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Suthep voted Asia's Person of the Year 2013

Lite Beer

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Compare a person with a similar OK but if anyone can compare this man Suthep on the same level as Hitler and Mussolini are in need of serious help.

Many past and a few present can compete, but not Suthep.

And why exactly can't you compare a fascist with a fascist?

I haven't seen any reports of him invading other counties OR killing millions, or wanting a blond hair blue eyed race, mass murdering Jews, gays, Gassing kids, using humans in experiments with animals...... you want more re Fascists, ???

In the beginning stages he is comparable.

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I haven't seen any reports of him invading other counties OR killing millions, or wanting a blond hair blue eyed race, mass murdering Jews, gays, Gassing kids, using humans in experiments with animals...... you want more re Fascists, ???

You are confusing Fascism with Nazism. I suggest you look up the word Fascism in a dictionary before you post any further.

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Asia Society is an American organisation; its aim is to educate Americans on matters relating to Asia. Up until the end of 2013 Suthep had received zero votes. This,however, changed as 2014 dawned. Let me quote from their blog:

"Malala Yousafzai, the female education rights activist from Pakistan, was runner-up for the second consecutive year. She earned close to 12,000 votes, 9 percent of the total, a figure that would have made her the winner in 2012.

This year, Yousafzai looked destined to be the clear victor the week after our poll launched on December 20, with Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke running a distant second. And Thaugsuban? Shortly before the new year, he was sitting dead last, with 0 votes.

That changed dramatically once 2014 began. During the first two days of the year, our poll page received more than 172,000 pageviews. Nearly 165,000 of those visits originated in Thailand. Most of the traffic came from Facebook and a handful of Thai message boards. At one point, Thaugsuban had around 97 percent of the total vote. In recent days, Yousafzai voters made a bit of a late push to eat into Thaugsuban's lead ever so slightly. (You can see the complete 2013 results here.)"

Yes, it was a Facebook poll, orchestrated from Thailand. Let's not forget the all pervasive power of the media.

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Asia Society is a leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context.

promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships. Definitely describes the man and his cause, good work.

you are joking or on drugs right didn't some of his boys threaten to march on the us embassy a few weeks ago?

That alone, would get him my vote, lol.

All joking aside, it shows, that enough people like him. They probably announced the upcoming vote on ASTV or Blueskytv and asked people to vote for him, but they still had to vote for him, to achieve great results like that. I'm sure other candidates, probably did the same, with their friends, and/or followers.

With all due respect to Aung San Suu Kyi. I believe he deserves it. He is the most powerful force to come out for political change in Asia since Mao. Many may not like his ideas but if they would take the time to read them all he is doing is asking for time to take a look at the government and what can be changed in it to make it a better Government no matter who wins the election. A formidable task but far better than who cares.

Thankfully his intentions are good. The results time will tell.

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Asia Society is an American organisation; its aim is to educate Americans on matters relating to Asia. Up until the end of 2013 Suthep had received zero votes. This,however, changed as 2014 dawned. Let me quote from their blog:

"Malala Yousafzai, the female education rights activist from Pakistan, was runner-up for the second consecutive year. She earned close to 12,000 votes, 9 percent of the total, a figure that would have made her the winner in 2012.

This year, Yousafzai looked destined to be the clear victor the week after our poll launched on December 20, with Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke running a distant second. And Thaugsuban? Shortly before the new year, he was sitting dead last, with 0 votes.

That changed dramatically once 2014 began. During the first two days of the year, our poll page received more than 172,000 pageviews. Nearly 165,000 of those visits originated in Thailand. Most of the traffic came from Facebook and a handful of Thai message boards. At one point, Thaugsuban had around 97 percent of the total vote. In recent days, Yousafzai voters made a bit of a late push to eat into Thaugsuban's lead ever so slightly. (You can see the complete 2013 results here.)"

Yes, it was a Facebook poll, orchestrated from Thailand. Let's not forget the all pervasive power of the media.

It does seem like a bit of a fix but then these kind of popularity polls are often distorted.

When FIFA held their Footballer of the century poll they naturally assumed their favourite son Pele would be the winner as he was with players, coaches and managers but when Maradona won the on line public vote they were forced to split the award. It later transpired that more than half of the worldwide on line votes had emanated from Argentina. Even more ridiculously the BBC carried out a similar poll to find the greatest band ever the Stones were third, the Beatles only second and the winners were........ Westlife. Embarrassing to say the least!

But in a week when someone suggested Yingluck should win the Nobel Peace Prize I guess Suthep's victory is about par for the course here just now.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Asia Society is a leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context.

promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships. Definitely describes the man and his cause, good work.

you are joking or on drugs right didn't some of his boys threaten to march on the us embassy a few weeks ago?

That alone, would get him my vote, lol.

All joking aside, it shows, that enough people like him. They probably announced the upcoming vote on ASTV or Blueskytv and asked people to vote for him, but they still had to vote for him, to achieve great results like that. I'm sure other candidates, probably did the same, with their friends, and/or followers.

With all due respect to Aung San Suu Kyi. I believe he deserves it. He is the most powerful force to come out for political change in Asia since Mao. Many may not like his ideas but if they would take the time to read them all he is doing is asking for time to take a look at the government and what can be changed in it to make it a better Government no matter who wins the election. A formidable task but far better than who cares.

Thankfully his intentions are good. The results time will tell.

Let's hope and pray that he is nothing like Mao Tse-Tung. Many millions, estimated at as many as 45 million, died (starved, worked to death or outright murdered) as a result of this man and his ideological zeal to establish a people's (socialist) party and nation. We can see similarities in the zeal. All of the leaders of the communist, socialist, fascist and Nazi regimes (not to leave out Pol Pot next door in Cambodia) were initially hailed by the ignorant and fellow-travelers as having good intentions but we now see the century long trail of bodies resulting from those intentions. His tactics are all too familiar to be trusted.

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Here's the Asia Society's account of what happened in the polling.

As of December 31st Suthep had almost zero votes from the time the polling opened December 20th.

Then in the past closing daze [sic] the poll had 165,000 hits from Thailand (not 6 million).

The runnerup, teenager Malala Yousafzai, who has recovered from a shot to the head by the Taliban, had "close to" 12,000 votes which Asia Society says would be enough to win in any normal voting year. (Suthep got almost 116,000 votes which I believe Asia society says is an unprecedentedly large number of votes beyond the typical number of the annual poll's number of reader-voters.)

The sudden surge of voting this year in the final daze of the open online polling shows what Suthep's still anonymous feudal council and its mob supporters will do to voting and elections polling here in Thailand.


OK Publicus now highlight the the following text in the Asia Society's article! "The sudden surge of voting this year in the final daze of the open online polling shows what Suthep's still anonymous feudal council and its mob supporters will do to voting and elections polling here in Thailand." You are an unscrupulous, lying and devious TV poster and have edited that text in, to try and make people believe the opposite. What was actually written is as follows?

Quote "As it did in 2012, the unusually large number of votes did raise some red flags for us. Are these votes real? Did we get hacked? But the amount of visitors that flooded our site from Thailand (with close to 300,000 pageviews, the poll is easily the most popular piece of content on Asia Society's website ... ever), the number of blog comments (more than 400), Facebook likes (54,000), and write-in votes all point to these votes being the acts of many, many actual people — very passionate people."

Care to defend your your position?

Edited by Anon999
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Online balloting is very easy to manipulate. Asia's Person of the Year. Really? In all of Asia...

I am not buying it, renting it, nor leasing it. If I owned it, I would not gift it to my worst enemy....


He won this the same way PT wins elections, so what ? At least there was a vote. They could have done like PT and simply released a press statement that they think Suthep should be someone's man of the year because he is a jolly good chap.....clap2.gif If Yingluck is nominated for a Nobel then Suthep should be nominated for an Oscar, they have both done about the same to deserve it, Suthep has never made a movie and Yingluck has never.....you get the idea.cheesy.gif

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I haven't seen any reports of him invading other counties OR killing millions, or wanting a blond hair blue eyed race, mass murdering Jews, gays, Gassing kids, using humans in experiments with animals...... you want more re Fascists, ???

You are confusing Fascism with Nazism. I suggest you look up the word Fascism in a dictionary before you post any further.

You omitted the posts I was replying to, WHY ?? because they used this word not me, I only quoted.

Anyway what's the problem ?? Suthep for whatever peoples likes and dislikes, is in opposition to a dictatorial government.

Hitler and the like should NEVER be used, better we learn from his evil. If you don't like it Sorry. So how am I confusing the 2 ??? you attack the previous FULL posts I said NO comparison to A.H. leave me out of any further Hitler related posts as I am not interested. I do not think it is very funny.

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Who voted him? He can't even win enough votes in his own country for many years. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

In numbers: The TRT and Dems had respectively: 15,744,190 and 11,433,762 people vote for them. A difference in % of the population of resp. (TRT, Dems) 48.41% and 35.15%. (say 13%) This was NOT reflected in the seats in Parliament by the self dividing rule of the TRT who changed the constituencies. (TRT/ Dems) 265 seats against 159 seats or in seats 106 (!!). If this had been in the range of anything like 225 to 196 this would have been a fair and acceptable result. (the difference being about 13%) or in seats 29. Read that again: The difference in what would have been an acceptable and fair divide in seats was 29 but it became 106 !!! This would have allowed (just an example) the Democrats to team up with some other parties and still form a Government. Besides in the opposition it would have given them lots more control.

Hence, if you say who voted for him 11.433.762 Thai people (all of course "the elite" ) voted for the DEMS. This was inspite of vote buying by the TRT and the populist strategies. (A populist strategy is using Government funds for promises to buy votes).

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Compare a person with a similar OK but if anyone can compare this man Suthep on the same level as Hitler and Mussolini are in need of serious help.

Many past and a few present can compete, but not Suthep.

And why exactly can't you compare a fascist with a fascist?

I haven't seen any reports of him invading other counties OR killing millions, or wanting a blond hair blue eyed race, mass murdering Jews, gays, Gassing kids, using humans in experiments with animals...... you want more re Fascists, ???

In the beginning stages he is comparable.

Oh please --just wish this Hitler name is never mentioned, I was a baby at the war time, and read too much to have his name brought up to compare with anyone.

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"As it did in 2012, the unusually large number of votes did raise some red flags for us. Are these votes real? Did we get hacked? But the amount of visitors that flooded our site from Thailand (with close to 300,000 pageviews, the poll is easily the most popular piece of content on Asia Society's website ... ever), the number of blog comments (more than 400), Facebook likes (54,000), and write-in votes all point to these votes being the acts of many, many actual people very passionate people."

That's a lot of local support.

That was a well-organised PR campaign but in the end fooled none, this has been the ssubject of ridicule in the media for several days

It was not meant to fool anyone and as you said; a well-organised PR campaign. The fact that not one Thai Visa member who is a Yingluck supporter did not propose her in the same ballot I find surprising. No doubt the ridicule you reference was from pro-Yingluck media?

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The result says a lot about the type of people who by mob voting deprived the Pakistani schoolgirl of victory. You can`t stoop lower than selfishly stealing the laurels from a truly brave hero, especially one so young who stood up to Islamist fanatics.

I totally agree. She deserved to win without a doubt for her bravery. Suthep can't even be brave enough to stand for election to see how many people will actually vote for him. He's all mouth and no trousers.

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"As it did in 2012, the unusually large number of votes did raise some red flags for us. Are these votes real? Did we get hacked? But the amount of visitors that flooded our site from Thailand (with close to 300,000 pageviews, the poll is easily the most popular piece of content on Asia Society's website ... ever), the number of blog comments (more than 400), Facebook likes (54,000), and write-in votes all point to these votes being the acts of many, many actual people very passionate people."

That's a lot of local support.

That was a well-organised PR campaign but in the end fooled none, this has been the ssubject of ridicule in the media for several days

It was not meant to fool anyone and as you said; a well-organised PR campaign. The fact that not one Thai Visa member who is a Yingluck supporter did not propose her in the same ballot I find surprising. No doubt the ridicule you reference was from pro-Yingluck media?

Suthep cares so much about the "Person of the Year" award because he can't win anything else.

He could never win a real election, so he's really excited to win an award that means nothing, really.

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