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You want to move back to Thailand, but your family doesn't want to?


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All you have to do is read Thai Visa and think these are the people who will be teaching my child for 400k baht a year. Scary.

Lots less than that, especially for local hires.

150K maybe, plus a decent package for the imported ones.

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You answered your own question with the last post. Remain in the UK a few years more. Build up your savings, give your kids the benefit of the fundamentals of a good education so that they are able to learn on their own when older. Remember, that you will have less time for your family in Thailand as work hours are longer. Yes, there are some advantages for some people, but for a young family starting out where health care, education and general services are at their peak usage, Thailand isn't the place to be unless one has money.

With the current political situation and the likelihood of a strong market correction in Thailand, your timing is not right. Come visit and wait at least a year. Wait and see what happens with the election and the impact upon the economy. Asian markets haven't been adjusted as they have in the west and soon Asia's turn will come. You don't want to be in Thailand when that happens. I don't think the government is prepared for the adjustment and debt levels are too high. When the adjustment occurs, you may find it easier to move should you and your spouse so choose.

That was a good reply.

Also, we will be living in interesting times here during the next months waiting to see what eventually happens.

What is the percentage of readers here who believe this is an unstable situation which will have significant impact on foreign population?

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