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hello, I am looking into taking some thai classes and really want a good school/teacher. As most people have stated on this forum, it is an investment and hard to change to another school. I have heard pros/cons on mostly walen/pro language. How about any info on this school? mythailanguageschool.com= RS Building on Ratchadapisek Road..I live close by , so was going to consider.

Also, no disrespect to Walen, but I really find it hard to believe that if the school is good the owner needs to come on and give his 2 cents about every topic. I find this a little discomforting and makes me not even want to check his school out. Which, I might be losing out, but I go with my gut feeling. I have many years experience in speech and language acquisition and second llanguage learning. I think when a school is good , they speak for themself and people talk. Empathetic teachers, positivity, and good work environment goes a long way. I want to be around very nice people and a + environment. This is very important to me, as I feel a lot of learning a second language is your own hard work, and does not rely on someone else to get you to learn. I would like to meet some cool + people, to give me the appropriate tools to learn.. Also, some consistency in teachers..



as no one has replied to this topic,, i want to make sure that I am not ruling out any + or - comments on other schools as well. I gave my biased opinion on walen, as maybe I just dont know because I actually havent sat in on any classes.. So maybe I am wrong..I honestly shouldnt give an opinion if it isnt firsthand. I guess I am just saying,, any other comments on other schools i would love to hear . Especially from people currently in schools. at the moment I havent ruled out any other schools, including walen/pro..I will be sitting in some schools next week and maybe i will give my own opinion. Thanks for any responses


bkkrooftop in the meantime you might want to start learning Thai with a free Walen School of Thai app for Android or iPhone. Walen is the only school that teaches Thai script right from the beginning and is not using any transliteration in their teaching, unless other schools started doing it the Walen way. Have a great day.



My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Did you check out the school? Do they have a website? I also live near by.

I've never read a glowing review of W on this or any other site. Seems to me to stress the ability to deliver a visa more than you language skills, it's even in the gif adverts.

Teaching Thai script from the start. OK, that is one way. Perhaps simply getting people to speak Thai promotes confidence? Many including myself understand script would help with speech, but I personally do not want to wadte my life struggling with a language 75m speak and that will only give me an annual assurance of remaining in the country. Nor would I want to pay for that.


As Walen is the most popular Thai school we also get the most bashing. Thank you very much for a bit more of that fifthcolumn, not unexpected. We actually teach Thai very well and have great many satisfied customers so your visa stress thing comment is totally missed, it is true however that we help Walen students with ED visas and are experts at that. As you said, you just do not want to waste your life learning this language. But living in Thailand is alright, isn't it?

"I've never read a glowing review of W on this or any other site" So it means you are not reading enough. Lots of positive posts about Walen, at least try to be objective mate.

​Walen at least makes the effort to participate in these forums.

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My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Just curious, but what percentage of the students that start at Walen as complete beginners end up passing the Por. 6 exam? And on average, how long does it take them?


AyG, we do not have much interest from students in passing this exam. If there is more interest we will certainly prepare them to pass it.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.

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