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'da Vinci' Film Ban Sought


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<deleted>?! We're talking about a Hollywood film, based on a fictional book, and some local Christians are worried that people's faith might be tested? It's called faith because of your belief in something that can't be proven by science... or a movie. Cutting out the last ten minutes of the film is assinine. If you don't like it, don't buy a ticket. How about having some faith that people are smart enough to know the difference between a Hollywood film and a religion. Or even better, use this media event as an opputunity to educate people about Christianity... instead of resorting to censorship, which historically speaking, has never worked. Just ask the Romans.

The Nation Article Found at this link --> http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/05/16...es_30004117.php


Four major local Christian groups yesterday submitted a request to the Royal Thai Police asking that the controversial Hollywood movie "The Da Vinci Code" be banned from Thailand.

Maj-General Phanomsak Thangthong, chief of the registration division, said the request had been sent to a censorship subcommittee for immediate consideration. The movie, produced by Sony Pictures from Dan Brown's novel of the same title, is scheduled for screening in Thailand on Thursday.





Edited by jvimolch
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