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No room for reason in a storm of whistles: Thai politics


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This is because they're not the majority - not that a minority has no rights, but the use of the term "great mass" masks the fact that 5 million or 10 million people are in fact a minority in a country of nearly 70 million. This reflects their insecurity regarding their number, vis-a-vis the rest of the population.

We will see how many reds coming to the Demonstrations...

I fully respect the PDRC's right to boycott the election, but the PDRC has no right to suppress others' right to vote - unless they think they're superior to the rest. It is hoped that they're not too busy blowing whistles or shutting down Bangkok to hear such a simple message and think about their legitimacy or lack thereof.

The right for vote a criminal ...

Pure populism, scribble for the mob...

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This is because they're not the majority - not that a minority has no rights, but the use of the term "great mass" masks the fact that 5 million or 10 million people are in fact a minority in a country of nearly 70 million. This reflects their insecurity regarding their number, vis-a-vis the rest of the population.

We will see how many reds coming to the Demonstrations...

I fully respect the PDRC's right to boycott the election, but the PDRC has no right to suppress others' right to vote - unless they think they're superior to the rest. It is hoped that they're not too busy blowing whistles or shutting down Bangkok to hear such a simple message and think about their legitimacy or lack thereof.

The right for vote a criminal ...

Pure populism, scribble for the mob...

I hope these two groups of people stay very far apart from each other...

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We walked down Silom about 3 weeks ago and there was many street vendors selling whistles,flags etc, this week there was none we saw. It seems as if the BKK middle class have lost their fighting spirit or maybe they just woke up to the fact that they have been used.

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This is because they're not the majority - not that a minority has no rights, but the use of the term "great mass" masks the fact that 5 million or 10 million people are in fact a minority in a country of nearly 70 million. This reflects their insecurity regarding their number, vis-a-vis the rest of the population.

We will see how many reds coming to the Demonstrations...

I fully respect the PDRC's right to boycott the election, but the PDRC has no right to suppress others' right to vote - unless they think they're superior to the rest. It is hoped that they're not too busy blowing whistles or shutting down Bangkok to hear such a simple message and think about their legitimacy or lack thereof.

The right for vote a criminal ...

Pure populism, scribble for the mob...

Typical reaction of a snoutista. Unable to refute the points raised with a reasonable counter arguement, just the usual mindless chant - "the redshirts this", "Thaksin this" and "Thaksin that"!

A "snoutista" sums them up perfectly. They really couldn't give a toss about the wellbeing of Thailand and its people, their soul aim is to get THEIR snouts back in the trough, they've been shut out for far too long. Since they can't win an election due to the utter failure of the Dems to formulate policies that could appeal to all sections of the electorate, overthrowing the government by extra-parliamentary means is the only way they're going to get to gobble up some of the goodies.

Maybe a misunderstanding, but you cant compare the whole population with 5-10 million Protestors. Most people dont join a Demonstration. And about 50% of Thai want stop the Government. PTP will get about 40% of votes, thats why I will see, how many reds coming for demonstrate.

And second, the courts have decide that Taksin is a criminal, and everybody know this. Now 308 of the Government members faces charges in the next future.

I suggest some people to open their mind, and see the chance for a change in politics. Thailand was nearly to a Taksin dictatorship, this is fact too. biggrin.png

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We walked down Silom about 3 weeks ago and there was many street vendors selling whistles,flags etc, this week there was none we saw. It seems as if the BKK middle class have lost their fighting spirit or maybe they just woke up to the fact that they have been used.

Perhaps, however, it is a shown, far easier to manipulate those with limited education and intellect and who protest and align themselves for short term monetary gain.

The original article although well written is seriously flawed on so many issues and was written by one with either a selective short time memory or a political axe to grind. When I consider the % GDP provided by the north and north east provinces. Sheep and a well trained border collie come to mind.

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This is because they're not the majority - not that a minority has no rights, but the use of the term "great mass" masks the fact that 5 million or 10 million people are in fact a minority in a country of nearly 70 million. This reflects their insecurity regarding their number, vis-a-vis the rest of the population.

We will see how many reds coming to the Demonstrations...

I fully respect the PDRC's right to boycott the election, but the PDRC has no right to suppress others' right to vote - unless they think they're superior to the rest. It is hoped that they're not too busy blowing whistles or shutting down Bangkok to hear such a simple message and think about their legitimacy or lack thereof.

The right for vote a criminal ...

Pure populism, scribble for the mob...

Typical reaction of a snoutista. Unable to refute the points raised with a reasonable counter arguement, just the usual mindless chant - "the redshirts this", "Thaksin this" and "Thaksin that"!

A "snoutista" sums them up perfectly. They really couldn't give a toss about the wellbeing of Thailand and its people, their soul aim is to get THEIR snouts back in the trough, they've been shut out for far too long. Since they can't win an election due to the utter failure of the Dems to formulate policies that could appeal to all sections of the electorate, overthrowing the government by extra-parliamentary means is the only way they're going to get to gobble up some of the goodies.

And about 50% of Thai want stop the Government.

Then why not take part in elections? If the majority want to stop this government like you say, then surely they can do it democratically.

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The Red are very wisely being kept out of the way . Any trouble caused in Bangkok will fall sqarely on the shoulders of PDRC .

PDRC would love to have Reds come and create a pitched battle in Bangkok , to activate the army into a coup .

Unless the military are very stupid , that isn't going to happen . PDRC will have a free range to do their damndest to shut down government and Bangkok .

Your numbers argument are wrong too , there are never more than about say 300,000 demonstrating at the most and 50% of the population do not want to stop

PTP government , a very much smaller number .

When 308 members of PTP are banned from office over a technicality that parliament should have the power to decide , then you may see the Reds and run for cover if you do .

No matter which political party is in power , there is NO chance of a change in politics , it will be corruption as usual , just different people having

access to the big pickings . I accept that Thaksin had his faults , but so does everyone else you like to name , Abhisit , pretty face and smooth talking , backed by Suthep, corrupt and positively evil . The Elite and powers that be are eaten up with jealousy by the power and influence Thaksin wealded .

In recent years Thaksin is the only real leader Thailand has had , for the benefit of the country as a whole .

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One feels tempted to ask the writer of this article if gasoline, guns and bombs are preferable forms of expression than flags and whistles ? The article seems to take a very alarmist view of them. If Thailand has progressed in any department, it is that the tools of protest are now much more symbolic - and a whole lot more peaceful - and that is how it should be. Perhaps if the writer wasn't so distracted by the whistles themselves, and more as to why they are being blown, he might be able to piece more of why people are on the streets to begin with.

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The Red are very wisely being kept out of the way . Any trouble caused in Bangkok will fall sqarely on the shoulders of PDRC .

PDRC would love to have Reds come and create a pitched battle in Bangkok , to activate the army into a coup .

Unless the military are very stupid , that isn't going to happen . PDRC will have a free range to do their damndest to shut down government and Bangkok .

Your numbers argument are wrong too , there are never more than about say 300,000 demonstrating at the most and 50% of the population do not want to stop

PTP government , a very much smaller number .

When 308 members of PTP are banned from office over a technicality that parliament should have the power to decide , then you may see the Reds and run for cover if you do .

No matter which political party is in power , there is NO chance of a change in politics , it will be corruption as usual , just different people having

access to the big pickings . I accept that Thaksin had his faults , but so does everyone else you like to name , Abhisit , pretty face and smooth talking , backed by Suthep, corrupt and positively evil . The Elite and powers that be are eaten up with jealousy by the power and influence Thaksin wealded .

In recent years Thaksin is the only real leader Thailand has had , for the benefit of the country as a whole .

In my opinion, not true, the majority of reds are supposedly not coming but guaranteed there will be some determined to make trouble any way they possibly can.....and I would wager Thaksin will be paying them handsomely for their efforts too......Speculation I admit, I don't claim my speculation to be facts, unlike many of the red misted ones....

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