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Thai beliefs/superstitions, etc


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Back in mid-November I submitted a topic on here about the Thai people next door sacrificing a pig in order to satisfy the demons in the area, and encourage them to go elsewhere. What was happening was the guy who lives next door got sick, problems with his hips (kidneys? who knows?), so that he was bed-ridden, unable to walk, all that, and killing the pig was meant to help him. Time went on, and the longer he was gone, the more likely it seemed he wasn't going to make it at all. I was sorry for the guy but freaked (a little, not a lot) out about the pig, but at least they ate him, and the barbecue smelled real good, too. I asked for comments about this situation in my post, but didn't get too many, which is fine.

Well, fast-forward to yesterday and Hey! Guess what!

He's baaaack!

Has a slight limp, but that should get better. So, all I'm saying is maybe the pig thing worked! Glad he's back, for sure.

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I wish you the best of luck on that project .... As for the Placebo effect, yes, it is a lot more powerful than people imagine. Modern medical practitioners all over the world know of it's effect, but the Pharma companies dismiss it's effects as almost 'hogwash', cos they can't sell it!

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FIL was on his death bed. Monks were called in; string attached to various bits of his body. There was lots of chanting. He was so weak he couldn't stand. I got him a walking frame. Gave him an exercise plan + some vitamin pills from UK. Right as rain again. Not sure if it was the mumbo-jumbo or the pills.

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I do not believe in superstitions until now, but Thai people does (A lot). Well, it happened to me some year ago, when I was trying to sell a house (creep house), there was no way to sell that house, 2, 3 gone and nothing, then my father-in-law (former monk), did a ritual with the pig's head, he does not actually killed the poor animal, but someone does and give him the pig's head, then he pray and made a ceremony, after 1 or 2 months the house was sold for one police guy.

All I know, people are strange, everything is possible in some way believe you or not.

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When I got the flu, I looked like dying. Well, I am here now without any superstitions and placebos. We should understand that people sometimes recover, sometimes not. It would probably be impossible to prove why. If it makes you happy, believe in superstitions, but don't forget, your day will come.

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I wish you the best of luck on that project .... As for the Placebo effect, yes, it is a lot more powerful than people imagine. Modern medical practitioners all over the world know of it's effect, but the Pharma companies dismiss it's effects as almost 'hogwash', cos they can't sell it!

Well think: You go to the doctor with some infection. The doctor gives you antibiotics. You go home, one week later you feel bad like dying and have some real damage. You to the doc again and he tells you that he gave you only sugar tablets, as most of the time the placebo effect is good enough. (And of course he fully charged you for antibiotics, else you would have known that it is fake).

Would you agree?

And when it is common people would think that this is not medicine and the placebo effect wouldn't work anymore.

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I went to a bar one night and asked why there was one black short drink in the Buddha house rather than the usual mixture.

Bar owner informed me that Noi had bought my favorite drink and placed it there.

My favorite drink was quite expensive so I asked why she did it. I was told the the smell would flow out in the air and attract me to the bar. She wanted me to come down.

I said tell her that is stupid and don't waste her money. They were like you are sitting in our bar now so obviously it works.

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If I sacrifice my wife will it help me with my pains and aches?whistling.gif


My sentiments exactly !

Last year a friend of the wife's moved into a new house, nice, new one in Pattaya-ish. With a lot of ceremony she placed a load of ducks (dead ones of course) and a pigs head, along with a few other goodies on the Temple house at the front of the estate. As soon as she turned her back the soi dogs nicked it all - they were feeling pretty lucky that day

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farang getting backward in thailand apparently

yes, its the evil spirits that cause all desease and all the road accident and floods and rice bergs and big housese for corrupt politicians and police men are honest to when they do their collection to top op their income as they are paid so low and had to go into debt to buy their position, same as teachers

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Near to us there was a banana tree on the road. A family who lived nearby won the lottery - twice. The banana tree was seen as the source of good luck and elevated to sainthood. Ribbons and flowers were tied around it and even a roadside food vendor took up residence for believers who came to hug the tree. But all good things will end, and there were no more lottery winnings. Worse still the banana tree went through its normal life cycle and eventually died. I don't know what happened to the lottery winners but the food vendor did fairly well.

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It only takes 2 confirmed miracles to become a saint. He's half way there!

Seriously though anyone who's studied virology will realise that animal slaughter actually exposes you to numerous pathogens (blood, bodily fluids, feces etc) that you'd never normally encounter so actually making you more likely to become sick.

People should believe in the human body's ability to heal itself instead of this nonsense.

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FIL was on his death bed. Monks were called in; string attached to various bits of his body. There was lots of chanting. He was so weak he couldn't stand. I got him a walking frame. Gave him an exercise plan + some vitamin pills from UK. Right as rain again. Not sure if it was the mumbo-jumbo or the pills.

Multivitamins are the most popular dietary supplement on Earth. But here’s the sobering reality: They may be simply useless—or worse.


It was the Mumbo Jumbo that worked.

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A certain segment of the Thai population believes that Mary was a virgin, that germs cause disease and that US foreign policy is a force for good in the world.

Whether or not you consider these superstitions has little to do with your DNA.

Every culture has millions of "superstitions", and a subset of them may very well turn out to be valid (as in useful if not "objectively true" whatever that may mean) even if they are held in contempt by the current mainstream worldview dogma.

True scientific thinking requires keeping an open mind. . .

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my thai/chinese GF has a scar on her back, she had a mole as a child but her mother thought it would make her a lazy person so cut it off. apparently it was very painful.

now she's a lawyer working long hours so i guess it worked.

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