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334 killed over six days of road accidents during New Year holiday


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dont forget the average per day,, at year end is about 30 a day,,, so we are only a little of over double from normal,,, if you are a farong living here and you dont like this,,, there is an airport, to take you back to where ever you come from,,, either accept it or get the xxx out.. but please dont cry i am personally so wet with tears from farong

Edited by metisdead
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dont forget the average per day,, at year end is about 30 a day,,, so we are only a little of over double from normal,,, if you are a farong living here and you dont like this,,, there is an airport, to take you back to where ever you come from,,, either accept it or get the xxx out.. but please dont cry i am personally so wet with tears from farong

Well. my dear Wanderlust (Joy of Hiking), don`t be so modest. Your country is a lot better than just 30 KIT (killed in traffic) per day. Officially you manage around 70 p/d. And that does not even include those who do not die at the scene but suffer for a few days or weeks in a hospital before going into reincarnation - if they believe in it. And let´s not forget those who will remain permanently disabled or even require 24/7 care for the rest of their lives.

While Thailand is trailing behind the civilized world in many categories, in the number of road fatalities your country is absolutely top.

And it is even more amazing how easily this is achieved year after year with the precision of a Swiss watch. All it takes is a joke of a driving test (non-mandatory), a well trained police force to look the other way, a decent amount of recklessness, the firm belief that large quantities of alcohol and drugs do not impair one´s ability to participate in that traffic mayhem and that an array of amulets and flower wreaths dangling from the rear view mirror are a perfect substitute for seat belts.

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I know, I know but what the heck.

Australia population 20+million.

This is the map for the road death toll for the whole of year 2013.


Yes I saw that. A total of 1193 people were killed on Australian roads in 2013. Thailand has around 3 times the population of Australia. So call it 3600 deaths per 66,000,000 people as opposed to Thais 30,000 deaths per 66,000,000 people.

Yes there are factors in Thai that will always make it have a higher road toll. Eg. motorcycles.

But really! Nearly 10 times the road toll!

I know that Thailand does not like getting help or advise from other countries but really I think it's time they reached out to countries like Australia and find out what they are doing right.

Yes it's an expensive exercise to reform the whole road traffic laws and enforcement , BUT it's more expensive to have all of the road injuries come through the public health system to fix them up. Not to mention the direct and indirect costs to Thailand when the major bread winner of the family is killed from drink driving or even more stupidly not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle.

Thailand just admit it! You have failed so far and need help!

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Thailand Government and Police should be ashamed for not protecting it's citizens. This is a disgrace and the minister of transportation should resign their post. I still say that every policeman should be fired for not protecting the people, and let the military handle traffic control until a real trained police force can be trained and implemented. I was traveling on the roads and the only police I saw was sitting at a roadside watching traffic as you entered a city. This is not doing your job you lazy bums. Get out and stop traffic offenders and jail drunk drivers and impose real fines like 5000 bhat fine and 7 days in jail and some kind of retraining for drunk drivers. I observed 7 cars that passed me as I was stopped at a red light near sattahip. This shit does not happen in a 1st class country. Thailand needs a government that stops thinking of how to line their pockets and starts to think of it's citizens. What is this government teaching the children by letting this carnage continue and not give a crap.

OH I forgot their new plan was to let the monks pray to protect drivers.


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Yes there are factors in Thai that will always make it have a higher road toll. Eg. motorcycles.

And why does motorcycles make for a higher road toll? They are no more or less dangerous than a car if driven properly and due care and attention to them was given by the drivers of the other types of vehicles.

From my own experience of motorcycle driving in Thailand:

I have far better vision of what is around me on the road than other vehicle types.

I have to avoid a truck/car smashing into me at least twice a day. It is NEVER the reverse.

The attitude "I'm bigger than you, get out my way" or "My vehicle costs more than yours, get out of my way" seems to be typical of most car/truck drivers.

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dont forget the average per day,, at year end is about 30 a day,,, so we are only a little of over double from normal,,, if you are a farong living here and you dont like this,,, there is an airport, to take you back to where ever you come from,,, either accept it or get the xxx out.. but please dont cry i am personally so wet with tears from farong

Let`s see how wet you are with tears when one of your family gets killed by the stupidity of Thai drivers; you prick!

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