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Vote against me if you want me out: caretaker PM Yingluck


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Vote against me if you want me out: caretaker PM

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged her political opponents to go to the polls if they want to remove her from office.

I would like to ask everyone to practice tolerance and let time heal the problem. Problems facing the country are getting more complicated and cannot be solved in one day. If you don't want the government to return to power, you have to fight us in the election. Transform rallies into a force of checks," she said.

On her Facebook page, she said an election was the best medicine to cure political conflicts and the best mechanism to settle issues in a democratic system.

After the House was dissolved, the government could not implement measures to tackle economic problems such as boosting GDP through government spending, so private investment has been unresponsive.

Foreign tourists cancelled their bookings and many countries had warned their citizens against visiting Thailand.

"Let's talk and even though we have different opinions we do not need to be divided. Please do not pass on these conflicts to our children. Turn our differences into a force to solve problems for the country," she said.

Yingluck reportedly stayed at home to rest with her family while monitoring the moves of the People's Democratic Reform Committee to enlist protesters to join the "shutdown" rally on January 13.

Hundreds of provincial police have been mobilised from Bung Kan, Ratchaburi and Nan to stand watch at her home.

Paradorn Pattanatabut, secretary-general of the National Security Council, said security agencies have kept the premier informed on developments of the PDRC rally by briefing her every 15 minutes.

-- The Nation 2014-01-06

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Someone may not understand why Millions of people protesting since over 2 months.

Reform before Election...very easy to understand...

But Ms. Stubborn and the rest of the gang, include their credulous followers think, they can sit it out...

This is the Taksin democracy, thers no place for other meanings, and by the way, this Government is the bankrupt of Thailand.

Elections dont solve the problems, it make them worse...coffee1.gif

Millions protesting are you sure?

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The editorial in the Phuket Gazette very neatly summed up the situation in one sentence. "A nation does not make a better democracy by abandoning democracy."

And what is voting for an autocratic party BUT abandoning democracy?

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Vote buying is an excuse. By all accounts,all of the major parties have & continue to use this tactic. Thaksin Shinawatra & family are only the 10th richest in Thailand, according to Forbes (2013), so how is it they they have such overwhelming finances to dominate the political landscape? Newin Chitchob was used by the Dem coalition to outbid PT in the north & north-east, but was spectacularly unsuccessful. The reds/PT called for international observers for the last election, but they were denied by the Dems, who of course don't respect 'farang'.

This is just one of a few choice excuses used by the opposition to try & explain the simple fact that they are not well enough supported to win a general election.

They're probably spending more money on protests than it would cost to buy the votes they need. tongue.png

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I wonder if when Yingluck finally relents her grip on power, if the concept of Perjury will be reintroduced and put back on the Thai law books? One of her only achievements since being inserted to the PM position has been to nullify perjury during her court trial.

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In the 2007 election Peua Thai and Dems got more or less equal numbers in the Party List system (a more accurate reflection of nationwide support), yet PT got 48% of MPs deems 35%, due to the weighted constituency proportions. Then you have the small parties who will 'go where the money is', so you have a coalition with a strong parliamentary dominance, led by one party which is led by one unelected person, thinking they are 'the majority'. Can't you see the shortcoming then?

Madam, we are not seeking to beat you at the elections we are seeking to hold you, the elected leader, accountable. Something you seem to have overlooked.

I assume you have read the reults. If so, this is, plain and simply, a lie

PTP; 15.7million

Democrats, 11.4m

Please try to make an argument based on something even vaguely approaching the truth. Disingenuous claims are not helpful


The real story

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What is the point of an election when the likely winner will be an autocratic government taking orders from an unelected criminal?


Ha Ha Ha! Classic example of the idiotic double think spouted by the anti democracy gang. The point of having an election is......so that we don't get an UNELECTED autocratic government taking orders from an unelected criminal. Thaksin is wanted for corruption. Suthep is wanted for murder and treason, in addition to his record of corruption in Phuket.

With an election you can see exactly who you are voting for or against. Who exactly are Sutheps shadowy 'Good People'? Anyone know? Let's have a look at their records. If they are all that 'Good' why don't they step out of the shadows and put their names forward in an open election?

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