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Bangkok shutdown to inflict damages of over 200 billion baht


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Simple and easy solution is for the Shin dynasty to quit politics. That won't happen because they are too arrogant and would loose face. There will never again be calm in Thailand as long as they are in office.

Quiet possible at the end , the Shinawatra name will be mud on anyone's table , however this will take time .

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And during the same time frame the politicians, heads of government departments and related underlings probably defrauded the Thai people of ten times that value.

It would have been 20 times that value but half their offices were shut down. coffee1.gif

As I predicted several weeks ago, the Finance Ministry would have been quietly hoping that the demonstrations would become protracted, as this would enable them to blame the billions of baht "losses" on the demonstrations, as opposed to the crooked handling of the economy by the PTP/Shin clan.

How do they figure a shutdown of the city is suddenly going to amount to a further 130 billion baht loss?

It will clearly please them no end if this continues for a further couple of months, as they can then blame the whole amount of the rice scam losses on the demonstrators...!!

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They're all a bunch of idiots and pretty much deserve what they get economically. Perhaps extreme negative consequences is the only way some will learn as they seem wholly incapable of learning from the past.

Do any of these people have jobs? If not, are they just content on creating hardship on hardworking individuals and business owners that act responsibly and maturely?

Looney f'in toons. It's not like they are being starved, physically abused, family members killed and shops taken away by some evil dictator or a situation deserving of this nonsense. They are children in adult bodies that apparently have no foresight past which noodle dish they are having for lunch today.

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