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Protest leader Suthep declares Bangkok seizure after New Year

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Do you really think those every day protester are doing this for the country. Most are the thugs who blocked highways in the south and now work for the supreme leader. But this cost money, lots of money, where is it coming from. Everyone knows Thanksin supported his cause but the best keep secret in Thailand is who funding it and why if they know why are they so silent about it. The middle class will also only come out on Sunday or lunch time to protest this is a busy time of the year for them with end of year stock and Chinese NY coming up. We may not even have to worry if the election doesn't come off. The EC is trying it best to get out of it and the south is doing a good job helping them. I just Thank God I don't live in Bangkok those poor people who just want a normal life.

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I'm sure there are a fair share of Bangkok residents that are thinking "Oh God please no, not again please, anything but this crap, please....."..

Most probably the majority and then some. Most Thais know whoever is in power it's just the same old snoughts in the trough situation.

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The army has also stated a coup is possible if the situation warrants it. Suthep is just following orders to give the army the reason.

Whats next? The anti government supporters just go home? A peaceful response from the government supporters? Martial law? Oppression? More corruption? More censorship? Mass assassinations? A breakup of the army command? The start of a civil war?

The middle class educated demonstrators may end up getting what they have really been asking for, a potentially incredibly violent end game.

Just guessing of course.

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A neighbouring Isaan farmer tells me , the PDRC have paid agents recruiting rural people with no fixed employment , who are paid to attend the

demonstrations in Bangkok . You only have to look at the crowd on TV to see that they are not educated middle class people . These same people will vote

Puea Thai when there is an election . For poor country people money is everything , never mind who gives it to you , or for what reason .

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Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

Not me Augy. Hands down the head of steel balls with insanity, tyranny and corruption beats a hand of embezzlements and corruptions any day of the week, and I to back a real winners too. whistling.gif


Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

But the absolute majority want Yingluck, did'nt you know that, so why should Suthep be able to tell them what they can have, comparitively no one wants him, as opposed to the millions who voted for Yingluck

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Question: It is my understanding that the Privy Council is the key conduit of information between the His Majesty the King and just about everyone else who has an interest in getting their issues brought before him to obtain his opinion, which is mostly politicians and perhaps big business interest groups. Does anyone have any insight as to what sort of statements are coming forth from the Privy Council concerning the current state of affairs ?

The word is that they are backing Suthep.

Who told you that................Suthep i suppose , clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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This guy is going to end up with a bullet in his brain by a misterious gunman who will never be caught ,the guy is inciting civil unrest destruction of property not to mention the damage to bangkok as a destination for tourists as well as screwing around a heap of people trying to earn a living.

Mysterious? And did you make a similar comment about the red destructive occupation of Bangkok 2010? Just asking.


My girl friend, her mother and sister (all educated) from Surat Thani have been spending many days rallying in Bangkok.

When i ask them why they follow Suthep, they just reply "parrot like" Suthep good man, he stop corruption in Thailand. errrrr have i missed something, that is all they can tell me

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Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

An election.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Goes against the principles of Suthep's faring sympathizers.

Can't have that.

Before you know it, those darkies from the North will be demanding they be treated fairly and be allowed to vote where they live and work.The current practice of denying people the right to register to vote where they live and work harkens back to the period in the US South and South Africa where large portions of the population were disenfranchised.

Most foreigners probably would be shocked to learn that hundreds of thousands of people are excluded from participating in their local elections. For example on Phuket, an estimated 300,000 cannot vote locally. Instead they must vote in their home provinces despite having lived on Phuket for some time. In other parliamentary democracies, voters can register to vote in their riding provided they have lived their a minimum time period such as 3 months. Not so in Thailand. Many workers cannot return to their home districts to vote, because of the expense, or because they cannot take time off work. They then lose their right to cast a ballot.

It's a nice way of disenfranchising a large segment of the population. The impact is that despite the sizeable numbers the PTP has garnered in the past, if a full right to vote practice was allowed, the numbers would be significantly larger.

"Before you know it, those darkies from the North will be demanding they be treated fairly and be allowed to vote where they live and work"


Just like these darkies from the South will be demanding they be treated fairly and be allowed to vote where they live and work.


What's happening with Thai people why are they allowing this excuse for a human being to carry on like this. In many countries they put down rabid dogs so please somebody put this mad dog down before he bites too many people.


Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

Three step plan:

1. Explain clearly to the people (a) the sins of the Shinawatra politicians and the evidence of the same, and (cool.png the proposed reforms that will deliver a system that prevents such abuses in the future without disenfranchising the entire North and North East.

2. Based on the widespread support that will surely result from step 1, run in the election and win.

3. Enforce the law against the "wannabe dictatorship".

It's called democracy. Shutting down the capital and spouting wild hyperbole certainly has got the countries attention, now it's time to capitalize on that and show that there really is a better alternative out there.

What, exactly, is the problem with this?

No problem. Tanks a lot and have a good day.rolleyes.gif


''Mr Suthep said those killed and injured in clashes with the authorities will be given financial aid from the fund of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).''

It is quite beyond me, how those killed will care about any financial aid! But, maybe I am missing the point, here?

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The army has also stated a coup is possible if the situation warrants it. Suthep is just following orders to give the army the reason.

Whats next? The anti government supporters just go home? A peaceful response from the government supporters? Martial law? Oppression? More corruption? More censorship? Mass assassinations? A breakup of the army command? The start of a civil war?

The middle class educated demonstrators may end up getting what they have really been asking for, a potentially incredibly violent end game.

Just guessing of course.

Finally! Someone with questions.

I'll add another one. How will a coup make these problems (corruption, vote buying, etc.) go away?

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This is now escalating into what.....

It is escalating into what should have happened decades ago.

A serious reform of the political system, instead of empty promises to work on a reform, but in reality just continue to loot the state coffers

Despite the pent-up social desire to at least begin a thorough clean-up and to put into place a modern, functional system which better reflects the aspirations of the vast majority from across the political and social spectrum, nothing much has actually changed. Very few people actually want things to go on as they have (pretty much) always been, except for some of the elite and their hangers-on, so this is high-stakes poker for the future of Thailand and who gets to share the pot. The TDRI's proposal for BINDING reforms to be thrashed out in three-way negotiations between the government, the opposition and representatives from across the social spectrum seems to be the best way out, but it may well take a coup as a last resort to 'get her done'. Not the military's preferred solution, I'm sure, but unfortunately it is looking increasing likely: Merry Xmas and Happy new Year.

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This is now escalating into what.....

It is escalating into what should have happened decades ago.

A serious reform of the political system, instead of empty promises to work on a reform, but in reality just continue to loot the state coffers

Despite the pent-up social desire to at least begin a thorough clean-up and to put into place a modern, functional system which better reflects the aspirations of the vast majority from across the political and social spectrum, nothing much has actually changed. Very few people actually want things to go on as they have (pretty much) always been, except for some of the elite and their hangers-on, so this is high-stakes poker for the future of Thailand and who gets to share the pot. The TDRI's proposal for BINDING reforms to be thrashed out in three-way negotiations between the government, the opposition and representatives from across the social spectrum seems to be the best way out, but it may well take a coup as a last resort to 'get her done'. Not the military's preferred solution, I'm sure, but unfortunately it looks increasing likely: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.


Question: It is my understanding that the Privy Council is the key conduit of information between the His Majesty the King and just about everyone else who has an interest in getting their issues brought before him to obtain his opinion, which is mostly politicians and perhaps big business interest groups. Does anyone have any insight as to what sort of statements are coming forth from the Privy Council concerning the current state of affairs ?

The word is that they are backing Suthep.

Who told you that................Suthep i suppose , clap2.gifcheesy.gif

You have to get out more.

There are a bunch of articles on that, but they are not easily available in Thailand.

Now...have a guess, why!?

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I absolutely do not agree with Bangkok being held hostage. It's over the top. Peaceful protest is OK by me. Mind you once again I post on the subject that people

seem to pass by again and again. The reason they don't want elections with the biased system is here again:

Some people don't seem to understand why the Democrats and yellow shirts do NOT WANT elections right now. It is NOT because Suthep wants to control anything else but the WAY elections are being held. During the Mr. "T" regime the constituencies have been altered to fit the TRT party. Very large constituencies with large numbers of voters would give one party only one seat (These they changed and were Democratic strongholds) much smaller constituencies, with much fewer people were divided up in several constituencies with one seat each. This means that even when people did not vote a 100% for the TRT they would still have a "glorious victory" over the Democrats. It was all made to match the TRT.

In numbers: The TRT and Dems had respectively: 15,744,190 and 11,433,762 people vote for them. A difference in % of the population of resp. (TRT, Dems) 48.41% and 35.15%. (say 13%) This was NOT reflected in the seats in Parliament by the self dividing rule of the TRT who changed the constituencies. (TRT/ Dems) 265 seats against 159 seats or in seats 106 (!!). If this had been in the range of anything like 225 to 196 this would have been a fair and acceptable result. (the difference being about 13%) or in seats 29. Read that again: The difference in what would have been an acceptable and fair divide in seats was 29 but it became 106 !!! This would have allowed (just an example) the Democrats to team up with some other parties and still form a Government. Besides in the opposition it would have given them lots more control.

Then due to certain constituents differences it could have been anything in the range of 210 to 235 for the TRT and 190 to 220 for the Dems and it would be acceptable, justifiable and explainable.

NOW do we understand why this system is unacceptable and nothing near free and fair elections?

Mind you, I do not agree with an interim Government and all that, unless it would be an agreed upon (by both parties) Business Government to boost the country back on the map first. But that would demand restraint, patience and understanding. Values that are the foundation of Buddhism, but are hard to be found in politricks. All in all, I am NOT a Suthep supporter. But fairness needs to be in place before an election is being held and the Shins can claim another

fake victory bought with money and bending the rules.

The democrats under Abhisit Vejjajiva were in Power for 2 years and 239 day if the system is so unfair as you describe why he and his party did not make the changes. They did not do any changes at all. Therefore don't blame it to the Shins.

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When is someone going to kick this batshit crazy in the nuts and shove him to the curb? This whack job is a textbook megalomaniac. I simply can not understand the mentality of those who back him. Granted, Thailand is in serious need of political and bureaucratic reform, but this guy? Is this the best they can do???


Old Musso's in top form today! Stand by for the Blitzkrieg you lucky Bangkok people! He did let slip that his mob are being backed and financed by big business, not suprising in this land of unfettered monopolies and cartels all enriching themselves at the public expense.

Will be interesting to hear the squeels from the "hi-so" expats working for big International companies when their phone lines and power are turned off by the mob. They might be posted to Singapore and lose all that cheap sex that makes BKK so appealling to them!biggrin.png

I don't regard myself as hi-so but am certainly wanting to scream not squeal. Sitting on your barstool in some dingy corner of wherever, you probably don't realize how many ordinary citizens are being negatively affected by this nonsense , and no, we are not all here for cheap sex. Maybe you are, knucklehead!


Something need to be done about this crazy man. Arrest him and his hooligans.

I am wondering why until today suthep is not yet arrested.

If arrested, let's see if his followers will really continue his non-stop irritating promises. Victory Day, D-Day, etc


Let see how this all goes. If really Suthep would shout down Bangkok for months, then I can say this will be a big trouble for the economy of Bangkok and as of Thailand. When all the private sector, multinational company and fortune 500 company start to stop all investment toward Bangkok (due to economy and SET drop, currency unstable and etc.) then I want to see if this Suthep really have what power or connection behind him (to help the millions of people he claim of fighting for). For now what I can see from Suthep is just action without a solution to the matter. What he can only do now is to push forward with everything he got and hope for miracle to happen so he can step back without an arrest and losing his face to the people. He got no more move the get out of this situation because of too much selling the impossible to his supporter. For me there will never be what he claims to be "free of corruption" due to he is also as corrupted as the other. It just the matter of how many percent of the cake that he can get after all this mass.

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Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

The way to get her out is to vote her out in a democratic election, its called democracy. As for Suthep the sooner someone puts a bullet in his head the better off Thailand will be.

Perhaps the concept is a little too difficult for you to grasp. An election where votes are BOUGHT in cash or with populist programs is very much like stuffing the ballot box before the votes are counted. Is that really a democratic election or is it in effect rigged? Re-electing the Shins will NOT solve the problems that exist now. The protests and now violence will continue and will get much worse if they stay in power.

Time and again " Its only the the Shins or Reds that pay!

My sister-in-law got paid three times at the last Election and then wandered down and voted for who she wanted.

Stop burying your heads in your supposed principles, Rural Thai families love elections and the bonus money that gets

handed around.

This is just a repeat of the past and until the self interested dumb asses that keep stopping Governments running

full term, leave people to vote on the issues then you won't get quality governance, you will continue getting a constantly lower quality rabble.

My opinion of course.


As opposed to the reds whom never repaid for the damage they did to BKK.

Wow. Lovely comment, congratulations.


Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

But the absolute majority want Yingluck, did'nt you know that, so why should Suthep be able to tell them what they can have, comparitively no one wants him, as opposed to the millions who voted for Yingluck

The absolute majority? When did yingluck and PT get an absolute majority? They won the most votes and seats but by no means did they gain an absolute majority of votes.

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