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Yellow Book, just wondering...

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I read the hundreds and hundreds of posts and especially those ones where expats complaining about the inconveniences having their passports translated into Thai and certified.

Did anybody try just to present his(her) Thai driver licence? Worked like a breeze for me!

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There have been many reports here regarding this. It depends on the Amphur that you use. Some have gone in with just basic documents with only a translation of the passport bio page with no certifications from the Embassy or MFA others have had to have both the passport certified by the Embassy and the MFA. It's really up to the regulations in place at the Amphur office that you have to use.

I went in with the basic and was told that I had to have the passport certified by the Embassy and a translation. Did that and went back and was then told that everything had to be certified by the MFA. Did that and went back and then was told that my translation was in the wrong format and was shown one done by another company. They also questioned the green and red stamps from the MFA as they were "smudged" ans said that they were false. The local village chief pulled me aside and said that I should wait until the person that I was dealing with retired soon and come back because she wasn't "all there". I left and never went back.

Best to go to the Amphur office upfront and see exactly what they require. Good luck!

Edited by wayned
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All your personal data (name, birthday, birthplace) has to be in Thai script.

Name, nationality of father and mother in Thai.

Exact requirements vary from Amphoe to Amphoe (and from your status married?).

Usually passport translation, birthday certificate translation are required.

Of course proof of address (sometimes witnesses required) and the blue book of the house you are living.

As wayned wrote: ask at your Amphoe for details.

Good luck.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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My yellow book application was completely painless.

Two trips to the Amphoe, the first where the Mrs introduced the office manager as an old school friend, the second where the phu yai baan came along... for a small consideration for his time and trouble... to vouch for me as a worthy member of his community and I paid my 10 baht and went on my way rejoicing. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Edited by sceadugenga
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Time Traveler

FYI, my five year Thai driving license has my name both in English and in Thai, along with date of birth in both languages.

Works fine at banks.


Foirgot, They also want your mother and fathers mane in Thai script

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I just looked at my Thai driver license and find it is apparently 10-year duration. Issued 21-Aug-2007 expires 28-Nov-2017. But actually had 5-year license before then a 2d 5-year. Name on front in two places but both in Western script, no Thai version. Have used it as ID on domestic flights and at bank. Has my passport number but reckon I will have to make a change in a month or so when my new passport arrives.

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I just looked at my Thai driver license and find it is apparently 10-year duration. Issued 21-Aug-2007 expires 28-Nov-2017. But actually had 5-year license before then a 2d 5-year. Name on front in two places but both in Western script, no Thai version. Have used it as ID on domestic flights and at bank. Has my passport number but reckon I will have to make a change in a month or so when my new passport arrives.

Does anybody here knows if you MUST change your D/Ls and car/motorcycle books when you get a new pp?

Anyway. If you have a YB the "Thai-ID number" goes on them.

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OP here again...

So if anybody cares, I will add my version to get the YB:

Living in a small village up North, I have a neighbour who is my friend, my chang and the "2nd mayor" here.

Some 2 weeks ago on a Friday night after he fixed a problem with my kitchen sink, I handed him over a buntch of photocopies in a folder containing "everything" I have. Even a copy of my last RC and car book copy. All containing my address here.

I told him about the incredible diversity of issuing YBs all over the kingdom.

Then I popped my first question: "Do you know some staff at the Amphoe office?" Answer YES. Next: "Do you have a friend at the office? Big smile YES.

"Can you call your friend please and check if these documents are sufficent?" Yes, yes, I do it right away tomorrow morning (Saturday). I told him it is not urgent but of course that was a lie. I soon have to go to IMMI CM. When I have emergencies in Thailand I always say that and amazingly the issue is solve almost instandly.

The next 2 weeks nothing happened. (???) At the end it turned out he really checked and got the "mayor no.1" into the loop too. Furthermore the darkblue housebook was nowhere to be found. The owner (friend) lives and works in CM and went forth and back until the little sucker surfaced.

Last Friday shortly after noon showtime at the Amphoe office. We went with different vehicles for reason unknown to me.

Party of four: Me, the house owner, "mayor" no.1 and 2. Both wearing their uniforms looking like christmas trees.

The whole thing overall took about 2 hours. Staff was of course not familiar with the process but had a blank YB already available.

About an hour the clerk spent at an computer that looked like 30 years old running Windows95 composing a multi-page document about me being a good guy. This thing was place somewhere in a far corner of the office. The monitor was almost falling apart held together by tapes.

My D/L was enough for my name in Thai. When the question popped up about the birth certificate I just wrote my place of birth, mother's and farther's name on a piece of paper,read it to my friend and he put it down in Thai. Simple.

Two small anecdotes:

My father's name sounds like the Thai word for "bad". To avoid any negative vibrations I used the name of the beer brand.

Next hick-up: Which part of Germany you come from? "??" Yes, which part? I said "centre" which is the truth. Big confusion. The clerk rummaged desperately in a phonebooksized folder to find "Central Germany". Still confused.

I asked politely for the "phonebook" to check myself. When I spotted "joeraman" I showed it to him. The solution of the riddle: After 24 years the GDR stills exists at this Amphoe office.

Hope I didn't waste anybody's time reading my long story.

Just want to say I love Thailand. There is always a short cut to your aim. Wish I would know one for IMMI CM too.

Thanks for reading!

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I just looked at my Thai driver license and find it is apparently 10-year duration. Issued 21-Aug-2007 expires 28-Nov-2017. But actually had 5-year license before then a 2d 5-year. Name on front in two places but both in Western script, no Thai version. Have used it as ID on domestic flights and at bank. Has my passport number but reckon I will have to make a change in a month or so when my new passport arrives.

Does anybody here knows if you MUST change your D/Ls and car/motorcycle books when you get a new pp?

Anyway. If you have a YB the "Thai-ID number" goes on them.

You should, the passport is your primary ID and everything that is government controlled needs your ID on it.

Many don't bother.

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I just looked at my Thai driver license and find it is apparently 10-year duration. Issued 21-Aug-2007 expires 28-Nov-2017. But actually had 5-year license before then a 2d 5-year. Name on front in two places but both in Western script, no Thai version. Have used it as ID on domestic flights and at bank. Has my passport number but reckon I will have to make a change in a month or so when my new passport arrives.

Does anybody here knows if you MUST change your D/Ls and car/motorcycle books when you get a new pp?

Anyway. If you have a YB the "Thai-ID number" goes on them.

You should, the passport is your primary ID and everything that is government controlled needs your ID on it.

Many don't bother.

Like me. (I was told by some Thai friends "no need".)

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My yellow book application was completely painless.

Two trips to the Amphoe, the first where the Mrs introduced the office manager as an old school friend, the second where the phu yai baan came along... for a small consideration for his time and trouble... to vouch for me as a worthy member of his community and I paid my 10 baht and went on my way rejoicing. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Big deal! Any one can get a yellow book. What use is it? I've been here last 20 years and never even considered it. I use my Thai Dr5iving licence

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As long as the government does not get serious about implementing Section 38 of the Civil Registration Act, nobody needs to apply for the yellow house registration book (TR.13) unless he wants it as a souvenir and any practical use to which he may want to put it.

Civil Registration Act BE 2534 (1991) updated with Act No. 2 BE 2551 (2008) - Section 38 - th&en.pdf

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There have been many reports here regarding this. It depends on the Amphur that you use. Some have gone in with just basic documents with only a translation of the passport bio page with no certifications from the Embassy or MFA others have had to have both the passport certified by the Embassy and the MFA. It's really up to the regulations in place at the Amphur office that you have to use.

I went in with the basic and was told that I had to have the passport certified by the Embassy and a translation. Did that and went back and was then told that everything had to be certified by the MFA. Did that and went back and then was told that my translation was in the wrong format and was shown one done by another company. They also questioned the green and red stamps from the MFA as they were "smudged" ans said that they were false. The local village chief pulled me aside and said that I should wait until the person that I was dealing with retired soon and come back because she wasn't "all there". I left and never went back.

Best to go to the Amphur office upfront and see exactly what they require. Good luck!

Did you have this trouble in the Ban Chang office the most unhelpful people I have every come across every time you go back the make up a new rule for you to follow it's a joke

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