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One for the ladies. How do you deal with hypocracy? ("lighthearted" discussion!)


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Ok ladies,
You might find this youtube video a bit fun (with a pretty astute message to boot):

I dont actually agree that penis exposure is the same as boob exposure..maybe it would be equal to more male bum exposure. But yes, we see a WHOLE lot less male nudity (particularly in an objectifed manner), than women. Its not even if the women are generally exposed in an assertive manner..its usually them fawning about, whereas a male nude is powerful and in control.

Ok..so..maybe i may get the "feminist" title thrown at me, as if its a bad word. However, i dont think about feminism as such (which has become a bastardised word over they years). I am very happy to be a woman, i am feminine, and i love men to be men. I just dont like the hypocracy.

What catapulted me to post this video was a recent private message, in which a male member of the forum (very nicely) asked me if i could tone down my new avatar (apparently he was speaking for others too..although i have no idea who the "others" are).
Now it got me wondering about the countless objectified female avatars in this forum...and wondered if the same men who objected to my objectified male avatar are offended by these objectified female avatars. If they do, i wonder if they felt offended enough to write a private message to the male member to ask them if they could tone down a bit.

We as females are expected to accept objectified images of women, and are made fun off if we dare to roll our eyeballs..and yet, seems that men are often up in arms when it comes to objectified sexy images of men. Oh hoh..! tongue.png

So, do you just think "boys will be boys", or do you get offended, or do you wish for a little bit of a bite of the apple yourselves (male objectivity)? Ladies? ^.^

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First of all, there is only one time I want to see a man's penis and that is not in photos or some weirdo flasher. (had enough of that as a teen, thanks)

As for the hypocrisy, well yes. that is an issue it seems, and one I ignore. Its difficult to make a hypocrite see their own hypocrisy.

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I'm with sbk. I don't want more male nudity and I would very much like there to be less female nudity, especially of the the objectified type. But that last wish is not likely to be granted any time soon, least of all in Thailand.

To be fair one reason things are this way is that men seem to like/seek out this type of visual stimulation whereas women for the most part do not. Why men do this, I can't imagine but it seems to be part of the male libido, they seem to need very explicit visual stimuli. Personally, as a woman, I can't understand it, nor can I understand most pornography. I mean, I already know what genitalia look like, why would I want or need pictures of it? And sexual organs in and of themselves are not, to me, sexy or arousing. I have no difficulty at all mentally visualizing things, don't need pictures or photos and anyhow the visual aspect is not what makes something erotic. But men -- at least many of them -- are apparently wired differently.

Hence all the topless bars, strip clubs, Hooters restaurants, magazine centerfolds and milder versions e.g. scantily clad waitresses. There are almost no equivalents for women - in the US there is just one chain of that sort called Chippendale or something like it and while it does OK there isn't enough interest to support many more of its type and most women go to it for a laugh of for the novelty of it or both, women I've spoken to who have been certainly didn't find it to be sexy or erotic, just funny.

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I don't want to see more nudity out there 'just because'. But I do think that there are many movies and TV shows where there could be more balance. Like a well-written passage can enhance a novel, maybe the same would be true for TV (although yes, I know, there are plenty of horribly written nude scenes in novels that turn it to drivel).

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I generally don't intrude in the ladies forum however i would like to offer a couple comments

Who ever complained about your avatar is I suspect a bit insecure, I doubt it would bother the majority of men.

As far as visual stimulation is concerned I think at a basic genetic level that men are simply wired this way. Certain classical physical traits which men find attractive also tend to correspond to the ability to easily bear children. On top of this culturally we are bombarded with visual stimulation of the female form.

Women are wired differantly in that they are less enamoured of the males form but more attracted to his ability to be a partner, protector and provider.

I am well aware that the above may sound sexist but I am coming at this from a basic or genetic imperitive angle; not necessarily a culturally acceptable perspective.

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" more attracted to his ability to be a partner, protector and provider." - I don't think I agree with that. Some women will make serious long term decisions taking that into account but it has little to do with sexual attraction. Women often find men who are clearly not likely to be "good providers" very attractive in a physical sense. And as for protector...??!

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Its 2014, I suspect we've evolved past caveman days.

Regardless perhaps it is due to insecurity or perhaps its just difficult for some to say what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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Thanks for the replies.

I too actually wish to see less nudity on screen. I do think things have gone to extremes...across the board (movies, music videos, tv shows). The Blurred Lines video for example. I feel a bit of magic has been lost, and replaced instead by overt exposure (like if you were to compare old porn movies where there is often seductive dialog and is more "real", to the hard core extreme versions of today where the woman is literally pounded..and acts like thats what she loves. (some women 'might' love this..but ill go out on a limb here and suggest that the majority dont want five guys on her using her like a ragdoll..) )
However, i think that in general men find dont find it easy to understand or have empathy in regards to women feeling the media is bombarding us with too much objectivified female exposure. Often, the only way to get a point across is to offer a like for like comparsion..so..maybe men would be a bit more understanding if there was more gratuatous male exposure around..?
If not, then at least we have a balance of sorts. :P
However, i suspsect that if there were more objectified male images around and more male flesh on display (as much as female flesh), then men would be a bit more "ughh..enough already thanks!", and thus, would have a bit more understanding when women wish to have the bombardment of female flesh toned down a bit too.
Or..maybe i am in the minority of being a bit sick of the lack of balance in this area (although i would prefer it balance to be of a toned down nature, i dont think that is possible until after the over exposure)

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I generally don't intrude in the ladies forum however i would like to offer a couple comments

Who ever complained about your avatar is I suspect a bit insecure, I doubt it would bother the majority of men.

As far as visual stimulation is concerned I think at a basic genetic level that men are simply wired this way. Certain classical physical traits which men find attractive also tend to correspond to the ability to easily bear children. On top of this culturally we are bombarded with visual stimulation of the female form.

Women are wired differantly in that they are less enamoured of the males form but more attracted to his ability to be a partner, protector and provider.

I am well aware that the above may sound sexist but I am coming at this from a basic or genetic imperitive angle; not necessarily a culturally acceptable perspective.

well I see alot of men on this forum and others, demanding women ( or girls rather, they are usually referred as ) be built like teen age boys, In fact they tend to disparage large hips as most unsightly. I often have wondered if the real attraction to Thai women ( other than their willingness to act as servants) is their general propensity of resembling children, large heads on small bodies, no hips, flat chested , etc.

"..less enamoured of the males form but more attracted to his ability to be a partner, protector and provider."

Sexist poppycock. Woman like hunks and are not " wired " to be dependent on men as providers or protectors . Go to a Chippendale's show and see for yourself. Some women are certainly brainwashed they are somehow unable to fend for themselves, or cannot be independent but that is more from societal pressures.

Edited by EBlair48
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...believe me, there has been a few stirs regarding it. Even been accused of having the most sexist avatar on Thaivisa..lol!!
Hysterical really, seeing as he is merely a passive underwear model and not doing anything degrading or posing in an overtly provocative manner...unlike some of the avatars depicting females on here. .AND, thats merely one male image occasionally popping up on a few threads, its not like they have to deal with a whole ton of posters showing images of men like this. Maybe i should start looking for a sexier one :P

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Could homophobia be playing a part in this hypocrisy?

Homophobia seems to be alot more predominant among males then females.

Does homophobia even exist among women?

I see men squirm all the time when male nudity is around. It seems our masculinity wires us this way.

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Actually, its great to hear well thought out responses from the male members of the forum.
I wonder if it is to do with homophobia..i am not sure.
Thanks for the replies..interesting and thought provoking!

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Lots more harmonious beauty in tits and ass....

I agree, men are really far more sexy than women. !! Nice tight buns on a man, mmmm and that chest, muscled, nicely breasted, slightly furred, ! And arms I really demand a good hefty pair of biceps, no thanks, you over running - crank smoking skinny guys or worse, beer blubbering flubber, yucko.

Lara C,

I agree breasts ( and no way do I ever use terms like " boobs" ) are not comparable to the shlong , which is genitalia- it is surprising to some to realize that breasts are actually not genitals having nothing to do with sex.

BTW just why do men have nipples?

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Thanks for the replies.

I too actually wish to see less nudity on screen. I do think things have gone to extremes...across the board (movies, music videos, tv shows). The Blurred Lines video for example. I feel a bit of magic has been lost, and replaced instead by overt exposure (like if you were to compare old porn movies where there is often seductive dialog and is more "real", to the hard core extreme versions of today where the woman is literally pounded..and acts like thats what she loves. (some women 'might' love this..but ill go out on a limb here and suggest that the majority dont want five guys on her using her like a ragdoll..) )

However, i think that in general men find dont find it easy to understand or have empathy in regards to women feeling the media is bombarding us with too much objectivified female exposure. Often, the only way to get a point across is to offer a like for like comparsion..so..maybe men would be a bit more understanding if there was more gratuatous male exposure around..?

If not, then at least we have a balance of sorts. tongue.png

However, i suspsect that if there were more objectified male images around and more male flesh on display (as much as female flesh), then men would be a bit more "ughh..enough already thanks!", and thus, would have a bit more understanding when women wish to have the bombardment of female flesh toned down a bit too.

Or..maybe i am in the minority of being a bit sick of the lack of balance in this area (although i would prefer it balance to be of a toned down nature, i dont think that is possible until after the over exposure)

When I lived in London, Canada, there was a night club divided in two, one half was called "the pussy palace" and the other half was called "the beef baron". Girls in g-strings at pussy, guys in pouches in beef. You used to go there with your wife or gf, guys went in the pussy half, girls went in the beef part.

It was considered a normal night out. Never seen that anywhere else.

Personally not bothered about male or female nudity, as long as it's attractive.

Not sure that there is much "media bombarding" in Thailand, all seems a bit tame, True cuts all nudity out of it's broadcasts.

But you are right about homophobic, some of my pals act very strangely if a ladyboy cuddles up to them in a bar.

Don't see a problem myself, it's all just a bit of harmless fun.

And finally

About the avatar, not equivalent to boobs, IMHO camel-toe pictures would be the equivalent.

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Could homophobia be playing a part in this hypocrisy?

Homophobia seems to be alot more predominant among males then females.

Does homophobia even exist among women?

I see men squirm all the time when male nudity is around. It seems our masculinity wires us this way.

I squirm even when I see any men walking down the street without a shirt on. no matter whether they are fat, thin or whatever. I will stay as far away from them as I can.

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I lived in a remote desert area for many years. It was very hot, and families would drive out to the water holes for some respite from the heat on the weekends.

Most of these spots were effectively nudist. It was common to see all ages (very old, and very young) of all sexes and all physical types running around.

At first I found it somewhat confronting, but quickly became totally immune, and these days I really don't notice nudity.

One thing I am sure of, it would be a good thing for many of the over-inflated egos in our society to experience nudity like this.

It is hard to be pompous when you are starkers!

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So because it bothers some women we should tone it down. Thought police much?

I don't understand why the whole drama. Men and women are objectified all the time although usually in different ways. Don't like it? Don't watch/buy/listen. Move along and let others be.

This feminist thought and expression regulation attempt towards what they presive to be "how things should be" is tiring.

Would I prefer to not be bombarded with either? Yes! But you won't see me either trying to censor other people nor trying to do the whole "I think it's wrong when done to me so I'll do it to you just to make a point".

If you are agaisnt sexual objectification then don't do it either!

Hypocrisy goes both ways.

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I generally don't intrude in the ladies forum however i would like to offer a couple comments

Who ever complained about your avatar is I suspect a bit insecure, I doubt it would bother the majority of men.

As far as visual stimulation is concerned I think at a basic genetic level that men are simply wired this way. Certain classical physical traits which men find attractive also tend to correspond to the ability to easily bear children. On top of this culturally we are bombarded with visual stimulation of the female form.

Women are wired differantly in that they are less enamoured of the males form but more attracted to his ability to be a partner, protector and provider.

I am well aware that the above may sound sexist but I am coming at this from a basic or genetic imperitive angle; not necessarily a culturally acceptable perspective.

well I see alot of men on this forum and others, demanding women ( or girls rather, they are usually referred as ) be built like teen age boys, In fact they tend to disparage large hips as most unsightly. I often have wondered if the real attraction to Thai women ( other than their willingness to act as servants) is their general propensity of resembling children, large heads on small bodies, no hips, flat chested , etc.

"..less enamoured of the males form but more attracted to his ability to be a partner, protector and provider."

Sexist poppycock. Woman like hunks and are not " wired " to be dependent on men as providers or protectors . Go to a Chippendale's show and see for yourself. Some women are certainly brainwashed they are somehow unable to fend for themselves, or cannot be independent but that is more from societal pressures.

Willingness to act as servants? What sort of Thai women have you encountered. That sounds like a typically misguided western view of Asian women. My wife is certainly no servant. She grew up in a house ruled by her mother - her father being the subservient one, and with a powerful grandmother who'd never be taken for granted.

If you're basing this view on women you've seen working in bars or freelancing for holidaying sexpests; serving is part of the job, and note that they're not representative of Thai women.

Flat chested? Do you live in Thailand?

Stop with the stereotyping and generalisations. It makes you sound stupid.

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