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Anyone know what is the situation (opions available) when a Frang man wants to divorce his Thai wife and there may not be provable "grounds". No marital property and no children. Residing in Thailand. Thanks

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Anyone know what is the situation (opions available) when a Frang man wants to divorce his Thai wife and there may not be provable "grounds". No marital property and no children. Residing in Thailand. Thanks

If the divorce is by agreement you can get divorced the same day. If she does not agree to the divorce you can, as Gumball suggests, "walk away" and then go to a lawyer and get a divorce after 3 years separation. Expensive this option! :o

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If your wife is in agreement both of you go to local Amphur along with marriage certificate and proof of identity - 2 hours later your dirorced and its free ! (apart from some tea money) would recommend getting thai divorce certificate translated into English.

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Yes, "walking away" may be the solution. However, I presume I am obligated to provide her some support during the time we are seperated and still married. I don't have a big problem with this, but I have other questions regarding a life apart. What if I want to have another woman and am still technically married? Can I be accused of adultry? What kind of monetary settlement, if any, would she be likely to get from a Thai court? What happens after the 3 year separation?? Are we automatically divorced?

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Yes, "walking away" may be the solution. However, I presume I am obligated to provide her some support during the time we are seperated and still married. I don't have a big problem with this, but I have other questions regarding a life apart. What if I want to have another woman and am still technically married? Can I be accused of adultry? What kind of monetary settlement, if any, would she be likely to get from a Thai court? What happens after the 3 year separation?? Are we automatically divorced?

The best way is if you can possibly make a financial settlement out of Court. Of course you can just walk away, but under Thai Law you should support the spouse to the best of one's ability, and the Judge will probably award her support in arrears when you finally get divorced if you do not make payments. With regard to the adultery query, the matter is complex under Thai Law. If you do not make the adultery common knowledge, so that the wife or family does not lose face, it is not considered a reason for divorce. Divorce settlement 50% of marital assets, but Judges will have different opinions on the actual split. After the 3 year separation you have to go to Court, prove the separation and the Judge will make a settlement.You have to appear in Court, you cannot divorce through power of attorney.

Skipper's advice is reasonable.

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Thanks for the good advice here. We have not been married long, about 1 year. The maritial assets are few, only household furnishings purchased. I think she has a lot more to lose if she is not cooperative, although she could drag it on for 3 years. The next big step is to inform her of the "facts of life". I will probably be engaging a lawyer for this, because her English skills are totally inadequate for this type of discussion.

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