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Can you hear me?


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I go to drink with Thais at a local restaurant that has music. I can't hear what they say! I'm old but that is not the answer. They can hear very well? Same goes for seeing. What is it that makes them super sensitive to sound?

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I wonder the opposite.

Why is their hearing so insensitive?

Why does music need to be so loud that it is distorted?

Why do they need to yell at each other when just having a normal conversation a few feet away from each other?

Why do they like to have their vehicles a loud aas possible?

I wonder if they hear very well at all?

Admit it, you`ve become grouchy in your old age.

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Don't think there is any problem with their hearing or seeing.

They are loud because they want to superimpose themselves on the others.

Don't forget the Me, Me culture.

And I believe they ignore you because of their attitude towards foreign people.

Thais are always superior. You Farangs know nothing.

I know they like their music loud but they are brought up like that and never try to ask them to lower the sound.

You will make an enemy.

I would suggest you find Farang friends to drink with.

Thais, specially drunk, are never reliable.

Edited by Costas2008
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They proababy turn it up when you come in! So they dont have to listen to you, we dont have that luxury !

The board's "Ignore" feature works ok

Since his "Where do you live" thread, I can't see any of his posts

You should also put username rct99q on ignore, too, then: he also posts under that name, equally pointless and annoying topics.

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Don't think there is any problem with their hearing or seeing.

They are loud because they want to superimpose themselves on the others.

Don't forget the Me, Me culture.

And I believe they ignore you because of their attitude towards foreign people.

Thais are always superior. You Farangs know nothing.

I know they like their music loud but they are brought up like that and never try to ask them to lower the sound.

You will make an enemy.

I would suggest you find Farang friends to drink with.

Thais, specially drunk, are never reliable.

Perhaps it`s just you they don`t like? You`re just not fitting in.

The whiners, the moaners, the discontented, the persecuted and the oppressed, Thai visa seems full of them.

For many of you who live in Thailand, life must be very unpleasant and stressful.

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Beetlejuice, on 08 Jan 2014 - 19:34, said:Perhaps it`s just you they don`t like? You`re just not fitting in.

The whiners, the moaners, the discontented, the persecuted and the oppressed, Thai visa seems full of them.

For many of you who live in Thailand, life must be very unpleasant and stressful.

Nice to know about you.

You have described yourself in full detail.

Couldn't do better than that.

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I suspect you're over-valuing the importance of conversation to a fun night out, the Thais in your party most likely don't feel like expending the mental effort required to converse at the level you would like (farang tink too mutt)

And of course people speaking the same native language are going to be able to much more easily pick out the meaning from the noise than people with different first languages.

I'm also often amazed by how Thais can communicate on a cellphone in noisy circumstances speaking so quietly, when I can't even make out what they're saying in person only centimeters from my ear.

And of course Thais just love very loud noise when celebrating. It also doesn't bother them as much as it does us, and they don't consider it rude to blast out the neighborhood - noise pollution or "disturbing the peace" laws wouldn't stand a chance here.

Just a cultural difference we have to adapt to - in extreme cases another great data point for renting rather than owning.

Edited by wym
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They proababy turn it up when you come in! So they dont have to listen to you, we dont have that luxury !

The board's "Ignore" feature works ok

Since his "Where do you live" thread, I can't see any of his posts

You should also put username rct99q on ignore, too, then: he also posts under that name, equally pointless and annoying topics.

I suggest you just get out of this forum. People like you really are the ones who don't contribute much so go back to your enclaves. Oops maybe you never had one?

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Don't think there is any problem with their hearing or seeing.

They are loud because they want to superimpose themselves on the others.

Don't forget the Me, Me culture.

And I believe they ignore you because of their attitude towards foreign people.

Thais are always superior. You Farangs know nothing.

I know they like their music loud but they are brought up like that and never try to ask them to lower the sound.

You will make an enemy.

I would suggest you find Farang friends to drink with.

Thais, specially drunk, are never reliable.

How did you deduce this rubbish, when you suggest limiting your exposure to Thais. Generalizing about a whole population and culture because you think you are superior?

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They proababy turn it up when you come in! So they dont have to listen to you, we dont have that luxury !

The board's "Ignore" feature works ok

Since his "Where do you live" thread, I can't see any of his posts

You should also put username rct99q on ignore, too, then: he also posts under that name, equally pointless and annoying topics.

I suggest you just get out of this forum. People like you really are the ones who don't contribute much so go back to your enclaves. Oops maybe you never had one?

Me thinks what you say speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.

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I believe its because the Thai are just used to noisy environments like Bangkok, they can tolerate noise better, try teaching a class of 50 Thai students lol.. I used to live in NYC and I got used to been in noise and bright lights, when I used to go to the countryside it was strangely quiet and dark etc

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The Thais have a saying; This Is Thailand, meaning is not perfect

Partly, but it more than likely alludes to, 'this is mine, it is what it is, eff off if you don't like it' and has its grassroots in puerility by default more so than any sort of deeper meaning or cool 'Thainess'.

Op, they have everything loud--cars, stereo, voice--because of the me and face factors. Just smile lots, don't frown, wear nice shoes and don't ask questions.

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"Me thinks what you say speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."

Ape like language again, from this uneducated fool.


Sorry LMFAO, I will explain so that even a 7 year old would understand the meaning of this age old wise saying means. " I think that what you are saying is such rubbish that I am not interested in what it is that you are saying." Is that within your comprehensive range now LMFAO?

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"Me thinks what you say speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."

Ape like language again, from this uneducated fool.


Sorry LMFAO, I will explain so that even a 7 year old would understand the meaning of this age old wise saying means. " I think that what you are saying is such rubbish that I am not interested in what it is that you are saying." Is that within your comprehensive range now LMFAO?


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"Me thinks what you say speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."

Ape like language again, from this uneducated fool.


Sorry LMFAO, I will explain so that even a 7 year old would understand the meaning of this age old wise saying means. " I think that what you are saying is such rubbish that I am not interested in what it is that you are saying." Is that within your comprehensive range now LMFAO?

Made a blue, too many puffs on my bong. The saying should read, " Me thinks what you are, etc" . Sorry about that. (ok imfao, sorry, Ok Imfao)

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They proababy turn it up when you come in! So they dont have to listen to you, we dont have that luxury !

The board's "Ignore" feature works ok

Since his "Where do you live" thread, I can't see any of his posts

You should also put username rct99q on ignore, too, then: he also posts under that name, equally pointless and annoying topics.


I'm wondering how you determined that.

just asking' ...

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"Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying."


What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.


Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I wonder the opposite.

Why is their hearing so insensitive?

Why does music need to be so loud that it is distorted?

Why do they need to yell at each other when just having a normal conversation a few feet away from each other?

Why do they like to have their vehicles a loud aas possible?

I wonder if they hear very well at all?

My point exactly, sorry for delay. We in USA have hearing problems now after the loud rock music! Yeah, but they listen to music very loud and can sensor your question within four feet with loud music!

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I wonder the opposite.

Why is their hearing so insensitive?

Why does music need to be so loud that it is distorted?

Why do they need to yell at each other when just having a normal conversation a few feet away from each other?

Why do they like to have their vehicles a loud aas possible?

I wonder if they hear very well at all?

I also wonder when I turn the Television up to about 2/3 of the volume the wife uses to talk she wants me to turn it down?

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I also wonder when I turn the Television up to about 2/3 of the volume the wife uses to talk she wants me to turn it down?

Because she can't hear herself think with all that nonsensical English chatter in the background.

A Thai music video she enjoys can go much louder and she can still chatter away with her friends. The effort of it being a foreign language makes it annoying.

Just like the OP.

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Beetlejuice, on 08 Jan 2014 - 19:34, said:Perhaps it`s just you they don`t like? You`re just not fitting in.

The whiners, the moaners, the discontented, the persecuted and the oppressed, Thai visa seems full of them.

For many of you who live in Thailand, life must be very unpleasant and stressful.

Nice to know about you.

You have described yourself in full detail.

Couldn't do better than that.

A lot of his posts seem to convey the message of being unhappy here. Then he comes out with ones that sound just the opposite. Sound like he is in the Garden of Eden before Eve ate the apple. Some of them make me think he doesn't like himself and living here is his punishment. Hard to decipher what he really feels like.facepalm.gif

Edited by northernjohn
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