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Lost sim card


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I agree with this statement above: "It's amazing to me how easy it is to get a new SIM card/phone number here..."

This is the primary reason Thailand is the "Fraud Capital of the World!" Hundreds... probably thousands of con artiists LOVE the fact they can go the the 7-11 and buy an untraceabler phone number. They then call victims in other countries and sell all kinds of bullshit worthless stock, etc. They then have the money wired to a Hong Kong or other Asian country bank. They wiithdraw the cash from that bank and carry it back to Thailand... usually in U,S, dollars. I know one total asshol_e who has been doing this for 12 years,, averaging well over $500,000 US per year, He proudly carries around a big leather purse with about a dozen mobile phones in it! He jokes about Thailand being like the "Wild West."

Wow, I never realized one could do all that, just by picking up a few SIM's. Anyway, I dispute your assertion that this lovely Kingdom is the Fraud Capital of the World. Last I heard, Nigeria was Champ, with Russia right behind. Fraudsters are everywhere,

Why don't you turn the guy in?

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I sympathize with your ordeal. Hard to believe you can't just go to the AIS main office on Thapae Road and get a new SIM card with your old number. Or...have one of the wizards at the 10,000 phone shops around here hack you a new one.

It's amazing to me how easy it is to get a new SIM card/phone number here at any phone shop. In Malaysia it's a HUGE deal, with a police report. Can't just go get a new number whenever you want to hide from the old girlfriend.

sympathize with your ordeal. Hard to believe you can't just go to the AIS main office on Thapae Road and get a new SIM card with your old number. Or...have one of the wizards at the 10,000 phone shops around here hack you a new one.

One reason you can't go to Thapae Rd and get one is because that outlet has been closed for some time now..

Hard to believe you can't just go get another sim? yes,it is hard to believe, because as i posted it is very easy to do..coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24> see #3..

Shows what I know. I used to go to their office every month to pay for time on my silly AIS Internet "Dongle". Switched over to BBB for much better service and never went back. Where did they move to?

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Some people apparently can't read very well. I have no problem waiting the 45 miniutes in a cue. However, before I took a number and got in the cue I asked the girl if I could get a replacement card with my old number as I had lost it. As I stated, she said no problem just take a number. THEN I waited 45 minutes and when it was turn after explaining my problem I was told, "no we cannot give you the same phone number until you make a police report".

So I guess the girl lied to me on purpose just to make me wait in line?

To the astute responder who suggested I simply get a new phone number, I would have but I had his wife's private number on the sim card I lost and she sees me once a week for therapy.

Yes, they moved the AIS office but since I was out of the country and not telepathic I had no idea.

The law is apparently a new law starting this year.

I had no idea I could simply "register" the phone number and not have to make a police report. So, registering it vs everyone knowing me and that it is my number does what again??

Regarding people using cell phones to set off bombs as I stated anyone can go in to any shop and get a sim card and put it in a throwaway phone. So I don't see any logic there.

You can get a prepaid sim card in the USA without giving out any private info. I do it all the time. You give T- mobile $50m for one month and they give you a sim card with no questions asked.

Spending a whole day getting jerked around is not my idea of fun. But then again for some of you guys I guess it is fun. LOL

I'm just still trying to figure out what the reason it for it. The law is the law. Everyone knows how Thais respect their laws. Especially Thai drivers. So of course I respect this law. Just curious how it came about and what they hope to accomplish by it. So far no answers from the elite TV viewers.

In the OP you asked the girl if you could get a new sim card, that's why you had to wait 45mins. Nothing said about u wanted replacement card. You seemed to change the story.

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For future reference its probably as well to phone the service centre when loss occurs - they can stop the number and put in a request for the replacement - then when you go to the shop the request is on their machine, so just flash ID and wait why they do whatever set up is needed. That's what I did, no problems.

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Some people apparently can't read very well. I have no problem waiting the 45 miniutes in a cue. However, before I took a number and got in the cue I asked the girl if I could get a replacement card with my old number as I had lost it. As I stated, she said no problem just take a number. THEN I waited 45 minutes and when it was turn after explaining my problem I was told, "no we cannot give you the same phone number until you make a police report".

So I guess the girl lied to me on purpose just to make me wait in line?

To the astute responder who suggested I simply get a new phone number, I would have but I had his wife's private number on the sim card I lost and she sees me once a week for therapy.

Yes, they moved the AIS office but since I was out of the country and not telepathic I had no idea.

The law is apparently a new law starting this year.

I had no idea I could simply "register" the phone number and not have to make a police report. So, registering it vs everyone knowing me and that it is my number does what again??

Regarding people using cell phones to set off bombs as I stated anyone can go in to any shop and get a sim card and put it in a throwaway phone. So I don't see any logic there.

You can get a prepaid sim card in the USA without giving out any private info. I do it all the time. You give T- mobile $50m for one month and they give you a sim card with no questions asked.

Spending a whole day getting jerked around is not my idea of fun. But then again for some of you guys I guess it is fun. LOL

I'm just still trying to figure out what the reason it for it. The law is the law. Everyone knows how Thais respect their laws. Especially Thai drivers. So of course I respect this law. Just curious how it came about and what they hope to accomplish by it. So far no answers from the elite TV viewers.

No,she did not lie to you.You asked about replacement card and you can get one,yes,just need a police report.She answered your initial question.

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Some people apparently can't read very well. I have no problem waiting the 45 miniutes in a cue. However, before I took a number and got in the cue I asked the girl if I could get a replacement card with my old number as I had lost it. As I stated, she said no problem just take a number.

Hang on. In your OP you said you asked for a new sim card when you initially approached the girl, why change the story now to asking for a replacement sim ?

Huh?..What are you on about man? a new card..yes... a replacement card yes..same thing, different wording, don't you reckon?w00t.gif

No I don't rekon,new is new number,replacement is old number,I rekon.

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Some people apparently can't read very well. I have no problem waiting the 45 miniutes in a cue. However, before I took a number and got in the cue I asked the girl if I could get a replacement card with my old number as I had lost it. As I stated, she said no problem just take a number.

Hang on. In your OP you said you asked for a new sim card when you initially approached the girl, why change the story now to asking for a replacement sim ?

Huh?..What are you on about man? a new card..yes... a replacement card yes..same thing, different wording, don't you reckon?w00t.gif

No I don't rekon,new is new number,replacement is old number,I rekon.

Yes..but if the OP had first said..''i've lost my simcard and need a new simcard with same number, IMO is the same deal...different strokes for different folks i guess..no big deal..

PS ..as i suggested in reply to spoonman i did interprett the OP wrong first time i read it...

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Some people apparently can't read very well. I have no problem waiting the 45 miniutes in a cue. However, before I took a number and got in the cue I asked the girl if I could get a replacement card with my old number as I had lost it. As I stated, she said no problem just take a number.

Hang on. In your OP you said you asked for a new sim card when you initially approached the girl, why change the story now to asking for a replacement sim ?

Since I lost the old one logic would tell mos people that therefore I would need a new one. A replacement is still a new one is it not?????? What is your point if there is one?????

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To the OP, I do not understand your issue with the cue. You first asked about getting a new sim and was told to cue but when you got to the front of the cue asked for a replacement sim for your lost one....

Seems to me the problem was yours and not that of the poor telewiz person.

As per others suggestions, register your sim and getting a replacement is easy, ive done it about 5 times now.

Cue?....are we playing snooker? Surely you mean kyoo?....555, it's QUEUE dummy

Absolutely correct. it is queue. Living here too long dilutes ones capacity to remember how to speak, think and reason. Just curious how using the wrong word makes one a "dummy" though? Seems to me if you have lost your card 5 times though who is the dummy here??? I never really lost it anyway. I knew leaving the country I would have to replace it upon my return.

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Some people apparently can't read very well. I have no problem waiting the 45 miniutes in a cue. However, before I took a number and got in the cue I asked the girl if I could get a replacement card with my old number as I had lost it. As I stated, she said no problem just take a number.

Hang on. In your OP you said you asked for a new sim card when you initially approached the girl, why change the story now to asking for a replacement sim ?

Since I lost the old one logic would tell mos people that therefore I would need a new one. A replacement is still a new one is it not?????? What is your point if there is one?????

Ummm you asked for a NEW sim card and was told to join the back of the QUEUE. If you had of asked for a REPLACEMENT sim due to losing yours the girly would have told you to get a police report.

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Ok, I understand the difference between asking for a "new" sim card and asking for a "replacement" sim card. Let's clear it up for those not able to understand what happened here. I explained to the first girl I spoke with at Telewiz that I had traveled out of the country and lost my sim card and could I get a new one with the same f... phone number. Whether I used the word new or replacement means nothing. Perhaps I did not elaborate enough for the tooth comb readers here on TV. I was clear what I needed. I wanted to keep my old phone number. Obviously, even the morons on this site should know they can get a "new" card with a new phone number anywhere. There are probably two dozen shops at KSG where you could buy a "new" sim card with a "new" number. There are at least half a dozen shops next to or all around the Telewiz shop.

Only an idiot would stand in line for 45 minutes to get a "new" sim card with a "new" phone number when they could go anywhere on the same floor where there was less or no traffic to purchase a "new" sim card. Hope that clears it up for those unable to understand the obvious.

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