should be grateful that the taxi driver didn't die. He should NOT have been beaten up at all, and the demonstrators are at fault.

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It should be the time for Red Shirts to enjoy New Years in Bangkok. They can pay a New Year visit to Suthep house and other members of his gang of thugs.

They have visited some of the member's house already! Didn't you watch the news? They went with guns and bomb too!

Any proof of that? My guess those leaders hired their their own people to blame Northern Thai's. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

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soi41, on 27 Dec 2013 - 11:38, said:

"We will return the power to the people"

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

You must be quite old if you can remember Europe in 1930's.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish I come to your age and be as active as you on TV.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

Really ? i mean really you havn't a clue about the rest of the worlds real dictators have you ? this place hasn't, thankfully seen anything like the atrocities of the names your quoting. What is this some Thai soap drama remake or something ? the guy was a thief and corrupt but not a Hitler thats the symptoms Suthep is showing and that really is scary

You havnt had a dictator you have a KING ... really you have no concept of the word evil but what I see and so does increasingly the rest of the world is a blossoming real dictatorship coming ... not a plastic pretend made up on facebook one but a real one.

Always amazes me that pretty much the rest of the world gets and understands how things tick and go yet Thailand claims its only Thais that get it here.... utter bs imo what the rest of the world sees is exactly what is going on atm, Dosnt matter what colour Suthep is he is BAD NEWS and this hero your making him out to be wont wash.. not here and not abroad now... thank goodness

Honestly i know the Thai soaps and TV are full of ham actors and over the top wailing women throwing tantrums about little but please dont try to make out the place was turning into zimbabwe... thats the picture of this current road Suthep is pied piper leading the idiots in Bangkok down..... youll notice not one other part of the country is taking part in protests... nowhere... not in the north not in the east not in the south and not central.... this is all just going on in a little part of the country called BKK ... and thats not Thailand.

i disliked thaksin but I Suthep creeps the hell out of me and the words and manner he uses sometimes are straight out of the Nuremberg rallies era ( you can look that bit up )

PS Hilter was time magazine person of the year ... twice ....and the saviour of the German people etc etc ..... whistling.gif

Its happening all over Thailand. Wife and I were in Surin recently...many pissed off people. Rice farmers are waking up to the fact that the bull they were told is in fact shit.

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Well he has the salute down pat. He had a Suthep "scientific" 6 million confirmed turnout last week. Have a 12 million

turn out next week. Go for it, all peaceful of course. That police officer must have committed suicide. bah.gif

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The bloody hand "Hitler" Suthep must obviously be in Ned of a holiday, and after all his shouting on TV Blue. We do not have to be afraid of his 24 h. middle age lady supporters! However, when the very privilege sons and daughters of the Hard-Core Lordship in Bangkok mobilize, those not even having learned how to handle a gun, they can take to all illegal means... Kun Thaksin tried, and as of 2002 to change the Thai "Apartheind,"- but who believes that those youngsters will step aside? Like there for fathers, they will fight to the bitter end in having full control of "slaves," and as their privilege heritage.

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I asked Santa to make magically disappear Suthep and his clan, Thaksin and his clan.

So sad Santa does not exist sad.png

But I wish Suthep and Thaksin to meet them alone on an UFC ring. No limits.

And both of them may leave this country in peace.

Did you not know

Santa does not come to Thailand

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I asked Santa to make magically disappear Suthep and his clan, Thaksin and his clan.

So sad Santa does not exist sad.png

But I wish Suthep and Thaksin to meet them alone on an UFC ring. No limits.

And both of them may leave this country in peace.

Did you not know

Santa does not come to Thailand

I knew, I was looking for a miracle. :D

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Now Thai people have lived under this 'corrupt government for 2 and a half years, in which time they can evaluate what is good for them. Also they have seen the peoples revolution gathering pace in Bangkok, if they still vote PTP back to power that is the 'real' peoples choice not the poxy 200k in Bangkok.

200k want to have this undemocratic council (friends of friends ) run the country for an unspecified period, maybe a decade, over an elected government who stand for a set term then you can vote them out again....are just dense.

Everytime Suthep starts talking he says something like Pee Nong na krap Pracha chun sounds like Suthep is trying to validate his existence by using those words. By linking his movement at every possible opportunity to a revered institution...which may confuse some of his 'educated followers'

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

Are you sure on this statement? All politician is as corrupted is the other. So please don't put a statement that you have no fact to provide. By the end what I can only see is all about power and money. The loser will be the people living in the country.

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Quote Marlon Brando in Godfather I ; "dis aint personal, only business, never get personal when you're doin' business, it clouds your judgement".

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she is doing the same as any democratic country would ask. She is the caretaker for the government until she is voted back in by the majority.

Suthip has gone way overboard with his personal attracts and dies not sound like he has the countries interests at heart, only the elite pocket fillers.

Suthep has given many opportunities for her to resign, and still she insists she is right when the people on the street are saying she is wrong. This is a lot like when the people gave the Chaucescu's plenty of warnings, till they pushed it too far and look what happened to them.

Please refer to news before Dec. He said before, if the PM resign or resolve the parliament is not enough, he want the people council that is elected by him. So now after all this he said to call PM resign, is like he is slapping his mouth himself.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

The red villages i know are nothing like that at all. Can you speak Thai?

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SO...... here is a gentle reminder to all the posters here.

I know many of you pay taxes and I know many of you are married here and I know many of you have kids here and I know many of you have lived here for 25 years plus and I know many of you love your adopted country and I know many of you have companies here...ad infintum.........but.....................

THE PEOPLE GET THE GOVERNENT THEY DESERVE..... PT are terrible, Democrats equally so. What is happening now is necessary for Thailand to move on. It may be the wrong way to do things but it is THEIR way. They don't have the fore sight that we know off so let them come to what they want, THEIR way. People will die in the name of what ever cause they think is important........ in the past, many said they were foolish In todays society, they were called heroes.

Let the Thai people work this out for themselves. It will take time but they will get there. Money may be the final outcome for "reds" and "yellows", however all Thais are equally obsessed by money, trinkets, face and the forever religious BAHT. Once again,.....the people get the government they DESERVE........ leave them to it.

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