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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: People's revolution 'will win'

Lite Beer

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Dear Mr Suthep, please answer me 1 question:

- If you want reforms so badly, why did you not implement them while you were PM and Vice-PM with Abhisit for 3 years?

Yours sincerely.

Because whilst he and Abhisit were trying to run a government they were constantly undermined by Thaksin and his cronies because their tactic was to disrupt the business of Government.

I have seen many posts from you in which you can only express the Thaksin line without opening your eyes, mind and heart to the reality of the situation.

Tonight I watched the reds harassing people from their stage in Chiang Mai. I found the tone, the expression and the body language used extremely frightening.

It may well be that you have some intellectual reasoning for supporting Thaksin - but the acolytes and the leaders in the provinces only have intimidation and violence in their repertoire because there is no central ideology beyond the reverence they display for their leader. Indeed, as I have said before, Hitler in Mein Kampf was quite clear that 'argumentation' was not the way forward - rather the masses would be won over through the manipulation of their base emotions. This we saw in 2010 (etc) and here it is again. National Socialism? Well, we could discuss the parallels if you wish.

How do you expect voters who have cast their vote to behave when the losers try to overturn their choice of government?

Honest people would look through recent history and surely identify the peoples choice has constantly been overturned, do you understand how easily it is for the leaders to manipulate people who feel they are been shafted! Even Sutheps support is based on this very premise!

Every recent election has been stolen through the excess manipulation, threats of violence, corruption and similar which are the trademarks of the Thaksin era.

One Thai family that I have known for 20 years were threatened at gunpoint during the last election because they openly campaigned locally against Thaksin. Democracy?

Every Abhisit poster during the last election was defaced by Red Thaksin supporters. Democracy?

One of the so-called drug dealers, extra-judicially murdered by Thaksin, was in fact no more than a political opponent. Democracy?

One of Thaksin's PR people has admitted that Thaksin's men in black are being used during the current protests. Democracy?

The Government has been run by a convicted criminal from Dubai as a personal regime. This has been admitted by Cabinet Ministers. Democracy?

So boring trying to educate you folks .....

Having a whinge and looking for excuses why people vote the way they do must get boring, losing is never fun especially in politics! Democracy? probably not, what the people voted for undoubtedly. The government is the choice of the Thai people, the electorate. To negate that choice, by coup, by judicial coup, by supporting a protest by the minority, is however undemocratic in the extreme!

You apparently did not notice your guys trying to stop election registration....never black and white ..tunnel vision Ian, unfortunately the light at the end of your tunnel maybe a train coming the other way

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"If it becomes a civil war, I will give up. People's life is precious for me," he said. My question would be: How many? 1, 10, 20, 100, 1000? If life is precious, where do you draw the line? Is there a secret number before you say: "OK, let's stop, it's too costly." I think we'll all have to wait and see.

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The negativity on this forum is out of this world.

Robby nz, on 12 Jan 2014 - 17:38, said:snapback.png

I don't know how many of the posters on here have actually read the OP or even taken the time to look up Sutheps past, by the look of the posts, not very many.

There is one thing that to me stands out and makes perfect sense :


"The people's assembly will exclude politicians. Otherwise, you won't be able to change laws on elections, political parties and corruption," Suthep said, noting that people who take part in the assembly must be banned from politics for five years.

Keep politicians out of the reform process, that would include him .

I think I asked you before on another matter, but...do you actually and seriously believe this?

The peoples assembly will exclude politicians?

a) so...who will be in it? (not that he ever answered THAT, rather important question)...dentists, lawyers and -god forbid- farmers?

b ) he resigned his post as MP to join his own protest as a normal citizen! Care to think that through?

If I didn't answer you it is probably because I don't sit at this thing all day

So here is your answer now.

For a start Yes, why not ? do you think the politicians are the only ones who can achieve anything ?

Who will be in it :

To start.

The groups suggested by Yingluk and Suthep are far to big, nothing would come of that as it would just turn into a bun fight.

Those who want to contribute should be asked to register with say the EC or some other body.

Then these groups would nominate say 2 people to represent their group.

Groups represented would include those already making suggestions like the businessmen, the medical professionals, the reds, the darma army, a lawyers group, teachers. university teachers.

And yes the rice farmers and the rubber farmers, or are you another one who thinks they are all dumb peasants who should be kept in their place.

There should be a MOA as to what they are there to do and a positive attitude.

A list should be drawn up as to just what needs doing and priorities set.

The first priority would be what needed to be done to achieve a fair election for all.

Reps would report back to their groups and bring feedback to the forum.

It would be a long term staged thing and decisions on reforms would be binding on a government.

You try to think positive for a change and try to work out where to from there.

Or do you think things are great as they are?

c. he resigned his post as MP to join his own protest as a normal citizen, Yes brave move wasnt it.

First: thanks for taking the time to answer.

...and to make things very clear: no- I am not happy, with how things are running now and no- I absolutely don't think, peasants should be kept in their place...which was one of the reasons that YOU f.e. always accuse me of being a Thaksin lover.

Actually I think, that your effort is a much better than Sutheps.

But that is actually my problem: he still hasn't laid out any plans, about the how and what.

c. no...not a brave move. A very calculated one, if you ask me.

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'Many of the pro-red shirt scholars from Chulalongkorn University have proposed that the governors of all provinces in the country be elected, similar to the gubernatorial electoral system practiced in Bangkok Metropolitan and Pattaya.'

Yeah, that worked out so well in Patong if not the country as a whole didn't it? And all this talk of referenda? Pffft! How many Thais are educated in the democratic process enough to actually make an educated decision? Not many in my talking with them coffee1.gif

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For Farangs and journalists new to the current Thaksin crisis, before you jump to conclusion, please watch this video first.

Not 100% accurate, but IMHO very close, very neutral.


The narrator couldn't even pronounce Thaksin's name correctly let alone deliver a fair, balanced, and unbiased, view, showing protestors giving flowers to police, but it didn't show protestors shooting at police, throwing bombs, or slingshots loaded with bolts at police, nor the destruction of public property, and police cars bashing taxi drivers, ect,ect,ect,,, the list go's on...

GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait was this sponsored by Nation?, or maybe Fox??? w00t.gif

It is not a crime to have an oversea educated Democracy loving Thai to read the script. Sorry for the imperfect pronunciation.

No way in the world that the narrator of this clip is a Thai person, can't even know how to pronounce Thaksin's name,,,,, and No way is this clip balanced,

You have to think how many times you hear people saying the north Thai people are stupid, poor uneducated and don't understand democracy and just not the same as Thai people from the south,,, Well how many times now I've heard that many northern Thai people have donated too the south people of Thailand during floods, this happens so often, but after the donations and helping southern people this is how they show their thanks,,, northern people show kindness and generosity and southerners show their distain and contempt. VERY FAIR AND BALANCED HUH.........

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revolution , a good thing imo , we could do with one in the UK too come to think of it, ..........start from scratch and stop the greed of the " elite"...... worldwide!

Thomas Jefferson said that the U.S. should start a new revolution every 10 years.

10 years is long enough for leaders to become jaded and corrupt.

It's been a very long time since "government of the people, by the people "has actually been "for the people"

It's been for big business, and not the people for a very long time now.

Throw them all out and start fresh every 10 years..

I think Jefferson was correct.

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For Farangs and journalists new to the current Thaksin crisis, before you jump to conclusion, please watch this video first.

Not 100% accurate, but IMHO very close, very neutral.


The narrator couldn't even pronounce Thaksin's name correctly let alone deliver a fair, balanced, and unbiased, view, showing protestors giving flowers to police, but it didn't show protestors shooting at police, throwing bombs, or slingshots loaded with bolts at police, nor the destruction of public property, and police cars bashing taxi drivers, ect,ect,ect,,, the list go's on...

GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait was this sponsored by Nation?, or maybe Fox??? w00t.gif

It is not a crime to have an oversea educated Democracy loving Thai to read the script. Sorry for the imperfect pronunciation.

No way in the world that the narrator of this clip is a Thai person, can't even know how to pronounce Thaksin's name,,,,, and No way is this clip balanced,

You have to think how many times you hear people saying the north Thai people are stupid, poor uneducated and don't understand democracy and just not the same as Thai people from the south,,, Well how many times now I've heard that many northern Thai people have donated too the south people of Thailand during floods, this happens so often, but after the donations and helping southern people this is how they show their thanks,,, northern people show kindness and generosity and southerners show their distain and contempt. VERY FAIR AND BALANCED HUH.........

I fail to see how anyone who has lived here through Taksin's premiership, and his ensuing proxies, can disagree with anything in this video. None so blind as those who will not see. As to the mispronunciation of this despot in waiting's [sic] name? Non issue, pedant. EYEraq, EYEran anyone? huh.png

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// I fail to see how anyone who has lived here through Taksin's premiership, and his ensuing proxies, can disagree with anything in this video. None so blind as those who will not see. As to the mispronunciation of this despot in waiting's [sic] name? Non issue, pedant. EYEraq, EYEran anyone? huh.png//

- Perhaps that's because people not from Thailand are taught to hear both sides of the story as well as seeing the bigger picture. It does happen that some westerners fall off this path, evidently displayed on this forum, but I know a propaganda movie when I see one, no matter which side it belongs to.

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