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Kim Jong Un's Uncle Eaten alive by Dogs


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From the UK Guardian:

"Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry."

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From the UK Guardian:

"Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry."

Also here: http://www.smh.com.au/world/north-korean-execution-by-dog-story-likely-came-from-satire-on-chinese-website-20140107-hv7mb.html

A known Chinese writer of satire pens a piece about the uncle being feed to the dogs and the worlds media runs with it.

Proper journalism is dead!

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Fact checking on articles from North Korea is probably difficult. I am surprised the North Korean's haven't put out a formal denial.

Of course, but if any of these news agencies had traced the source instead of just echoing what others had reported they would have found out the originator was a satarist.

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I am sure for all the naysayers that when Kim Jong is next wasted he will find it amusing to release the official video that was no doubt made. I do not doubt the story for a moment. What better way to absolutely stamp your authority down than to conjure up the hideous execution of 6 of the countries most powerful figures, including family, and shepherd 300 top Government officials to witness the dreadful deed. The message was clear, and no doubt in the stunning silence as the last dog fell down with a full belly, every single person in there knew not to mess around with the fat one. He makes his Father look as nice and saintly as the Pope. This was definitely an act straight out of the Middle Ages book of Kingship and Family Rivalry.

Sorry to disappoint you, and a few others on here who desperately want this story to be true. But it isn't, it is complete BS. The original report came from a social media post on December 11th, by Pyongyang Choi Seongho, a China based SATIRIST with millions of followers.


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I am sure for all the naysayers that when Kim Jong is next wasted he will find it amusing to release the official video that was no doubt made. I do not doubt the story for a moment. What better way to absolutely stamp your authority down than to conjure up the hideous execution of 6 of the countries most powerful figures, including family, and shepherd 300 top Government officials to witness the dreadful deed. The message was clear, and no doubt in the stunning silence as the last dog fell down with a full belly, every single person in there knew not to mess around with the fat one. He makes his Father look as nice and saintly as the Pope. This was definitely an act straight out of the Middle Ages book of Kingship and Family Rivalry.

Sorry to disappoint you, and a few others on here who desperately want this story to be true. But it isn't, it is complete BS. The original report came from a social media post on December 11th, by Pyongyang Choi Seongho, a China based SATIRIST with millions of followers.


Yes, that was established a few posts ago.

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Fact checking on articles from North Korea is probably difficult. I am surprised the North Korean's haven't put out a formal denial.

Methinks thou doth protest too much . . . do you really think people like the ones commenting here would have believed the denial or would they have postulated that a denial is as good as a confession

I don't know that anything has been established.

You still believe it is true . . . good grief

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I didn't say I believe it....or disbelieve it. I simply said I don't think anything has been established.

It's not too difficult to understand, really.


Just in case you missed it here is the overview and links that highlight that this is a classic "too good to be true" story, seized on by media outlets knowing that it would generate great traffic as almost anything could be believable when it comes to NK. It's just that this story seems to be a piece of satire taken as gospel by others....


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Fact checking on articles from North Korea is probably difficult. I am surprised the North Korean's haven't put out a formal denial.

Fact checking anything *in any region* is "difficult" these days.

For me, the alarming aspect of this is the current incremental convergence regarding frequency and methodology.

In this case, I suspect any denial of such an outrageous anti-state piece would add credence to the gossip-mongering, war-promulgating, disinfo-tools that fielded this cartoon in the first place.

Everybody does it.

Control of the narrative is vital

Ask yourself *this* next time you see a piece of propaganda:

WHO is saying WHAT to WHOM and WHAT OUTCOME do they likely wish to see ?

It's an old S.I. Hiyakowa nostrum fielded by the good professor during the Berkeley Free Speech movement in the 60's.

Sam Hiyakowa was a Republican conservative BTW and this little BS filter works on everybody's story.

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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Fact checking on articles from North Korea is probably difficult. I am surprised the North Korean's haven't put out a formal denial.

Fact checking anything *in any region* is "difficult" these days.

For me, the alarming aspect of this is the current incremental convergence regarding frequency and methodology.

In this case, I suspect any denial of such an outrageous anti-state piece would add credence to the gossip-mongering, war-promulgating, disinfo-tools that fielded this cartoon in the first place.

Everybody does it.

Control of the narrative is vital

Ask yourself *this* next time you see a piece of propaganda:

WHO is saying WHAT to WHOM and WHAT OUTCOME do they likely wish to see ?

It's an old S.I. Hiyakowa nostrum fielded by the good professor during the Berkeley Free Speech movement in the 60's.

Sam Hiyakowa was a Republican conservative BTW and this little BS filter works on everybody's story.

In this thread, we have fact checking a blog with another blog. Oh the Internet is a wonderful creation. One can find support for whatever proposition they want to believe.

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Fact checking on articles from North Korea is probably difficult. I am surprised the North Korean's haven't put out a formal denial.
Fact checking anything *in any region* is "difficult" these days.

For me, the alarming aspect of this is the current incremental convergence regarding frequency and methodology.

In this case, I suspect any denial of such an outrageous anti-state piece would add credence to the gossip-mongering, war-promulgating, disinfo-tools that fielded this cartoon in the first place.

Everybody does it.

Control of the narrative is vital

Ask yourself *this* next time you see a piece of propaganda:

WHO is saying WHAT to WHOM and WHAT OUTCOME do they likely wish to see ?

It's an old S.I. Hiyakowa nostrum fielded by the good professor during the Berkeley Free Speech movement in the 60's.

Sam Hiyakowa was a Republican conservative BTW and this little BS filter works on everybody's story.

In this thread, we have fact checking a blog with another blog. Oh the Internet is a wonderful creation. One can find support for whatever proposition they want to believe.


We can agree that the internet is a an extremely useful invention/innovation.

As for "wonderful creation" . . . . Please,

Both those terms signal a departure from the provable into the subjective. This triggers one of those endless exchanges of opinion that rarely bear any factual fruit.

I suggest that the assertion ie that Koreans executed this guy with a pack of dogs is gossip.

My assertion is based on the FACT that this piece of gossip originated out of Hong Kong through a mention in a notoriously biased blog.

"Fact checking" involves the verification and confirmation of a factual assertion with other factual assertions.

Facts are not opinions and in spite of the best efforts of many internet users they never will be.

A fact is a fact. "Water is at its densest at 4degrees C is a fact. "

That the Korean story was picked up and repeated by a whole range of blogs does not make it a fact.

An opinion is just that. Opinion. There are all kinds of opinions.

There is only one kind of fact. A true fact.

Lots of scribblers make a decent living passing off opinion as fact.

That's when opinion is called propaganda.

Here's another fact: Fact, there are enough provable factual assertions out there which make Korea look like the repressive state it is. Boring stats. Not that sexy.

Apparently they weren't sexy enough for some spook or other who saw Rodman as a threat. Hence we got the dog story.

(That last part is an opinion.)

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From the UK Guardian:

"Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry."

Indeed, however the troubling aspect is that the story is absolutely believable, given the The Fat One's past misdeeds

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Fact checking on articles from North Korea is probably difficult. I am surprised the North Korean's haven't put out a formal denial.

Fact checking anything *in any region* is "difficult" these days.

For me, the alarming aspect of this is the current incremental convergence regarding frequency and methodology.

In this case, I suspect any denial of such an outrageous anti-state piece would add credence to the gossip-mongering, war-promulgating, disinfo-tools that fielded this cartoon in the first place.

Everybody does it.

Control of the narrative is vital

Ask yourself *this* next time you see a piece of propaganda:

WHO is saying WHAT to WHOM and WHAT OUTCOME do they likely wish to see ?

It's an old S.I. Hiyakowa nostrum fielded by the good professor during the Berkeley Free Speech movement in the 60's.

Sam Hiyakowa was a Republican conservative BTW and this little BS filter works on everybody's story.

In this thread, we have fact checking a blog with another blog. Oh the Internet is a wonderful creation. One can find support for whatever proposition they want to believe.

We can agree that the internet is a an extremely useful invention/innovation.

As for "wonderful creation" . . . . Please,

Both those terms signal a departure from the provable into the subjective. This triggers one of those endless exchanges of opinion that rarely bear any factual fruit.

I suggest that the assertion ie that Koreans executed this guy with a pack of dogs is gossip.

My assertion is based on the FACT that this piece of gossip originated out of Hong Kong through a mention in a notoriously biased blog.

"Fact checking" involves the verification and confirmation of a factual assertion with other factual assertions.

Facts are not opinions and in spite of the best efforts of many internet users they never will be.

A fact is a fact. "Water is at its densest at 4degrees C is a fact. "

That the Korean story was picked up and repeated by a whole range of blogs does not make it a fact.

An opinion is just that. Opinion. There are all kinds of opinions.

There is only one kind of fact. A true fact.

Lots of scribblers make a decent living passing off opinion as fact.

That's when opinion is called propaganda.

Here's another fact: Fact, there are enough provable factual assertions out there which make Korea look like the repressive state it is. Boring stats. Not that sexy.

Apparently they weren't sexy enough for some spook or other who saw Rodman as a threat. Hence we got the dog story.

(That last part is an opinion.)

Holly cow dude, that was a lot to respond to a post that was sarcastic. I actually think the nettles whack people wacker and dumb people dumber because they only look for stuff they already believe or think. This just makes them crazier or dumber.

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From the UK Guardian:

"Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry."

Indeed, however the troubling aspect is that the story is absolutely believable, given the The Fat One's past misdeeds

For example . . . . . ?

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From the UK Guardian:

"Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry."

Indeed, however the troubling aspect is that the story is absolutely believable, given the The Fat One's past misdeeds

The troubling aspect is that the story is absolutely believable. Only to gullible fools who desperately want to believe it in order to reinforce their own blinkered prejudices.

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mmm very realistic yet one wonders if humans could resist filming this spectacle. maybe rodman is buddies with michael vick? cesar millan is very popular, so is worldstar hiphop, go on just show us a bit of footage pretty please.....

Edited by mumjokmok
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From the UK Guardian:

"Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry."

Indeed, however the troubling aspect is that the story is absolutely believable, given the The Fat One's past misdeeds

The troubling aspect is that the story is absolutely believable. Only to gullible fools who desperately want to believe it in order to reinforce their own blinkered prejudices.

Gullible fools v. fools blinded by large chips on their shoulders . . . Not sure which is worse, but sounds as if things in NK are much worse than some like to believe . . . for whatever reason . . .

Yep, lovely people those NK are based on this UN report. Nothing like being starved to death, told to dig a hole and then beaten with a hammer until you die and can be buried in your hole. Lovely people for sure.


Atrocities committed by North Korea against its own people are "strikingly similar" to those perpetrated by the Nazis during World War II, the head of a United Nations panel said Monday after publishing an unprecedented report.

The U.N. report contains more of this harrowing testimony, which it says is tantamount to "extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence."

. . . 120,000 North Koreans are thought to be imprisoned . . . number may have shrunk in recent years, according to the report, but only because many of the inmates have been murdered or starved to death . . . inmates were raped, tortured, given forced abortions and forced to dig their own graves before being murdered with hammers by guards.

People and their families are held for arbitrary crimes such as "gossiping" about the state.


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